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April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…NO W IS A TIME TO CO ME TO GETHER, EVEN THO UGH WE MUST BE APART. ~ Stay Home, Stay Safe ~ 442 S. Old Woodward Avenue, Birmingham, MI 48009 248.568.7309 cindykahnrealtor cindykahnrealestate Wishing you a Happy, Healthy Passover! …

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 3

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 3 OUR JN MISSION: We aspire to communicate news and opinion that’ s trusted, valued, engaging and distinctive. We strive to reflect diverse community viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continuity. As an independent, responsible, responsive community member, we actively engage with individuals and organizations dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, and Jewish life, in Southeast...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Our building may be temporarily closed, but our hearts remain open. From our virtual bimah - to your comfortable couch... We are your family, and we are here for you, always. Join us. 5725 WALNUT LAKE ROAD, WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48323 248-661-5700 TEMPLE-ISRAEL.ORG TI FULL PG JN 4/9/20-2.indd 5 4/3/20 2:28 PM …

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 5

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 5 Views W e would all like to pride ourselves on being well read, versed in music and avid theatergoers. We are all that, as can be shown if we listen to the terms that pepper our conversations. We have been told, “All the world’ s a stage.” Remember that when things don’ t go well; buck yourself up with the advice that the show must go on. If all your plans for an activity are ready, then you must get the s...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Views 6 | APRIL 9 • 2020 H ere at the Jewish News, we’ re trying to strike a balance between serious and neces- sary COVID-19 coverage and what the late, beloved children’ s PBS host Mr. Rogers would have called “look to the helpers” stories. Because there are always people who are helping. How can we all be helpers? Of course, the No. 1 thing is contin- ued social distancing practices. As much as you can stay safely inside and...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 7 The name Adat Shalom means The Congregation of peace. We ar e a commu nit y w ho believ es t hat ev en in t he mos t difficu lt and u nlikely cir cu ms t ances w e can find w ays t o br ing w holenes s , hope, healing and peace int o ou r liv es and int o t he w or ld. Ou r s hu l began in 1943, du r ing t he w or s t moment s in t he his t or y of ou r people and of t he w or ld. Ant is emit is m w as i...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…Views To make a donation to the DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FOUNDATION go to the website The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520) is published every Thursday at 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern Hwy., #110, Southfield, MI 48034. 8 | APRIL 9 • 2020 194...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…10 | APRIL 9 • 2020 continued on page 12 B y now, every American has received an invitation to respond to the 2020 U.S. Census. This letter from the U.S. Census Bureau provides an individual Census ID number for easy response on the internet, along with a phone number for assistance, with a requested deadline of April 1, 2020. Through the next few months, cen- sus takers will be following up with households who do not respond or wh...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 11

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 11 While our school building is closed, we are still available for you! Reach out to Director of Admissions, Arielle Endelman, with any questions about admission for next year. | 248.671.3248 FRANKEL JEWISH ACADEMY 6600 West Maple Road DURING THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, THE FJA FAMIL Y IS STILL CONNECTED AND STILL LEARNING! …

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…12 | APRIL 9 • 2020 continued from page 10 Jews in the D REACHING EVERYONE IN THE JEWISH COMMUNITY In Detroit’ s Jewish community, Jewish Senior Life (JSL) has many residents whose first language is Russian. Most live in the Teitel and Prentis apart- ments in Oak Park, which together have more than 340 apartments. While these residents typically understand some English, filling out even a simple form may be daunting, and a go...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 13 residential and support ser- vices for people with devel- opmental disabilities, Kristen Mack, chief program officer, spoke to a Census Bureau staff member as a first step to ensure that JARC’ s group home residents are includ- ed in the count. Shaindle Braunstein, JARC’ s CEO, said that Mack will complete the census tally for JARC when the form is provided. Kadima offers residential, therapeutic and social ser-...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…14 | APRIL 9 • 2020 O akland County has released an online map of all local con- firmed COVID-19 cases, allowing residents to search by ZIP code. As of April 5, the coun- ty had reported 3,074 total confirmed cases of COVID-19, with hundreds new cases being confirmed by the day. The death toll sat at 165 as of Monday morn- ing. “There is a balance between being transparent and getting as much infor- mation out to the public as...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 15

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 15 G ov. Gretchen Whitmer has ordered all K-12 school buildings in Michigan to close for the remainder of the school year. Students will finish out the year through a remote learning plan unless restrictions become lifted. School employees and con- tractors may still use district facilities for their remote learn- ing instructions. They will be paid through the remainder of the school year. “ As a parent, I under...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…16 | APRIL 9 • 2020 COURTESY OF RON BLUMER A t a time where the state of Michigan is under a strict “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order to curb the spread of COVID-19, many residents in independent living facilities are struggling with social distancing and isola- tion. Jewish Senior Life (JSL) sent out a memo on Thursday, March 26, to all independent living residents and families encouraging them, if pos- sible, to pick up their loved one...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 17

