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November 04, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-04

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'Z C. of WT~. "l~i-Tt.
Published Daily (eSandays excepet) during
the Colee year, by
Subscription price 'G.5 pe year, invariably
In avants Single copies 'a cents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the unfie o the DIY,
at Stoffet's, with any o the editors or
authorizedl solicitors.
Cmmniatins should reach the often by
7 oiseoc P. M. if they are to appear the next
day. Address all matter intended tr pblica-
ton to the Managing Editor. All business
communicatisshuld be sent to th Busi-
ness Manate.
Anni Abr Nis.
C. A. tltNtSON, Law '4, Managing Editor.
NomasANo FLOWnRS, Lit.'11, Asistat.
H. A. SALIN, Lit. ', Assistnt.
.1. L. Looe, Lit. '95, Assistant.
J. A. LEio , Li. 11, Athletic Editor.
S. IV. CUouISSo P. G. Lit., Business Manager.
Vat. A. llona. Lii. '90, Asistnt.
H. B. Gmoossos'94 FrntSWalters, '94.
Miss Lois Jons, '94. H.'. Hll. '5.
5. . Asti, 15.OMtDIAL.
W. N. Choate, '9.). E. L . Marindl, '1.
F. P. Sadler,'0. H. 0). Hakin, '6.
L. . Poorad, '1). . G. Itkis, '1.
All copy mst bat the oficbefore 83x n
ot the dy ot pblicaio.
The Editors do ot hold thtoshsclesetpon-
sible tee the opinios or satements of cores
poadnts, apparing in he .DAILY.
EVERY member of the DAILY saff
15 expected to be present at the
meeting to-night, 8 o'clock.
IT seemo to us that the plan look-
ing toward tie foymation of a De-
bating nion at the U. of M., should
not fail. Following the precedent
set by Hayvad and Yale, whose lit.
erary onions have ben so sccssful,
we certainliy cannot fail. The coo-
mulnication ill a recent issue of the
D_ OLY contained omany alli tle
suggestions, whichi the vrios litr-
ary societies should conside w21, if
Mlichigan is to win victories .abroad.
Tuefdlatlock and V<an/,le conm-
pany which is to appear at th
Grand Opera House Tuesday night,
in Virginius, is a sorhy conpany,
and is deserving of the hearty sup-
port of the students. Through the
negligence of the advanced agent,
he company has not ben annouc-
ed as is customary. They wecm to
have appeared here Monday night,
but owing to the mistake will re-
main in Ann Arbor and fill their
engagement Tuesday night.
The personnel of the company is
made up of the best theatrical peo-
ple 10 be obained. It is rare that
students have an opportunity to see
highs grade plays at the customary
standard of price as in this case.
The DAILY warnly comnmends the
conmpany to theater goers.

