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April 10, 1925 • Page Image 22

… laws has been from the very. beginning and is today intended as a [ By RABBI ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN means of malting the Jew feel that he I Of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, New York. is different, of reminding…

… as Jews and they h ope , which Dr. Charles W. Eliot holds in extinction of the Jewish ported to arouse the sense of Jew ts , American life is such that every for a speedy h identity and difference, so…

… that a Jew' set off by these fences, may not be statement he makes usually receives identity altogeter. Against such assimilationists Dr. fed to become absorbed, swallow- the broadest attention and…

… assimila- est imp Perhaps sonic. of our so-called ell- ted by the lion. In the some way, a lightened Jews who pride themselves tinctive modes by means of which Is- smaller group may become assimilated on…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 5

… appeal not only for the Jew, no matter what the com- plexion of his religious views, but strikes the imagina- tion of that world which conceives emancipation, free- dom, idealism of consequence and as…

… Special Passover Edition. CO. C 7660 ; g all of E have enlisted the services of the world's leading V1/4/ literary figures to present articles and stories of interest to every Jew. E have spared no…


April 10, 1925 • Page Image 1



…, ss o is Eisenstadt, Former Chief Dr. i touring the sniallt•r Michigan cites Penniman, Kay, Scott, Bryan, Rabbi of Leningrad, Tells ,‘„,' eyageg ,7 11" ,' , ' h n:. , ' ,f,„ ; t, tl ' „'n ' es ,t, er e…

… Congratulations to De- troit Jewry. --- RABBI SAUL SILBER ONE OF PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS Council Koffman Calls Upon All A. J. Jews to Make Celebration a Holiday. NIalbiti, 9-3-0-0 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10…

… Cents ash the is warp. Telephone GLENDALE EVENING STANDARD SAYS BALFOUR MAY RETURN AS A JEW Labor Member Asks If Balfour Visit Will Mean Ad. ditional Expense. PREMIER HERRIOT SENDS GREETINGS David…

…. Oscar Kohn, me d D d in ntsd When Detroit Jews meet Sunday ts an ted Jews nd in Europ ean por mbth rld Relief Dele gati on, tary for the colonies whether he had everting, April 12, at Kirby Center, $1…

…,000,000 of the 95,000,000 fund of the organtz at ion which of th, e anWo any information with regard to the teaches Kirby and St. Antoine avenues, to sought for the building of the Yoshi- I Cuba, a Jews of…

… • Council of the City of Detroit the executive committee and sr t- asked the government to make clear mediate rslief for the Jews in Eas at which a cover charge of $1,000 a ' on Tuesday, March 31, unanimously…

… d passed the following resolution pro-' the fort that Balfour is not a Jew but colon was reached after a series I if man Bradley, con- x y p was $1,000 raised ,000 of the bui e first Th nd posey d b…

… Counc Stephen by a handful of well- I rassover. h ' a Presbyterian. Major Ormsby-Gore S Jewish people and the ' W , fu One hunred a nd twenty Jew an Stew Kr I replied that he heard that Lord Bal- and Wise…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 4

… majority of the Jews of Michigan live in Detroit yet Jewish settlements of some consequence are found in the smaller cities. These cities were visited by Louis Busker on behalf of the Ort and the stranded…

… The strong Jewishness of the Jews NUMBER I was very amused once to hear tat, Jacob H. Schakne, General Manager of the South African Union has been that this is not a local condition but unhappily one…

… The Jewish Daily Forward, The Jews hotly debating a point in Chris- the subject of a good deal of specula- e York as Beeond-clase wetter March 3, 1911, at the PostofEc• at Detroit. Yiddish daily of Na…

… pleasant as possible. comm others' i dig kst . • o doings. growth v "Almonds and Raisins," put : $3.00 Per Year In Namaqualand the Jews were the particularly in Greater New York The Jews of America have…

…. m all kcoriespo:dence.eind ne o formed Church praised the Jews in his B. Batvinik, one of the Forward its share in this necessary and helpful work. The latest Africa. In the course of his stay he…

…, Jewish nt orta for the Hadassah Bazaar to be opened imp 1 has been outside the home. The Jew- only tribute must be forthcoming at once if this wealthy, I bespeak as wide us his travels among them. 13 Y…

… its place among velop; the Bronx was all undiscovered a European education which his par- busied himself not only with the places country for the Jews; Harlem was in cots did not have. They get new…

… the strong Jewish feeling communities in New York of which i n country ou places, do thse o especially th which exists among the Jews of South powerful factor in the work of rehabilitation going we have…

… in mind is the absence of a Jewish hospital ; the East Side is the metropolis, the ei r c hild re n, particularly not like Africa, is that the Jews of South Af- most important of a number of Jew- while…

… onversiby en N o schools. ing. It has remained within them be- all Jews. It maintains hospitals, clinics, laboratories serve the needs of our co-religionists. Detroit Jewry, York and the Jewish settlements…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 16

… HILLMAN, Preelden Michigan Paper Stock Co. A "pale of travel" modelled after the "pale of settlement" of the former I I Czaristic government with regard to Jews was established in Turkey for I non…


… without passing on the Cut Rate Moving •nd Storage. are in sympathy 1 nation of the new Jewish immigration in spite of the fact that many senators who. it is alleged, BERLIN JEWS GREET 1957 GRAND RIVER…

… malaria commission of the League of Nations. The commission will ,ome months ago that Jews would be the Hebrew University was unani- start tie work in May and its investigation will last until the end of wr…

…- • • • • H. L. HERSCRBERG, Prop. lands, because it is as yet a land of , ment of the library of the Ilebrew Jews, Moslems and Christians gathered to pay tribute to Israel Levi, practically no industries. The…

… Bekdach to co-operate in the Franco-British commission frontier. April IS. Col ing on the de-limitation of the The opportunity for the Jews get- SHEKEL .OVE YOU • • • United NewsCo LIEBERMAN FURNITURE…

… CO. • THE NEW JEwETT IN WHAT'S • • • • M H. H. M. . KOFFMAN The Miller bill providing for religious instruction in the public schools' sing on the land here is very good,' 912 E. HANCOCK ST. was…

