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May 11, 1917 • Page Image 16

…. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver Is But 26 Years of Age—Has Established Reputation as Leader. The Provisional Executive Com- store for any Jew who might be so mittee for General Zionist Affairs has foolhardy as…

… Factory For Office Cbkv66tiluAk Anywhere in Detroit and environs—for every purpose that ice might be used, Absopure is at your service. You could profitably use ICE NOW. Eleven Delivery Stations Main…

… 3560 or the nearest station. General Ice Delivery Co. RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER CLEVELAND, 0. — Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver will succeed Rabbi Moses J Gries as the spiritual leader of Temple Tifereth…

… Herman Eichners Foreign Exchange and Steamship Ticket Agency 435 HASTINGS STREET Cor. Winder DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence in all Languages. Steamship tickets on all lines. Real estate, farms and farm…

May 04, 1917 • Page Image 4

….—Rabbi Hillel J. Abraham, for 23 years the leader of the Oriental and Syrian Congregation in San Francisco and a devoted worker in the cause of Israel, is dead. He succumbed a couple of days ago at the ripe age…

… Supplies Onyx Hosiery and Merode Underwear Kayser Silk Gloves 396 HASTINGS ST., DETROIT We are showing smart Trench coats, semi- military coats, belt-back and plain-tailored models, as well as full…

…-belted and half-belted suits. Prices Rznge Detroit Rug Works CARPET CLEANERS of every description 52 Baltimore Ave. E. DETROIT. MICH. Phone Market 6090 $20, $25 and $30 Fire, Automobile Burglar…

… Eschrin6. Chicalso Board of Trad• D•troit Board of Trade Grain Doalers National ACIOCIIIii011 264-268 PENOBSCOT BUILDING DETROIT ESESESE9e9 Oly fttr Drug glitire M. SCHECHTER, Ph. G. Prescription…

… Druggist 475 Hastings St., Cor. Division DETROIT, MICH. Phone Cadillac 3299 zpara,..ei MICHIGAN'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIER CORNER MONROE AND RANDOLPH BRANCH STORE, 99-101 MICHIGAN AVE. Tentrat…

… Tlelitattrant ad Taft ROSENTHAL & RIEGER, Props. A CLEAR HAVANA 10c. and 1Sc. CIGAR 511 Hastings St. Detroit, Mich. NORMAN BROS. 983 MICHIGAN AYE. PHONE CAD. 4552 …

May 11, 1917 • Page Image 8

…-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, if it is to be effective in its religious teachings, just as these agencies Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 need the inspiration which the…

… Nyburg, who are finding fault Julius Freud Again Leads The Way For several weeks we have been seeking the man in Detroit who with the inefficiency of the modern synagogue, are perhaps misreading THE…

… know fact for such a long time. also that young Philip Graetz, the rabbi in the story, is hardly typical of the average rabbi of the American synagogue. There are men in The election of Rabbi Abba Hillel

August 31, 1917 • Page Image 5

… BONDS MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION List of Bonds owned by us gladly sent upon request. CONGRESS and SHELBY STS., DETROIT Cadillac 2302 RICK B rattan Vrirk nnb iffil e IIIS C T K. A NI.11 Ile na d lem rs…

…. B011'1114. 504 Llegett Bldg Opp. Iluirlson'i I. BERKOWITZ Dress Trimmings and Supplies Onyx Hosiery and Merode Underwear Kayser Silk Gloves 396 HASTINGS ST., DETROIT Schechter's Drug Store 477…

… pie's power. The insane propaganda especially such men as Vinaver, Slios- of a handful of persons aimed at the berg, Deputy Friedman, A. I. Hillel- destruction of the people's unity and son, went on…

…—Sunday, Dec. by 80 to 90 per cent.—New York 16. DETROIT, MICH. World. Fast day Tebeth—Tuesday, Dec. 25. UN Schechter's Bank AIRPLANE CLOSES . "MOVIES" AT BEER SHEBA. Of the many odd happenings during the…

March 30, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONI The only Jewish publication in the State of. Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. IL No. 15 DETROIT, MICH., MARCH 30, 1917 $1.50 per Year Single Copies…

… officers, chairmen for eight congressional dis- tricts in Greater New York, who arc: Mrs. Hillel Solotaroff, Dr. Rosa W. Straus, Miss Rose Shooter, Mrs. David de Sola Pool, Mrs. Samuel Mason, Mrs. Charles…

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