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January 04, 1935 • Page Image 5

…. Jos. F. Hirschman, Hat ry A. Hyman. 'tarry le JoaltAnoll, Albert Kahn. Mrs, Albert Kahn, Wm Kaplan. Samuel It Keene. Al,,. Keldart, Myron A. Key., l,asky Hooka Lavin, Aaron Klein, J In I talld J. Lavy…

November 22, 1935 • Page Image 7

… school without the necessity of having to do chores at Ann Ar- bor after classes. Immediately upon graduation he entered the office of Albert Kahn: was a partner in the firm 810 beautifully furnished…

October 25, 1935 • Page Image 12

…'nai Brith is presenting Molly Picon in it concert recital Wednesday eve- ning, Nov. 20, at 8:30 at Orchestra 0 Mrs. Albert Kahn entertained' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davidson at a luncheon on Oct. 24. of 1983…

September 13, 1935 • Page Image 6

… Schles- home I Eleanor L. Butzel, Albert Kahn, Judge Harry B. Keidan, Dr. S. Cisand and Its•Sliased after a summer spent in Cherie- ' Kleiman, Aaron Kurland, Bernard We congratulate Frances Denney Rouge…

April 19, 1935 • Page Image 10

…; Willard Zam,ky was th e are asked to support this affair. of 9725 Cameron Ave. over the of his parents. Mr. and Sint Roy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn left Flowers for all oceasdnew-- There will be pnzea and…

March 01, 1935 • Page Image 2

… what you pay, M. Butzel, Albert Kahn, William ly, to obtain large foreign loans, rt. II Friedman, Israel Ilimelhoch, Phil- no laundry Dr. Schacht is trying his best to ip Slomovitz and Julian H. Kro…

January 18, 1935 • Page Image 10

…, Edmund M. Slo- orielLectures. lege, the Hadas- man, Mrs. Raymond Smith, Mrs. Mrs. Albert Kahn and Simon soh, the Jewish , Samuel Sugerman, Mrs. Joseph! Shetzer were elected new mem- H. L. Ickes s National…

November 08, 1935 • Page Image 1

…. Heavenrich, Albert Kahn, Wal- country, but is also-recognized as cla mped down a censorship on burg to deal with the hundreds be prepared to accept and to bear Scenes Mr. in Hard Washington.'[ has written the…

October 18, 1935 • Page Image 1

… Emerson Fosdick; Richard tion canvassing the industrial. day and Friday 13eamisli, counsel to the Pennsyl- ALBERT KAHN commercial a n d professional vania Public Service Commission; JULIAN H. KROLIK fields…

October 11, 1935 • Page Image 12

… in Jerusalem, on IfIrs.•Albert Kahn, Mrs. Abraham fully settled today. "Pioneers of the New Mrs Julius Braun, Mr. ant of structive inroads which this say- ■ the That IS something, whatever it is! Is no…

October 04, 1935 • Page Image 1

…: and Mrs. Albert Kahn, repre• senting the Jewish Welfare Federation, were presented with ribbons of honor for their work in the Women's Mobiliza• tion for Human Needs, at this luncheon. Mrs. Samuel Glo…

September 27, 1935 • Page Image 12

… BAKING CO. 3142 FENKELL AVE. 117 55 HASTINGS ST. 12131 UNWOOD AVE. University 1-0220 Trinity 2-8920 L01.II fell*. 8009 Albert Kahn Lauds Adventure Series "Let Us Mobiliz e l Our Forces for an…

July 26, 1935 • Page Image 4

…, rabbi, au- stein. of Nations High Commissioner thor and lecturer, and father of Ave., were held at 10 a. m. Tues- for Refugees Coming from Ger- Albert Kahn, noted architect, day in the chapel of Temple…

April 12, 1935 • Page Image 10

…, secretary for life; Mrs. T. Segal, Providence, R. I. Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mrs. Abraham board secretary; Miss Yetta Kief, M. Altehuler, Mrs. David B. Werbe, corresponding secretary; Mesdames Mr. and Mrs. Herbert…

February 15, 1935 • Page Image 14

… paying will report on, problems for the Airs. George Cohen, Irwin Fri lay, Feb. 22, over Mrs. Davis H. Cole, Mrs. )forty Trees Planted in Palestine ; Albert Kahn, George M. Stutz dues to a golf club and a…

February 08, 1935 • Page Image 2

…, is to be the principal speaker. Rabbi Leo M. Franklin will give the closing prayer. Other Jewish women who are active in the movement are Mrs. Henry M. Butzel, Mrs. Samuel IL Glogower, Mrs. Albert Kahn

January 18, 1935 • Page Image 1

… committee. The other members evening sohn is the from Nazi rule. pression is applied. It is a vicious of the committee are Albert Kahn, building for the Jewish Old Folks' Shaarey Zedek, on Jan. 25. The Jews…

January 11, 1935 • Page Image 12

… the sense Fisher, Mrs. Albert Kahn, Judge can do only if we identify our David M. Welling, Mrs. Frank A. helping this organization to carry that all deal with case work. lie Harry B. Keidan, Jacob Mazer…

November 22, 1935 • Page Image 2

…. Rabbi and Mrs. Leo M. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Free- man. Dr. and Mr.Bernard Friediaender. H and Mrs. D. J. Healy. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irving. Mr. lout Mrs. Albert Kahn, Mr. and Mix Morita…

September 13, 1935 • Page Image 1

…, it is Hebrew which is port of its national and interne. I Jews to support the new Bremen on July 26, and in accompanying the dismissal bert Speyer of Brussels, Belgium, Ileavenrich, Albert Kahn, Louis…

February 22, 1935 • Page Image 3

…: of vital problems and when the and his brother team consists of Sirs. Albert Kahn and on the progress and develop- ful speaker. Her experience in On behalf of the Jewish 'Wel- situation became acute…

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