… BUTTER the government knew that for some In the summer. Direct from Our Churn to • • • time Jews were coming into the coun- l • Your Table. Is a graduate of a dental school entitled to be called doctor…

…? This is try in large numbers, but that the im- FRESH COUNTRY EGGS the point of disagreement between dental school students and e French pression had been that these Jews OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS High…

…. The government would I to a Beirut, following an ordniance of the high commissioner which forbade the greatly appreciate it if the Jews would 10 Half Block North of Clairmount take to the land and help…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 21

… people. The eyes rasp of millions of Jews in the and for this reason its revival is so re- countries reflect a fired gratification, markable. A ruin may be picturesque, millions of lips murmur the original…

… but no one wishes to live in it. So Hebrew prayer, 'Shffiechyanu.' To- the Jews has set their h ands to re- day Israel has lit on Mount Scopus building their national ho me and this the first candle for…

… . sity in Jerusalem is not only a Jew- manded if a calamity is to be averted. sh festival. The university is des- of old, declaring: "If I could I would ' a "Most of these wanderers have fur all who are…

… are said to have PASSOVER GREETINGS the people of j brew University on Mount Scopus world in the fact that all will again unite Jews and Arabs, who forfeited their transportation tickets to the…

… help 5,000 Decorating. during the two thousand years be- 1914," says Mr. Toms of the Thomas Jews now in Cuba, who were persuad- tween the destruction of Jerusalem J. Doyle Company, local dealers, in ed…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 5

… it lies in the appeal to the belief of many unthinking per- t to worry sons that the only persons in the country who have money are the Jews. , The think it was just pointless puerile piffle, and Nitta…

… events of t his sort Many Jews have much to say about a better understanding be- oerat n tif any difference of opinion, ;in the shade. tween the races, yet are hotlY int l Reports which have reached the…

…' I don't believe that Mr. hurt i, United States has held large public statement: functions to signalize the event of The egocentric Jew insists that the Palestinian issue and other which the mass…

… meeting which took problems of Jewish origin are not the business of any except the Jew. place at the Manhattan Opera House,' On the contrary, theyare very much the business of the entire New York, on April…

… i 'aro w h en lacking in the power of self-analysis to are crowded fists belongi 'n'g to :k1'halui . z ong. •i agree with him that the Jews Lion locked arms anti (lancet] in a the extent he believes…

… 200 songs. Message from Dr. Weizmann. obtl WvIzmatint who "Pelted Not Jews so fast, Dr. hat in New York, most of them barn in India, Morocco or Abyssinia. 1 throw university officially on April I, ' T…

… House on New York witnessed u most re- "To "The the Jews of America: course. being ft peace-loving person, I couldn't see any reason why any- date, April 1, 1925, takes its always believed that human life…

… AVENUE BULDING Detroit, Michigan. organ' 10, hav- cipation tights in aviation all over e Jewish cal eau- tin work ins, such Lion and ociation. ons, the of Tur- a the ad, af social country. e spread…

… addresses moving and declanui- given substan faith. It has lifted the Harris Levy director N. of the medical staff of the saw pictures to Jewish and jubiltited till far into the night. imagination of all Jews

… • departments established through the nobly mental activities, where no instruction of a religious demand the right tween Jews and Christians of the generosity of individual givers, or of stressed. It seems that…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 1


…, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1925 Women s Clul) to JEWISH SETTLERS Hear Prof. Griggs LINE JAFFA ROAD , Famous Lecturer to Speak on "Womanhood and Unman . l'rogress. , TO HAIL 13ALFOUR' li…

… Mr. Griggs was born in AWatonna, ancient hills of Judea witnessed markable scenes on the se cant spiritual conditions in their communi- ' delphia and Byron avenues. ties was ressed byhaling Jew- Minn…

…., in Ie6S1 anti upon completing Illumrosen Edwards. impressive This than The local celebration on the occasion of the commencement and dedica- eve n more ice i s Max serv and exp lead Michigan , his…

… lee. Zientst executive, and prominent Jew- members himself congregation In Hamburg. During families are invited by Pisgah Lodge i etign• Morris 1). Waldman. exec. his work s ish citizens of Palestine…

… the Polish and Lithuanian Per correspondents. !icy and Social au ditorium of "Self-Culture Through the VIleation," t tip 15 n. ie. in the Jews. a All Ott' Jewish colonies situated the hoard of directors…

… of the drive. Dr. Sonderline wen one of the first Beth El, Rabbi Franklin will Mr, Busker found that some Jews "Erit•inship, Love and Marriage," l th y Jerusalein-JatTa road were T em ple For aong cy…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 18

… Golf Privileges and G Spring Rates. JEWISH CONGRESS To AID 11‘1 RELIEF OF EUROPEAN JEWS JOEL HILLMAN. Preeielent Michigan Paper Stock Co. .11 other clue—are do tors. ■ Palais de Dance Particular…


… alleged, ore in sympathy , uation of the new Jewish immigration I BERLIN JEWS GREET 1957 GRAND RIVER AVENUE with the Klan, made a last minute stormy effort to have the bill passed. into the country and the…

… "Ever since President Colley stated meinde by Egypt, Palestine and Syria with regard to malaria has been prepared would be the Hebrew University was unani- Jews The commission will • some months ego that…

… ment of the library of the Hebrew H. L. HERSCIIBERG, Prop. g athered to pay tribute to Israel Levi, er The result Univsity. h ' C Jews,Moslems grand rabbi of France, who arrived in Jerusalem for the…

… opportunity for the Jews get-' aer.i 15. Cell inc on the de•limitation of the Syria-P• • . C here is very good,' H. M. M . KOFFMAN e Miller bill providing for religious instruction in the public schools , ting…

… congress, which will he held' the government knew that for some a in the summer. time Jews were coming into the coun- to • . . • Direct from Our Churn d doctor? This is try in large numbers, but that the im…

…- Your Table. Is a graduate of a dental school entitle d ression had been that these Jews FRESH COUNTRY EGGS the point of disagreement between dental school students and the French were engag i ng in not…

… the strike of the students in the American and French schools in I great l y appreciate it if the Jews would cg Beirut, following an ordniance of the high commissioner which forbade the ' Half Block…

