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April 11, 1930 • Page Image 1

…America 9elvish Pedalled Cotter CLIFTON AVENU1 • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO - - - TELEPHONE THEbETROYF LWISR MAIM All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS CADILLAC 1-0.4-0 , THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN THREE PARTIES IN ENGLAND PLEDGED TO ZION MANDATE S Illuminated Haggadahs Hebrew Union College Museum Has Collection of Eleven Original Manuscripts in Rare and Valuable Collection. Inquiry Commission's Find- ings...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 2

…:Mr 71ILDLTROIT,AN15116.1RONICLE • PAGE TWO ■ 11M1 ■ 11 .1•11•1 ■ e■ iiIMI ■ MIMIMIMMse AUTHOR AND EDITOR SAMUEL HALPERT, ARTIST, DIES AT 45 I WILL LECTURE HERE Your Problem of COOKING-FAT for PASSQVER easily solved by NYAFAT Trade Mark Rem. U. S. A KOSHER VEGETABLE PRODUCT Manufactured by I. Rokeach & Sons, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kosher for PASSOVER Ideal for Frying, Baking, Cooking, Shortening, etc. ROKEACH KOSHER NYAFAT...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 3

…• A meriam PtrioSeal Cotter CLIFTON AVZNUI • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE THREE /lir wuritorr,AwisnffiRONILIA SEE YOUR FOOD BEFORE YOU ORDER Fresh Sea Food Every Day! BLUE PLATE LUNCHEON 25c to 45c Largest Cafeteria in the City UNITED Cafeteria System 2501 Woodward Ave. At Henry Largest Floor Show West Y. W. H. A. NOTES Friday Evening Services: Simon Shetzer will talk on "The Zionist Movement" following the regular Sabbath servic...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 4

…fkrworr, PAGE FOUR CAMPAIGN APPEAL BY DR. FRANKLIN Season's Greetings PARQUET FLOOR CO. I Beth El Rabbi ofT Urges Support of Allied Jewish Drive. P. A. TIMSON LINOLEUM Hardwood Floors and Floor Coverings, Rubber Tile, Rugs, Carpets, Congoleum 8155 Livernois, near Tireman. Phone Euclid 0986 Dr. Leo M. Franklin, rabbi of Temple Beth El, in a statement on the occasion of Passover, makes the following appeal to the Jewish community far w...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 5

…▪ Amerfram lavish Periodical Carter CLIFTON ATINUZ • CINCINNATI 20, MO PAGE FIVE PIEVEIROrK/EWISR entomaf, De Haas' Biography of Herzl Hebrew and will shortly be issued I by Tarbuth, Ltd., of Tel Aviv, Pal- Being Translated Into estine. The author has written a Hebrew. PASSOVER AFFAIR OF WOMAN'S LEAGUE AIR CAMP MANY AIDED HERE WINDSOR SCHOOL FRESH REGISTRATIONS BY MOOS CHITIM HIGHLY LAUDED r Ad- Women's! Filing of EselrApplications Nor...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 6

…I E vA%..eiy ' b'6Ab'ab'elf b' b'ehb'ef• b'eb'ebtbiebtb• t 'SsTs 45 RONICUI 17 it, .1 " 'ff " . itztin 'sktUtinti`.4; PASSING MY WINDOW Scanning t he Horizon ■ fill e' C. is involved, to the Jewish people on one hand and to the non-Jewish population of Palestine on the other, and it is the firm re- Published Weekly by The Jewish Chrowkl• Publialtiag Co. lac. solve of Ilis Majesty's Government to give By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN Ch...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 7

…I f rs Amerka lavish periodical Colter CLIFTON AYINLI1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Tiii,M:ritorrionsm IIRONIGLE - -- that they had $2,600, now $5,000, 1 be fore obtaining a visa." Lord Cecil Hits Report. Protest against the findings of the l'alestine Inquiry Commission has had an education less than (Continued from Page One.) were expressed by practically tContinued from Page One.) the surveyor had ample opportu. that of a high school. The Jewi...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 8

…• Zf PAGE EIGHT IS CO-CHAIRMAN OF JR. HADASSAH DINNER DANCE ON APRIL 27 HEYN'S • FOR • DRESSES • EL MOSHE SYNAGOGUE FORMS SUNDAY SCHOOL lacial C Qicsort L r —/fCOV7. /a/I -"--:--"---- .._,...,---- _.,....---'''-' r The El Moshe Sunday School was organized in November, at the syn- agogue on Twenty-ninth street I near Michigan avenue. There is is weekly attendance of 100 chit- dren ranging in ages from 5 to ' 16. There are five clas...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 9

