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November 02, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-02

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THE U. OF M. DA ILY. _______

LOW 51H. (LEMET, r , 01 'ov 3-Feshman spreavd.
518So. MIN DSr. IDirecorsaod M asers.Fri.Nov..-Canadianl Club, law building, £S
EXCEL.SIOR LAUNDRY Sa.,Nv. 4.-Wisconsin ro. 3ichilgan, Ath-
20 EAST I lICOIN 10STRET. leticFoeld.
Good WorkI.Guaranteed. (oods colled forun. Nov. 5-S. C. A. Cha01nel eve-Prof. If
and delivred. A. F. COVERT, Prop. L. Willett.
luele C A .TEEEn;tnRSreetMlon. Err., Nor. 0-0R. fi1. J. Savaeoo n 1
I.E. ' "EvolutSieet on000 and01(1liigion," 10 CnitY, lob
22 Neastesin the fBuSnses.~'. Cri., Nov. 10-uocal l and 11010LeagueSerirs..

M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. ]Fourth Ave.
Cor. Main 000 Washingon ltete
A. L. Noota, Fees. Ron oT PlL~~,Cahr
The )3 & M'. )Prkg Store
s the plane 00 buoy aytlos o 01n0thDu line.
Mdlaos, Sponges, Bruslies, lEtc.Ec
JR. E. JOLLY & Co.3s
Whe youwanalpluebox of ine00Chuoole
Candies.. stoorey at1001. 'i,'se-.'l'.'baoo,
I'igoelransd 11e Finest 0011.0k1of Pipes 1in
01h0 City.
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26i S. State St.
456 S. State Stree. 1
MvONDAY-4 p. o .A1, 011d.0, ll ofor .-
SAT , RD,% Y'-J a. In. Gelemen' 1, ml 1-
'p.tI Children', dloelogclas.
4 u nt. Lde' d.ooE',r~c
Ann Arbor Savings Bdank
Allll Arbor. Mich. Capitllu St1o,5000.
surplus, X1501,0001.
Oleosni.'.Iuoder thsGe ra, l aning Lou's
o1 lids 51110e.lRcerives, de10011s, Obays.011
sel" echal- ou0theIprincil( ciies e-of1 11e
Cniled Statesu. Drofl, cashed (11)00 proper0
identifl.ictio. Safety deposit boxe or1nto.
OF Icp11.110: 0Choitian 51ack,..Ples.: . 0. 0
Harrlolo, Vice Fee.; C'bas. . lisoob, Ca-
olie'- 1.. J. 10e10 Asst. (Ca-hler.

coell-. Sub~ject, "Some Rtecnt ('liorgeo in
A1'ri,'u lure."
The Jeffersonian.
The Jeffersonian literary society
hold their regular meeting last night.
The following program was rendered:
D~eclamation ............D). C. Abbott
Essay.................Mr. Cameron
Speaech............... J. WV. Powvers
Impromptu1101 discuss5ion. AllT, J. T.
Walg ler; 110g , A. (G. Mills.
Il ebate - "Resolved t a011generel I
college elllceatilll 1s 1110e,1beorelicil
rietcd. 1)0'sall., Mr. 111111011 E

opinons on the subject through the
columns of the Cardinal.
There is no doubt that thle benefit
and instruction derived fronm a
course of good lectures repays all
the trouble taken in securing the
The entertainnments of our lectu~re:
association are well attended and
we can recommend the system to
Wisconsin ao one which gives entire
satisfaction. It is in the hands of
the students, the officers are elected,
and it is not in the hands of thle
university authorities in any way.
The executive board and its sub-
committees will meet in Rlom 04,
Fridtay, Nov. 3, at 5 p. 0., to re-
port on the work of canvassing.
Gowrxl m-r i Bo , fires.
r GP.\N 1) OPERA IlUSI'-'