…" modelled after the "pole of settlement" of the former Czaristic government with regard to Jews was established in Turkey for non-Moslems, including Greeks and Jews, according to an order issued by the…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 8

… street. Plans were discussed the question for debate was: "Re- for an open meeting to be held Mon- solved, That Intermarriage Between day, May 4, at the clubhouse and ■ Jew and Gentile Is Justifiable." The…

…- % an o given speaker,: about their topics after they port of the yearly feast and the ba- , have finished, Isidore Berger will zaar will be given. Refreshments will' . p Jew in the Colleges." . be served…

MICHIGAN S LEADING DECORATORS AND FURNISHERS FOR OVER EIGHTY YEARS More wear for your silk hosiery dollar. That's what La France means. This beautiful full- fashioned silk hose gives more wear than any…

… avenue ss at the next will be hoste. Miss SideIle t sell dolls. A program was given to Goldstein Jews of all shades of opinions, Zion- Shuman Fur Shoppe Opens a a members. humorous recita- entertain the…

… cam- gods of Shaarey Zedek Synagogue the city and is amply qualified to do troit and Michigan unive'rsities. Dr. completing plans for the May Time expert fur repairing and remodeling. paign. will…

… regard to Palestine and its we have the duty to take action with development ; as loyal Jews regard to this all-important subject, and teralefine ourselves, our thoughts, our ideas anti our intentions. In…

… the first place. We have no right to be indifferent. • • • LOUIS MARSHALL tunity are closed? Where shall they have Where shall the Jew. go? that opportunity? Where will the pioneer spirit which…

… forces thousands to the resolution to leave everything behind and seek a new home—where will they find its perpetuate the old idea of the Chalukah. The Jews who go to Palestine must be men of independent…

… made the mandatory. Eng- land naturally expected that this great gift which it made, this great opportunity which it created, would be seized by the Jews and that • • • the Jews would pill hold…

… themselves aloof. the What would be said of the Jews of America, richest community of Jews in the world, the most the most influential and the most happy, powerful and when at such a time a s this • • • they…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 5

…- amigrants, the ma- ny respec e Jews to provided for a bri. f he purpose f rt.pri•Stql 912 by th. hi of 'Fat • against t the latt, r ional pi I. Ira Y' g the toe -ants oh - pr with r. ews becae - tent of tr…

… not mean , "a. The broader enlightenment of prose, poetry, painting from the attitude of normality, ' the Jews and Gentiles in the under- standing of Israel's history and mis- by that conventionality. I…

… the establishment of which most people dismissed and most striking suggestion, saying that Tobin, Jews dream or an p imosturereal a spiritual awakening of nth letter th e nags between Jew and Gentile, I…

…. our former Secretary of State. his ' tory. I believe that one is most Jew- coverer of wild wheat in Palestine equally reactionary successor, our distinguished ex-Ambassador to the Court I ish and most…

… our supposed guarantee of freedom it was not 'deeper education of Jews and Gen- permitted this man (Karolyi) to answer the Hungarian monarchists. tiles all over the world in the under-. . . • It should…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 12

… cousins are barred. • • • • Michigan Paper Stock Co. JEWS OF SMALLER CITIES OF MICHIGAN SHOW INACTIVITY (Concluded from page 1.1 was instrumental in having Mall y of them sent to Michigan, obtained work…

… prohibiting East European Jews to sell of their nationals or concessionaires. rooms extremely large: two-ear garage. goods in the streets was introduced into the Prussian Diet by the Deuache- with 110.0011 down…

…. The number of Polish Jews who are leaving for Palestine this month is 3,000, of decision of the Permanent Court of whom are tourists. It is estimated that the Palestine immigration from International…

… reported that large numbers ieet, Mayrommatis, to start w of Polish Jews fell on the battlefields of France during the war and the the same concession. The question,' news of their death was not received…

… parties it t e subject. DETROIT JEWRY TO HOLD A CITY-WIDE ' CELEBRATION APR. 12 h (Concluded from Dare 1.1 in the past 19 centuries. Every Jew, Frank Kiss, the main witness in the trial of the anti…

… deputatoin district of the Zionist Organization, , of the Jewish community of Naples, which thanked him for his declaration has called on every Jew to be present, establishing the Jewish national home in…

… quota for :idiot), Jewish immigrants to enter. More Jews will be able to immigrate into Canada in the next few months, to complete the quota. The conditions under which they may conic in are They must be…

… of the Ladies Aid Society. Particular People Prefer gration into Palestnie, which is now practically the only refuge for home. Mrs M GIttlen of the Mother , ' less Jews. If the request is granted this…

… have rejected the aptd,oation of th Matzos Used by The Soviet authoriti , Lem. A. W.rbe, R•p ...... atim Land. to allot 10.900 desiatin of land i• Society for Settling Jew , .,•, s' e Millie is rf Jews

… During M s Only Jewish MONUMENT t , They aere 1,400 Jew i-h families . • Crimea for t°e Deader h. Detroit. Passover. • rii wd to increase the :11;mm,, I if • t's Vitt only 12.500 Nine thousand desiatin, i…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 8

… feature of this meeting breaking runs in New York, will be a two-reel film showing the Boston, Philadelphia and Burbank gardens of California and gales, will be the otTering ..f common birds of Michigan

… movies. t Rocky mountains with the bettering his health, but cot,' ,.. West Warren and Michigan regard himself as a setni•P•o Avenue Mothers Club: mast not abandon his pink 'f} • %%. ••• t w• • • lost Mi…

… Dean, enjoy a distinctiveness that is survey in 1923 to determine the best tweets Jew and Gentile Is Justifiable. obvious to the casual beholder---a correctness site for a modern fireproof storage…

…. The honorary mem- The company operates specially- ber., will be the guests. Plans for built coaches which make for the ab- the summer will be discussed mud all MICHIGAN'S LEADING DECORATORS AND…

…, are given special training in Plans are being completed for a May order to give most satisfactory sery- Day Festival to be held May :1, in the I Jews—From Titus to Balfour," in a ice. form of a picnic…

… war the Jews in Clellan avenue. before the American Jewish Congress week as the guest of David Hoffman, LONDON.—(J. T. A.)--A pessi- in New York last year, Mr. Zangwill England's enemy countries will be…

