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September 16, 1938 • Page Image 1

…America fewisk Palatial! Carta CLIFTON AVILNUIL • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO o = Z ". ...x m00 0ro ttoo soo"'" fil- EfiETROIT EWISII &RONICL1 THE ONLY ANGLO-JIM All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS NEWSrAPER PRINTED c IN MICHIGAN . CHRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONIC Per Year, $3.00; Pei Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1938 VOL. XL NO. 17 TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 Golub's Survey of Hospital t\s, GOLDMAN CHA...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO I - 1 1 SHIR TS No matter what you pay s no laundry can launder a finer shirt c Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Bern- stein of 2633 Richton Ave. have donated a Sefer Torah to the Jewish Home for Aged. Special services In connection with the presentation will be a part of the closing exercises of 5 sea t is WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 18 !kir!. . H 1 5100 DAMP lbs' Flat Pieces careful! Additional Pounds 1544e lb. A VERY I...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 3

…Americo( ffewish Pei** eater CLIP•TON AFENU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PE)entorKir.wisn et RON ICLE September 16, 1938 PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SALE of 10,000 Fine DINNER SETS It's the most outstanding sale of dinnerware in years and just in time to meet your needs. 10,000 beautiful sets of china, porcelain and earthenware at a saving of half and close to half. 35 to 42 PIECE DINNER SETS For 6 and 8 Persons Light weight Amer...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 4

…VerRorr,Awisn sad THE 7ii EDErRorrjEwisn0RoNici an 3 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by The lotrieh Chronicle PubDebited Cm, I. March entered II Seened.elesit ma office at Detroit, Mleh.. wader the let of at tb• Post I, 1$711. :Av. Gener ► I Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue PaIsehea at Cedillas 1040 Cable Address, Chronicle Louden Ofikei tratford Place, London, W. 1, England 14 Subscrip Aon. in Advance $...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 5

…• maitam ,fewisk Periodical eater CLIFTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO t011/EWISI1 (A RONICLE PIEVETI and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE September 16, 1938 Services BUILDING BOUGHT SATURDAY AT EMANUEL Arrange H. In Hebrew Schools BY K. OF P. LODGE KNICKERBOCKER SERMON AT MIDNIGHT Congregation Shaarey Zedek Rabbi Wohlgelernter to Occupy Pulpit at Selichoth Wishes to remind you to make your reservations without delay for the • Enthusiasm was ma...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 6

…7tE76rnorrinnsnaiRONictal •1 PAGE SIX • • • • Smart Holiday Apparel at Goodwin's Low Prices • • • Meyer Levin Guest Hadassah Speaker At Rally Sept. 20 !ZEDAKAH JRS. DANCE SUNDAY Sunday night, Sept. 18, at the Hotel Statler, the Zedakah Ju- niors' dance will be held to the music Of Marvin Kahn and his orchestra as presented by Mike Falk. This affair will be the first The Detroit chapter of Hades- soh ,announces that Meyer Levin, famous a...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 7

…America, pvisk Pedalled! &dia. CLIFTON *VINCI • CINCINNATI " oauo 1 1 E VLIRDIVEWISII (ARON las PAGE SEVEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE September 16, 1938 Ball Planned by Mt. Sinai Ass'n Colonial Hotel and Mineral Baths MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN Services for the High Holy Days beginning with Rosh Hashonah, Sunday Eve., September 25th and Yom Kippur, Tuesday Eve., October 4th, will be conducted within the hotel under the Engagements The B...…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 8

…saialest pE yTh crgon as Ron September 16, 1938 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DRESS.UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS! We're ready for you with vast selections of the newest things in accessories for Rosh Hashonah and Fall wear. HAYING FUN 5CoNCLUDNI. 15(115 ONE( Jews from Sudeten Area Flee to Prague; Refuge Sought As Czechoslovakian Crisis Ris 1 Italy's consul-general in Boston, has been recalled because he's a Jew. Segre, who is a member of one of th...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 1

…( ft bETROrr 4WISII HROMCLE THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH • NEWSPAPER PRINTED AN OFFICIAL LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1932 REGISTRATION IN Prestige of House of Shelter HEBREW SCHOOLS Threatened on 35th Anniversary Recalls Efforts of Jewish Pioneers; REACHES MAXIMUM History of Find Institution Difficulty in Interesting Young Men Centers Observe Chief among the factors of disintegration is th...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 2

…Ala LWOW, and THE The annual luncheon meeting of the Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, ushering in the season's activities, will be held Monday, Sept. 26, in the social hall Of course they look new—they're FOREST cleaned. Detroiters who value perfect cleaning always send their apparel here. When you send your clothing to FOREST, your garments are IIAND finished and IIAND pressed—thoroughly cleaned to remove per- spiration odors, ger...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 3

