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November 04, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-04

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5180 SoMAIN ST. Director and Manager.
Good Work Goaranteed. Goods coled for
and delivered.1 A. F. COVERT, Prop.
HA+1 ~iiR111CAt E. Washington S treet
z2 hears in the )Businaenss -/.
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
+$TATE $AV112G$ B.J2R+
Cor. Moim and Washington Streets.
A. L. NOBLEa, Pros. ROBE-R Pnuar, Cooh'r.
The J3. & P~. priag Store
leo the place to boy onything in the Dreg line.
Mediciocs, Spones, Brushes, Etc. Etc.
RI. E JOLLY & Co.'s
When yowant aoipure box of Fiee Chtocolatc
Candies. Statiory at cos. Cigor, Tobacoo,
Ciareties and te ine-t Stock of lipses io
the City.
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St.
46 S. Stute Street.
MONDAY- o.tm.Ads stttdCasfoL-
TI TSDAYY t ptstiC.OLadies esrcas
Sp. In. Geotaomen'sooell tsas.
S ATUIRDA] -10 a. ioxGetle n's laacingt
i ps. .lbildses dtssoosgtclas
Priteis-sons bltcontenoct.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ann Arbor. Mch. Capict01 Stock, iat,litbU.
Surpluts, 0150000.
Organized unsderc socGoneal Blaling Laos
of tbis State. Rleccivcs deposits, toys ttsd
sols oscia<on tas he principl cities of she
United Staes. lDrafts coshed upo proper
identificatioaafOttay deoit iboxs- to rests.
OreICERS: Chiristian Matci, Prets. . 5. i
Harimass, Vice Pees.: tbhts. E. Hlst-t- I, Ca-
shier-.512J.iFrita Asst (s-ier.

Sat., Nov'. .-Wiscosin vs. Micitigan, atAth-
letic Field.
San. Noc. 5.-S. C. A. chaisel seesic-Prof. H,
L. Willett.
iMon. Etc., Nor. 60-Roe'. M. J. Savage, on
"Evoiotion and Religion,' issUsity Club
F'ri., Nov. 10-SacialtiInlood Lctsgoo Series.
Sot. Nor. 11,-Juniar Law election.
Sat., Nov. al-Doss. Jerry Simspsosn, iss S. L. A
coarse. Subject, "Sante Recent Chasnges is
Thurs. Nov. 1.-First Chsoral Union cancers.
Harvard Chagrined.
It may possibly give us some sal-
isfaction to know that Harvard is
even worse crippled than we are
Eleven of their men have had to
slop playing on account of illness
or injuries received in practice.
Foster has bronchitis and is threat-
ened with pneumonia. Thais weak-
eias Harvard at quarter-back. Thae
Btrcwer brothsers swcre injuedc in a
practicc gamac, one tackling the
othscr, asacibotla fallinig to tihc ground,
sustaining scrioussiojurics. -larvacd
is also cosnsidcrabaly chiagrinced at-
allows'isg Andocer Ioscire isa Wcd-
ncsday's ganac. It is the first tcana
whicha has scored a-ainst Hiarvard
this scason. The score was 6o-3.
There are 52 law schools in thse
U. S., sith 3,906 students.
Chicago University has purchased
for $S'o,ooo the library aod msanti-
scripts of the historian Bancroft.
The Pthi Kappa Psi chaptcr, swhich
surrendered its choarte at Wiscotasin
last Marcch, has beesa startcd agaitn.
In Ilglanri one mats in 5,ooo at-
tensscollcgc; isaScotland oseacntis
in 615~; is Germasay isne ma in 213;
inifi theahitccl Statcs onisin 2,000.
'The ablsolutetlinscecssaryecxpenises
of a girl sot stceads thaclcading
woass collegcs arc said ta br.
lryn Slaire, $475; 'Vaissair, . on.
fSmiit, 5 ; o;Welleslcy. .5; oia

