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November 05, 1971 • Page Image 1

…Annimi — 1366 Fair'Oriens at_Center Saturday N1ghtDetaed rat°r=ge page 6 Review of Jewish News Page 4 VOL. LX; Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 1111+- 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 665, Southfield, Mich. 48075 A Lesson for All Generations Not to Be Misled by False Hopes and Deluding Panaceas commentary Page 2 356-8400 $&00 Per Year; This Issue 25c November 5, 1971 e Aid to Israel t...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 2

…The Litton:Ali` Generations- May Learn 'Frain : Recur Arisiistiifi-Rdcord • Panacea.vttiik Fielt1P4R.J.- - ---."-L..--- 13ra fiieridS,7 `Anti PY Ph lip • of -;, With; _ Judging...the dead---and as a rule one does not; •FrIMIL:P1111411i;11111 - apeak 1114d , dead--the record 'of a distinguished statesman's public • - their nkiers..nhOuld ., it.4"-.`and'.-1de-kvW.SS'aS110SsAhlit: -. life Can not be kept us secret iOthedoctiniente he usua...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 3

…- fgentine. Jewry's= Futu re- aciudy. (Continued from Page 1) The. Jewish - school - system has: been severely, effected; and 'some 2,000 Jewish parents were unable . continue. -.their. children -in Jew, ish schools for lack of means. The Buenos rAires ..Kehilla has -stepped in with grants •and- ellowships,- but its own financial position is pre- - ; "THE DETROIT JEWISH_ NEWS Regarding anti-Semitism, no sub- stantial-increase could be det...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 4

…• T het.o."...ting The Detroit' Jewish Chrpnicle IIP4 311/S, tune of July 20'; _ 1951 --; 'Iola Newspaper. Michigan Press Association, National Pdltorial Mimed. *lea twilishedt-every:Triday by liar Jewish News Publishing Co. 17515 W. Nine - Nile, Suite 855, Southfield, Mich. 48075. ' afeeend-Ciale POStage Paid at Southileldi.Michigart and Additional Nailing Offices. Mileerlytina 0' a year. Foreign id ,„ „ DREW UEIERWITZ PHILIF.51.CIMOVITZ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 5

…to Sincii-Aisures Cancer Treatment Equipment :r_m!`agliT rrja=1746971-5 A $509,000 4aine.s oily area not yet equipped. 'Now and Lynette -Hoiden Fund for; high- all major methods , of radiation energy radiation eqiiipmelit7. for treatment, ranging from superfi- cancer treatment has been :Made cial therapy to the deepest penetra- to Sinai Hosaital it_wat tion available, will be housed in announced today by-Ahe hospital. - the Srere Center. The ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 6

…Fifteen author-speakers, special duldren's programs, a Yiddish Theater night and a symphony con- ceit will be among the highlights of the 20th annual Jewish Book Fair, which opens 8:15 p.m. Satur- day at the Jewish Center. Books of Jewish interest will be on display and available for sale through Nov. 14. On opening night, Dr. Frederich IL Lachman, executive editor of Encyclopedia Judaica, will speak on "Jewish Books—Jewish Identi- ty." The e...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 7

…e ain't what he used to be. , -yOkOv_h4Fing a ball, right? You know,. yotirea .'"That's what we're &about. exciting guy,:kist the nght mixture; the fashion store of dash, sairOir:faire;cuititini::' 4'.`f fat -men. One St Ore where a male and perspicacity. And now that you've come out can get just about anything he'd -- care to wear. . from under that veneer of blue You feel like stripes today? serge, you've impressed a lot _ Stripes, it is. D...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 8

