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November 13, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-13

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r ~~ ~By so doing, one step would be Yale Crew Report
O0; taken, which, if followed by ucceed- ThPrsdnofte alUi
Pulihe Oiy Sedas ese) unsing classes would rid us of the last Th PrsienINESSVae n
'versily Boat Club has submitted his
the Ceile eyear, b vetige of clas discririnaions which
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION are fast giving way before the iber- report for the fiscal year 1892 and 83 mn te hnsh as +
.50 _ peryear, invr893.y Amongg othernthingstebegesans
alizng mvemnts f te ag in"An eight-oared shell has been pur
asnpts it utpr er seribywhc e ie chased as usual, and also a paper f G/7
tios my be left at the sfct oe the DAILY, paroatotk the lc fte1 e LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
at Stul et's, witth sair se the editrs o ei-orct nksdeplceo te SHORTHAND. Mgi iethuildig; nie
auhcsdsletc.Ir would seem from the attitude old one, now unfit for use. The thtrseren atedane; ted disipie; spe.
authorizestli shcieahthesletbyo.w nw t irwork ell spplid redig essom; daily leturs
o'cclok ckp.m . P ifthy soud eah heofic b o he college press that wewill nw boat-house erected atLake Saurdyeenigrecepis; o p. he ectieayeat
ay. Address sit maier inended for pubicsa- have no trouble this year in arrang- Whitney, is not only a considerable ties-sheehadgcdatesaaeuiedhe. Liing
eseses $2 toed2.5 prnweeklanpriaailes
ione t the Managing Editr. All business ing the inter-collegiate debate with addition to the properly of the club Fsr Nesctlolge, addic,
sesxMainai. b et nte al whomsoever we desire. The col- but, it is hoped, will add much to P.___R.__ CLEARY,____ PR___S.
THE U- of . DAILY. lege journals of Wisconsin, Cornell, interest at presnt felt in rowing.'TOLEDO
AnnArhr, ica. nd orhweter ae ugin aAnd again: "The old launch has EDI
ETORS. debate with the U. of M., and at been sold for $400, and the amount A i
C. A. Oseso, Lee '54, Managng Editr. the present time it looks as if Wis- li aside in the graduate launch 5
.71J. L. LusisetLit. 5, Asistt. -con sin ijos of Cornell, as p- fund, for the purpose of piurchasing4s p t sr
J. otr,,;Lt.9,AssatgI N. COE, Lit. '96, Assistant, pears from the Cardinal. After a new launch in the future." The Time Table tige cie Sunday, Net. 5, 1893.
r. WA~~resLaw 14 Subsitute espendituresng aamounteditotol frm theTraisslesate terrby Cntrtl
.. A. L nnY, Lit. 'si, AtlieiEditor. qtn g eenbdto lfrmtetotal expndittiserdunedisie.,
S. w. ceevtls, P. . tLit.,iBusiness Manager. Sunl, the triter says: glg h lretsnleieSi tandardsTime -
Il.:1 t. ttS a. c.
ITE.A. L1,Li.5. awetttt. Th''le follownlg appearing in the which was 2,740 for the training slt4.15 hi- 117.10n
edtoia olltits of the Corell IDaly tbe hettlreceipts wr $ a8,- etenAn rornl Tld
H. H.Oeitit, t. i*s.Hl t uoe h oa er
Mitt LitstJainie., MEDIC.L Stitli fitrs,]nisn c sAeae ny
Ft Z . Aisttit i. tl.tI5. f fitrst itttici1 t i774.15, leaving a deficit Of $5,12 .9, i t(Risie. OOtti s elit, nntArbor
ri. ;a11s , e, x. Lttlilsiiptstc.Il-vs, altietto Cllenge Mlciittigto ttde- to be made up by the Pale inan -_____H.__BENNETT, __G. ___.__A___oledo.
L. F t'teitti C. Go . Jvmnt-,tt. In order to shoiv Northwesten's val linioin.AnAbrSvnsBn
L. E.Gcron~tdt .l~i.- ---itu -Annrbr ite.Sch. (Ca itlieock, (Isi00H).
Allcoy mstbeat heoffceoebefre:30 .toattitude twe need otly tquote the fol- Danid Paulsone and G. H. Dow, Oreatized ledt- tiGeteraol aling Lis
Of theo day 1 ptubittion. lowing editorial froitithe ortletest- medcsare at Iellevuc ledical°ftetlhis te. lie tvt't ileoitsl, liysad
94tilt exclaitgeeons1thi- tiis ciltites of the
en, tvhich tas suggested by a re- Nei Yrktetit'lStte. itsltet iticahs pn trper
The Editors tie nettliold ithemselves repionl-College, Nw rtCity. dttlilttstla.ftityde tGbsettinret.
