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July 11, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… $200 July 11-17, 2019 / 8-14 Tammuz 5779 OU President Ora Pescovitz makes Sunset Terrace a welcoming home. See page 26 Sense of Style Jeff & Matt Barker Obtaining record prices for our Sellers. Call today for a market valuation. 248.425.6000 …

April 11, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…THE BROKER OF CHOICE FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW. $200 April 11-17, 2019 / 6-12 Nissan 5779 See page 10 Congregational schools fi nd innovative ways to keep kids engaged. Staying Relevant …

October 11, 2018 • Page Image 1

…THE BROKER OF CHOICE FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW. ÜÜÜ°*>“-̜iÀ°Vœ“UÓ{n‡n{ä‡ää{{ 2 00 Oct. 11-17, 2018 / 2-8 Cheshvan 5779 $ Medical Super-Sleuth Epidemiologist Dr. Jeffrey Band honored for lifelong work solving infectious disease outbreaks. See page 12 …

January 11, 2018 • Page Image 1

…LOW PRICE 90 DAY MEDS MAPLE 1)"3."$: .BQMF3E4UFt8FTU#MPPNýFME .* (Btw. Orchard Lake & Farmington Rd.) 248.757.2503 $2.00 Jan. 11-17, 2018 / 24 Tevet-1 Shevat 5778 $ ."1-&1)"3."$: 10 OFF QVSDIBTFPG05$ .FEJDBUJPOT7JUBNJOT NEW PATIENTS WELCOME with any new or transferred prescriptions. YEARS 1942 2 2017 2 DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY House Hunting The next wave of migration for young Jews seems to be headed east. SEE P...…

May 11, 2017 • Page Image 1

…Jeff & Matt Barker Obtaining record prices for our Sellers. Call today for a market valuation. 248.425.6000 theJEWISHNEWS . com $2.00 May 11-17, 2017 / 15-21 Iyar 5777 75 YEARS 1942 2 2017 2 DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY 75 Years Of Growth Generation to generation, Temple Israel has stayed true to its ideals. Page 18 …

August 11, 2016 • Page Image 1

…theJEWISHNEWS . com Robin Schwartz $2.00 A UG . 11-17, 2016 / 7-13 A V 5776 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS COMMUNITY DIRECTORY JEWISH NEWS' MICHIGAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY EDUCATION FAMILY FUN BUILDERS camps BEAUTY INTERIOR DESIGN restaurants JUDAICA photography REAL ESTATE JEWELRY ORTHODONTISTS » Food Festival: Jewish focus on food issues. See page 16. » 75 Years Ago: Detroit and the Jewish world. See page 20. » Community Directory: S...…

February 11, 2016 • Page Image 1

…Hoffert Banner Ad $2.00 F EB . 11-17, 2016 / 2-8 A DAR I 5776 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Blazing A New Trail: Amanda Fisher Sean Cook DETROIT JEWISH NEWS has big shoes to fill. See page 16. theJEWISHNEWS . com » Well And Water: » Ready To Learn: » Kiss And Tell: Learning session focuses on Flint crisis. See page 20. Committee member energized by Limmud UK. See page 20. Lips are luscious and lively for spring. See pag...…

June 11, 2015 • Page Image 1

…JEFF 84 MATT BARKER BEST OF OVER A HOME A WEEK SOLD IN 2015. 248.425.6000 HOUR MAX BROOCK REALTORS I 4130 TELEGRAPH RD I BLOOMFIELD HILLS I 48302 $2.00 JUNE 11 -17, 2015 / 24-30 SIVAN 5775 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Dad & Grad Here's a tech-savvy guide to Father's Day and graduation gifts. See page 16. » Gone Pro Life's a game for this professional video game player. See page 36. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS m...…

December 11, 2014 • Page Image 1

…ORCHARD MALL THURSDAY - MONDAY DECEMBER 18-22 CHANUKAHWONDERLANDMI.COM See page 15 for ad $2.00 DEC. 11-17, 2014 / 19 -25 KISLEV 5775 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Campus Update Checking in to see how Michigan campuses are faring in era of anti-Israel backlash. See page 12. » Menorah In The D Chabad and Federation are teaming up to present a holiday happening Downtown. See page 15. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS metr...…

