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August 07, 1925 - Image 5

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1925-08-07

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(Copywright 1921.

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Bias Shows Steps in Bringing
Persons From Europe To
This Country.

141J to 1447

By Ch.., H. JosoPhl

Once upon a time guiding Jewish
immigrants woo a comparatively easy
process. No minter how large the
volume of Jewish immigration, the
I see according to your friend Charley Joseph's column, "Ran-
process was nevertheless easy and the
dam Thoughts," he had Rabbi Levy write to him about Jewish
various steps were few in number.
Science. Well, you know how hard it is to be a Grouch. Some of
This has completely changed. Whilst
the funny things one sees do certainly make you laugh. here is
I the volume of Jewish immigration has
another proof of how we Jews like to ape the Christians. The Y.
been reduced the volume of work has
M. 11. A. was an imitation of the Y. M. C. A. Now along come our
not decreased. If anything, it has be.
good Jewish rabbis and tell us that they must have something for
conic greater and more intricate. More
that will be just as good as Christian Science.
details have to be dealt with and a •
the Jews
— -
larger number of affidavits has to be
Well, as niy good friend the late departed famous Police Chief Devery drawn and more personal interviews
•d to say, "concernin' which and appertainin' to" Jewish Science, I am have to be given. This is the result
mat going to take up the cudgels for Clifton Herby Levy; he started some• of the new immigration law. In form-,
thing and it is up to him to finish it. But as for the Y. M. H. A., I'm sure er (lays the work of the Hebrew Shel-
the Grouch has the wrong slant on the proposition. Only last week I had taring and Immigrant Aid Society of ,
ccasion to gently rap the knuckles of those Jews who try for admission' America (Hies) actually began when
o to the Y. M. C. A. because they want to obtain certain physical, educational, the immigrants arrived at Ellis Island.,
vocational and cultural advantages. This is why we need the Young Men's Today Hies activities have their in- I
Hebrew Association. It gives them everything they want in a Jewish en- ception in the cities in which the rein-
vironment, which is as it should be. I haven't any false pride. If the tives of the prospective immigrants
Christians realized the necessity of establishing an association to attract live
and hold their young men, why shouldn't the Jews copy the idea if it will " Here
ere are the various steps of the'
For, after all, I want to remind my colleague
benefit the young Jew?
that there is quite a gap between the period when a Jewish boy and girl are new
M P p A., living in the United States,
confirmed to the age of maturity when they affiliate themslves with a con has a relative, either father, mother,
gregation. That gap is bridged to a considerable extent by the Young Men's y sitar m• brother somewhere in Eu•
Hebrew Associations. The Jewish "Y" is i a necessit
rope. That relative must leave his
and Young Women's H
native or her native country because
today in American Israel.
—..—e ■ -e--
of conditions there. The American I
Henry Ford celebrated a birthday the other day and he- says that he relative receives a letter from the kin
i in the "Hymn in Europe that he or she desires to
likes old songs. Probably that's why he is so much interested
of Hate" that he unconsciously sings in his paper each . week. I use the' come here. The former writes to Hies
that he doesn't - for information. Now Hies begins to I
term "unconsciously" advisedly, for Henry himself admits
read the articles that go into his paper, that he doesn't always approve of function. Having given the informs-,
them, that he doesn't authorize them. Therefore, inasmuch as Ford issue tion, it is next a question of preparing
read his own paper, he may be interested to learn that in a recent Issue I the necessary affidavits. Hies does
; (quite
an article appeared in which he announced
unconsciously) that D An.: that. These affidavits are sent to the
nunzio, the famous Italian poet, is a Jew, and that Fascism is the protector prospective immigrants for presenta- '
of the Jews in Italy. My reports of the situation in Italy differ from Mr. tion to the governmental officials in or- ,
Ford's—Mussolini has not shown himself especially friendly to the Jews . der to obtain passports and visas.
In fact he has been accused of being an anti-Semite. As for D Annunzio ' Having secured these affidavits, they
cur- European offices of Inas aid, in many
orn .
being a Jew, I want a bigger authority than a Dearborn

