THE U. OF M. DAILY. ________
LEW H. CLEMENT, Mo1nu.,Nou. 13.-lRepuiblicun club, la lecture
510 So.AINt Sc. Director anti Manager. room, 7:t45 p. in., shtarp.
NMot., Nov. LI-Uoity club, lecture by Judge
E XCIELSICR LAUNDREY Tbutuas N. Cuuley. Subject, "ThtoInflu-
2S EAST HIURON STREET. euceofulHubituf Tttuugbt upon Inolitu-
Guud Work Guttranteed. Gothdo coiled for tions."
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Thuro. Nov. 16.-First Choral Untioo concert.
Sat., Nov.lS8.-Gnmetwith Northiwestern. Ath-
22 'Wears i the ]Bu ea.- letic Field,
CITY LAUNDRY, Sat., Nov. 18.-Lecclneety JolinTemple Graves,
S. L. A. Couroe.
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE Senior Independents Win.
Cur. Main and Wahington Streets. The independent caucoo of the
A. L. NOBLE, Fees. IROBERT POiL~ro, Caoh'r. senior lits met Saturday morning,
The 13= & PC prig Syore Mr. Ottaway preoiding. Mr. Shields
Isathe place to bur anythting inthettoDrog line, presented the name of D. F. Lyons
Medicintes, Sponges, Brnoshes, Etc. Ete. for president. A numher of others
G-O TO heartily supported Mr. Lyons, and
RI. E. JOLLY & Co.-Is on motion he was unanimously
When you waaulaspore toxofo Fine Chocolate
Candies. Statiottery nt coot. Ctgars, Tobttcco, notninated.
Cigarettes ttnd thte Finset Sltoto Pipes tti fenueos ugooo u
the City.Afenueosugetnm-
LADIES' andOGENTS'IUNCH ROOMS. lions, and amendments it was de-
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. cided to give the fraternity men the
DANCING and DELSARTE office of secretory, the independent
, ANNIE WuA D FOSTER to-eds that of prophetess, and tile1
46 S. Slnte Street. soority co-eds tlhe vice-president. Atdvtttted ttli rIeat- An attemlpt was mode to secure the
TI ESDAYIt pt. tt. totits otil.:trte Otto.. votes otf the indepentients towards
SATi'tOAY-lit t. tm. Gettlettentst(l tttioo making the office of orotor anid poet
N et. .tthidrfte's dttrttn it.cls.. ompetitive, but this wa-s lost by o
Private lesons ity apttitet.ct close vote.
tal 11 M il. M
tlty Express....N5O0sty Eutlets-...0.8 1
N. S. Ltotited. 1. (is Lmttttt ...t9ti
N. Y.Limtited... 11i)4 ' i
N. Falls Secria...ilI 1. Chicagoa0-..ree..155
N. Y. &.Ci. Lim..tt12ltIG. It & Kai.lop..til0
A. M. ICti. N.Expes... 8,it
Atlantic Expresn. 5'iltatiftcEpreco...1020
0. N.KEprss. tit(.
0. R. to 4
0. W. Ecoutoa. It. sv. HAWSt,
0. P. & T. Agt., Chticttgot. Aol,.. Ann Artor.
-E O v0 SE_.
Student Work a Specialty.
Bstelorukoment atd Lottest Prices in thte City.
eollowst Gettlemen~t, Sitttday mornings 10
and Thursdaty ettttton 8:01; Ladies. vaturtlty
aftrnoons 4. Ldis tttd litotitoco, atd-
vanced class, Tuesdayoovtettngs . Grtond
floor. 6Ii tttrd strt. 'ruitiotn. otteterm
(twelvecteek)$5. Pupils receivetd atay
AltE Ct31ttGINtATos.
$2.50 per year.
W. I. Wedemeyer was nomin-
ated for orator, receiving a6 votes
to t9g for Wilcox and a for Adler.
The vote for treasurer stood: Quinn
27, Weare ta, Harmon 5, Mr.
Quinnl receiving tile nomination.
There swas a close vote for historian
betwveen Osenburg and Selling, the
vote on the first ballot standing 1g
1o 17, an~d t for another candidate.
On thse second ballot Mr. Osenburg
was notoinatedl, receiving a1 votes
to 15 for Selliog. Raleigh Nelson
was nominated for poet by acclanma-
lion, and Miss Buck in the same
wanner for vice-president. There
wvas quie a contest for the position
of prophetess, Miss Strong finally
receiving the nonmination 11ntihe
third ballot by a vote of 15 In 1o for
Miss Textor and 3 for Miss Hef-
fenger. Mr. 1Pine was nominated
for secretary, the vole standing:
Pine 15, tBullock 4, Blattin 6.
At the election in thse afternoon
thle only fight wal for the office of
president, the fraternities having
effected a conmbination withs some of
the mechanical engineers in support
of their candidate, Goldwin Starret.
Mr. Luten presented the name of
Mr. Lyons for president, and Mtr.
Hamper nominated Mr. Starret.
The vole stood: Lyono 36, Starret
fit, Luten 1.
Thse rest of the independent ticket
went through without opposition,
except in the case of secretary. Mr.
Pine declined to accept this office,
and Miss McIntyre oval chosen by
acl amaton. An attempt was again
made to have the orator and the
poet chosen by compeitionbut this
was defeated by a large vote.
The matter of leaving a memoria
to the University in the shape of a
scholarship was brought up and re-
ferred to a committee cotmposed of
Messrs. Halaplain, Harmon, and
Spalding. After a collection in
aid of the class football team the
meeting adjourned.