…Americam Amish Periodical eater alms ATENUll - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PIEVurRon;frwun HADASSAH FORMS I 1111 F COMMITTEE' . Engagements woe} . an ersortai RA N PAFE NINE eiRoN tar. Mrs. Rhoda Rosner of l'ingree avenue announces the '""g emcnt Julian her daughter, Esther, to Robert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Simmons of of nuth. Fullerton avenue returned from S Mr. and Mrs. David Esker of Tuxedo avenue announce the engag...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN ellaaaN n. PIEDLTROIT EN1SII RON1CLE _ _ m u s ic aniromunis tphri:setn,,tsi tnogretha4e Mer,;.Spool- :, : I inci- tions for the first time and inci- dentally the orchestra is composed entirely of young Jewish men and • omen. I Oneg Sabbath GroupiCHICAGO RA BBI TO Revives Traditions SPEAK DE TROIT Concludes Interesting Sea-' Music Sitio:1y Club Program • son Which Marked Re - April 15. vival of Hebrew Songs. The Music Stud...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 11

…Amara faith Macs! WPM 4191181011 • 0189•111AIN 90, 'Ws 16.11 1 LADIES AUXILIARY OF KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS INTELLECTUAL NIGHT JEWISH NATIONAL FUND The Knights of Pythias, Detroit loolge No. 55, is to hold intellec- filal night on Tuesday, April 22, 7:30 o'clock. The entertainment c. mmittee, heaoled by Berman anntounces a new ••system of ntertainment. After the business nio'cling prominent speakers will ,,ak on local topics and discus- will f...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 12

…- fia f te ta et tste ,,,,, . Tntikniorr masn CLUB). N E 1* S Blue Bird Girls. Alpha Epsilon Tau. Gamma Sigma Tau Sorority, An interesting meeting of the Alpha Epsilon Tau Fraternity h Bird Girls wee held at te ' An interesting meeting was held ise, B l 9 at the home of bliss Rose Buch- met at the home of Ted W man on Whitfield. The evening 6519 Grand River. Plans for the home of Miss Anna Kurtzman, 30 Tuesday evening. was spent sociall...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 13

…America ,fewish Pedalled Colter CUPTON ATINU1 • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO I- FEbETROIT LWISH HRONIGL E - e3logotto1aonourr to Ettergoite the eTaBon of THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1930 MATZOTH PROJECT WORK IN NEW YORK SCHOOLS Cowboy Chalutz A Passover Story A Reminiscence of '21 in Frets Israel. By JULIAN L AVI-SIGLA By NINA KAYE 9 Seated at his table, alone be- Jewish famil...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 14

…PAGE TWO ThEVETROIT EWISH_CNROINICLf, perfidy with1RULES OF MEMBERSHIP The Jewish Subject in French Lettersre a gard lime Judaism and lun Hungarian garian Judaism FOR TROOP 23 ALUMNI generous apology of the regime Season's Greetings And Best Wishes The Rayl Co. HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS—RADIOS PAINTS—OILS—VARNISHES 1233 Griswold Street of the White Terror which fol- The membership committee of lowed the downfall of the govern. 'Scout Tr...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 15

…A merica Awish PerioSeal Carta CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE PIEDETROR iEW1SB itROINICLL cook has grown bored with seeing! 0, a wise man indeed was be, the idea of a Jewish National FANNIE HURST'S COOK picture in magazines and news- ' who was annoyed Fund, holding the land in perpetu- BORED WITH PUBLICITY her papers. She has given notice to I ity fur the people and stressing the pleased the many. Detroit Jews are called upon to d...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 16

…PAGE FOUR 711E tARONICLE WE GIVE TO CHARITY, SAYS AMERICA 13VA0S WHEN DISCOVERED , YEARS AGO BY JEW, Adapted from Random Thoughts. %%% ,ss ..maultautawsnoltsuests.amievenN kl Because Your Basement Leaks NEW YORK.— (.1. A.)—A BY CHARLES H. JOSEPH. -54 Jew from Palestine discovered America some 3,900 years ago and When we give to charity too much with our mind and became here a sort of deified proph- 0 et of all the barbarous Indian t ri...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 17

…PAGE FIVE PIE9E114111;11111SH &RON ICII: Another Life THINNING OUT THE MAIZE A rason'13 (krrtittga Pen-Picture of Lie •t Ain ii•rod, the Keutlak on Jewish National Fund Land in thc "Emek." By LOTTA LEVENSOHN ,.. e ... i It is early may, and high sum- mine sourish black breatl, tea a From r g.,141 beet soup, bean porridge and `''-',i ! summer in }'nook Jezreel. , the little railway station at Ain bread barely touched. IA ho cart, command...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 18