…THE. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS County Medical Examiner Faces Ouster Over Autopsy Issue 8-4rlday, -Hrineber 5, •1971 41,44,44,44,444,44,44,44,4444uppli Lowest Rentals 4, (Continued from Page 1) "Toward that end; Dr. Corrigan those who had already arrived for further tests. According to Jewish - patellae option t law, when the organ is buried, On Monday, the chairman of has been requested to appear at an the funeral. the family will have to sit shiv...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Neveinher 5, 1971-9 National Bank of. Southfield Now Pays 10 2 ANNUAL INTEREST What happier beginning, for the Festival of Dedication than to receive a substantial Chanukah Savings Club check from National Bank of Southfield. Patterned after the Christmas Savings Clubi iwhich have been popular for many years, the Chanukah Savings Club offers members" of the Jewish Community their own systematic method for ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10—Friday, November 5, 1971 Defense Cut, Freeze on Bank Credit Accompany Gloomy Financial Picture JER USALUM ifeTetisq:1Trom $8.190.000,000 to 56.800,- -Minister- Moshe-Dayiti -offered :his-000.000, which according to Sapir lowest budget proposal for the is the maximum sum the treasury enico ELECTRONIC -ing fiscal year at a meeting, of com- the cart .raisc. OPENER - • ministerial.committee - on ecOriornie - .- The cab...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 11

…• ■7 1, 6.!7;'!,7:0 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS lionwhar 5, 1971-11 Don't buy a new car until you read this. 53,000 on anew complete a Loan ',AppliCatinn at any Bink of the Common- wealth effICii. Upon approval, we'll Issue you a Certificate, of Credit for -the amount you-ninicL-Then take up to 90 days to shop ir on nict fiiid.thie credit certificate can -*if* hipper hand whad you're -look- best dsiaLlhe nioneye right there woe , er knawd...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 12

…12—Friday, November 5, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS r Anti-Nazi Observance Doscontonued in Holland Isaac Carmel at 88: He Knew He rzl By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1971, JTA, inc.) AMSTERDAM (JTA) — In the darkest days of Nazi rule, on Nov. 26, 1940, Prof. R. Cleveringa of Reading the Israeli press, we SIHRTRI learn that the veteran American Leyden University lectured to his Zionist Isaac Carmel, now living students and protested against ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 13

…, - .Tik RE.T1197.4.4."±IMJI.Pv s, ert,i3gInsfte FO*Yr,tifYtTber... ard Federal 's 6 d aily interest het these 10 a dvantages hest interest reg War insured ~ Ic savings . .-.11t's the highest interestevailable on regular, insured passbook savings accou nts. Your savings earn day in, day out And you're paid interest from the day your money is received- to the exact date of withdrawal at the rate of 5% per year. m ., - =interest is com- po...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 14

…• • • isaster, Parley Tol to ip BOSTON (JTA) —A national k less respond to active agents.' Philip E. -Heiman, MC presi toward a reapprochement with labor leader expressed the view His comments were based" on-re 'dent, said at the annual dinne r China, could - provide an - oppor- , that as urban America becomes ports by Louis Henkin,„ professoi of the executive council. - tunity for anti-Semitic hate -rnong- more embattled, polluted and of ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 15

…eivs -Sterecityped, Poor glectocli JLC Head CoMplains NEW -YORK (JTA) With the Peking regime "recall her Military mail* -exception of Wadi. PennaunitA', of people`in this country so Persistently' raiz: nnd eribiOds_ and.,, stereotyped as American Jewr New York Fend- ly Judge 'Jacob ZaCkerman told -, - "500 delegates-attending' the biennial national. cenvention'ot the Jewish Cointnittee.• - Judge Zuckernian, , • who was elected pres...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 16

…Stalin-Era Pogroms Could Recur, Says Freed Poet NEW YORK (JTA)-Joseph Ker- ler, the 53-y,ear;old Soviet -Yiddish Poet ;who was - finally alltiwed to emigrate to ,Israel seven-;:months ..,,ago„ *dared. that Vor.lir Jewiry hag demonstrated through its "unit- ed mass effort" on behalf of So- viet Jewry, that it - is 'one- nation with a comon experience." - But while-Kerler: expressed his gratitude to Jews in America and throughout, the Western w...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 17

