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October 19, 1928 • Page Image 1

…Amalfi Avisk Periacal &ter CLIFTON 8818V8 • cimaNNall 30, MKS ■ 11 All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS 11- EbETROI1 LWISII 11-RONICIA e. TELEFHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN LOCAL LEADERS TO Beth El College Classes Resumed ATTEND NATIONAL NON-ZIONIST MEET Courses in Religion, History And Literature Are Populptr. Brown, Dr. Franklin and Stern Accept Louis Mar- shall's Invitation. ...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO $500,000 Bond Issue For Commonwealth Z. 0. A. Executive Protests Wailing Wall Incident ; Ask Hadassah Aid. • NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.)—Pal- estinian and American problems vitally affecting the Zionist move- ment in the United States were discussed and action taken at the meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organi- zation of America held all day Sunday at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Elihu D. Stone, ...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 3

…-. Ty net' en (wish Periodical Carta CLIPTOM AMOS • OUICIMMATI 30, OHIO PAGE THREE EWISA ORM lic4 DETROIT HADASSAH OPENS ACTIVITIES Annual Musical Tea Nov. 13; Sewing Begins This Wednesday. A tine attendance greeted the season's opening meeting of De- troit Chapter of Hadassah on Tues- day afternoon, Oct. 16, at Hotel Stotler. Mrs. J. IL Ehrlich, chair- man of the chapter, presided. The matter of Hadassah's sum- mer emergency fund w...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 4

…TBEVEFROfljE111811ffiR0/4 'az W1 1".16:17:asIztyktutztg,utr!. ." 6 / 4 'Ict=tz, frekuutszutz' PIEVEMIl*WISRORONICLE Publisher' Weekly ey The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Ca., Inc. President Sec retar y and Treasurer Managing Editor Advertising Manager JOS7PH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE PHILIP SLOMOV 11 Z MAURICE M. SAFIR lEntered as Second-class matter March 3. 1916, at the Porton. at Detroit, Mich.. under the Act of March I. 1879. Ge...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 5

…Yearish Periodical eater CLIPTON MIMI • ClNaNNATI 20, OHIO ThEYATROITIEWISH et "CALL MAUL for Office Supplies" INCREASED EFFORT FOR SCHOOLS HERE URGED AT DINNER (Continued from Page One.) 0. A. MAUL COMPANY STATIONERS ENGRAVERS PRINTERS 519 Woodward Ave. Randolph 0748 S U BWAY FLOWER S1 -10P FLAILS FORA tte'ASIONS i CHAS. H WENINANnes 227 0HIAT1C17 AVE 4 iP CHERRY 9171 Modernistic Wrist Watches Never before such an exquisite wa...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX ThEDLTROIT,AWIS/16. 1BONICIA COMPLETE PLANS FOR SCHOOLS LEAGUE BALL TO BE HELD OCT. 28 (. Betrothal Announced Three Important Types in FUR COATS The Nerthwest•rn Women's League met Tuesday evening at the the Byron-Philadelphia hall. SILK STOCKINGS at $350 ask for Eta Chapter of Phi Sigma Sig- number 530 *1.95 box of 3 pairs, $5.70 silk-to-the-top MISS MOLLIE SAPERSTEIN Mrs. Sophie Saperstein of 538 Alger avenue announc...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 7

…ewisk Periodical Cc liter mitnoti AMU[ • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN 7iIE)/TROrdiW18/1(1- 1R0Nicu r 7•8 •S ess r es c ociat and; Qrsonkti Shep l'OrgginalA,l," ill ESEll 144 0 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geller, form- erly of Cortland avenue, are now resisting in their new home at 3030 Lawrence avenue. ACA JOU/ ti Sol II. Levy of West Bos- ton boulevard, and Mrs. A. Fine- berg of Calvert avenue will be joint hostesses at a personal showe...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT MEDelmon,pimpfftpomicm music =musicians Oberhoffer Proves a Really Remarkable Musician. By HERMAN HOEXTER. Emil Oberhoffer, that 'sterling musician who for many years di- rected the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, and Vladimir Horowitz, Russian pianist who last season net the East afire with the sweep and power of his youthful genius; these two made the second pair of subscription concerto of the De- troit Orchestra an event...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 9

…'we g Awisk Pedalled Carta CLIFTON AVENU1 CINCINNATI 20, ONTO PIEPeritorr mut 28 p. es • ss • EN k.)--- abeth st It Km • - - - - 43,581 JEWS LIVE IN JAFFA AND TEL AVIV TEL AVIV.-(J. T. A.) -The Jewish population of Tel Aviv and Jaffa numbers 43,581, accord- ing to a census taken during the month of September. The popu- lation of Tel AVIV proper is 36,- 574, The number of Jewish men in the two towns is 21,603.• There are two cente...…

October 19, 1928 • Page Image 10

…flEDETROIT SWISRtft RONICLC .1 ■ 1•111. Y. W. H. A. NOTES 1- YOUR LAUNDRY INDIVIDU- ALLY-WASHED AND CARE- FULLY HAND IRONED Mary Davis HAND LAUNDRY On Monday evening, Oct. 29, the Y is planning another theater party for its members and their friends at the Michigan Theater. After the performance the party will taxi to the Masonic Temple where a buffet supper will be serv- ed and where dancing and bridge will be enjoyed. "Y" Choral Soci...…

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