…• Til PAGE SIX THEY ALSO SERVE f)LTPD1T, /Els IS/leIRON ICU UNJUST LAWS AFFECTING JEWISH WOMEN ly transcribed the entire services exhaust the catalogue of women al for the holydoys and Rabbi Aaron- disabilities under the Jewish law, Rohn used this book when he con- but if something could be done to By JUDITH I. STEIN remedy these mentioned, the miti- ducted services at Columbia, Mo., Rabbi Michael Aaronsohn, field gation of others might ...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 19

…ThEficritorrlonsit (ARON ICLE ■ have struck Sarah with greater The Triumph of Jewish force than Dr. ('asset's words. Si Brotherhood. it was he she was to "meet!" And he had come too soon, before the By NINA KAYE The prominence of Passover in ;s1 stage was set. Oh, Minnie would be furious. And Joe and Ilarry, the Jewish Calendar is best excm- i Sarah Marks was nearing 40 know Mrs. Rosen's sister came' '' 1 money they had wasted on plified by ...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 20

…PAGE EIGHT IE erRonjoastietRomax 00*****-0:00000tiootxitti4t:t*Oiioi.to6o-o*G0000000tt0oo A UNION OF SOULS Authorized Biography of Da-I JEWISHLAW OF THEFT vid Lloyd George. ANALYZED IN DROPSIE VOLUME BY DR. M. JUNG I/A VII , LLOYD GEOI11;1•:. an By HARRY ZIMMERMAN 4'0 •-re She had been granted the respite the honor, permission was readily '1: she craved- a month in the wooded granted. ty glades of her favorite resort as a Ruth Mandate ...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 21

…Ameriam ,fewisk Periodeal Carter CLIFTON AMUR s CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE ' l ny )ErRo rrAwi sn t h eo Ni erta INIMMIL..•••• ■ •• TRUE REST /test Is not quitting The busy career: Hest is t he fitting Of self to ti ne'a sphere. — --- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 motion, Clear s rhidit strife Fleeting to ...eau, After this life. 'Tis losing and sertieso. The highest and best 'Ti onward, tinswerving, And this is ...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 22

…1iIF,9)c-morr, /EWIS/161R0/4101 PAGE TEN PA 000*GO- 0000 00 00 000000 0 004 0 , 0000 00 OGOOTa0000 - I Passover Greetings to All Our Jewish Friends and Customers LENNANE & McILVENNA it PAVING, SEWER, RAILROAD, WATERWORKS, FOUNDATION CONTRACTORS UNITED SYNAGOGUE CONVENES MAY 4-6 Grand Rapids-••World's Furniture Center 1,000 Delegates Expected at Eighteenth Annual Meet- ing in New York. The eighteenth annual conven- tion of the Unite...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 23

…PAGE ELEVEN THE LTROIT EN1S11 ef ROM ICLE Grand Rapids SEASON'S GREETINGS Facts About Grand Rapids. Population Jan. I, 1928, esti- mated at 180,300. Population growth, 11,0044 annually. The 1928 city directory esti- mates population of Greater Grand Rapids at 192,256. Ranks second aiming the larger cities of the United States as to percentage of home ownership, 50.2 per cent of its homes being owned by the families occupying them. One of ...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 24

…Thf.termorr, /man M RONiat PAGE TEN 0000000 00000 000 0••0 00 ***I Grand Rapids•-•World's Furniture Center•-• ' UN I T M G A U YIE 6 EV A C / II E V D Passover Greetings to All Our Jewish Friends and Customers Grand Rapids contributed heav- countries. llowever, according to ily to the Civil War, hundreds of the Department of Health at Wash men enlisting from this city and the Department or Health at Wash- the surrounding country, whic...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 25

…4araim faith Pefildial Colder - 0 GA OR - 11111101$111A7I as, coo ME Grand Rapids SEASON'S GREETINGS Entorr --- PAGE ELEVEN ENISIletRONICLE Center of Industry eA Friendly Bank Experts from the University of :show case, and refrigerator fat... Grand Rapids Ships Flour to Chcago have declared the school tidies. Minneapolis. Population Jan. I, 1928, esti- system of Grand Rapids to be one . "Furniture Capital of America." Leads all ...…

April 11, 1930 • Page Image 26

…PAGE TWELVE WillikTROYE h wi sn M KON ICLE tion on Jewish religion and hi ,.. TRACT ON JUD ISM, ' and .;. will be sent free upon ro SOCIALISM, ISSUED O ther tracts now in prepay ' on A Muskegon -- The Playground of Michigan SEASON'S GREETINGS MUSKEGON, WEST MICHIGAN'S BUSINESS CENTER are "The Social Ideal in Judy CINCINNATI, 0, — "Judaism "Judaism and Other Modern '. ••• ■ •WHAT MUSKEGON OFFERS I and Socialism" by Rabbi Jacob ligion,"...…

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