Liternry' Comment. FOR RENT-Thres igle rooms and
- one suite. Furnace heat, light and
There has just appeared from the bath. $2, $2.50 adt $4. 211 E. Jefer-
press of 1). C, Heath & Co. in the sci- sn st. 29-33.
enee text-book series a most valuable All neckwear at half prie, goot
work entitled, "Introduetions to Bot- patterns. E. A. Wallace & Co.
any," by Prof. Volnaey M. Spaldinlg, of Fol Dres Coats ad VsOts, good
the U. of M. It has been prepared es- styles, at $8.75. E. A. Wallace & Co.
peeially for high schools andt other i1- ATNIN-Oyihn fby
mostlued ad elae~e roaosest f ig iatype-writer this yer Then cll
the elemens of botasay. As a thorough at the DAILY olile if you wish oto be-
student and pratieal teaher of ot- low ot.
any Prof. Spalding has no equal, and See the $1.00 Underwear we are sell-
his new hook elets these good qual- ing at 57. E. A. Wallaee& Co.
ties of its author. That the work will See Seleede's new Swan Linen Ta-
meet the favor it merits is almost cee- lets. They are the neatest and best in
tamn sinee the meltoa pursued tie city. 50 S. State st.
throughout is praciceal and unique. Fountain Pens a speialty at Se-
GRAN OPEA HO SE. leede's, 50. State st.
GRAN OPEA HO SE. Four Dollar Uderwear at $2.25 now
at . A. Wallae & Co.'s.
On next Tuesday evening the new Mr. J. J. Gibson, potographer, will
legitimate onmpanly, hetded by Ben- be home Saturday, Nov. 4, and Mon-
nett Mataek anid Horteabe Va1ile day, Nov. , to tae orders. Those
will appear at the Grand Operas House wishiting photos taken those dys please
in Sheridan Kniowle's great Roman all amd make arrangmnts before.
tragedy of Virginius. Mr. Mataiek is Fine Umlbrellas clea-only r foy
well qualifieidt to give a diglnifiedi ple- left. E. A. Wllaeo & Co.
setation of thattchatracter, 15 those STtDENTS, ATNTION. - Every
swho sasv his magniflicot performnlce T'uedtiavtr. A. 11. Rose will ho at the
f Brututsaits Jtliiss Cealr lot yer (oosa houstocIcit iia cottplte line of
cat testify. Iliscork is all refiedtismptlles itf -ls ci I Witer Woolen
slid g-lceful, Iis svoice is mustical lunl frotith(ie ,.tss i1,,t;e, of DLetrcit. -.51
we-l msodula~tdl 011111i11211ysique e iso iStatidon 5Xi c tlidItstll tinslipet
looks the inoblest IEomsusothtiemsa tll. teelime, whi-ti isitit. of the lrgest ill
This isIiss 5alrs eafirstiappearanitsce the Sate. ii ;ott sed lily tinigit
isi AttniArhbor to a star. Last OeasonthIle line, it scw l lly yo toinvsisetigae.
site fl.is-tithe leladinsg roles iwit Uc- Jaro Unadesswear, $2.-5I0tqualit, 110w
swil icl stcnltacieedii marked stie-$1-).0. . sWaV.llaceoS& Co.
ecs eis iithe asghter of 1tot. 1. Seniors in ll .1departsests are etti-
F. V~ittile. of Detroit, woioneeds no ted to elt..r racasot potographtlic
initrodsuctions to the Annl Arbor pulaici. wot at A. A 'V. tolis, Studtio, No. G
Virginil is a echaracterotiteid to lie rn .M5W F-2sv
7000arsaullppeatrancee andihehot-per- Itrl t
forumnce siill e iwatched iitha iter- U43 .nlatsnicWlrocl Shirts-. 7C.lliiyao
ct. Of thse stpportinig comapaytll 4e ...Wd~c o
that ctn e~ah saidl is that it has bech se- BRAvCE uI' withi a good pair of oloul-
leted with ai viesw to their pcuiliar fit- der braces. A larg stock at low pries
110.s to portraty the caracters ftr at Brown's Drugt Store. A few shop
w-hiieh they are casts. The scenery woC rtmrce t -s0c.
and stasge pmopertiescarnied by this Knox flts-regnlar pre, $5.00-
comipanycaire tll ieswandtievery sct is nowir$2.5(. IEA. Wallace 5& Co.
set y them. For sae. Giod Vicor Safety. $91.
- -O E.IButft fe.ld, 1 1 C tleitiestret.
Dancing. 19-43
______ 1Allsff its hit 11110-hal price, at
Mrs. Annaisi4 arnd Etster is prearediutl1'. AWllac C.s
tol te-aihiall tlti- 105w dlances istrcct ec ted j ots it I t1 ilcsi tts's lil-
antchacceptedl this winster, i)Iher1Ml- 1111 lt~sIahi}iiitii I csi Iitkfing i, ilih10
It ciclttt\ i evnn id ce clss firlice ~ls'alnt andl il no.liiboistrosness~.
andilgesslcitic..Mrsh. losh'e- is a- iII r ost.,iii icuaity oc17c.
listedin Iiall litr cltssies by ert(bllh- cc teef 0C
ter, Mlary Lou.isse. O(Sit.' isthec nseis eittlrs i a.1 i ctn 1 htIls arcen-
tiraes sas ir..diocc .1isttMoniaylti tldtills i11it itscia potograpic
Ieveningi. 30-t,_ wsisalt I . li
ho n- an - otrered
- RosExcsrsion. II end reli, , ai-i I E. A.sWllc
1 Fle it .1i-li u Centra-i lt iw ill 1rlt ti ISt i; P -t- tifr ll
specia-I-i-t titli i iit. h'it iay,-Nov's tS isilitw. 1 15 ccll ases,
11 is litit i 1 .1 irii' st IDetioit a s it a r n n a r i, ~ c
e ii sitund letti 1111r will liavse IDerit (1 or - il ci Itr st li1 c s t
itt p. iiiFartcfor thte sattttl tiupiShehtditt il 1.11.Boli No. > Nrth
nint-f> ciis-il- Th~is ill ibethe ihis i ~urstei S-
exusio of ci itthe seaisonl.Abi iofin-ecwaatl.
Husic and Dancing, .. .A . tic c & C.
AAi or Itt- iiotiis at I5West
Thi ecaellnt nausic'this sasoni, s'. s_ H rn.t ot - 5llit tiilltlgin
truatic tmithittcs of instuction~, co-ts-o cests.it. andI ci .ict g ~tsts. Hatve
forts ocit hic necwaclitemy ni d iitie ist- yoitt ihit, Si lits lsi'. 1 1-7
rollig oif 0111y (fasilies of the highest All1cans i i . 5 :l itlio-third~
resiec-ftaility haves plaicedi Glllgir's egulartr icei ... 55'llec''& Ct.
lci.-aay of Daticirsccontio 1r111e i11 Newic udr.1.-ittorth bs
the sle'. Joinicasicof thi clses and ork1 ou i isw. 'Ic _,115 floeI ini ~
leatirsianIilce btfreatthe hlidaily sa- ei'ltosk 722ro51 tu i!, I pr. Ofk 1
001. Sictly' aischtoitl. Mi. hathd TcsA i ghs Itn-isite lt. s lar . Sui-111.
(icitriger iistrsit atntal casses. Oticet ifuciiis lepooi- -srue, f 5
eniid tlincingllg iuth e 1ttou11110loosr, 0
AitoS-tutmldlt. 2-ll. i'er isbet.1.. 1X-Iid G llcove, - 1.75
--1e1no. ,. .. '5 ti lst'CO.
S, Ts -n.:-.n5enmst ill sAnnlAror,
allso 0110 iln Ypsilan~ti) th or~ik at least
three houors a1 dasy, sellig a finethoito-7
dasy amuisebmenr~t. Noi moneiy rered. -ih
Stute whtere aosth ienmyou cati e ses. -
Addiress G., ctre of U. of M., a5gs .5
Go to. thic'J. T. Jaeo's Co. and get 'lhe P efeI' OPEN fsoobI sOLDER.
your udeuwearo. They httve tm stthe sic..-s-ii..s ,l shan.
largest tind hst assafrted le in tie 'sacb. Bre d OW! za!For sic.
city. I1. 1 'mOSTa' al--F 5111".0S2AN2.