that ante distinguished exponent of ways, in the obtaining of the passports i
respondent. I recall q
and visas. When that is accomplished,
half-truth tagged an Irishman as a Jew.
i notified an d
the American relative s
Oh, blouse, Mr. Blease, for why you do such things? I note where in he once again gets in touch with Flies.,
South Carolina in recognition of its distinguished Senatorial bigot who The next step is Ellis Island, in the i
would have every teacher who functions as a guide for the youthful mind case of third class passengers, or at
affirm a belief in the divinity of Jesus before permitting her to find a place' the steamship piers, if the immigrants
in the public schools of that state, the university distributed a Bible with I arrive second cabin. Hies represeen.
every diploma to the graduates. I nominate Cole Blease for President, and , tatives are there to meet them, bring
Blab! Blah! for Vice-President, with bigotry for the campaign slogan. them to the Hies Home, if necessary,
and effect the re-union with the rein-

A columnist in the Philadelphia Jewish Times, who calls himself The
Grouch," cracks a smile long enough to remark:

First Important Presentation


Our Popular-Price Dress Section
(Fourth Moor) Offers 1,500 Ihwnd New
Dresses to lie Offered at a Special Price

The great success of our Popular-Price Dress Depart-
ment the past season has been commented upon by every-
one. Women have praised our dresses and our values
and have given us a very large business.
Now autumn is coming, and we are determined to con-
tinue our policy of showing the newest, smartest dresses
at low prices on an even bigger scale than ever.
You will tied in this first event all the newest, most
fashionable frocks fresh from the designers' hands. They
are copies and adaptations of the recent Paris and New
York successes reproduced to sell at this low price of $15.
Included are—


The new cape-back

Will someone please tell me why it is that every time the Presi-
dent Arthur, the so-called Jewish ship, leaves Nw York for Palestine,
the police hav to be called out to maintain order? Eye-witnesses
report disgraceful scenes, such as Jews pulling each other by the
3 U ,.
, .t.
be trusted to behave on a Jewish
. Frankly, if Jews cannot
ship without police reserves, how can they be trusted, should it ever
happen, when once they are allowed to get hold of the Jewish ship
of state. And please don't call me names. 1 am a Zionist. I am a

bolero dress.

starting from the knee.
The dress with high collar, lined with gold cloth.
The tailored dress, with long tight sleeves and mannish
The tight basque dress, with flare skirt, and wide velvet
The black satin dress with tie-in-back flowing from the neck.
The chenille dress, also satin and chenille combined.
The poiret twill dress with wide leather belt, cape back
tight sleeves and high tailored collar.
The ailvertone sport dress for high school and college girls

The dress with circle flounces,

1 once heard Scott Nearing say that economic selfishness was at the tives. If going to places outside of
New York City, the relatives are com-
bottom of every war. And I heard him "booed" because he said it by a'
group of 100 per cent fire eaters who stood directly behind me. So it is municated with to verify the correct-
refreshing to have not a radical but a conservative diplomat and statesman ness of the address of the destination;
corroborate that which seems to me to be a self-evident truth. Count Cip- the immigrants are entrained and
pies, Italian senator, delivered and address at the Institute of Politics at sufficient food supplied to them to last
Williamstown, Mass., the other day, in which he took occasion to drive for the entire journey.
If the immigrants are taken to El-
home the truth that war for the time being is a necessity, a cruel necessity,
perhaps, but a necessity, nevertheless, to secure for a nation •a "place in lis Island, the Hies representative
the sun," and that disarmament congresses, popular peace movements and then endeavors to render all possible
the like were futile so long as the present world conomic struggle is going aid to them and their relatives, and if
on It may be of interest to those who do not want to see what they do not they' are excluded, the Was Washing-
like to see that Major Gen. Frederick Maurice at the same institute deliv- ton Bureau presents the appeal to the
ered the cheerful message that he did not think there would be another Board of Review.
Once landed and all united, the pro-
European war for 20 years.
cess of Americanization begins.