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 17 HONORING SAMANTHA & ROSS PARTRICH RACHEL DEVRIES ‘09 ALUMNI HONOREE MELANIE SESI FACUL TY HONOREE MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020 8:00 pm All are welcome at this online community-wide event. Registration and Sponsorships JOIN US FOR A VIRTUAL GALA AS WE CELEBRATE 20 YEARS Join us at this unprecedented time to celebrate Frankel Jewish Academy's 20th Anniversary and our wonderful honorees. We contin...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…18 | APRIL 9 • 2020 I n response to medical supplies running low due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus, staff at Frankel Jewish Academy (FJA) began using their STEM lab’ s 3D printers to create protective face shields for the medical community. Since March 27, FJA Director of Innovation and Technology Dan Bourdeau and STEM Lab Manager Dale Rogers have created 40 shields, while enabling con- tactless pick-ups for nurses an...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 19

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 19 As featured on: Need Help with an IRS or State Tax Problem? Call the experts at 1-800-TAX-LEVY (829-5389) Tax Liens Collection Notices Penalties Unfi led Tax Returns Audits Call us today to answer your questions or to schedule a meeting and say goodbye to those sleepless nights! 1-800-TAX-LEVY (829-5389) We Listen …. We Care … We Help! HQ: 28400 Southfi eld Road., Lathrup Village, Michi...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…20 | APRIL 9 • 2020 COURTESY OF JCC FACEBOOK T he Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit has temporarily laid off over 95% of its staff, effective Sunday, March 29. This decision came as a result of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’ s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order, which requires non-essential businesses to close their doors. JCC CEO Brian Siegel told the Jewish News that since the state required the closure of health cl...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 21

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 21 GIVING BACK to our community, one home at a time. Even though things are uncertain right now, it is a perfect time to refi nance your current mortgage from the comfort of your home. HomeLend USA, LLC. off ers advanced technology to assist you in getting all of your required paperwork and signatures. Th is unique process allows you to never leave your home to pick up documents or let an appraiser or closing...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…22 | APRIL 9 • 2020 A fter recovering from COVID-19 last month, Rabbi Daniel Nevins, the former Adat Shalom Synagogue rabbi, is partaking in a blood plasma experimental treatment trial at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Nevins lived in Farmington Hills for 13 years and was the rabbi at Adat Shalom from 1994-2007. He is now living in Manhattan, where he is the dean of the rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary....…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 23

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 23 | faces&places Jews in the D On Sunday, March 7, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit’ s young adult division, NEXTGen Detroit, held its ninth annual EPIC event at the State Savings Bank in Detroit. EPIC is NEXTGen Detroit’ s premier annual fundraiser, brought to the com- munity by Sue and Alan J. Kaufman and family. The event attracted more than 400 young adults, who collectively raised over $300,000 to su...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…24 | APRIL 9 • 2020 Breaking Free What freedoms are we celebrating this Passover? SHARI S. COHEN CONTRIBUTING WRITER Passover T he Passover Haggadah tells us: “In every year, each person must look upon himself as if he just left Egypt. ” But what does freedom mean for Jewish Americans today? As local community mem- bers reflect, freedom encompasses more than political and physical liberty. “There are things that enslave you that ...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 25

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 25 Open to All High School and College Graduates Each style is available in any of the 4 sizes. CALL TODAY 248-351-5116 or 248-234-9057 You can also email in ads to Or submit online at 2020 Gown Cap Deadline is May 14, 2020 Publication Date is May 28, 2020 AD STYLE #1 1/4 PAGE $275.00 XXXXXXXXXX May all your dreams come true! You have been such...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…26 | APRIL 9 • 2020 M a nishtanah, ha-lilah hazeh. Why is this night different from all other nights? Never has this question been more relevant to this gen- eration of Jews. Big family seders just are not going to happen this year with every- one on lockdown. Most of us will scale down our dinners and week- day meals for the eight-day holiday. Here are some recipes using sta- ples you might have on hand for the holiday and bey...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 27

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 27 A s many of us are now weeks into hunkering down into our houses, we have all experienced a sense of Egypt, having been displaced from our daily routines. We are all long- ing for redemption for better days. When thinking about Pesach and the virus, I was drawn to the scene in the Torah right after the Jewish people make the Pesach offering in Egypt. The Torah continues as the Jewish people are hunkered d...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…28 | APRIL 9 • 2020 E liana Adler has not been to Israel, but her photo, “Winter Reflection, ” is on dig- ital display from there. Adler, 13, an eighth grader at Tappan Middle School in Ann Arbor, is among 20 winners of the Jewish Lens @ Museum of the Jewish People 2020 Competition held through the Museum of the Jewish People (formerly Beit Hatfutsot) in Tel Aviv. The program challenges Jewish teens worldwide to photograph and desc...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 29