…Israel- Answers Soviet Jews' Complaint (Continued from Page 16) viet Georgian Republic accused the absorption ministry and the JeWish -Agency of ailing at .their spiritual annihilatim0- The charge was made in an'open letter:to. >Pretnier Golda:Meir -de- manding, that. GeOrgian- Jewa ar- riving. in - Israel- be allowed to remain together and not dispersed in small groups. An absorption ministry -spokes- man told the JTA that every' ef- - fort...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 18

…Hadassah- Says Thank -on for. Gift Responding to the needs of teen- agers, the Flint Jewish Community :Council's board of governors has - acted upon recommendations of the .youth activities committee and rented a site at 3510 Fenton, as a youth- center. The report of the committee, co- chaired - by Malcolm Isaacs, Carl Rittman and Dr. Morton Stan- ley, pointed out that over the past two years some 42 sites have been investigated. The central...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 19

…- S. • - '111E DETROIT JEVaSIII MEWS Frithq, Itlevember - 5, 197i 49 - FULFILLED: A rredalic history created under the auspices of 1HE ISRAH VitiSEUM, Jerusalem A magnificent treasure of limited proof-quality collectors' medals struck in 24 Kt. Gold Plate on Sterling Silver and in Solid Sterling Silver. medals, and only 512.50 each -for the Solid Heirloom Qualities It was .a dream spanning the centuries ... an Limited Editions - St...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 20

…THE DETIWIT'JEWIS141) NEWS • Gold 20—Friday, -November S,-1 71 Monument Erected TEL AVIV (JTA) — A stone monument 'was unveiled last. Fri- day on the-Lebanese border at the site where eight children and four adults were massacred in the ambush of a school bus by AA'S terrorists 18 months ago. - Most of the victims were from Avivim; a settlement near the bor- der. Their names" were inscribed on a plaque attached to the mon- ument whi...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 21

…• • ••• .; - ' • . • 5 .1 - • 1-21 197 irts by .Iu " $12.0016 528:00.-; . - — see...ekeese. eft eaters; stripes,: and: print cilt'iotfon materials. ittiraristy„af collar cuff, and pocket style* : no Cherie_ . • Jiv ety tiài. 4 to 5 - weeks . _ nagvsms 'qt.0*We; Of:Course: .1.1b0.4 (UaOHk.IV•414.0Y, OakPark1 811* 48237 (31-3)49849711- •-• turhansa EESióitiôI • is $382. at's not the only way e save you money oilcan fly ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 22

…• "7-7••-•,- ,Sf3=i251583MTRAM THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, November 5, 1971 Holy Sites Please Chilean VIPs TEMPLE ISRAEL- Services 8:30 p.m. today and 11 a.m. Satgrzlay. • Rabbi Loss will discuss "On Whom , Can We.Count?" Michael Pack- ard; Bar Mitzva. • TEMPLE KOL AMI: Services 8:30 p.m. today.Richard Lobenthal, of Wayne State, University's sociology department, will _speak on ''''The Current Controversy--Over School - CONG. BETH ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 23

…: -._ QIIr$,pirector„in, Latin America -- Instability BY 4MAllLoikIll 'DUBIN .-- Latin- America-that 3/0 one knows , - and The war, was over, the. our what .tomorrovi_will,bring for its vivora sat `ghostllite:In'their 'her- Jevis. And‘Warid-Poliik doein't pre- Iracks.".. hinging onto - reality ` "- Jewish organizations must -work ' Bernard Wand-Pitialt remembers like- firemen. -Because' it's it- bad them - well. And he - remembers situation...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 24