… unity of the fective guardian of all minorities and pensed with. A special meeting will addressed to the Sunday Observer as Jews and thus make the problem thus secure the peace on earth which be held…

… to answer with action the question that was uppermost in the mind of every Jew that eve- ning of April 12th— What Can I and What Shall I Do? For the Hebrew University; For the Keren Hayesod which…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 1

MICHIGAN Dr. Wolsey to Speak CONSERVATIVE JEWS Refugee Jews Near 1 — N ew Director of B AL COMPELLED Li s First National Bank Starvation In Cuba HOLD CONFERENCES On 'Revolt of Youth' TO LEAVE DAMASCUS IN…

… youngergent•ration into the syna- , serve University. from the hostile mob of 6,000 which ( Connfte;' - 1 by the Jews of Detroit. He stated by uralization law has been changed and l goon. and spread Jewish…

… societies and he National Jewish llospitallfactory conditions and the animosities I younger civilian casualties front the disturb-' vi,or oft tion Y in the Kirby (;entig anti the 41)1- University of Michigan

…- the West and Middle West have con- than e n l from the arduous duties of the press- tIons among their co-reigionists in the , problems confronting the smaller Jew- deness of his move startled the lead…

… annual event at the institution, were, 5915 for various s pu r po a° ' ganizing the drive and addressing; "If the American Jews living ' Reform Judaism, because on this oc- ' sea ' • . . , ' payment mile…

… . erect- (Jews are actually dying from starve- ties were represented by 140 delegates Schwartz, wilt( delivered the opening • The new building cannot be mob and , teresta of the hospital. Scayer• Rabbi…

… Jacob II. Ka lan, who opening s .mall businesses which will nal of the unification of Jews all over ter and riots between a r owners finalleially inde- tire amount necessary ( tion and disease, without…

… Hospital has grown steadily tici ation of the ' ire.sident Stepney in Yiddish. tions of and the the Jew nor, ; Gabriel Davidson reported on the means the self-effacing pursuit of h diced, i joy to me that…

… . :demanded el e•e'inet:esth.: lure w a 11 — Darwin and Wellhausen than un- Okr•inien Jews 1 1 :•1'. inttlu,.:s1 i 'lliininetil li vat ' Palestine. The university to the e CoIlegeA" platicipated in by Eisemt…

…. On July 12 the ceremonies in- Sw•mitie demonstrathin which On the side of Moses Suter or tin that pt intervention i es of the Michigan Federation ,laboratory in which the Jewish soul ' due to the prom…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 17

…Arnim faith Pairdial Cotter CIJPION Avows • onvonnuen so, one Vassal= 1925 11- EDETR011 WISH HRONICL ilationurr 191 5 THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN VOL. XVII. NO. 20 ro…

…. ■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 H Winter & Kauffman for ry• AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 Starter and Generator Repairing ARMATURE WINDING QUALITY — SERVICE 1521 Michigan Avenue, Opposite Ball Park GLENDALE 4960 (li e. 0 U…

… of learning in America. Europe /11111 served us 1111d 111111111i us 1 1 1 1,61111 1 SS I Asia and 10,0011 pilgrims, including Jews and non-Jews, who flocked to the the dedicativn of this great house of…

… the Arabs and Jews into versities in Switzerland (Professor friends; on his excellency the high 1111 friendship. M. 'Unpaid of the University of Ge- commissioner of the Holy Land; Lord Balfour, who wore…

…. ,' ;.: :,. . ; ;". PASSOVER GREETINGS 0 Section Two DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1925 LI ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Passover Greetings E 1029 Woodward Ave CADILLAC 1029 WOODWARD It fl 11 11 11 1 r 000011…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 10

… stranded in Latvia to remain in the country until June 20 of this year was granted to refugees in Riga and CONSERVATIVE JEWS HOLD CONFERENCES ' IN MANY CENTERS _ (Concluded from page I.) after deducting…

… for maintaining a Jew- • ish Students' House at Yale. The conference closed with a demon- stration in honor of the opening of the Ilebrew University at Jerusalem. A message from president James, It…

… participated in by Rabbi . • • ASH RECEPTACLES Jacob Grossman, educational director That the Jews constitute one-third of the population in Warsaw was Do not welt until • Court Notice issent of the United…

…. According to these figures 64 per cent of the population ference, the following statement is H. M. KOFFMAN Catholics, 34 per cent Jews and 2 per cent Evangelists. made: • • • • 912 E. HANCOCK ST. "Of the…

…, the foundation stone for which w as laid Auto Electric Service April 3 on Mount Scopus, will shortly be erected through the genero sity of ature—and who said 'Jew' when a 1521 MCHIGAN AVENUE Philip…

… Watternburg, a New York business man, who attended the ex arc ices man was praised? Jews have never been given an opportunity in a nor- Opposite B•ll Park of the opening of the Hebrew University. Mr. Wattenburg…

… American and European Plans. New Hydriatic Baths. Therapeutic Baths. Golf Privileges and Garage. Spring Rates. JOEL HILLMAN. President [ Michigan Paper Stock Co. ) MEYER BARRON. Pree tuyors *1 All Kinds…

… the century Jewry, which paved the way for the legal emancipation of his Jews in church ban or discipline, perhaps be- birth- Europe, is vividly depicted in an exhibition which was opened at h place…

…. Acting on be- actor of the people. It is they who half of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, he carried out relief work from by their attendance put their seal of Gibraltar among the Jews of Morocco. In…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 5

… general have a rule that no Jew can be given credit for Forunat•ly We j belief in the destiny of the dead to of what his rating may be. more than one bill at a time, irrespective , ,rise. They are a…

… universally held by Jews, for there sae-- liable. were always those who did not give The Occasionally It is interesting Gi "get the goods" on these Jew-haiters and their assent to the doctrine. to show them up…

…, —does not at all mean that we as ' per cent of which come from women. So Hend rik van Jews attempt to define the nature and a rticle, a page from the Woman Citizen, containing an dvise me , I she is by…

… on S I reel films, "The Burbank Gardens in greatest martyr President, Abraham out of the unsuspecting i day, April 23 • at the Thirkell School, California" and "Common Michigan Talmud. ketbooks of…