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 29 Dear valued reader, Let’ s get right to it. During these very difficult times, why does the Jewish News matter more than ever? • It connects us when we feel separated and surrounded by chaos. With the Jewish News, we are not alone. We are all in this together as a community. • It is our trusted, distinctive news source. With fake news, conspiracy theories and half truths rampant, the Jewish News provides us w...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…Arts&Life celebrity jews 30 | APRIL 9 • 2020 A NOTE ON NEW MOVIES Every big-budget film that was set for release in late March or later has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A date for the delayed release of almost all of these “biggies” has not been set. There is one notable exception: Wonder Woman 1984, starring Gal Gadot, 34, in the title role, has been shifted from its original date of June 5 to a release on Aug. 14...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 31

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 31 On The Go Virtual events | learnings STAYING CONNECTED At this time of social distanc- ing, the Jewish News will try to bring awareness to events/ learning situations that are being offered online by syna- gogues, temples and commu- nity organizations. SHAAREY ZEDEK ( For youth: Virtual Thrilling Thursdays 10 am. Join Lindsay Mall on Zoom at for stories, games, songs, and mor...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…32 | APRIL 9 • 2020 brought to you in partnership with B I R M I N G H A M business SPOTlight Makeup artist returns from devastating head injury to build a business that empowers and inspires other women. SUSAN PECK CONTRIBUTING WRITER ABOVE: Lisa Beth North does makeup on Pleasant Ridge resident Sarah Szirtez. JERRY ZOLYNSKY A ‘Star’ is Born P rofessional makeup artist Lisa North teases she had her first client when she was jus...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 33

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 33 W e’ ve all heard it: “Why didn’ t you tell me you were going to the store? I needed some- thing!” Sheldon Cohn, a resident of West Bloomfield and former advertising execu- tive at Doner, grew tired of hearing this from family mem- bers when he came home from a quick trip to the store. It gave him an epiph- any. What if his phone could let his family know when he was at the store and they could text him what...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…34 | APRIL 9 • 2020 business SPOTlight you can find online makeup classes, which she does when not homeschooling her three daughters Audrey, 7, Lucy 5, and Hannah 21 months. “I want them to see this as a positive experience. My hope is that they look back on this and think how cool that we all got to spend so much time together as a family,” she said. North is also excited about her CBD-infused facial mois- turizer, scheduled t...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 35

…Your Natural Stone Experts 26530 W. 8 MILE SOUTHFIELD, MI 48033 248.982.9103 CONTRACTOR PRICING! FREE CUSTOM STONE CUTTING BOARD With Complete Kitchen or Bath Remodel G R A N I T E | M A R B L E | Q UAR TZ | QUAR TZI TE | POR CEL AI N S L A BS Fabrication and Installation C OUN T E R T OP S | KI TCHEN BACKSPL ASH ES | VA N I TY TO PS | SH O W ER & TU B SU R ROUNDS F I REPL ACE SURROUN D S | B A R S & ...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…36 | APRIL 9  2020 the exchange community bulletin board | professional services For information regarding advertising please call 248-351-5116 Deadline for ad insertion is 10am on Friday prior to publication. “Let us love your pet while you are away” Pet resort • Daycare Training • Grooming Web Cameras 248-230-PAWS (7297) 2244 Franklin Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 $65 Service Call Nothing per hour, plus parts. ...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 37

…APRIL 9  2020 | 37 HEALTHCARE Wonderful Caregiver Available. She took such good care of my mom. Call Maria Direct at: 248.785.8564 or contact me, gail.physed@ for a reference. A1A CAREGIVER/COMPANION. Experienced, excellent refer- ences. 248-991-4944 Always Show’ guarantee. Experienced, mature and caring individual available for hourly or live-in position. Contact Amy 248-444-3353. TRANSPORTATION LuxuryAirpor...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 38

…38 | APRIL 9 • 2020 Activist and Feminist Soul of blessed memory JACK ANSTANDIG, 90, of West Bloomfield, died April 1, 2020. He is survived by his children, Steve (Kristin) Anstandig, Liora Linda Anstandig (Keith Russell) and Marcy Boskee; grandchildren, Amy Olson, Jeffrey Wachsberg, Ilana Carlton and Danielle Anstandig; great-grandchildren, Alexandra Olson, Leo Wachsberg, Nikklaus Carlton, Abel Moore and Charlotte Moore; sist...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 39