…24—Friday, November 5, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Federation Young Leadership, Awards : Go to Mrs. D. L. Sherman, Da*id,Page - I Noted-Scholars, World Leaders W_illMfdress Council of Federations Assethbly.,-Noy.:1044 NEW YORK—Louis A. Pincus, address to delegates at the Nov. 11 "The Middle East: AmeriCan general assembly session, will dis- -Policy and-America ,:, Ophd on. ,* David K. page - and Mrs. D. a joint 'meeting of the beard of ch...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 25

…-TIE Dung. JEWISii NEWS Norodow 5, 1971 .25 _ . I raw odow4wwows- town Dellallsody rywates tor Illt• - _ • • • • • SIRLOIN STRW Judy and tender, broiled to-order • Hot Texas toast - ' 4, Fluffy, buttery, baked potato • Crisp, tossed green salad -.choice of dressing AII for $ • • • • • • • • ?haw 5574237 - Canyouts Including seeday •- 04-Ad- h. Ad - • -RESERVATIONS TAKEN FOR • • • • • •• • - ACROSS THE RIVER in Virmdsor ....…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 26


November 05, 1971 • Page Image 27

…-NE '101TROff JEWISH NEWS win 21I—Fridny, Ilkintembee Sr 1171' * Local Tiddler'_to Bring Joy tO :Last season, C.,interrTheater of "FidLiler. the Hoof' The :on the JeWisit' Center: invited 50. Bar-, stage being directed -by Beth:- •man Ball "residents to attenda- -Shev*In'ilzie",-"Who.dfrected Center. perfarmance of "The Odd Couple" Theater's "Tevye and.--Eli.s.",Daugh.;, The invitation will be"-rep,eateitters'":" - for Center:Theater's...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 28

…a rolyz Preyfooptalle.* teven Marks THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS- k it; x..5;. 1971-29 iri CITY:- OF . HOPE CANCER CANCER faR . from 8 a.m. on Thurs- day and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday at the City of Hope office. To donate used clothing or household ;ar- ticles n i good condition, contact the Chairman,- Mrs. Sam Schwartz; 546- 3886, or Mrs. Seymour Fried, 851- (3)01. A board meeting will be held noon Monday at the Raleigh House. Luncheon will...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 29

…111 ,1111.0".-05g 1971 THE - num JEWISH NB!: r.Qied Retu •3 Sc4e4tAlfinter Rites Set 4017:1 WPITiert;; ' Miss lifolfe,Mr-Stearn Art Auction on Weekend Calendar Yoeatinnal Service. .announces the formation an-; Other -:,:"PrOject,' ..Reftwn""1- : group; ineetint - rA pan: - ',ToontlaYs. - : thirE month. at the: new JY$'. b u ilding;. (andinued; froM Page :29) ..• CHILDREN. UNLIMITED; an -or- ganization -.. dedicated to helping :multi-...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 30

…L". ichigan leonbers of Congress Get Zedakah Women t o Aid Aged, Needy Judaic , Heritage Society's Medals Special to The leads*: Nevis WASHINGTON, li„C. Specially engraved copies of the Judaic Heti, tags Society . Temple Medals: were to be presented Thursday Sf two' functions heie; tajOehigati mum berg of Congress, in kecognitiari of their deep interest, in Israers se- curity. • Yinfik):4KluD• At one of the functions, at the Office of Hous...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 31

…Fs Among the :..activitiea tprofeeted the new are - turei,discussion groups , .feit.tal w celebrations, .flearew awateaP: 4 9401 danCiak. bandierat jnreratetkin on . Israel, and 'essistente in . ,iste,V cation and .the. ors ters of housing-.and - empiric/Meat. No title" eft 7s given The program • be coordinated BB Wome*Protest. . for their week, and the pay '.1a • by Mrs. Tamar Ni84. - the wife 011 Nixon poWri-4- Aeverthelees-?; voluntee...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 32