- 3 1111 1111atro1.s 110thle city'of 0111 J'o5
1M1uslo in the air. 111b1r 1151- been ltreated11to a 01010rieof
--- riovtI trtalinmnts, collsistingcebiod-
111e11111ll im~esdos not seer lto ly0of1;' i00111111005 Olhat lappeall 11re00to
tIle ,. 11111 ear t11a111to 0110inltllli-
affoct tile Che150nsegons. Last genle.111 ordler to sa1sfy 10 desire
Thnrsday evening tlhey furnlished 0t11telcoes to every well-balanedl
minild for somnethling0of10 hilgher iteLl-
nmusic for the Kennedy wedding- et~lodr temngmn n
last Friday, for Foley Guild dance, B00n00, with a feelig of pridte, the
fortcominilg engagemnlt of Mr.
at Nichols1; Tuesday night, for thle Walker Whiiteside, thie tragedian; wh~o,
Hl~allowe'en party, at Nichols'; to- inlconijuncitionO withl 110snpplortin~g
companily, and the necessar1y adjuncts01
nigiht they play for thle Wolverine ftiaL go so far 011 consotitute ao series of
Cyclers; tomorrow evening for the finishledt performanc~ies. Tile brighlt
frehma s~rea atGragers lad prticular srtar of tile orgaizaO~tion~,
frelsna srea, t rager, ndMt. Whiteside, Lthroulghl his lodruirable'
Saturday, for 1-Hobart Hall social. performian~ces inl thle sttesF,11as won
tile righttotibe ran1ked ai.(ilu lthe mIosL
'T'hey have also seceured tile contlract brilliant exponentOs of 01115510 11105 o1
for furnishing the m1usic for the this century. Armedl~ withI 1h1 testi-
1s'1monials5of somo(f the 1111s0 brillianlt
El Astro Club series of ive parties, revSiewIers and14critics iii Aoo'rie i, .Me.
and the "Thanksgiving partyat V W'litesille williappeali to1 111' initelii-
111'1111 itcc lltil'tlelliiy 1of the 1pat-
5110111. 1110onoftile'Oplera Iloso'. I)tiring lis
e'11111g'lll'lt. Ivhielh occ'esoGVos'"A1, Is'
iesv. 1M. J. Savage Corning, iigth Pise o siito 1111- 1 1 11110'Il.Teret
liesv. 1-J . sasage, of1 1100101, thieelpie' 1110 115'h111'ter1015y'ell 11ltili'
diistinlguishe~d prealcher, l101101520n51s01 ilml~ibl'llllimp lo, 1111t11 '11ls1il'l-
at o ill leeture i h Uiytiolls delieon0111front011110ado1110d 1y
IClub Course on Mondlay eveninog - -.---
next, ons "Evolution anld Religion.'" SMosic and Dancing.
1010s doolbtful if any 011100rlmdnlin ''l xelttll~i 11 0111,5%
America can hsanodle this subject temlatic mletihodsi of instruc1tion,01111-
sith so macil poswer as Etc. Savage, forts of thye100' illOdely, 11111 111 pat1-
rona11ge ~o oly famiilies (If till) highest
He is the author of miore than a respe'ltability 111100p1110e11 (ranger's
dozen books, several of wihicih are Acaemey of Dancingv5Se1111d to 1111110ill
' h tile010. Joinl 0111' (f 11h1'classes' 111d
upon Evolution. 1-110ten years learn11 11 hianceF iefloe thel ho~liay 5111-
Pisillips lirooks andol Et. Savage 51111.Strictly a s50ehool. Elo.1a1n1 7Mls.
stood a h ha fthe Boto 0pl- 111111 lilllilgll 11111111111'roun loor11111, 6
pit. Since Dr..lirooks' dleatih, Etr. -Etoyslacd St. ?t)-<1.
Savage is confessedly tieleiadiing Notice.
preachler of tihat city andl of Nesw
Enland. Students wishinig typewsriting done
-- " - ----call a11 J. R. iBach's law office, if61E.
Wisconsin Behindch -e Times. ituron street. Biest rates.
'fhe Caroinal, of thse University of Notion.
-Wisconsin. is agitating the qneotion I OI011 001tylrros
of establishing a lecture association. Wthy donolt you insert a tille or tswo in
It seems that WIisconsin never has ourloc1010al comn for a few days?
hadafist-las letur corseandMore roomss have heel- rented through
hada lrt~cas lctue ousean teDAILY thlan throu1gh any otlier
some of the students are giving their moediuni, for Olin DAILY practieally
falls into every tudent's hands.