Page Mr. Freud, my dear Dr. Blau. I would consider Rabbi Jed Blau
a man with a conservative, well balanced mind and when he deli•.ers him-
self of a statement like this, it should be taken at its full value:



All these extremely smart new modes will be found in this
remarkable collection of dresses at $15.


at a modest price
We invite the woman who wants
—we invite the woman who wants her clothes-money to bring
her the utmost amount of value—to attend this very important
dress event. We want to show her something of what this re-
markable store with its remarkable buying power can do
for her.

-- -- - -

-'71%;/-,-N ■ 7-1775.._ __ 1


' Ed e r he Detro J ewish
ar T Sir:—Will y ou kindly oni
I me a bit of space in your paper in re-

00 'i


s .

The Race Myth Crumbles


(Continued from lass page.)

July 31 of your paper on "Europe
I and Tennessee."
You criticize the European press
for poking fun at America and judg-
ing America as if it were a uniform,

South; or, in the case of Germany, is
her culture primarily the product of
the Nordics in the North or the Al-
pines in the gouth? That there is no
basis whatever for the assumption of
Jewish racial unity or purely to give
aid and comfort to either Zionists or
anti-Semites was admirably shown by
Professor B. Dixon in the article
which he contributed a couple of years
hack to The Nation's series on the
Jewish problem. Even if we could feel

Jeanne Ehrlich; lavatory inspector,
Dorothy Stone; chief bed inspector,
Dorothy Stone and her assistants,
Mary llozman and Ruth Stone; gar-
den commissioner, Bobby Ehrlich.

