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November 14, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-14

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VOL. IV.-No. 39. U
The Choral Union Series Opens
Thursday With a Su-
perb Concert.
Never have the student's of the
U. of M. been so fortunate musical-
ly as they will be this year. The
course of concerts offered by the
Choral Union is ahead of any pre-
vious year. Although for the past
few years, the series have been of
higher and higher grade, still this
year the concerts are nearest yet to
being higher than the highest. The
fifth series is without doubt one of
the finest short courses of concerts
to be found in the country. Mine.
Nordica, the famous prima donna,
with Maud Powell, the great violin-
ist, and Herr Schmaal, whose re-
markable abilities we all know so
well, will make a superb trio to
open the series. Max Heinrich will
sing himself yet higher in our es-
Another of the Boston Sym-
phony's perfect concerts will be
given. The orchestra is this year
conducted by Emil Paur, the emi-
nent successor of Nikisch. The
Choral Union as usual gives two
concerts itself, repeating Handel's
Messiah and offering in May, Ver-
di's "Manzoni's Requiem." One
date is reserved to be filled by some
attraction to be announced later.
The course is a magnificent one and
is exceedingly cheap at two dollars
per season ticket. No student who
has his higher and broader education
at heart can afford to miss such a
series. Tickets may be had at
Calkin's and the music stores. Single
admissions to this first concert are
one dollar.
A few press notes of Nordica and
Powell are appended:
"Mme. Nordica stands pre-eminent
as a singer, her voice having few
equals in the world, and by critics it
is predicted that she will take the
place of Patti when that great artist
retires from the stage."-Louisville
Truth, January 19, 1893.
"Mme. Nordica is doubtless the
greatest of American sopranos at the
present time."-Kansas City Journal,
February 2(,1 893.
"The leading American violinist to-
day is unquestionably Miss Maud
Powell. She is an American girl, and
she owes her position largely to hard
work, and no end of it. For the last
seven years Miss Powell has been
playing in this country almost con-
.stantly, winning more and cordial ap-



proval from critics and musicians,
until she now occupies the first place.
When Mr. Van der Stuecken made his
arrangements for the trip of the
Arions to Europe last summer, Lhe
was requested by the committee to
look about for some representative
American musician who might be ta-
ken to Europe as an example of what
America could produced in the way of
a player. The choice fell upon Miss
Powell, who had often played at the
concerts given by the Liederkranz and
Arion societies; and the results of her
work in Europe fully justified the
choice made. Miss Maud Powell may
now be cited as an example of what
an :American girl may do in music.
She may be ranked with the three
greatest violinist now resident here,
the other two being men."
Enthusiastic Republicans.
A hearty ratification meeting was
held last night in the law lecture
room, by the members of the Re-
publican club. Enthusiastic speeches
were made by Messrs. Burnham, of
Ohio; Leonard, of Iowa; Crowell, of
Pennsylvania; Sheridan, of Michi-
gan; Denman, of Ohio; Swanger, of
Missouri; Green, formerly of Lon-
don, now a resident of New York;
and Wodley, of New York.
Fred. Douglas' Grandaughter Dead.
Mr. Charles O. Morris, '95 law,
mourns the death of his wife, Mrs.
S. Morris. Mrs. Morris is the
grandaughter of the Hon. Frederick
Douglas who lectured here Oct. 19.
She has been sick but a short time
and died at the hospital, Saturday
Mr. Morris' father and Frederick
Douglas were both called and were
in Ann Arbor yesterday. The body
was taken to Washington for burial
last night.
Inland League.
The DAILY wishes to call atten-
tion to the following corrections in
the Inland League announcements.
The Wagner evening, under the di-
rection of Mr. N. J. Corey, of
Boston, will be next Monday, Nov.
20th instead of Wednesday, Nov.
13. The social which was post-
poned from last Friday evening will
be held next Friday evening Nov. 17.
Single admission ten cents. Season
tickets admit free. A short musical
and literary program has been ar-

Special to Daily Gives Michigan 34, A CAR LOAD OF
Os Pauw 0.Our Boys Piay-ER E+PA O
ingGreat Baii Now." ERIE + PIANOS
[Special Telegram.] JUST RECEIVED.
Glorious news reached us from Cases in Oak, Mahogony, Walnt andBlack.
the field at Greencastle, Id., last To Rent or for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair.
night. It was that we had walked
over De Pauw by a score of 34-0. 7 (a bor flrgal o.
After the splendid victory of Satur-
day over Purdue, we felt confident 5ISouth MaiSt.
of administering a crushing defeat
to De Pauw and in this we were not j
From a telegram from Manager
iaird we learn that Furbert took
the place of Dygert who was sick
with tonsilitis, and that Barbour was
substituted for Fruend, who was in-
jured, and captained the team. The when you wanttheLatestMetropolitanstyles
. of$s,$3, $4ors5shoesat oc to $1 a pair less
actual time of play was forty mm- than Ann Arbor prices send for Cataloue to
utes, and score of the first half was
20-0. De Pauw once had the ball
on Michigan's 3 yard line, but Mich- Ra e FE*
.101t 153-155 Wounswss> Ave.,
igan got the ball on an off-side play DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
and made a touchdown in two min-
utes. Barbour made a touchdowns, --NOTICE !.---
FerbertaHooperaVillaa,'Griffin we arehere to stay. we are prepared to
Hoopera , f give aciassof work to the trade, of this city
Griffin kicked onegoBarbourunequaled by any other house ever located
1. goal, here and not excelled by any City Tailor in
two. America,and at prices govern d bygoods or-
dered. Suits from c30.0 (thirty dotlars) to any
The game was a tough and stub- price desired. Fine Custom Tailoringby
bornly fought one and was witnessed . . K
by a large crowd of western college No. 7 ANN STREET.
representatives. Michigan made a
magnificent showing in aggressive
and de ensive play. Manager Baird
said in his telegram: -''Boys had no
troble to win and are playing great
ball now." Artistic Photographer 6 E. HURON ST.
Such news as this is indeed en-
cotuaging and shows that henceforth HOT LUNCHES
our contemporaries who have been
crowing over us had best keep their Lowney's qhocoiates,
hands off. A decisive victory TUTTLE'4
over a team that has for three 48 s.STATE St.
years been called the strongest
western team, Purdue, followed
by another ebually decisive over D O N 'TWA W I T
De Pauw, the most prominent
rival of Purdue should satisfy the
most exacting critics of our team. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!
The changes in our line-up from
that in the game with Purdue were
Senter, left end; Barbour, right half, 3oo New Sweaters, latest styles, just re-
Furbert, left half; and Dyer, full ceived at
Contracts for the printing and en-
graving of the Oracle have been
closed and the annual will be issued
before Christmas. An edition of
1,200 will be published, containing UNIJERSITYBoOKSToRE
more pages and more cuts and draw-
ings than any of its predecessors. STATE STREET.

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