…c. - Friday, :ffin► lialbar S, 1971-33 Drtroiter,Writes-Novet. About Holocaust To Oedicate- Vocational Service Bldg., Arnold E.Frank Community. Workshop at Special Program Next Tuesday We are apt - to believe - what the Detroiter Hyman Shenkman, orid believes about us survivor of the Holocaust, -George Eliot. a has written a documentary novel, "The Partisans Against the Nazi War Machine,” 'published by Jonathan David (68-22 Eliot, Middle ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 33

…Edward C.. LeVy - Relishes 'asWelcome . - Birthday 'Gift Privilege to Share in Numerous Community Services THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 34—Friday, November 5, 1971 , EDWARD C. LEVY . • Couples Plan, Social "The best gift I can be given on my birthdaY is the privilege of -continuing my labors for our com-., munity." That's the message Edward C: Levy passes on to his friends when they greet 'himon his '72nd birth- day, today. "Ed"—he - wants to...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 34

…Honor- to Orba c h and Judges Concerti - in Light of Hazanic Traditions BY JACOB, TBARKIN ation Canter of, Cngreg Shaarey Zedek. Last Saturday night, I was happy to attend and privileged to parti- cipate, in a joyous and thrilling celebration at Temple Israel, tend- ered in honor of- its distinguished cantor, Harold Orbach, on the oc- casion of the 10th anniversary of his professional tenure. A capacity =audience of congre- ganto, colleagues...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 35

…36—Friday, November 5, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW - Lieberman Heads Histadrut Drive s Podiatrists Cite Washino-ton Colleaffue Norman Robbins Elected Dr.. Julius J. to 5th Term as Head Gottlieb (right), of. Cancer Society Unit The opening of Histadrut pro- ris L. Scheyer and William Schu of Wash:ngton, At the 1971 - D.C., the former annual meeting campaign activities was highlighted mer, vice chairman. podiatrist of Mrs. by the election o...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 36

…• U.S. Mid East Policy 'Disastrous,' Thanks to State Dept, Says LB J *Aide Business Briefs WASHINGTON 4,ITA)—A former the Nixon administration has sold aide to." Presidents Kennedy- and more military equipment to Israel SEYMOUR SCHWARTZ AGEN Johnainfraaid lastweekend,that than any previous administration. CY is presenting a wide selection Jack Of .AVhite ,House [staff "Biit;',!The added, "it is disturb- of musical ' entertainment this :tien...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 37

…38—Friday, November; 5;. , 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dr„ Selik. Named 'First I Citizen of Southfield' I 'S CLUBS Dr. Martin Selik of Avon Ln., Southfield, has been named re BETH ABRAHAM - HILLEL HAKOTEL CHAPTER; Men's e- ye.-:t cf - the "First Citizen o MEN'S CLUB will present the first Marachl, along -with Batya Chap- Southfield Award" for- his ou t- program in its 10th anniversary ter of Women's Efizrachi, is plan- When Jewish communa...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 38

…l rgeogiagegmetallingialiseoggneou _ . ii at 1101E --t8~ l - 01beers,- 711E -1111111111111mnosialis Fridlett. Nintinler 1971-39, Hai 11)iiiiiei'..1%46. 4:E:. 2 • Detroit - Chapter," AmneriCaim -So- Sen. Henry )f;741eimion will -be ciety for - Technion, will ;, install guest speaker-it .the annual din- newly elected officers- at its 26th ner event. _Sharing the podium will aCe..abIaL :annual • dinner Nov. 212 at Cong. be • Tose.: -Awl,"...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 39

…40—Friday, November 5, 1971 Er. DETROIT .1E911511_14E1NA Detroiter Makes 2nd Start— in Israel Elliott Rappaport. a former De- troit engineer, has been applying American knowhow to raise Is- rac;'s industrial. prOductivity. The 37-year-old Wayne - State University graduate who waked: in Bendix Research Laboratories from 1959 to- 1968, _inimigrated to Israel in 1968 and took a key -posi- tion with the Israel Institute of Productivity. ' From ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 40