…ELEDentordensn &mai and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE fP1PII M1117.11f.14 Honor Student Enters U. of M. as Pre-Medic ) Let Us Help You Beautify Your Home for the Holidays! I IJ Nothing brightens up the home more than furniture. Whether it's a Dining Room, Bedroom or Living Room Suite, a Rug, Lamp or even an odd piece, you'll find just what you want at Abramson's —and at the price you want to pay! No matter where you live you'll find it profitabl...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 4

…rLEVEIVIOtTIEWISA &Rawl i .nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE GF'FOUR .; EVERY JEWISH HOME Should Get The Detroit Jewish Chronicle It brings you interesting news of international, na- tional and local importance. News of vital importance to every reader. It helps to hold and to build that Spirit of Jewish Neighborliness. It carries to you a vital message each week in the Editorial Columns. It is a champion of Jewish rights and the ever alert ...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 5


September 16, 1932 • Page Image 6

…BEVerRorrimsn (km ichn Our Daring Rabbis. England Can Save the Jews Our Film Folk By-the-Way Tidbits and News By DAVID SCHWARTZ On July 8, The Detroit Jewish Chronicle featured an interesting statement on the and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE (Copyright. 1932. Jewish Telegraohle Anencr. Inc.1 existing economic situation, issued by the By HELEN ZIGMOND An Important Statement by the Son and Heir of the Poilashed Weekly by The Jewlel Chronicle Publis...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 7

…•■••■••■ sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE HECHALUTZ BRANCH (Continued from Page One.) than to wait until coerced by ad- verse circumstances affecting the entire group and the individual within it. "All those who intend to go to Palestine as Chalutzim should communicate at once with the De- troit headquarters of Hashomer Hatsair, at 8726 Twelfth street. On Sept. 23 the first organizing meeting of the Sail Hechalutz in Detroit will be held. By that ...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 8

…. ■ 111 1 . ■111 . 1 ■11 1 . 1 . 11■1110 ■ 111016 110 ■ l‘.111211.11.16. 1 10 10 • 110 111 %. 117 11.1 CLASSIFIED SEE THEM YOURSELF! M. LEARN to read •nd write Eng.ish In G le es I Become • full rill. five(51 .eol Give your child • good Jewish Beet results gu•ranteed I training I David llorowitz.1 Free trial leneon. the teacher. 2991 Blaine avenue, Apt. 101. Garfield 6914-0. “G-G•G" "AUGUST BROS." "EAGLE" KADIMAII HEBREW SCHOOLS-11731 ...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 9

…rfifiDgrMOIT /WM (AMONia4 Seal- idered Polish tntier. pure- Nazis? )T ION ton an he was iblican tesday. ame in ground ducted ing zszszszq Heat- , that . We Can- prod- treet. Sinai anger gr. otor can rld's rices D. Lit (EARS v As 98 EACII IN PAIRS Carefully Mounted FREE )14 Li Features herr/ tont. fem. lot Cord (sk- 1 dirne.lons. nd hou.- 0.1 le by wo" • 7 . ER LY tor 4198 ▪ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE JEWISH CENTERS PLA...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 10

…ELEPerRorrjaisn ffiRorna4 tAGE TEN • . anal THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Attorney, 1205 Dian Malcolm and defend the complaint Sled la this Beak Bldg. Deeds, for the County of Way. and as aforeasid, on sald mortgage, together suit or Judgment will be entered by de- 298225 fendents appear at the Courtroom of the David E. Flayer, Attorney, $114 Buhl with retarget at seven (7%) Per gent per State of Michigan. on the seventeenth fault, and that' this or...…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 11

…'moots et lot Hoc out Co, boo.. Frank A. his wife, : and r. be found, t said de. and that has been oId not oence from ent within tinued oh. olden.. It rotator op h o under. o. Detroit. M. on the cod defend A or Pod. t. and that hod at re. going suit I 111. Henry West 193 North of Ong to the e 2 , Page Records, or No own Detroit. 30, 1932. SAGE, oleo. • 113 Penal. County of efore lion. :court Corn- ., between Vt. Hoory defendants. od that de....…

September 16, 1932 • Page Image 12

…SEPTEMBER 16, 1932 ifiEVEFROFFIEi (ARON ICIA , THE LEGALCHRONICLE Attorney, 1033 Fisat as follows: All that certain piece or principal and intend. the aunt of sax J. W. Josepheen, Bide, Parcel of land situated in the City of De. I National Bank theueand one hundred •Ixtrtsin and MORTGAGE SALL—Default ha•ing troll, In the County of Wayne. and State thr. and 06/100 (16183.06) dollars. No 53/100 06,166.53/ dollars. No .16 of Michigan and desc...…

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