… that one the of Jews inner be able. to live in hartannY which today would put the stamp the anti-defiernation committee, gave the other Poles in Poland. The future of the Jew in Poland "isn't!" I of…

… the decision of the Su- of 1.peculation fur the theologists true so men and wl the guests of the Michigan a States in the Oregon school case. which affects the philosophers. United it that Thoughtful p…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 24

… of art. With such we have nothing in com- mon to share except our pity or con- min, OS the case may be. Such a rtists we do well to call "Jew artists" to distinguish them from Jewish art- ists. And now…

… arguments against such people who, measuring depth by their own shallowness, still doubt that the Jews are a nation. Surely we have given enough to the world. It is high time that we begin to think of…

…., ROYAL OAK, MICH. sow, with his vibrating colors, who has caught in some of his paintings the very soul of the perturbed Jew as he wends his way to the syna- . usimuummu gogue. One is compelled to think…

… wants to think he is drawn to the East Side only because he finds there pictur- esque types; he, who half refuses to PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN AN OLD MAN be a Jew, unconsciously finds himself —By Paul Grafsteln…

… — By A. Walkowitz only when he interprets the Jew. to be a critical analysis but a testi- Yet of all those artists, warm and Duncan, that wonderful dancer. wonderful as they are, none reaches They were…

… exhibited last year at the Lafayette 5837 mony of love and respect. 6103 • 11 Michigan Ave. I shall speak of a few of them I the depth and height of A. Walko- Daniel Galleries and admired by all know well…

… , of form and color. A group of Jews in the fish market, Ihe possesses the earth and more; the 1 whole cosmos is his. Ile does not young people bathing in the sea, an old man with "Sepher Torah" in his…

…. The indus- try of the man is phenomenal. I is always the unsurpassed Jew. But his best work is where he ren- have seen in his studio thousands of dered East Side groups—clusters of drawings, water…

…. Grand River and Hillsboro Ayes. Lafayette Blvd. and Twentieth St. Gratiot and Fischer Ayes. Linwood and Haselwood Ayes. Jeffeon rs East and Beaconsfield Michigan entenum, •nd Vinewood Ayes. Ayes…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 25

… a duty that devolves on every Jew! worts of these bodies is for the advance this success?" he put the question, and who has risen above the struggle for answered it. "To the fact that we of the Jewish…

… the internal ills York—our religious sc oo ious enthusiasm by inheritance. His established six already, including one that are afflicting the Jews of this father was the leader of Reform Ju- • 1 country…

…' 922 FIRST NATIONAL but also schools are to be developed by there are Jews who practice it, and I the regional system. don't believe in proselytizing Jews shall be able to go in "How far we BANK BLDG…

… serves no useful purpose to convert out to its full extent during 1125, be- had Jews to an even worse Christian- Passover Greetings H. SCHINDLER MOVING & STORAGE WEST SIDE ACREAGE AND SUBDIVIDERS…

… !Voice is You." Telephone — It is Personal art" Inexpensire MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. • cause we haven't enough money, in the ity. "Let us strengthen every phase of first place, and in the second…

… place, there are not sofficient number of Judaism. I hold that this is better than Jews conform to a ter- trained men available. But we shall to try to Make toin, fixed standardized Americanism. go OS far…

… as we can, depending upon The better the Jew, the better the how much money we will have at our command. At any re, I hove hope American. And for the sake of Amer- that we will get eat least two of…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 29

… girl whose thoughts so fondly Of course it was the Wandering Jew. • How could you put such a question?" dwell On her lover, the church choris- • "Service and Protection That Satisfy." GENERAL AGENTS…

…, rolled International flounces plagiarism in a strain of fine Before the Jew a threadbare turban " 'Three shillings.' - and telling sarcasm: 921.922 DIME BANK BUILDING ERS-L melli…

… (Greetimic, I a 118 MICHIGAN AVE. (West of Kinsel's) Detroit's Most Artistic Dining Room. With Easter, we will usher in the Spring season formally by elaborat- FEDERAL CORDS a ing our dinner menu…

… Alert. a I the Golden Calf constructed by the te ll of te storyexpe ' wilderness of Inn" tha t Enjoy Your Work r ie nce Israel i thee onerecouhn ts the Ch ild ren of nish Jew, brought Spa and Business…

MICHIGAN AVE. H a full course dinner from 12 to 8 P. M., with a la carte service all day. S Battery and Tire Service P KING WAH L For Li BIG ■ I Wrecked or stalled autos towed day or night. We…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 10

… Auxiliary of the Michigan Federation White Russian high Court of Appeal, following an appeal made by the of Ukrainian Jewish Relief, -rugs; Mrs. David Berger of the Bicur Cho- sentenced. • • • • lera Society…

… are the London gation Emanuel, umbrellas; Mrs. H. Weekly or Monthly latt the Jew- Cogan of the Ladies Auxiliary of Y pper Zeit. the New York Jewish Daily News (Tageb), in d ha z, published BEN SACHS the…

… boudoir clocks;; Thousands of Warsaw Jews marched to the grave of I. L. Peretz, famous Miss Minnie Willis of the Kadimah Randolph 4232 , — Yiddish writer and poet, on the tenth anniversary of his death…

… Bldg. Main 0397 ceived city-wide support. I • • • • 'corporation. The London Times reports that Godfrey Isaacs was a bap- I tined Jew, having accepted the Roman Catholic faith, and that his funeral…

…, will be submitted to the League of Nations, according to a decision of the Palestine Arab Executive. "If the government's permission to the Jews to form a league of autonomous municipalities remains, it…

… would enable the Jews to form a government within a government," the executive claimed. The ordinance for the municipalities league was approved by the government by the British colonial office. and is…

… Telephone Empire 2114 (At Euclid) 8360 Linwood Ave. (Nr. Kirby) (At Eucl dl 6251 Dix Ave. 2633 Woodward Ave. 9018 Twelfth St. (Opp. Livernois) lOpp. Adelaide) 7164 Michigan Ave. 4800 Michigan Ave…

… when the number of Jewish American ! students constituted 10 per cent of the general number of students, no Jewish students should be accepted in the school. Whether this Michigan Paper Stock Co. foreign…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 11