Go011 111e'J. T. Jacob's Co. a1n11get
yotur undosirrtr. lhey 11av05tie
targest anud bet asoortdlie in the
Foulntain Pens a speialty at Seh-
leede's, 50 S. State St.
FOtR RNT-Thlree bingle roomis 0114
0110 suite. FlSIni0e iet, light 1111
bah. $2, $2.51101111 $4. 20 I.a-effer-
5011 St. 2-33.
Pleasant quit of Rooms-Alcove fur-
naceeat00, tight, stationoary wash-owl.
24-30 25 E. Jeffersonl Street.
All neckwear at halaf prie, good
patternls. Es. A. Wallace & Co.
Full Dress Coats alld Vests, good
styles, at $.75. E. A. Wallae & Co.
ATTENTIrON-Do yon thinik of buy-
ing a type-writer this year? Then call
-at the DAILY office if youo wishs one be-
low cost.
See the $1.00 Unerwear we are sel-
ing at 57. E. A. Wallace &o Co.
See Sehleede's n10ew Swan Lineln Tab-
lets. 'They are the 110a10s0t1111 best 110
the city. .10 ",Slitae o
P5111 Sn.l.-1alil1ndsta l1111oo100
Opera llioueLI 111h OolilO 11upstirs.
B11111sll100 ,1' .BabTSop.
I dios' 11111.11,1 1111 1*11hail iling (1111
at 1E. A.0.N ilzX L .s
Mt. J. J.1Gibson111 phoItga11110, will
be ihomle 51011111y, Nov.1 111mi1 Mon-
1111,.Nov. , to take5'orders'. '11o11e
c111111110d11ake0 aranlgem~ets befoe.
Fine Umibrelas 0cheap1-onlIy a1.few
left. E. .. Wilie & C.
S'aTDEN'TS, ATTOO~lollI.- Every
Tuesday Mr. A. 1. Iose wiii be at the
Cook house 000111 a1comspete lie of
sanmples (f Pall a1110 Witer Woolenss
froni the (Goden Fagle, of Detroit. Ans
invitaitioniis extnIded oilto 1 0)ispet
thie, 1wh lich is onir of tlelalrgest il
the State. If youl neied01aytinin~ 1
the tune, it 51111111y' y0u1to investigate.
.faro00Underwea,'01 2.50 quallillity, 11051
$1-.50 . . .iiallace&.Co.
For) lis.c Sotutell, with ight,
111110111111bath. '28 Thonmpsoni street.
tlliilldli ed BShis. 7- qualityii, 1110w
48cu. I,, . .Wa\0lliace &0 ('1.
111A00E' 1' sithi 11goo pirsl 150of soll-
d (er braces.. A\la112e '.t101k 11 (Iowprices
lt Brown',l Irug So.110.A fewshsop
1(10 I 151$2.5 O'10111'.. $ sOace& lo
Forsale, Go or;50411a.fety. $10.
o. I, t 111110011, 41 Ctheine reet000-.
.All stifla t 10- 0oe-alfpice, at
L. A. Wlooo 10. to)'s.
hllveysben5 1001o11II ieso oos's 111-
ant0 11111q111101'no bostrosess.
Blac~ik III ,.10clqualt, 11017ci~.
$11111100 illtlll deparitmen'1t a1r0 01-
titilleto se'nio a i0011llotogaipice
Lois of1 Whitell'11111 ills5-llordred
I 1111011100'11100 at 6ie. E. .. Willae
& CI.
(oto 10111-luN, lIt S-rifor tlt
Labot~loryI suppli51e. 1Dissetig cisos,
Shelidon's Billiard Ball~, No. 5"I7-N0rt1
Moin street. 1-7
.0 big linle ol ine01Nekwear lat 19c.
E. ..Wallace & Co.
Ann lAclrbr De Works at 3 West
tss clealning 1a111 repairitg suits. Have
your light suits dyed. 1-7
All clos wiiil110'solod at oe-tird
regulalr Iprie. E..A. Wallece & Co.
New Launodry. Try s for the best
work youI ever saw. Work done in1
eight louno 1 extra charge. Office, 10
E. Hunroll street. Works 4751 W.
Huron. Telephone 83.
Periin best P. K. Kisd Gloves,- $1.73
Inow. E. A. Wallace & Co.

''n a l It. obo-d)Scpt.12411, 189;'.
N.. X-Tl.10-l 11- le.1 Aor .. 5
Ma. ...... 4 27 110 1 i . I .. p.. 111912
DtantiEx pres.. l.I11130 1D-'yIEx pre... .118211
IN. s. rrte ... 6 r .S.L r te ...14
0N . .01111"te. l945rll
N. Y. &dhi Un-2 1 . . Kal,p-60
A.00i s')(id.i N. I A c.oo Ae8o50
PIRINTING''-and -42z'
Student Work a Specialty.
Best lWorkawns 1110dhLoest Pic's inl lie City.
CLASSES IN DANCING will1 0(011a1
follows: Gentleen, Sllserday lrlrinl s 10
and Thursdaiy evellilrs 8010(1Laiso. Sototrdaly
afternoonls 4. L~adies a5110Gentlenmen, 01-
va000011lss..'Tuesav erellisigs 80 Gobsnd
JltIr3se. c MolliOd stret. 'touitionl. 0110term
(leeolekso) $5. Fopils receive([ at lny

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