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April 06, 1950 • Page Image 1

…d Center CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 CHRONICLE Vol. 52—No. 14 •kr,; ; "7,027 ,̀ Thursday, April 6, 1950 10c a Copy —$3 Per Year Hope for Peace, Austerity Mark Pesach in Israel TEL AVIV (WNS) Though strict rationing and aus- terity has been the rule of the land, Jewish housewives began preparing for the Passover holiday weeks in advance, buying matzoth, storing food, cleaning homes, and doing all the chores connected with the ...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 2

…Americo lavish Periodical 0 Governor to Ask Absentee Ballot Right for Jews Clark Adams, legal adviser to Gov. G. Mennen Williams, in- formed the Jewish Community Council of the governor's decision to submit to the State Legislature a message requesting an amend- ment to the laws governing elec- tions, so that Jewish voters may exericse their citizens' right in the primary, which falls this year on the first day of Rosh Hash- anah. The govern...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 3

…I Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, April 6, 1950 Page 3 Canadian Anti-Semites and U. S. Jew Haters Unite By PHINEAS J. BIRON IF WE UNDERSTAND correctly an interesting article by Will Maslow in the March 27 issue of Congress Weekly, it would seem that although American Jews are under heavy anti-Semitic pres- sure they feel secure. The reason for this feeling of se- curity, Maslow writes, is b...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 4

…Afflericam ( 7ewish Periodical Ca DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 4 Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. WOodward 1-1090 2827 Cadillac Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. SEYMOUR TILCHIN Publisher GERHARDT NEUMANN EMILY...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 5

…G unter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO • I Krolik Re-elected Page S DETROIT JEWISII CHRONICLE, Thursday, April 6, 1950 Buai Brith 1 Mrs. Hubner Highhuhu to Address Fund W orkersv Morgenthau Lodge BRYOutlook to Social Council Listen to the Jewish Chronicle Hour, the best in radio. at 10:45 a.m. Sundays over WK5111. By JOAN HENCKEN Julian H. Krolik and Mrs. For a 1950 Buick See ALL AZA AND BBG Chapters Hyman C. Broder were re- •...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 6

…American ,7ewisli Periodical a Thursday, April G, 1950 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 6 gn the tRealm of Local Society Engagement Announced Final Group Meetings Set by Hadassah Detroit chapters of Hadassah will hold their last group meet- ings of the season Tuesday. New group officers for next fall will be elected. University west and Bagley will meet at Northwest Hebrew Congregation for a child welfare luncheon, an Israeli supplies show...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 7

…I Cemter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Page 7 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE , Thursday, April 6, 1950 Troth Revealed Women s Sets June Date Society notes Mr. and Mrs. Simon Berkowitz of Chicago boulevard are visiting in Philadelphia. Club Spending a fortnight in St. Louis are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simons of Rochester avenue. Beth Aaron Sisterhood will meet Monday. The group meets for cancer pad sewing at noon Wednesdays. The annua...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 8

…Amerkaii Jewish Periodical Page 8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE ,Thursday, April 6, 1950 ence C. Paxton (by Legler Paxton); or Ellie Krupsky; Mildred V. Niemi, Sofia Winiski; Ben Novik; Stephan P. Albert Sampson; Max C: Or Emma Henry J. Linderman; Eugene C. Marshall; Leo Adler; Josephine Reed; MI•s. Von Mack; Mrs. B. Edelman (Trustee) Thompson; Mrs. Pauline Hill (Tr) Eve- Eugene C. Jablonski; Edward T. or Joseph Edelman; Allen W. or Florence LE...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 9

…'171 Ceder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Page 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, April 6, 1950 JWV Women Plan Luncheon It's none other than the Conn- a-Moors hay ride. Those who attended included members and dates Barbara Kohen with Gene Cohen, Joan Kleiman and Norm Goldin, Lee By HELEN TENNENBAUM Rev. William B. Sperry will be guest speaker at the third annual A LTHOUGH THIS is the begin- Werber with Harry Kronen, Jewish War Ve...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 10

…Americo 'elvish Periodical e Page 8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, April 6, 1950 • ence C. Paxton (by Legler. -PaXt011): or Ellie Krupsky; Mildred V. Niemi, Sofia Winiski; Ben Novik; Stephan P. Mrs. Albert Sampson; Max C: or Emma Henry J. Linderman; Eugene C. Marshall; Leo Adler; Josephine Reed; Von Mai*: Mrs. B. Edelman (Trustee) Thompson; Mrs. Pauline Hill (Tr) Eve- Eugene C. Jablonski; Edward 'I'. or Joseph Edelman; Allen W. or Flo...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 11

…e ellter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO C DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, April 6, 1950 JWV Women Teen-Age Sophisticates Plan Luncheon Rev. William B. Sperry will be guest speaker at the third annual Jewish War Veterans Ladies Auxiliary Goodwill Luncheon at 1 p.m. Monday in Kern's audi- torium. He will speak on "The Dual Role of Veteran and Citizen." Mildred Mantell-Brasch will sing, accompanied by Marion Fleisher. The Auxilia...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 12

…American Yewish Periodical DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE rage 10 Thursday, April 6, 1950 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Klock; Norman or Lillian Fealk; Lau a Moore; C. D. Mosher; Ignace Capizzi; Anna Irene Saint John: M. B. Smith; Mr. or Mrs. P. P. Barker: Mrs. Vera ELDERLY couple desire 4 or 5 room Egglesfield and Gertrude Lillian Eggles. income or apt. In N. W. section. VE. field; Nellie N. Cottrell; Georgina Phil- 8-5990. lips; Roman Kels...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 13

…wl Ceder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, Milo LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION Con areffations List Services Harry H. Janower, C. If. Lehman, Attorneys, 502 Lawyers Bldg., (26). No. 377,728 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the twenty-second day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty. Present Wil- liam...…

April 06, 1950 • Page Image 14

…American Jewish Periodical Ca '•' Page 12 Thursday, April 6, 1950 CHRONICLE JEWISH DETROIT JWV Hashomer Hatzair Stands as Symbol of Youth's Effort to Realize Ideal Bulletin Hadassah B and P Slates Meeting Rabbi Moses Lehrman of Bnai Moshe will review Overstreet's "The Mature Mind" at a meeting of the Hadassah B and P at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, at the Book Cadillac Hotel. "Do You Know," a discussion of Hadassah projects, will b...…

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