… passengers in the Sesqui-Centennial could sleep in anticipation of the section have this beautiful Celebration," Colonel Collier stated. thrill of the landing. They thronged, "I an satisfied Oat the Jews of…

… dineies This artistic instru- for installation of University of Michigan Glees I branch. Three stories and a basement will be built immediately, with all and rowboats to more pretentious Radio later. ment…

… walnut. It is 35l The University of Michigan Glee depth f approximately 100 feet. The property adjoins the Wayne upset some of the smaller craft. • An official committee of welcome inches high and 331…

… come committees from Jerusalem, der the direction of Theodore Harri- ord Albums--an in- Jaffa, Tel Aviv and from every Jew- handsomest furniture stores in America. son• l that the new r building will be…

… Hebrew University of Jerusalem. GRINNELL BROS., I w!f appearing with the group. Great preparations were made at the Detroit. quartets, One of which also appeared university circles to receive the Jew- with…

… for hu- that you are a Jew." manity." A frightened cry front the opposite "Bunk," Jenny replied with feeling. Then assuming a stern attitude: corner, brought him out of his reverie.) "Now listen Sam…

… yandotte. MA. 37 S. fiddle Michigan Chevrolet he Sales Ideawood 4323 INTERIOR WOOD WORK ciety." de. and J.11 eaoe "Tab," Mrs. Lerner consoled "tzures tion machinery equipment and will be Way.. ISM Alliwn…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 2

… Relief Association Must Have Additional Funds. Zwetiner, field secre- Reverend tary of the Jewish Consumptive Re- , lief Association of the Los Angeles 219 Michigan Ave. Directly Opposite Book…

… of a Jew. 3 sent frogs all over the land. There were so many that people could not And the years fade into others, . walk on the streets. The women With misery yet a dark foe; T T,T,T,T .T.2.7.2-1,-T…

… wonder whether "Throw it on the ground," said , the there were any Jews in America as 'I Lord. I Moses did so, and lo and behold! far back as 1774. Very little printed the staff became a serpent. Moses…

… his small estate would 4 to them, leaving his wife m straitened circumstances. 0 You should make a will. Otherwise your property will be divided according to the provisions of the Michigan statutes…

… Distributors for State of Michigan. 665 WILKINS STREET ■■■ r 0A 5 d ■•■■1 ■■■■■■ ■ —JASCHA- HE IFETr The Incomparable Violinist 0 Thursday Eve., April 7, Orchestra Hi 0 9…

… Woodward at Alexandrine Goldfeder is owner, to have four pious Jews oversee the preparation and delivery of milk and butter from the farms to the people's homes, in- suring them that all is done in strict "I…

…, nor do I feel that I have any REO MICHIGAN SALES, service. The milk and butter for Passover will bear Rabbi Thumin's stamp . The telephone number of the company is Arlington 1006 opponent! Honorary…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 9

… PoatoIlice. Michigan at 32nd. 7803 Ferndale Ave. GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS FOR RENT How Would You Get Along j illisluxuries of yesterday have 14i8me the necessities of today. We have only to, think of…

… gas, International Harvester Used Truc s U Build Thom wh y rdealers Du when Buick to Telephone- It's Speedy, Economical, Direct MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. w that if tickly-- )ility has in the…

…, football; Smeyne and Stern, soccer; Bress Ellis, ARAB PARTY WILL 45421 Cadillac NEW private home. Near two street car 705 Barham Bldg. boxing; Sapperstein, track. WORK WITH ENGLISH , " of Jews, has not lines…

… made up mostly of Jews, have figured in the chant- ab party which will co-operate with FOR RENT -Furnished room for pionships for the past five years, winning three times. In Stern we The Marble Crusher…

… cattle received by the Lon- And let it also be mentioned that the Jews rank near the top in We supply all kinds of domestic man. Reasonable rent. Phone Gar- cited athletes are exemplary students. don Times…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 3

… similar Lure, "Microbes and What They Do," - by Dr. Harry Clark of the Detroit of Medicine. HUSSEIN'S SON AGAINST JEWS 1College Sedan Constructed • • • Street $ luring reached the gratifying point P…

… of "Applesauce" in ous parts of Europe, of whoni thou- Detroit _t_ro 2it will occur on Saturday night. !sands are Jews, according to a state- ay !tient made public recently by the W1 The intrinsic…

… Norwoodward Motor Co., 9115 Woodward—Empire 6980 Bucknell.K.nowlson Co., 2445 Michigan—Glendale 9888 No-theast Motor Co., 8564 Jos Campau—Empire 4083 Hergenroeder. Inc., 14615 E. Jefferson—Hickory 76® Midwest…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 14

… Justifiable." Sol Rosenman and Norman Rom, uphold- ing the measure, were opposed by Jack Weinstein and Simon Stier. This solid platinum, hand- "That Intermarriage Between Jew carved mounting, adorned and…

… every sale. day evening, April 19, at 9 oclock, declamation contest will be Irving at the Statler Hotel. Alexander Schlussel, Morris Palavin, Irving Streusel' "Michiganers" of Ann Ar- Beckman, Ilerbert…

…, Harry Holman & Co. Hebrew Ladies Aid. promptly at 2 p. m. Every Jew in in — in — the Fenkell district as well as those Due to the Passover holidays, there "IF 1 COULD ONLY THINK "HARD BOILED HAMPTON…

…" between 10 and 11 o'clock. c•iEhrlich the highest degree. AL - INFORMAL PESACH J Dean Company Young Judaea of Detroit MICHIGAN S LEADING DECORATORS AND FURNISHERS OVER EIGHTY YEARS OUNG MEN who seek…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 10

… mathic Debating Club, held Marc h Mrs. J. It. 29 at the Byron l'almnd Torah, Philip Michigan organization. eeg ja president of the aux il- Slonitivitz spoke 101 the Hebrew Uni- lary. versity of Jerusalem…

… Florida. The club is Stier. "Resolved, 'chat Intermarriage Be. ducting a membership drive and young tween Jew anti Gentile Is Justiti- men interested in athletics are invited The dance committee re-. able…

