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March 28, 1947 • Page Image 1

…Thirty-two Years of Service to Detroit Tewrt; AN UNAFFILIATED, INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. 49, No. 13 and The Lega',,ti , DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FP SEE RECIPE FOR PASSOVER ON PAGE 5 ..e 23, 1947 10c a Copy; $3 Per Year Launch Allied Jew Campaign May 6 Extra UN Session on Zion Near British Guns Over Jerusalem The Allied Jewish Cam- paign in Detroit will run from May 6 to 16 and Fred M. Butzel, venerable com- ...…

March 28, 1947 • Page Image 1

…JEWISH NEWS $5,335,000! DetreWs Allied A Weekly Review Jewish Campaigo Goal for 1947 VOL XI—NO. 2 of Jewish Events 2114 Penobscot Bldg. Detroit 26, Mich., March 28, 1947 3140p.22 $3.00 Per Year; Copy, 10c Fred M. Butzel Chosen to Head Detroit's Drive for $5,335,000 Aronsson Is Named Head of Special. Gifts; Drive to Open May 6 Announcement by Julian H. Krolik, president of the Jewish welfare Federation of Detroit, of the selec- tio...…

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