nantly non-Nordic, and that the non-
awarded prizes for efficient services:
Nordic element was certainly as large
Lawrence Silverman, police commis-
as the Nordic in nuulieval England,
sioner, a gun; Ida and Bessie Cook,
which was not "swept clean" of the
garbage commissioners, bathing suits;
Celts during the Germanic invasions.
Dorothy and Ruth Stone, bed inspec-
I am afraid that our folks are inclined to be emotional, Mr. Blau. We homogeneous
on account
the recent trial
at Dayton,
Tenn. Did
The facts of history constitute more
tors, a tennis racket and tennis ball;
shouldn't blame they too much. They were probably born that way.
it occur to you that in your editorial ot an indi
ctment of the political abil-
Jeanne Ehrlich, fly commissioner,
re guilty o f the same o ffense ' ity of the Nordics than a demonstra- sure, which we certainly cannot, that mouth organ; Margaret and Ethel
,.. ott wl:
ng at the en
The lady who died recently and bequeathed $100 to her pet dog probably South,
in and
of ignorance
il- lion of their unusual capacity in this there is any important relationship Stone, paper commissioners, a row
field. The most striking political or- between race and culture, the hopeless boat and whistle; Bobby Ehrlich,
believed that even a dog can't go through life without a scent.
, literacy, anti even poking fun at the . genizations of early modern Europe mixture of European races since the aeroplane; Lillian Silverman, an au-
Neolithic period would, then, most as-
I hope the Lord's Day Alliance of New York State doesn't expect any , Southern boys who gave their all in
,. : were e the despotisms of Spain and suredly brand as nonsense any at- tomobile; Rose Stone, an Indian boat;
person of intelligence to take its statement seriously when it announces the world war, on account of one la ' - Bourbon France, while the Central
Willie Stone, a sprinkling can, and
tempt at a racial interpretation of the
European and Scandinavian countries
Lois Waterstone, a doll. Ethel Cooper
that it wants to give the people an opportunity to study the Sabbath ques- in one Southern state.
you offer an apology for Europe,
hy, the whole Lid's
politically backward and history of the various European was chosen police commissioner be-
tion on its merits and not through prejudice. Why,
The Germanic states. This fact can probably best be cause of Lawrence Silverman's de-
Alliance has a basis of prejudice! It simply wants to ram down the throats saying that it is by reason of distance'
driven home by a concrete illustration.
parture and Anna Kahn was elected
of other persons who do not believe as it does its rules and regulations for anti lack of specific information that I statess
There is no better one than the follow-
sheriff. Samuel Silverman, aged 7,
ing summary by Karl Pearson of the
to the period of Bismarck's statesman-
holds the position of the canip secret
to legislate against golf, or motoring, or concerts on Sunday? These zealots apology have you to offer,
racial heredity of Charles Darwin,
would, I suppose, prefer to have young men hanging around on street car. a few hundred miles away and in a ship following 1860. If one were to
service man.
long pointed to as physically and men-
nets, smoking cigarets, instead of getting off into some back lot and playing center of culture and education?
accept for a minute the thesis of the
May I give you a bit of information racial determination in politics, Euro- tally a typical Englishman:
such organizations as the Lord's Day
a game of baseball. The fault
Most of the fashionable pleasures
n history since the fall of the !In-
to o God's think- which no doubt will be a revelation
lliance is that they, in their own prejudiced minds, try
lines from Irish kinglets; he is des- are too miserable to bear thinking
dould be a new to you as well as to many of your man Empire would constitute about
ing for Him. The day is fast approaching
when sh
cended in AS many lines from Scottish about. That is why intellect is so un-
understanding of what religion really is. It is not a set of rules and
Our Tennessee law makers are not to erect for the relative political tare- and Pictish kings. Ile has Manx popular.
all college graduates, but citizens of I parity of these very Nordics, whose blood. lie claims descent in at least
three lines from Alfred the Great, and
worth and practical good sense,,
In this connection it may be interesting to read a statement from Mrs. strong in their belief in the Bible unique political force and subtlety has so links up with Anglo-Saxon blood,
Florence Standish, a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church:
but he links up also in several lines
and devoted to the religious opinions writers
been argued
from Drown and the Maur-
of their fathers. By arousing
ers to Stubbs, Freeman, Fiske, iler- with Charlemagne and the Carloving-
Among all the religious organizations of the world there is to be
, playing upon the religious prejudices . Bert Baxter Adams, and Burgess. Of ions. Ile sprang also from the Saxon
found only one which has religious liberty as one of the foundation
of the legislators and misrepresent- course, the sane historian will disre- emperors of Germany, as well as from
pillars of its faith—the Seventh Day Adventists. Freedom of con-
ing the scientists, certain propagan- card the racial interpretation of po- Barharessa and the Hohenstaufens.
science has been one of its fundamental doctrines since the begin-
discs succeeded in their mission and, ' litical history as a whole, and under- Ile had Norwegian blood and much
sing of its existence. In this respect this denomination is abso-
unfortunately, the anti-evolution law ', stand that, in all probability, the po- Norman blood. Ile had descent from
lutely unique. At the present time, when every other church de-
the dukes of Bavaria, of Saxony, of
was passed.
litical backwardness of Germany was
mends laws either in favor of its own creeds or against the creeds of
The South is not lacking in scien. caused by certain specific historical Flanders, the princes of Savoy, and
others it stands out in striking contrast to all the rest of the Christian
tific education or any branch of edu- situations and accidents of an ecclesi- the kings of Italy. Ile had the blood in
world. This church alone still has left in it enough faith in God to
of Georgia astical, geographic and economic type.. his veins of Franks, Alumnus, Merov-
U nivers
, ca tion.
be willing to depend on the power of love to perpetuate existence.
ingians, Burgundians, and Longbards.
ty eat
The s tate uniy
was the first
--- -....-4-----
In the case of England and our own He sprang in direct descent from the
I recommend that statement to the Lord's Day Alliance and to other I fished in this nation. This coming country the race myth has been that Hun rulers of Hungary and the Greek
ander lt U
e as they do through I fll
celebrate its semi- variant of the Nordic obsession known emperors of Constantinople. If I rec-