… WITHOUT OBLIGATION Z(5 1 - arr (2' Dean Company of.Detroit MICHIGAN'S LEADING DECORATORS AND FURNISHERS FOR OVER EIGHTY YEARS • Rachel Crother's amusing comedy, "Expressing Willie," will be con- tinued…

… given by the Ort Reconstruction Fund, which Benjamin Slotnick, Solomon I.un- has for its purpose the training of berg, Benjamin Schutzrnan and Jew's in farming and the trades. Rabbi Jacob Sonderling of…

… business man of much ability, is connected with the Heti Michigan Sales, Inc., 2272 East Jefferson avenue. Since the flea reduced the price of its sedan to $1595, undoubtedly making it one of the very best…

… PASSOVER ASK YOUR DEALER If He Hasn't Got It, C•II Us. GLENDALE 8244 2380 TWENTIETH STREET (Near Michigan) Faithful Service It is not uncommon to hear of men working in the gas business for thirty…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 20

…, for it, are surely something new un- This is the Jew's greatest need today, micro-biology and Jewish and Oriental I In addition, a foundation I der the sun.' It is try' privilege to be and is of…

… ' u ' h ,1 trut:luctf:g m u: Arn,r":1 ,n a 8Itk''ilj':;i:j.ii:!7' 1'. "Is. s j,i,t.tru iversi " d • open to t e me bers of every ties—at Salerno h ion, the Jew will find his 'Y es Phone Cherry 7209…

… ist Organization, Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Commissioner of Palestin•. ! I MICHIGAN'S FINEST ROADHOUSE Blossom Heat SERVING THE FINEST FROG - FISH - CHICKEN - STEAK DINNERS IN THE STATE BLOSSOM…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 9

… made soft and fleecy in It bli- This is a Drying Tumbler -and the reason why your knit underwear, bath towels, booty and sim&r articles are made so Only one of the many features of Michigan

… Temple Las The' AVLBTIR 'gins, "that our government has Beth El at 8:30 o'clock. keep you semis,* been distributing land among the Jews. That is, we are asked to form able andporta yes ourselves in groups…

… Land are sure we shall be able to complyI and Egypt. Stopover at Naples. 1 with your rules." Next Sailings Similar letters from the new Jew- , ish colonists are being received daily MAY 11 — JULY 9 at…

… universities of France, Germany and Italy, are re- terial to build business block. verting to the valuable method of a harmonious development of body Phone Hemlock 3737-It. Many Michigan and mind. We should like…

MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. le r SPORTS Leon Gordon Plays Lead in' "White Cargo" at Schubert Detroit April 19. KEEP IT UP! them. Commerce Conducts Annual "Clean-up" Week in City. Board of mmer…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 4

… !Opposition by . Jews and Seventh Day Believing that the purpo4e of or- Adventists Kill. Bill. ' . ganization and service rendered by an ; l.:titutioll,•worthy and deserving of ; SACRAMENTO, CAL. - 1.1. T. A.1…

… not only I which perhaps thus far have been de-„ " pany, the day. gang, there are now 12 trust cam- ! Hungary's greatest writer, but was punks in the state of Michigan, un- nied them. ill ' I der the…

… in patronage of the originations of this company se- • again to celebrate the occasion, of- bazaar by Jews of every political Gen and _ cured by first mortgages on select and , feting "ReminiscenC04…

…. Long Distance steps in ahead of the trailing competitor. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. RALPH W. LIDDY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (Present Incumbent) Graduate Detroit Public Schools and Detroit College of…

… State Legislature. s Member of Committees on: Michigan Soldiers' Home (Chat Federal Relations, Judiciary, Revision and Amendmen Statutes. 1921-22—Representative, First District, Wayne County, it igan…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 7

…, particularly the '40 parts of the city who appre- , Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Mansbach and ADRIAN.-Louis Busker, who has 40, Jews and Arabs. -..= _ -• ee .__ - -. - Sol Zweiback rendered several via- -on. Arthur J…

…. Mani;bach, have moved been touring Michigan's smaller cities ---.---- ciate the real values we lin selections. A social hour fol. from 139 Holbrook avenue to 34 Ha- in behalf of the Ort Reconstruction z…

… 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ES. council JEWS OF ADRIAN ORGANIZE SOCIETY _= ■ „ war T en Yea rs of Honest Dealt g a--_- offer. fur Storage r 0. WE CAN SELL FOR LESS : 7 . 7 - 7 . . - ..--.-- 1, RABBIS TO DISCUSS…

… 8907 TWELFTH STREET O BookCiAillac 11 1111 1 1 1111ilivilvtio+1t 'Nov , I ..- • !IHEN you next dine at Book , 41 k .. Cadillac, drive your motor car directly to either the ;2:1_ Michigan Avenue…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 9

… of Michigan who attended ord because of the desire of many . I members to be present at the derisive ' East Palmer avenue. were the Misses Julia Ruth att l e. Ilarriet Levy, Eleanor Scher, Pauline b…

… of the stone avenue will be hostess at a I Edwards concerning the recent meet- Mh Kart of the Michigan Council at Flint. ng AND HIS b, will be held Saturday evening, bridge tea Sunday afternoon, April…

… House of Shelter invites the Through a gener t h,, M. On by Both Orchestra. per t Jews : . of Detroit to visit and ins From 6:30 P. ith New building, w hich has been completely the Fresh Air Society, the…

… and poor Jews the comfort and con- ]and highly appreciated piece of equip- t he B'nai Writh Hillel Foundation at PHONE NORTHWAY 3861 an hospital steriliz- the University of Illinois is aiding…

… services of Al I in teaching ballroom a his "Michiganers retaty; Mrs. S. Kali, treasurer; Mrs. Art Strauss and and Mrs. R. Burstein, give instruction in vocal training to well known collegiate orchestra. The…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 7

… effected by installing your burner now. You benefit by our necessity. We must keep our organization busy during the dull season. celebrate Passover as a Jew should. I went to some rich people for hospi…

… Pass- OIL BURNING ENGINEERING COMPANY, 4155 Cass A Detroit, Michigan. xplain your special proposition for immediate (I) Send your representative to e installation. Facts About 0,1 Heating.' (2) Send…

