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October 30, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-30

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Puu itiect ay (t in c s eeed] di:
SChor',e-titu i ce ii c"()bpee year, tiibt
in advaciee )r.-tecoptie 3centt.ubcipcj-
tins maty be left cc the dicof thi AIY
at hito t, wthccli iof t te eii tic
authieeic itortt,.
Cimmunitions shud receb tieice by
7 o'eltckN. m. if they ae to aper the ext
diy. Addesis al matee inented for pbic-
ite to the tManagig Editor. Alt bsiness
commniatoas hold te sent ttheBasi-
THE U. of . DAILY,
Ann Arbr. Xih.
C, A. DiENtISON, Ltte'i, Mangig Editor.
NONotstFOtWES, Lt. '6, .hniiat.
H. A. Si snitt, Li. '4, Atsitat.
J. L. Lmet, Lit. '1, Aciettt.
J. A. LEROcY, Lt. '6, AtletiEdFitoric.
S-ti". CUt'iii', y.iG. Li., Busianes Manager.
Wmt. A. Mioi, Li. 't, Aitat.
H. B. titiimointe'"4 brnkte)faties, '.
Mt..', Liain , , B'. . '. Hal. '
Rt . Alitt n ). In Ditieti,
t. N.I itic t'c. F. L. ltit ittieAt4.
The Ed itr ot boldiiith utu sre~pn
sibe ttetopinionsiritaccitemiettiof ce'
tAtticopyiti-, icictteaoftice bfortSity. m
at te day cif ipulictin.
Edition today, 2500.
NEWSP'A'E correspondenti find
themselves at a loss for a uniform
name for the athletic field. A
name should be given it, by all
means, as other large universities
have done
WE are informed by lie athletic
editor of the Aial that arrange-
ments have been definitely made for
a game between Cornell and lie
University of Minnesota, Tianks-
giving day, in Minneapolis. Cornell
is to receive one tiousandil ciilns.
IT is becoming apparent tat our
football team is not detined to a
very successful career this season,
if we are to judge from the games
played so far this year. Where the
fault lies and what remedies are
necessary to obviate it, we wiii not
WE issue to-day, twenty-five un
dred copies of the DAILY, fifteen
hundred of thins number being for
general distribution. As a means
of student advertising these large
editions are unexcelled. We believe
in helping those who help us, and it
will always be the aim of the man-
agement of tie DIttY to please all
our patrons.
TtEE senior lawy class is to be con-
gratulated on the successful methods
used in their election, Saturday.
For the first time in years the rie-

tions Ccarriedioni ethc noappar- (Cccii tt-tc c--in liee eoe imccli t -i' o
thisi-.c'-ncicciine 't~yeac.tcaiiiliciia -liti
cict friclioti atd ictht-ills tc. It iioclicliter ialint o 3 tal ty--.fromii icir
is to1) hoi e d lticat tine j citnil Cbss lis .teate -bitbe clie ticitfItciiie cit ciii
nit11 pc. :t Icics sit ri~ttii 11i:1" liii-. obtc' iiitionito in iic toi anyii etc itl tthe
wil p c+I rom th ex mpe st y iti-it aitt iiito 1ccitb sal.t i hi ittt it wca
the ceclicar', ccclestablibsh a r c c cciebt tii cii -tfour id, iiil'i-adtro t ic it-
the tpreen andcciii tic i 01chercit iii . 1lii .1i' or
deintfor tl~e idepartmsent twhicih all iei nit tee -talltliccit'the pice e de oti
bttcce iing ilabsenst-cila beglad to te littent submtcitd ttmiititiI4 or
0 finti-, rceipt. t hein tc e.Iit.ini cttiy subit a
fos'. ti't 5 scasticegoff the reprocis thistoli-icc Inectltytetstnt litter thancciive
reproch tinysbetitrc the n-te.icPro(,-is to atic of
hiurleil tth lwdepartosent by these an cit' tieisubtedice a chtan
other idepartmnents, that tine laws are upion the same- nnt ltetian 8botohatistbefotre
irofessinonal twire-pullers and poll- Fth-Thoe reree ofny ;amceein this Oct11
eicicn cteeueto itherncapanic shall
ticians. debar_______from iislthl-aeitibameiany emaninot icled
caired ineligible by the tidvisety icmmitte
A New Plan Adnpted.
Both the junior and sophomore
lit, classes folloneed the new plan ofi
electing an executive committee in- ~l f
stead of class officers, at their meet- JR LI{ W 0l
ings Saturday mnorning.
'rie juniors elected tine following Horsf'ords Acid Phosphate
executive commsittee: Mr. Welch,
chnairman; Minses Crane and Colby; Is tise most effective aind agree-
Messrs. Meclierran and Weeks. able remaedly in existence for
A conmmiittee of three, consisting
of .Messrn. Bois,Kelinogcoil Ro- pi-eventtssg sndigrestinnn,-tn~id re-
senbaum, weas apicointed to drcvaw in.toeiisae aiin
tip resnlutionson the deathn of their
ciassmtate, A. J. Stargis, swho tas fiross t disordered stoisnac.
drownedi at Salt Ste. Mcarie this
sunmmer. A tax of twenty-flee cents Dtr.VW. "W. Gardner, Springfield,
for football purposes tvas leviedI. ttt, ~y: c ttt xeln
In the sophomore meeting a rum- Preventative nft-idigesions, cindacpteasant
mittee of five was elected, but each acdlte rn when pecperly diluted with
msember wvas entrusted with special watec, anti sweiened."
matters. Mrl. Jas. Baird seas elect- Deriptive pampetafree etc appictioin to
ed to have entire charge of football, RumfrdreChiemalatWorks, Pravaance..
Mr. MtcKenzie of baseball, Mr. A. Bewatte nf Substitutes ndtiSntttioin.
J. LeRoy of track athletics, and M1r. For Sale by all Druggists,
Mickey of social matters, leaving
one position for the girls of lb P 11 l
class to choose, that of assistant in I7{ 1OiI Ji ~ U E
social matters. No cane seas cho-
sen, but a selection will probably FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 3, 93.
be made at the next meeting..c-" Onty One Perform-
Inter-Collegiate Rules. Te acei e
At tine meeting of lice Inter- --"* M.W le
collegiate Football Association held ' W itsd
Friday at the Windsor Hotel, in
Nesw York, tine undergraduate ruleA Pesfecit Ptirm
teas repealed, and newv regulatioins ne M,
adopted that twill result in disquali- A
fying nearly half of tineliennsyl- H A
eleven, neisle leanigites1ide iasthee imittiiily tianet.
vania eeewielaigthe other i tcES: 'nec-i-c-iseits,. 1.1St1; Adcisin-
teams untouched. The rules adopt- 5 r titte andiflrnt rw nut i Pititie Circle.
S-1b0;Pittuette Cit-le b-c it-t.r, t5n;
ed by the votes of Yale, Princeton, tcili i, tn--tstteit'Jitt
and Wesleyan, are as follows: tint.

