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June 17, 1921 • Page Image 1

…A merican loath Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO it Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printeclg lish RE bETROIT AMISH II-RON MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921. VOL. X. NO. 4. URGES JEWS GUIDE ANCIENT HERITAGE FOR OWN BENEFIT New Telephone I GLENDALE New Temple Begun Simple Service at Beth El Dedication Lasker to Head Shipping Board Member of American Jewish Committee S...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 2

…litElertoorr jiaKornaL onsi PAGE TWO LIGHT "At-WTI EcmSTEEHOMESEFESFea THE HEAVENLY Shevuoth. VA." LM - When Israel in the wilderness Had (led from Pharaoh's cruel might, The eternal sent, to lead them on, A cloud by day, a fire by night. Our Entire Stock And, guided by that heavenly flame. The beacon from Jehovah's hand, The chosen people safely reached Their destined goal, the promised land. Of Very Fine A lamp of radiant, glowing h...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 3

…Amerkalt Avish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON ATINITI • CINCINNATI o, OHIO PAGE 714REL fitE9LTROIVD1151161KOliICAL in my red handkerchief! Nobody has been near me except my neighbor. "Then well go and viett your neighbor," said the officers. And they rushed into the oil store, seized the oil merchant and, after questioning him roughly, began to search him. It Designed to reduce did not take them long to find the the figure and give red handkerc...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR Tiis PeiRegikw4 Pginiou C itit omcg, to gain world dominance. We said at the time that the Jews are extreme individualists and that they lack to an unusual (Our 1 degree that power of co-operation which is the first expression O of a genius for political government. Indeed, if there is any (Ernitrinpurarirs MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION one thing which more than another successfully disputes the ...0.-0**********00otx)o-o-apo...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 5

…,Americor Yavisk &risk-cal eater CLIIITON AV11401 - CLICIMINATI 30, OM PAGE FIVE ETROMF451 ROT4IGIL INSPIRING SERVICES LANSING LITERARY URGES JEWS GUIDE CONTEST IS WON BY MARK CONFIRMATION ANCIENT HERITAGE (Continued from Page 1) M. A. C. JEWISH BOY FOR OWN BENEFIT while Bernice Solomon gave the chin- H. E. Segelin Awarded Prise for ing prayer. Essay on "Tennyson and Evo- The Temple Choir, assisted by Mr. lution." should come this other i...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 6

…I I I I I I I I " " I — _ _ - e 'se 72 • 1.1" Ari Is/I Ro MIMI.1•1 JUNE BRIDE C itAzel A Advi nce Showing of All Society Items and other local notes should he communicated to the uffice of the Chronicle l,y S o'clock each Wednesday afternoon in order to appear in the current week's issue, Rune Glendale 8326, Society Editor. Mail notices so as to be received not lat. than Wednekday. Long-Tailored Models $48 - $65 Equal to $75 ...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 7

…A merkair Pinsk periodical Cotter artNus • CINCINSATt so, °WO PAGE SEVEN 14frYBOTJEWISital ROA KU GANAPOL GRADUATE TO ••• ■ ••••••••••••*"' GIVE PIANO RECITAL! prin titur No tes IBSIEGEL DETROIT, MICHIGAN No Connection With Any Other Store. Polo Sport Coats $25.00 Our assortment of Polo Coats at this price for women and misses is so varied that selection will be found easy. Materials are of Wool l'elours, Camel's Hair Po- los. Fancy ...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 8

…IPTROTTJE111511#10 1111114 PAGE EIGHT The CHRONICLE Offers 500 $60.00 "Victory" Bicycles FREE to Michigan Boys and Girls Bicycles delivered as soon as 35 subscriptions to The Chronicle are secured Pay No Money Collect No Money Boys and girls living out- Boys! The "Victory" FELLOWS who have always want- ed a Bicycle—think of the fun of bike- hiking this summer on your own Bicycle —think of the ways in which you can make real money when ...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 9

…Pm' 7itEveraortitivisveRoltalL For All Makes of Cars." Phone Glendale 7942 4750 Woodward Ave. Alemite Lubricators ALEMITE LUBRICATING CO. OF MICH. Auburn Beauty Six S • learoom: 5931 Woodward Market 48634. Service Station: 59 Harper Northway 5103, Market 317 1 STARTING — LIGHTING — IGNITION For Automobiles, Trucks ■ and Motor Boats. Genuine Parts — Factory Service AUTO ELECTRIC & SERVICE CORP. 91.109 Selden Avenue Phone Glendale ...…

June 17, 1921 • Page Image 10

…fsPencorrionsaelRallai p_ PAGE TEN MSUISSIESIM WOODWARD AVE. Select Dancing Nightly Palais de Danse It is definitely established that the next Zionist Congress will convene on September 1. • • • • Arthur Ruppin, member of the Zionist Commission, left for Europe. Dr . Eder is now the only remaining member of the Commisision. Particular People Prefer the Palate Strictly censored. Highest standard Miss Detroit Cigar Ambassador Wallace at...…

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