IG IGAN T I a s f'ollec ia f 'Baltioriec, SOoci Alt.
ltolyok , Sano.
7 3le_ h~etl5v iii8-p.I,189t3 'Ilacmanncr of ealing scitla ab-
1. ,t. A' iclsetecs in the Univecrsity of Chicago
N. ayLsiti- I' i EAss... 50D isslipeti-. 1) s ot to grant iir aslk for ceicuss
N. VY ,isindfe.-ti9a, 1'.51."1201 if at thic end of tiic college yecar
N. h-sll spSiec iss. .11 i12 ('iseos Eslirec-s -1 5
N. Y. & Clsi. Lim-]331lGOR,tKsl. Esp... Os a student hans 30 absesitees against
A. s. '1. 'N. Fx)Esa..-8-01
Atlasntic Expresso. '533I 'sctc ilslres..1.110 him, hic is requtiredh to take an c-Ira
B. N. Rapre--.... 6- cI-
0. RExpres-.. .10 00 nilnor to covcr thenm.
OW. RHcois.sis H. 5', ovSo,
G. P. &'F. sAg.. Ciices.. At. An sArlzoir. ------ - -
Madamc Adelina Patti will slog
THE ANN ARBOR ARGUE at the aulditoriam nS s Detroit, Decc.
PRINTING and 19s.
tom, ]PUBLISHING A r curious inscripationa hans appear-
____ed upon the annex side of thc gyna,
Student Work a Specialty. since Hallow'et.
Bot Workomens and Loest Priceein tse Ciy. Tile current nunahcr of the Uni-
y p' 1L T I-yo. versity of Pennoylvania Courier con-
G RA GER'S. tains a suggestive cartoosaina regard
CLASSES IN DANCING i-ill ntwet ss to une-rdaeulwhcisi-
and hariitt Gentleesiili 5t dad iss,, ssuords lr
ssrterssd. 5. LitO OttO LadisrStrays.tsd- ing Vale, University of Penn-
vfeoncs 4. Liilesnentemnads
vaooreed cliassTesdaycfeveringts. outnadslvania and tPrinceton fool-hallists
Mor anr tet 'uto.Oetr tneivoc-eels-I $5. Pupils received at tiny at the present.

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