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November 07, 1925 • Page Image 1


November 07, 1925 • Page Image 2

…ta""r• 111 -11 —S1-14"---- PAGE TWO OBITUARY --AS ONE \VOMAN TO ANOTHER- - kr Ann Tweed 'Owe was a dating mom suite at the Detroit Furniture Shops that I'd don, everything except wail a letter to Santa Claus to possess. !et me tell you about it. It has thatpriceless requisite Dignity. And the longer one dines On • generale furniture the more one rcalires that one simply mutt have solid, lignified pieces in the dining roan. In fact, Jack s...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 3

…A merica Pa l ish periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE THREE , usghnlyncta _ racy),..rForr,k_ Pres- the Jews, like C. A. Kinney Chosen Vice - tensibly and nominally ident and Cashier of New ther minorities, have been afforded I Griswold Bank. DISTINCTIVE equal political rights and economic op- portunities, the Jews have been forced WEARiNG s from page I.) (Contnued to continue a separate existence as a A. Kinney ha...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 4

…TimtkriltonlEwisnelitonictz PAGE FOUR graternal anb Sol C. Kraus of Philadelphia, grand ' master of the Independent Order B'rith Sholem, a national Jewish or- 1 0. ganization, will be in Detroit Nov. 12 Woodward J. W. E. W. North A meeting of the North Woodward to 15 as the guest of the Detroit Phi Kappa Beta. wish Women's Eu• I lodges. There are three local branches, 7 ' he Phi Kappa Beta Sorority held branch of the J e ropean Welfare Orga...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 5

…A merica Jewish Perievlical Cotter CLIPTON AMNIA • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ii r 111-rstnIT //111511 14 tcoN IC U Unfair Business Methods Some of the 350,000 cards which The Ward Baking Company sent to the women of Detroit, entitling them to a full-sized 15-cent Ward's Cake, are being, redeemed by other cake manu- facturers. IIIIINIV This is unfair to the women of Detroit and the Ward Baking Company. With one of Ward's Fine Cake cards you ar...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 6

…intlATRol PAGE SIX 0 :41 4%1 .2.1 4.m 4■ 1 -it' it oGel* .v..S'Ielo .teior I .mac. 45/1 °IT 4.S1 got 4,...‘1 j r workers were compelled to return to the land because they could not be employed in the disorganized indus- tries, which in some cases had reached the low point of Co. 1. awl. Chronicle rillohlog but four per cent of production compared with pre-war NAIIMII Week?? by T. Russia. Due to many political and economic reasons Jose...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 7

…i ll/ deal 5CWIS11 periodical CeNter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE SEVEN; Acylentopdovibi 01AS. FRANK & SEDER'S FURS GUARANTEED AS TO QUALITY AND SERVICE • 01f5-1 - 1; ISO IsE. (Copywriiht, 1921. Grade Fur Coats gh Sale of Hi Saturday, at Two Special Prices 91 ". (JOSEPH- By Chas. H. Jos•os.) The I'lastic Age of 1847! Perhaps you picked this up in the newspapers. If you didn't, I think it worth the space to call it t...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 8

…149erktonimosnffixomicA PAGE EIGHT CHAIRMAN OF DANCE TO BE HELD NOV. 13 The J. L. HUDSON CO. On Friday evening, Nov. 13, the Bluebird Girls will hold their seventh annual, charity dance at Webster Announcing--- ma WOODWARD AND ADAMS All society items and other local not. •hould be communicated to the office of Chronicle by S o'clock Wedresd•y •fterneon in order to appear in the cu rrrr week's issue. Phon• Cadillac 1040. Society Edit°, ...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 9

…A mcricaH ffarish periodical Cotter CLIPTON AVENUE CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE, "IR FIE LT1 L' 10 1 11 1;tti N p P(VLE 'B. CHAIRMAN FOR DANCE OF LADIES AUXILIARY SYNAGOGUE DANCE PLANS COMPLETED 'EBEL@ Event at Shaarey Zedek Will Usher In Congregation's Social Season. A 'cornier'ful collect ion of Ilimelhochs Mrs. Joseph Fleischer is chairman , of the card party and luncheon given by the Ladies Auxiliary of B'nai Wootimud Ihr. Waa...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 10

…- lhEPETROIVIIM1! @ROA itql. . TEN • PAGE . "Liebestraum" for the second num-1DIRECTS SIMONS DANCE Soloist at Suday's Concert Will ber and the brilliant Second Polo- ORCHESTRA AT TULLER naive of the same composer conclud- Be Marguerite Schuiling. ing the program. Gerald Marks is personaly direct- Other Concerts. On Thursday and Friday evenings, armpit. art!! El Notre 011111111111.1 COUNCIL OF WOMEN HOLD FIRST MEETING T...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 11

…A merican lavish periodical Center 18. Jr. ■ 11. gInnneal 11115 CLIFTON AYINC1 • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 PAGE ELEVEN fie erionllornsnetRomicus INSTITUTE NOTES PERFECTION LODGE Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. and A. 51., will hold a special communica- Mother. Club: p. The Jewish Institute Mothers Club lion on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 12:30 will hold its first meeting of the sets- m., at the Masonic Temple, to attend sloe at the Balch School, ran...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 12