It Will be Finn When Built. Left for Cleveland.
The University of Wisconsin, the The following members of the U j (
team of wihich plays our's to-day, is M. A. A. football team, wvho are
about in the same position regard- also students in the U. of M., left ar® o
log their gymnasium as. ourselves. for Detroit at 5:5o last night: Cad-
That is, it is building, with the well, Keep, Neal, Murbach, Mit- /
prospects of it being done by spring. chell, Evans, Adler, Drumeller,12/
Bt oldl with experience, we tell Rundel and Croeier. The team s te LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
themto oub it tht a s aar~ SHRTHND.Mgnificet builing'; ine
thmt ob t htagym. i took last night's boat for Cleveland, techrs lre ttndnenod disiplie; spe-
mirae, hin e n osi- orwrk;well spplied ressdig room; daily lecures
miage hn pregnant inp05 where they play the C. A. C. to. Saurdyeeigfreepios; opn he entie year
bilities, but most vague and unsatis- da. iits-shcshsd gadatesiguarate~sedtdhr,sLiin
factoy in ufilment.eooclses ' to42.5 pe eekeelipivate amilims.
fcoy i uflmn .___For -e Caaloue, address
The plans call for a structureP .CEAY as
about ioo feet high in front, with afrnaeo rofet ad aTOEO
dphof iou feet. The firs
floor will contain lockers, swimming___
tank, baths, bowling alley and mili- HosrdsAi Ph pat NORTH MICHGAN -
tary lecture room. R2AILWAY.
'Lime Table LaigeoC t Nut 'a sdy sioy 1,ssa
On the second floor will be lo- IS the mot effective Hd agree- Tinss leav An Abor by Cetal
cated a drill all, 16o x o, enclosed tabk remedy in eciotence forc,.'I , I.
by a alley for spectators. abermd nEitnefr ,7 .. 04a..
Tlhe gymnasium proper will be on preventing indigetion, and re nidy al , Rn oth at ?:la . n,
the third floor. There is a large leiS hs isne H nlg 01Il n nl)eO bo t is rs 111
baseball cage in the center of the and )0 ,)),t)unc .t ony . (o ate feCu
hall, a shootinsg gallery at one side, fF155 t diorci'1 ,ot.ciref t1))T)))t1)
and a running track about 50o feet D.W .Grnr pigil,1 .Pel,1y,= ')' .ei ~i liAhr
long aropnd thse sides. Wisconsin Dr .M.GrdeSisfld tliLNITol.0Cl..0),5w.
Mss., says: °'I vale it as 00n ecellet.
men claim that, wvhen finished, their Irsnolv fsditiosa0) loso 1hs r,. GODIIkk flrit. Grswer of
prevntaive f .digetio, an a leasnt n ea tratio ttd b owes of ll vari-
gymnasium will rival that of Vale, iiddrns0ty)teydl~ ~. ls n5001dt pnsshort notce.
and point witho pride to an athletic niutytyt p.Cmtr ae
field of fib acres, in the heart of wlr a wccc.
Madison, to which the Legislature tDesripiveC pmophet free o) aplictioto W IEBST'ER'S
has donated $25,000 to improve. Rtumford Chemical Woks, Povidence, R.. INTERNATIONAL
___ Bestasre of substitutes und Isittios tyN. DICTIONARY
ByYuTikt.For Sale by all Druggista4, ldlotr serens ott
'Tickets are now out for the twoTess seoa spos
entertainments to be given under G I~Oi1 i b USr s teuil,, 0d-o o
thse auspices of the Oratorical Asso- ON N141' 0.'. O_ LY, tapneso. tO,
ciation for this yar. The first is a 'TUESDAY EVENIN'G, NOV. 7th. __ s E fverbody
lecture by lion. N. G. Esing, De- Dhi til sas1s
cember 911, on thse subject, "Whiat a setslLittst'l
fs Eloquen-ce"'' 'The other is the L ('Y L p- I isl§ 7Uu
final inter-class ocatosrical contest, :n il ^ rL sI,.o Is;
to take )ll~ce Mardsh16th. 'O nem - - ~-~tll-11)0Il ) rLl~tICl~oadI5rnnII
hero of the Oratorical Association I Ito- lE lEI''°iIIC st'
the price for botsc'ntertainmIients IIt7 t) t.ot I)I sa
is 2- cents; to all Others, 50 cents. II) 1I))Is ~' , , , iL~vC7in WEHiCtIlI
'rickets for sale lby nmembers of the I E T5P'i I ''S T tit'l.1l10Ci,01'C, 'olols, iII
conmnittee or ty r u reblood. 0., 1 11II"sl, v II1 O.~oCI
,,ti ro ,Co.
Alpha Nu Progran. lli. .5 . 011 Ft; vBSTES
Pdi ttt nd ftatro~id11111r1) ,lCb ea. INERNAIONAL
The following program will be "n +so CIC I icIt ~C 1111.01 of ie t vow I ':I Oo1saoos;'Co~ito-DtTe
given tonight usRoom54: t t y. Or it l~t a n lt ICw~r "
Musie Sor. e - l'.cdfrter~et
Orationa................. ..Laudmn -- = -
Rteading........... Miss Flller- ---
Debate. Rlesolvedl; "That the Ilotst
of Lords of Enigland should be abol- )
Lshed.' Af., Sadler, Watson;:lie.,
Brooks, TBlack. Muie
After the progranm there will be Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers
an election of officers. 11Best in the World."
---- -- - Evry'95.tshburses' i,s-ttottnssss
The freshmsan nedics iposed a tlsorodeofts Pc.ll;,et
notice of a meet in the upper lee- oiguou'I4e soeS5 a.ton~gi
tore room yesterday, for if1:30, but cojubjOninf o1Ijas ,f11ad
upon assembling founsd it occupied. tsunsoI h lsr~sssl ~ CnSar&Mcs -sCIAO
There will be a meeting the first ---
part of next week.
The Anat Arbor Organa Co., oe Agnt, AN~t AEO Z - -

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