___________________________________OsICIiRS Chriiist itel.c, Pes.t tW. .
sibe tnt the apepringlins rtheAtsofcomescent article in the 1)LLt:.Harian, ei.vice Pe.Chs. . Iiecwu, Ca-
pelldtts, appering is the DAILY. ~Theei orao h otws--shier- M. J. rite Asst. cashitr.
ertn should nt hld in itter-collegiate
rs debate with sune one of the many Th PFP 1OtfF
rs n".oe ,r,ryaoa"I... unliversitis surroutndinig us. These JfJ f f/ jIf(JfJ O
debittes have becuie very ppuelar ONE NIGHT ONLY.
TIDINGS of a glorious victory over ationg the elstrnl colleges ard have___ TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 14th.
the strongest football team in the eels productive of the best of results. HrfrsAi hsht
West causes us mucil joy. Whle A jointitdtebate ws held between the Hlilt uttici Posphaetd'-
University of Iota andt the Universityefcte n aneo
wed o dvct n plc fIs the most efetieen-1re
nv ontavcl n oiy oo Minnesta last spinig, anit aoter 1
over praise or bragigadocio we teamncontest will be held besweeni these two able temaedy in exstece for DUi' JO L U K
our contemporaries who have re- institutionls this yar. If nte tsisle to
jiced in our defeat thus far, that 1eep1pinltetithi oteie'glrt sniversi- rvetngudgeton ts i lilt c Ite m ce a, tewitIisi
j , " I~rv8T~1D ' 11 C1,0.e~tl~l, ad 1'- Cc iI 1115ra a
our team will note be able to reverse ties Ave shol otilllnleglet this matter.
tacic. urtem i t b cnat The oratoricl associatison serves its liovin-those dliseases .Isiing The Wicklow Pst]ian
laed for having non from the frelith t ere isplactltti e loter- fromt at disodered toilli ti Pre-i ti ith atilt a ti iii ilittlsit eilt
feeci nitl, bu tlere15 plae aso orelboria ttee"u ewaNi t itt a1n idttc
strongest team in the West, which a tdebatitug leaguet. Mrever, it hiss r.W tTGdn, tictil
fact proves strotiger than twirds, beeui shiotvt by the poitiols that nur hututu:1seruleseid itO. StAiitt.,nu-
that our men are rapidly gainiig in represlletltties havue tWonlillthe oll-Matsas,, "Ivaleit asianecll vttliettuiandiitit-1siowntuiPseuittule ill-e,
stlngtian; nw ha - tests of the Northler Ortorlcal tievent atv f indige~stion, adl a plaatiii 7:cPithettv ritle blck Efifirstt ruty.5Set
stegh n o htvctor' it(tareryil 1.
sisLeaguie duitg ttelst thtee years, acitulaiid irik twhenoery dish lteithti ll Itt i-i Itit ottiilt sal tWit ts"i lt ry-ice
perched on their banner, a victory tSlore.eserlltsinliigtifa sean eete. _____________________
won froni the strongest team we its literary contestsithi sister illStitul J s-ivstttGODlpu1tt thuis. Grier ot
have to rieet this year, nill adid the lins, as osr oratnrs hitie ntiter beelln teuriptivvaphtet fieee ti apliation to i ll ss rnton n lwrso l ai
confidence twhich is to inspire the llied oter than thirdill rnkiin ill111lumfeodChrmieal Worhs, Peevdenee1.1 No Olitueitv trteet,opp.ecemeitIy gt
assciattionl whiceh ni tnci~lds six of ue-suet ofiSbhsutites nd Itittions
team twith a desire to continue the the greatest utnirsitis of tlt West. Sale by all D trr CAT R=R
good work so nobly begun. If a joint debate annlot be arranlgd For Saeb l ruggiss1IE. atshntu teSet
wsithI the tniversity of Mtihigtn, cor-
AN innovation has beell made at responldence shonld be opened withl
Leland Stanford university nhich i he nversity of iicagoltilthe U nmity __________
commendable, in the receptiona givet rifty f intoiuslhet-Uivrstity mdlSLl D L
men. theooldiideanthat hesegreat Eiasttotii'ns
by the sophomore class to the fresh- atid Witiin a reasoitable distact of r.-
lasses are by nature hostile to each The attention of our local inter- H C I I
other is fast giving anway to that collegiate debate committee is called:' GUTAS
fraternal feeling which should exist to the willingness of the above insti- Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers
"Besh in the World.
between all classes and departments ltions to debate with us, with the -lt t~bintt tctt 2.
of a great universiy. Why, at this, suggestion that arrangements be te product o utututjutujil iaciO
the greatest university of the- West, made at once for sucht debate. It is uS.vce stttati ur reputatin
cannot thte sophomore class lay aside hardly o be expected that a sati- ahn oueictlge,
all petty prejudices and follow the factory arrange ment cannot be made tlesesthellatrntstta e CnSa. ana e HCG
noble precedent set by our ontem- with any of the three universities =
porary in the far West? mentioned.
The Anain Arbor rgaan Co., SOWe Ageits, AN ARBOR

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