Fundamentalist groups that want to make others believe
! v ine, VTenn., w ill
[ centennial; this universtiy is the cen- as the "Anglo-Saxon Myth." It was coleet rightly, Ivan the Terrible pro-
use of the power of the state.
a group incuding the famous based essentially upon the contention vides a Russian link. There is prob-
her of
A lady of the old fashioned school writes me to ask what can be done Peabody College for Teachers, giving that most of the unique political vir- ably not one of the races of Europe
of the foremost educe- tire of the Nordics migrated from concerned in folk-wanderings which
to improve the manner of our young women; that they resort to the custom
(•)• Nashvillene
the use of paint to make themselves attractive
tional positions in North America. Germany with the Anglos, Saxons has not had a share in the ancestry
ef the "savages" i n
IA us not lose hope. 'Way back in 1717 an advertisement appearing in There are excellent colleges in the Jutes and Danes, and took up its of Charles Darwin. If it has been
' state of Tennessee and throughout abode among the Nordic immigrants possible in the case of one Englishman
a British journal called the Post Boy says:
to the B ritish Isles, wh o wer o su p - of this kind to show in a considerable
the South where seientific study is po
sed to have cleare d thi s area e f th e number of lines how impure is his
At the Dove and Golden Ball in Salisbury Court dwelleth a gen-
' carried on.
of thnt Celts. The Ameri- race, can we venture to assert that if
I fickl e and
tlewoman that prepares the most excellent cosmetics or beautifiers
and beautifying creams an d an
e Ang o-Saxon myth 1 the like knowledge were possible of
on e
yet known; as the Nun's white pots g
e best in the Angl
attainment, we could expect greater
s hows that i
distinguish when on the face and will not
thgenius likewi se left purity of blood in any of his country-
cent y ears has been re- contendepolitical
us, at no person
a dvance in rec
can also alter red or grey hair, and sets in artificial
men?—The Nation.
off, she
rub off.
1485,000 pupils in its schools in 1900 the colonization of America. It came
the towns ip
to fruition
- ment
$1,751,000; on 642,-
I am afraid, my dear lady, that women will be women. There's very Tennessee spent
of New inEngland and, hon
000 pupils in 1922 it spent $15 , 155
000. In 1900 the entire South spent scale, in the Federal Republic estab-
title hope.
$35,000,000 on public education, dished in 1787. The researches of
Road to Camp:
000 000 in the physical anthropologists and cultural
.oncerning mmi gration to Palestine. compare
t $215 „
d w
In answer to a request for the road
A resolution adopted by the execu- , country as a whole. Twenty-two years historians have demonstrated both the
to the Mothers Camp at White Lake,
ive committee urges the completion later, the Southern outlay had ad- racial and institutional fallacies in
motorists are advised to take the fol-
of the building of the World Yeshibah eanced 90 per cent in comparison this theory. England, after the Ger- lowing: Go out Grand River to Red-
in Lublin, Poland, before the
ac. , with the expenditure for the en- manic conquests, remained certainly ford, then through Farmington, Novi,
Will Conclude Agreement With Zion. Holidays. The new building
, tire United States, which increased as much non-Nordic as Nordic. The
!United States has been from the New Hudson, Milford, Highland; turn
tats. Continue Purchase of Land.
commodate 60 students.
right at gas station and follow gravel
Another resolution adopted urged 75° It per
is a cent.
record of which the South , colonial period a most mixed popula-
road to camp. The road is paved
VIENNA.—(J. T. A.)—A number greater vigilance over the religious as- i justly proud and shows that the . ties. Finally, most of the institutions
through Highland and only the last
,, f questions affecting the attitude of peel of the Hebrew educational system'
three miles are gravel.
the Agudath Israel, the orthodox Jew- in Palestine. A commission to con• ..
at the illiteracy in that section "Anglo-Saxon" were in few cases de.
ish World Organization, and its atti- tinue negotiations with the Zionists ,
e either unfair or ignorant of what rived from Germany at all, but have Camp Notes:
tude toward other Jewish organiza- was elected consisting of Dr. Kohn, , a IA being done to raise its standard of been the result of the interaction of
Mrs. Anna Margolis of Grand River
various historic forces and situations
tions were considered and acted upon Jacob Rosenheim and Rabbi Moses , education in the Southern states.
more or less uniquely English or Am- avenue was presented with a box of
at a general meeting of the executive Blau of Palestine. The executive al-
water lilies in honor of her eighteenth
committee of the organization held so decided to continue the purchase of I
It is scarcely necessary to call at- wedding anniversary.
land in Palestine.
Mrs. Dora Cooper was presented
tention to the manner in which the
Dr. Pinches Kohn, president, Jacob
racial mixture in the with a box of chocolates in honor of
Resenheim, Deputy Rabbi Shapiro, the
BERLIN. — (J. T. A.) — Borkum,
birthday anniversary.
Chassidic Rabbi of Czortkow, Bar
the renowned German summer resort historic nations of Europe rules out as
The following camp officers were
utterly impossible the thesis of the
Friedman, Rabbi First, Nahum Ros-
VIENNA.—(J. T. A.) — Sir Her on the North Sea, of Borkum hymn
of the Cusp:
enfeld and others were present.
bert Samuel, former High Commis- fame, is again the scene of intenseracial determination of European his-
In addition to the resident director,
• The chief topic discussed at the sioner of Palestine, paid tribute to ■ nti.Jewish propaganda. The cam- I tory. Even if we were to grant, for dietician and nurse, the camp staff
meeting was the result of the last con- the memory of Dr. Teoor
Bent, , paten of bigotry and hatred is head. example, that the culture of Germany consists of the following: Police com-
the organ. ed by the Protestant priest Muench- or the culture of France is unique and
ference between the representatives founder and first leader
the product of • definite racial basis, missioner, Lawrence Silverman; gar-
of the Agudath and the Zionist Organ- lied Zionist movement, when he vis- toyer.
bage commissioners, Ida and Bessie
A score of owners of the largest shall we assign this culture, in the
ization in London. The executives de- ited grave recently.
Cook, twin sisters aged 7 years; pa -
hotels in Borkum have announce case of France, to the Nordics of the
cided to confirm the agreement con-
per commissioners, Margaret Stone
their withdrawal from the Protestant I Northeast, the Alpines of the Central
cluded concerning the purchase of land
Virtue consists not in abstaining
and Ethel Stone; fly commissioner,
I portion, or the Mediterranean' of the
in Palestine and authorized its rep-
church in protest.
resentatives to continue negotiations from