… Passover today, the season of our freedom, • replied the Name Address WORK on the SAMUEL N. ROUFF The Only Jewish Reo Salesman in Detroit. REO MICHIGAN SALES, INC. 2272 East Jefferson Edgewood 4410…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 2

… that I know nothing about it. the end of his finger. Ile placed it on kerchief on her own head, and all the shoemaker. He was a little Jew voices, And then I think of the Seder, of the by head and walked…

… Employer. I move about from place to place, he would make me a coat with a slit Let us be Jews, that's Mattel Moishe, the son of Chaim and pulled it down a little farther. I get into everybody's way and am…

… "creak, creak, creak" in them. 1,11iibren' Tomer Oriental Cale 219 Michigan Ave. DANCING NO COVER CHARGE 75c [ r 1 TRY OUR NOONDAY CHOW-MEIN LUNCHEON Phone CADILLAC 9056 for MALE OR FEMALE HELP…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 15

…, 15c-25c NON-PARTISAN EXPERT SHOT BY COMMUNIST FOR RENT—Light airy room for two gentlemen or ladies, in private Jew- ish home Near two cat lines Phonehemlock3285-M. .__ ' FOR RENT—Mt. Clemens, six…

…, Friednot 11 up hem exhaust the is m ade by team I Maintain An Expert Service Department. Rei any means after 7 o'clock. Jews. This does nfeld, all of t number of Jewish athlete's who grace the roll of honor…

… THI N K " known method. A large battery of these motor-driven washers is but one unit of the equipment of Michigan's Largest Laundry— 1TNER IEEKLY AT" 1004241000-* PALACE. MODEL LAUNDRY 26…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 11

… and condition. by the Jew by nervous energy. This explains a contest. why the Jewish athlete is strongest in the critical or final stages of The two young runners who were clinging to their strongest…

… e M. A. PEREIRA. Mgr. the physical bravery of the Jew--his moral Arab, Iv can vouch for 125 RICHTON AVENUE and needs H emlock 5e54 ' Turk bravery no testimony." This is no sport brevity. but worthy of…

… and woolens are made soft and fleecy This is a DryingTumbler--and the reason why your knit u nderwear, bath rowels, hosiery and similar articles arc made so Only one of the many features of Michigan

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 10


Michigan Central rail- and Essex cars a day, the Hudson mea d . ' George D. Blumenthal is manager Motor Car Company has advanced to a position of undisputed leadership of the concern and Mr. Heller and among…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 2

…, and a poem by Henrietta Katzer. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Sylvia Lapinsky of 544 East Kirby avenue Tuesday evening, April 21. 219 Michigan Ave. Directly…

… for ap- Isador e Ackerman and Harry Cohen alone. h'eal They met beyond the borders of I I pearance before the lodge during the will s peak on the Jews of Russia and ds the Palest ins. the town and…

… SHIPPING Cadillac Storage C TWELFTH AT TUXEDO Michigan's Largest Absolutely Fireproof Stora, Warehouse. Our dealings with cu•tomers does not end with sate of Your new Chevrolet is here. Every car…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 6

… guests the Misses ('earl Tannenbaum and Fannie Rob- Mrs. Isadore Ilassenbusch of St. erts, who are students at the Uni- Joseph, Mo., has left for her home versity of Michigan, after a 10 days' stay with…

… May festival dance at the Jew- ish Cmomunity Center, McFarland street, Flint, on Wednesday evening, May 6. Music will be furnished by is 10-piece band. Arthur Pasternack, ' Sol Wineman and Gilbert…

… Graduate in Periodontia. FORMERLY OF TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA I. now Practicing at 3439 Ca.. Avenue. For Appointments Telephone Glendale 5734 The Most 118 MICHIGAN I gentplt firth Ell Noire Special Men…

April 17, 1925 • Page Image 7

… ning to give performances before ,Xlirahani. Michigan Lodge No. 111.1 'tie tgani zations and at chariab us, o- itirgh, Atlantic City, Baltimore I clffab survived by a sister, Mrs. .1. Id" Mle purpose o…

… ranint ie . /I A P. Kimmel of Chirp , and Hyman to appear in amateur Melrose 6570 rs. Henry Meyers I Delia liner- . ,Iren Kimmel of New York, and a large , M All Jew ish child ren $ 533.37 Forest Ave. E…

… anti ANIMUS el Sure 'Bet is a SMAR,T HAT (at diversified prices) from HENRYOTATTER MICHIGAN 205 GRATIOT-145 DETROITS EXCLUSIVE HATTER Disney — John B. Stetson Borsalino COURTESY SERVICE…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 26

…. ing and feasting he ever with you. LOOK FOR THE SEAL --- Glendale 8244 2380 TWENTIETH S (Near Michigan) S PLU 'PRA - 'RA. 1 +6016 1 56 0 51 Westwood 5 1 Glendale 7418 - 7419 STEAM AND HOT…

… WATER HEATING 15 - 25r237577 0-04:1****** -- 0000004100000004 10 41s0******* "At home away from home." The Hotel Goddard May days of rejoic- ness. Inn (Thirteen Miles Out Michigan Ave.) The…

…-poi- came the wanderer again, the Eternal go on to blouses who knows? Before soning set in, and before long it was Jew. The lure of the gollus held him so very long, it's for thee to take it necessary to…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 2

… table — they Jews of Russia and Isadore Acker- insi ncerities were indee. . 'k lel ' non read excerpts from Elias M. Ep- nearer together — a tremor went Voegele's mother was in a noiseless Voegele…

…'s Tomer 219 Michigan Ave. Directly Opposite Book-Cadillac Hotel DANCING EVERY EVENING 6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. NO COVER CHARGE Bert Milan and His Orchestra Playing. TRY OUR NOONDAY CHOW…

April 10, 1925 • Page Image 13

…. — exercise their sinister influence to the 47 Rowena street, for four years. uphold the fair name of the Jew and , Mr. and MN. Solomon E. Heineman' -- - --- - H Miss Clara eineman,' fight his battles wherever…

… held delphia and Byron avenue, 6 April 11, at 2:3 14ins avenue, Delmar and Westminster the hoe ni of Mrs. Lebovsky of 1 15342 ItVildemere avenue. Mrs. Ford avenues and Michigan avenue and address the…

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