…NOVEMBER 7, 1925 111EnntotilaristitAittotout 1 MARSHALL DENIES CONGRESS CHARGES ON PACT OF AMITY Nadler Furniture Company Has Opened Store at 8011 Twelfth Street. (Contnued from page 1.) • The Nadler Furniture Company, 8041 Twelfth street, is now open for business with as select a stock of fur- niture of a dependable grade as one could expect to find in any store. Mr. Nadler is not unknown to the furniture trade of Detroit. For many years...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 1

…Our New Location: 525 w OODWARD I- 1 - EbETROIT LWISII 11-1ZONICL TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1925 VOL. XVIII. NO. 11 ZIONIST ATTITUDE ON COLONIZATION IN RUSSIA STATED! Isaac Greenbaum Is Deputy to Congress WARSAW.--1.1. T. A.1 —A lively election for delegates to the Fourteenth Zionist Con- gress in Vienna is going o...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 2

…MA MOM TftEberituikk___ PAGE TWO A RABBI LEVY URGES FIGHT FOR JUDAISM A NUMERUS CLAUSUS CRITIC IMPRISONED '(the COUNCIL PL NS NEW i SECTIONS FOR WEST ISSUES REOG ISTR RUSSIA DISSOLVES F BYBIS IN U. S. "MEVOPO" IN MOSCOW NEW YORK.—Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein, president of the Union of Only Jewish Relief Organisation in Community Closed by Go•ernmest. Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, announces that it has just BERLIN.-0. T. A.)—...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 3

…PAGE THEE" _Or Mr. Doyle, Dodge Dealer, Ex-1 plains Meaning of "Good Will" in Business. The United States Supreme Court has defined good will as the disposi- tion of a pleased customer to return to the place where he has been well vested." "Good will is also," explains Mr. Doyle of the Thomas J. Doyle Com- pany, local Dodge Brothers dealer, the disposition of a customer to rec- ommend a satisfactory product to his aeighbors and friends. "It...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 4

…nEyurgth Avis,' CAGE FOUR tri Rm. ic.4 ,,•11-. NC, sZS. sic ,INS. dr. IIB EIROIT BWISII 11RONICLE Oewir MM. WOMAN= MOM W MIMI= ralillshed Weekly by The Jenieh Chronicle Publiehins Cm, Joseph J. Cummins, President and Editor Jacob H. Schakne, General Manager /whored ae Seseed-clan matter March I. 1919. et the Paton.. at Detroit. under the Alt of March I, 1179. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Ca...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 5

…jettlKIKtil Iji.111SII 61 RON rtbow AzartZe4-c r -i 81( GiAS (Copywright 1921. o sEP1+.= Procedur e PAGE FIVE kt.r. t. Bias Shows Steps in Bringing Persons From Europe To This Country. ; 141J to 1447 By Ch.., H. JosoPhl Once upon a time guiding Jewish immigrants woo a comparatively easy process. No minter how large the volume of Jewish immigration, the I see according to your friend Charley Joseph's column, "Ran- process was never...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX lrte h leteorr ksovolifozissoctr,, Engtigemritte THE BEST PLACE—AT THE BEST FOOD—AT Hudson's August Sale of THE BEST PEOPLE—GO TO LINENS KING WAH LO CAFE Cottons and Bedding Thousands of Detroit women look forward to this event as the best time of the season to buy the household linens they need for present and future use. 118 MICHIGAN AVE. (West of Kinsel's) Miss Rhea Silberta, famous pianist, composer and operatic coach,...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 7

…PAGE SEVEN Eici)uraorrfrwisii_eino ■ tar PLAN LAWN SOCIAL FOR NEXT TUESDAY SOCIETY FINISHES MOONLIGHT PLANS trj rc1; 1119c11s Old Folks Home Auxiliary Will En- tertain at Fisher Home. Bicur Cholem Affair Will Be Held on Monday Evening, Aug. 10. Everything is in readiness for the Mrs. M. P. Fisher is chairman of Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry Caplan (Dor- I sixteenth annual moonlight to be othy Nathanson) and David Nathan- the Mull social which wil...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 8

…7iwf)erRonlansnaRomictii PAGE EIGHT _ Great Agreements Of Religious Men alarriagrT1 lir. Leon Harrison of St. Louis re- r•ss. It is sad to see the prejudice of cently informed the office of the De- man against man because of his faith MAYERS-UNGER partment of Synagogue and School or his blood that runs in his veins be The home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Extension of the Union of American cause of the things which he cannot Unger, 2225 Edison ...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 9

…LT1 1 I 1 I I 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIII II 11111111111111111111 111111 111111 111 1111 111 1 11111111111 11 1 IIIIIII I II II I 11 1 111 11 111111 11111 111 111 111111111111 AVE MONE Y America's Best Furniture All of our Domestic and Oriental Rugs are included in this sale, as well as Lamps, and Sun Room Furniture. A feature of this sale will be that the old tickets remain on each article, together with that bearing On Monday, August 10th, at ...…

August 07, 1925 • Page Image 10

…AUGUST 7, 1995 Elplk:li tt efTJ E WISHIEHRL1 76 11: 11. ALIS • ASPECT CHANGED BY lik MEMBER DIVEST ntALEVIATI som 'r "t i ter's-sse SENSATIONS FOUND IN "DREYFUS CASE" IMITEDNWESURRRUCIASSI HIRSC -.REAM' COMPANY (Continued from Page 1) GARFIELD 24215380 8748 LINWOODAYE. before the investigating judge, in the course of which he said that Pantschi- chin and Fryduk had thrown the bomb at l'resident Wojciechowski. On Dec. 13 he asked tha...…

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