WARSAW,—(J. T. A.)—The high-
est figure of Jewish emigration from
Poland to Palestine was reached re-
cently when a party of 1,000 emi-
grants left fur Palestine. Another
party consisting of 600 emigrants left
the next day.
It has become a permanent feature
of Jewish life in Poland that at set
dates when emigrant groups leave the
central railway station in Warsaw on
their way to I'alestine, crowds of rela-
tive's and friends assemble at the de-
pot to bid them farewell. During these
gatherings, which are in character
more a demonstration of public senti-
ment than a farewell ceremony, scenes
resembling the early stages of Jewish
emigration from Russia to America
during the Czarist persecutions occur,
with the difference that in former days
a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety
prevailed, while now joy and satisfac-
tion are expressed.

I no longer desire happiness; life Is
nobler than that.

The Cost of
Gas Service

Over three billion dollars has
been spent in the develop-
ment of the gas industry in
the United States.

That is approximately $28
for every man, woman and
child in the country to
render the gas service that
you find so convenient.






This tremendous invest-
ment brings to about half
of our population econom-
ical heat—a service that is
always ready.

Thinking in terms of the
cost of establishing and
maintaining gas service—
and its convenience to you
— what service or com-
modity can you buy as
cheaply as gas?


Moe rre....1 Geo. Ms,

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