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 39 continued on page 40 agent to help others enjoy world travel. She was the devoted wife for 52 years of the late Robert S. Ernstein. They traveled the world together, seeking out exot- ic locations on six continents. She had a wonderful sense of humor and a lifetime love of learning. She was happiest when she was planning a trip or shar- ing the adventure with family and friends. Rosa was passionate about the sy...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…40 | APRIL 9 • 2020 Adat Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia. Contributions may be made to a charity of one’ s choice. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel FAYE GOLDMAN, 77, of West Bloomfield, died March 31, 2020. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Louis Goldman; daugh- ters and sons-in-law, Michele Goldman and Michael Smith, and Nicole and Eric Wanstrom; son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Carolyn Goldman; grand- chil...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 41

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 41 continued on page 42 Park Cemetery. Contributions may be made to Friends of Jewish Senior Life, 6710 W . Maple, West Bloomfield, MI 48322,; or Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’ s Research, Church Street Station, P .O. Box 780, New York, NY 10008-0780, Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel. ARLENE ELLENSON PRUCHNO, 83, of West Bloomfield, died April 2, 2020. She is survived b...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…42 | APRIL 9 • 2020 Mrs. Rose was the beloved wife of the late Jack Rose; moth- er of the late Dr. Harvey Rose; mother-in-law of the late Dr. John Moran; sister-in-law of the late Louis Lipson. Interment was held at Adat Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia. Contributions may be made to Meals on Wheels or to a charity of one’ s choice. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel. FRANCES ROTT, 87, of Boca Raton, Fla., formerly of Detro...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 43

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 43 continued on page 44 Shain of Farmington Hills; grand- children, Jason Shain, Jacqueline and David Altschul, Joshua and Andrea Shain; great-grandchil- dren, Jonathan Shain, Breslin Shain. Mr. Shain was the beloved husband of the late Sophia Shain; dear brother of the late Moshe Shain and three siblings who died in the Warsaw Ghetto. Contributions may be made to a Holocaust charity; an Israeli charity; Yad Ezra, ...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…44 | APRIL 9 • 2020 Sharon Sandberg) Tarnopol; loving grandchildren, Samantha, Lauren, Rebecca, Craig, Drew and Liana Tarnopol; brother, Robert Tarnopol; many other loving fam- ily members and friends. Interment was held at Adat Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia. Contributions may be made to Jewish Women International or to a charity of one’ s choice. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel FLORENCE WEBER, 97, of West Bloomfield, ...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 45

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 45 the best of everything T he temporary edict of carry-out and take-out only for restaurants during the present health crisis has no bearing on at least one very popular eatery. That is because it has no seats anyway … and is strictly a take-out restaurant. Star Deli, 12 Mile, just west of Telegraph Road, Southfield, does not stand to lose any custom- ers who have made it one of America’ s leading such delic...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…46 | APRIL 9 • 2020 From the William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History accessible at Looking Back T o say the least, Passover will be dif- ferent this year. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with social distancing in practice, Jewish families are reconsidering how they will plan for their seders. Indeed, Jewish life is now a matter of virtual bat/ bar mitzvahs and Shabbat services. Just the act of ga...…

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 47

…Deserves Good Deserves In Michigan EVERY PERSON Access To HEALTHCARE To fund life-saving programs like MIChild, urgent care, Medicaid and Medicare YOU and YOUR FAMILY must be counted in the 2020 CENSUS this spring. The 2020 CENSUS Is quick and EASY to fi ll out. Use it to count EVERYONE in your home. And by law, it is 100% CONFIDENTIAL For more information go to …

April 09, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…248-851-6880 5075 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Monday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m. The Reading of Megillat HaShoah The Holocaust Scroll Megillat HaShoah/The Holocaust Scroll was specially created in order to honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust by providing a scroll that can be read on Yom HaShoah. Presented by: In partnership with: Live videostream For more information visit…

April 09, 2015 • Page Image 1

…CALL MICHIGAN'S LEADER IN TAX RESOLUTION ASSOCIATES LEVY& TAX CONSULTANTS MS !? Call 888-411-LEVY (5389) for a FREE consultation Hurry, April 15th is the deadline for filing! c.og os' o'sw For more information see our ad on page 15 Do you owe the IRS or State of Michigan ? Are you being Audited $2.00 APRIL 9-15, 2015 / 20-26 NISAN 5775 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Return To Poland Group travels to Na...…

April 09, 2015 • Page Image 2

…Now Open! MANDALOUN BISTRO CUISINE OF FORMER CHEFS OF LE CHEF BISTRO CUISINE OF NORTHERN LEBANON Full Bar—Private Room Available—Catering and Banquet Facilities 'No kir HAPPY HOUR "10in Monday through Friday 4-7 pm Selected Appetizer & Drink Specials! $10 OFF $50 or more TOTAL FOOD BILL MANDALOUN BISTRO With coupon. Not valid with any other offers or on holidays. 18% gratuity included. Expires 5-9-15 Mandaloun Bistro I 30100 Telegra...…

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