September 11, 2014 • Page Image 1

…1' f. Exhibit Opeping Event.,., Light` ys My Vo Innas0s, Legends, and Absfractions Sunday, September 21 3:00 p.m. Artist Talk and Presentation by Todd Weinstein Exhibit Opening Event is free with museum admission. Todd Weinstein explores themes including the reemergence ofJewish life in modern day Germany, the prophets of the Bible, and the legend of the 36 Righteous Ones whose merit keeps the world from destruction in times of peril. ...…

July 11, 2013 • Page Image 1

…$2.00 JULY 11-17, 2013 / 4-10 Av 5773 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Change In Egypt Removal of Islamist Morsi is a source of hope in Israel. See page 27. » Healthcare On The Go "Jewish Geography" leads to innovation in health care delivery. See page 28. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS metro » Funky Fashion Local brothers tie their entrepreneurial skills together to create a unique clothing brand. See page 34. Egyptian ...…

April 11, 2013 • Page Image 1

…A all seasons OF WEST BLOOMFIELD LOOK INSIDE Ng& FOR OUR INSERT FOR THE JOYS OF ~ jGGhi imidAKIIKMII CA TAW1 ■ 7 4.A F1 alorfiekrit LIMITED NUMBER OF PREMIUM LOCATIONS STILL AVAILABLE $2.00 APRIL 11-17, 2013 /1-7 IYAR 5773 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Changing Young Lives Longtime debate coach instills self-confidence in students. See page 12. » C'mon Spring! Don't lose your patience with impatiens t...…

October 11, 2012 • Page Image 1

…$ $2.00 OCT. 11-17 2012 / 25 TISHREI-1 CHESHVAN 5773 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION Project Build! Jewish contractors join project to build ramps for United Cerebral Palsy. See page 18. 0 Giant Mezuzah Campers and staff of Camp Maas built and dedicated the world's largest mezuzah this summer. See page 20. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS metro » Coffee Plus Local entrepreneurs are selling a healthier way to start your day. ...…

August 11, 2011 • Page Image 1

… $2.00 AUGUST 11-17, 2011 / 11-17 AV 5771 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION » Much More Music! Entrepreneur brings Internet radio to your car. See page 23. » Is Obama Good For Israel? »We've Got The Goods' Check out our new home furnishing and decorating column. See page 29. metro c ratean dbarre l Read a lively debate analyzing the president's worldview. See page 26. >> a JN exclusive! metro The fate of the ...…

November 11, 2010 • Page Image 1

…dile tedittg, Look for our display ad in the Entertainment Section Monday-SaturdaylOam-10pm Call for an appointment 734.377.3004 550 S. Main Street • Plymouth (Across from PNC Bank) INIMP INOW Page 14: Veterans' Day • Page 41: Tapper's Jewelry Expands • Page 51: Picture The Lower East Side DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $2.00 NOV.11-17, 2010 /4-10 KISLEV 5771 Detroiter's Peace Corps st...…

March 11, 2010 • Page Image 1

…Temple Israel's ECC Announces Their New 2010/2011 Programming Metro: Eviction Case Settled • World: Scaling Mt. Whitney • Business: Film Center Expands • Arts: Meet A Motown Expert NAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION 11-17, 2010 / 25 ADAR-2 NISSAN 5770 Metro Detroit: Basketball league with a cause creates social outlet for Jewish young adults. It's a great plac to live Jewishly! Pages 24-25 Printed Michad 2008 OF THE YEAR 1942...…

February 11, 2010 • Page Image 1

…Metro: Federation Revs Campaign • Business: Insurance Innovation • Camp: Summer Fun • Arts: Finding Mr. Right f Dismal economy means graduates face challenges opportunities. also creative but el) jeuis 1942 - 2009 Co. cring and Connecting Jus, islt Detroit Every Week A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA pthEitkATION- $2.00 FEB. 11-17,.2010 27 SHEVAT -3 ADAR 5770 Environmental Concern nside: jewish@edu …

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