Words ofConmmendaion.
An instructor in the University of
Missouri, writing to one of the edi-
tors of the Wrinkle uses the follow-
ing words of commendation:
"I gratefully aknosvledge the re-
ceipt of a copy of 'The Wrinkle" ot
whichl I 111miebted to your tkindnessOO
I scated its cotnts switiconlsidr-
aible pleasiuro, 00 mceh so, tat 1
passedttheltpaper among tmy friendst,
antdtI tfindtitth teir inprsios tte
equltly iagreeable. I rgadlit lat iat-
othert inditatiton that tho gratest unil-
vor; Iti the West is tacinlg hoerlat-
rtsn -l.,ets lInew "writkle'" ithle
domain of university ife."
There are now in Connecticut
thirty-four schools which prepare
men for college.
John S. Johtison, 1110 phenuminat
cyclist, has again lowered the mile
record, covering the tdistance Wed-
nesday in 1:55 3-5.
A walking club has been formed
at Lehigh. The members wiltake
long trampo every Saturday. Why
cant some U7. of M. man inaugu-
rate cross country walks.
Thse college yell is a purely Ameri-
can invention and is unknown in
othser countries. In Engatnt the
students simply cheer or scream the
1n0m11 of their college or university,
no attemlpt is nmade at a ryhinicl
Notice to Law students.
Extra copies. of Wednesdays
DALI.Y containing '-write up'' of
Professor Griffin's reception and
speeches in ftl, may be obtainet at
the U OILY office I-night. Gel
copies 10 send hore.
U. o M. Republcan Cu.
A ratification meeting will be held
by the Republican club in thecloy
lecture room Monday niht, Nov.
13, at745, sarp, in honor of the
recent victory achieved by te re -
publican pary throughout the U. S.
Rousing speechtes oil be made and
it is expected that the U. of M.
Glee club oill render music.
Congratulations have been sen
by telegram to Gov. McKinley by
tile club. Let every republican be
loyal to his party and come out.
Oratorical Association.
Thse executive board and the vai-
ouo ub-coinmitees of the Oratori-
rat Association wilt meet in Room
at at5 o'clock sharp. Thursday,
Nov.,n16, to report on the work of
Joe Murphy has retired loaded down
willS taurels and wealh; poor Billy
Sanlan io a loved memory of the past
and in their plaee has arisen an Irish
comedian ovho bids fair to oecupy a
proud positionl in the esteem tf our
theatre goers. We alude to Egene
ORourke. an exelent omedian,
singer and daner, who will oshortly
be seenI here in is nosylay "The
Wicklow Postman."
Now tht W.VJ. Sa.nan is a mmory
of thieplt 1a111thsat Joe Mrplhy 1155
retird th 1 iticst eatitithie ptticeboth
declir EttneO 'Rc)fottke to ito the
comtlingIt rith cttoteian. Io00i11
shortly be en tith rnd Opera
Hout~se its iew'tpIlay,"'ilte Wiklosv
Ntt gratduate of Iarrigan's Tieatr,
Neer Yotk City, woltha s left that
home tfIrish ctmdy to star for him-
self 11110-coot matdeafailure. Mr.
Eugene 0O'Rourke, in iis now Iishs
comedy drama, "tie Wiklowv Post-
ma01," is the atet dbutat from Iar-
igan's, antd fromtll reports ho ap-
pears to beatnl actor, ofinger and taner
of excelenttmeit.
INottces eni.rtedith istcolumn 0t terte
of 5i cot.. prr litt. Ottcisi roes for longer
home, adtda instes urniohed by aptplyfing at
the OAstnr oliicel
The J. . 1'Jactbs Co. hasve receiveth i
litie line of nocklwar-theo very latest.
Good botrdl 't $-.66a ek. Aso
licely futrtishiedhIroiiis cieapll.8North
State sreet.33-38
Halve your pihotos taken t tRadal's
beftire tttiehi o thr ist s.
Chitee TtateottCigtorsanadthPipes at
Sheldons BilliardtiHall1, No. 3 Nortt
Mai street.17
ArlTTol tty -boa5011 thiniikof by-
fig a type-w sriter thitt year Then call
lt the Dl~sii iotiheitfyoutiswish titicbe-
lotw cost.
See Schleetde'5s1newISIn LinetnTab-
lets. Thiey re the natest aid hst I
thte city. at0 S. Sttie s.
Founntain Pots I speciaty t Se-
leedle's, 50 S. State s..
"Whetre, tithoilget tat Halt?"
Yott taeyotutr chotice f $,-S2311 and
$3 Iats, tishlib etinii their widos,
ftr $1,711 thidesweek olyb. Every pur-
echaser ges a key.
BReACESI i swithi iSgoot pir of sobiul-
ter braces. A large stttk at lowv pries
'It BrownsDhrtg Store. A. fessshop
sworti bctes t 5c.
Fotostle God VitorltSafety. $9o.
0. K Butiterfield, 41 Cateintie street.
Datve 3011 beeti t Iateowoos's i-
litrd Balltytt? Everryting ie, 11l00-
Go to Itmvs o iuto Srim Nfor alt
Lablmrtsltb'epplie. Iissetitgases,
aprotts atntlsleeves-Latu Prics
Antt Arbtor Dve Wiors t 3 West
Hlurott street' Special attniioti IlOS
to cleanillg 01115repairittgsatits Ihtve
your lightI suits dyed. 17