and SbHORTHAND. Maciiicctibuilding;cnine
teahtr;nargcatendancce; tgoodicidiscipline; isuper-
nSaitraytcningircept.iiiiooniithe eireiiyear
Exncepialfacilities tat placcatinstuents in poni-
ein-shoriand gcrades ge rnieetemtLiing
tot i~ii Catalogute, address
Tiice Tablte taingci'cttcnFuc id n 51 n it 14M3
TrainsltantAnAtt borciby et=1
it-RTi. SOUT
*1*-t:i15ip.oiian5 11:41cc.icccc-Il
liii~ I ii toaini'iSitiii-Icyat0:51.w
dtrict u nai~i tun-hict ei'tuetc
and u. tt~burt, .t'nonl.A . 5ic;i Hati
buJuIESoxv OOOItnI;t0,p.Flla. Oroifteefci
rutrip onartitain. aer o i
*ains rtibet wentAitiitAroric thoiicie,
No S. biREiiEy WOODe, Aoctp,ciAnneterct.
Entirely New. DICTIONARY
Xbreast of the Time.
- n"Unabridgerd."
C Ten seers spent
E iitors iitcoyeit,enc
c oeta 300,000
~tt I a hould on-n tis
iDietonary. It
msatern all quesationsc
PI r oneerningt the his-
tory, astelingpro-
I neneitetocceiant
A LibrarseinaItself.itealso gives
thie ofteniditcred iniormationeonerncing
contitaes, etites,townsi, acittnatiiral fee-
toreioe'itheotglibe parttttilariuncernintg
cnted ficttcias percisons and places- tratns-
latioocifafoetinutations, worth, anid
tproivitbs; etc., etc., eti'.
ll~s Wosrk-is nalualeithe
hohoiiii,ttta n tthe teactier, scholar, tea-
fessonial iiani, aiself-educatar.
Solitbui.tc Booksellcers.
C.&C. Merriam Cn.
d'ublishit-c, WII3STER'S
Stpari iiciiel d,Mlaas. ITRAIONA


iet t-ct i 'tccyicig tiRu l ccittndActicle'
caiinstittiniifithcc teir-cidtee-iae
Noi miciis hatdtte ellibte tar the teami


o1 nrty eotlage othis ticaocitiuiiwhoiiinot
thakintg a cbcini fide-curse-n'ot rcicttations, ti
leceares of ct least ittours.acweek. Iii
-ricitotte, lieotihalltietacc-.ait-teaetorse torna
dlegrees reqtuiritieitttlect done yeatr's sticdy.
Ifcan unider-gracdute,iacdttnot: iciccoicnn
courne foiaertiteehcnlie hltlnotnbeccttowced to
plattir stighis. irstiyear in cnttege'.
Secndi--Aniy ittan ttwhe asttended etarte'
orcrecttattonina tny otther coltegei'shalt nut
be etigible tfor tiecea of nice cottee itn thisc
nansecationc unlesi tic he a eglaotnemtecber cii
the treshtmanicassintor unttilchenas peictone
yeacr-oiiiresident tudy icn thnt notege acic
passed stisatory exccataion on cc fult
year's worti.
Third-No muantihitl pttay more ticcitfoer
yearson anny taccn tiscaAsocaton.

Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers.--"
"Beat in the World."
Ecer ccxashbu"I ntruettis
thepruti ofouirtpcialmchn
tey aicc presencts nobie icarcter-
istis Wvi'ake ucuripttion
uteircelltience. Ahbauitifult
'atcbic SouvirCtataloiue,'
eoccnta neu* otsaitsofotleacing
crinstsatncnecoadu ecr Cnn. Scm-n & MaNRin STS., CHICAGO.


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