…Israel , -BOhit Dinners on - 'ci*lier,' chairman Jacques sTOr Fall Calendar of 6:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the synagogue. the executive of the World Union David Klein, president, said the pleted for the fourth annual Alpha of General . Zionists, will be guest Beth Shalom members are spend- Omega Dental Fraternity Israel Bond Dinner-Dance, honoring Dr. speaker' at a. leadership reception ing two weeks in Israel. Azriel Weller, 7 p.m. Saturday at ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 41

…-e1,4 42--Friduy, Iisvanhor S, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISt MEWS 13-.—IFOR RENT_ APARTEARIETS SUTTON PLACE APTS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS but we ore accepting applica- Call Rental Agent 10—ROOMS FOR RENT SOIJTFIFIELD'S NEW WILLOW 'GREEN 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS SOUTHFIELD NICE ROOM, kitchen privileges. Work- ing woman. 968.2733. 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms OAK PARK. Room for working woman, kitchen privileges. Private home. Ga- rage. LI 8-5492. ...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 42

…RTMENTS FOR RENT- 13-C—APAR FLO IDA lilt . 16—HOUSE FOR RENT 17—HOUSES FOR SALE SUBLEASp„ .threedroon.hozne L. from 7Novembet,-1-5".*e...-25 'iyunt- i ngto.Woods. rt 398-2627, LI 6-5789. O tittkititkitAittif ' - OkkIFAtik-'CUSTOM 'RANC'H Brick 3-Bedroom With Den Available Nov. 28464 Pierce, Southfield month. Recently painted. Fully Call 962-7924, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. carpeted, some drapes, 2 full baths, central air-conditioned, 13-D...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 43

…r T";" '.1 44—Friday, November 5, 1971 ° 17 — HCUSE5 FOR SALE THE CHILDREN "LOVE OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 - SOUTfiFIELD--15598 ' ADDISON Owner. 547-9827 W. of. Greenfield. S. 10 Mi. ,Spar- Ming! Newly' decorated, • move-in yesterday.' Delightful .3 bed: brick ranch,.Farn. bIL-in, kitch. 2 full baths, CENT Allt,'Carpeting, drapes.' Professionally finished.' Rec. Rm. $39,000. 557-2400, - 3 bedrin. brick ranch.' 14-ft. Fam. Rm.. 2 full bath...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 44

…l7—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES-FOR SALE OAK PARK. P'our-bcdroom, - OAK 1191k BY OWNER many lip() sq. ft. of - living:space. :Imme- • diate occupancy: a bedrooms, 2-half and 1 full botb, finished, basement, central air , new torPetirig. Family room , pass:-holy extra cIosets. . Close to synagogues salads ^shopping orici ig.-1: 1612 transportation. Mr.t Opetn 21911 KENOSHA 626-0642, if se eisswei; cell 546. 70900 _ f...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 45

…17—HOUSES FOR .SALE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 46—Friday, November 5, 1971 OAK PARK — BY OWNER 13400 IRVINE 17—HOUSES FOR 3 bedroom ranch, 2 car garage. 2 baths, finished basement. Dishwasher, disposal. LI 3-4802 1 BIRMINGHAM—BY OWNER MEADOW LAKE FARMS Call For Appt. '851-5890 . 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN , SUN. - T-5 PARK RANCH .. OWNER LEAVING STATE Modern 3 bedroom 11/2 baths, ranch in excellent "move-in" condition, CENTRAL AIR CON...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 46

…-*AK A kAlik *.:6141Y. liwm ER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 bedroom brick ranch/ new car- peting, drapes, finished base- . . 3 badman:brick 4'foll baths plus beselastair -111.% room, central alt pine atr- _ _Car- peting Ised. 'drapes _emporia:wt. kitchen-4as, .buliteln= .•dlahwasher, self-cleaning slaitarle stove. Gas bar- b.ctue in level, °Yard- Kan:, extras. Open for offers. far_ strati' U 14811.. open -1Inn. ANL- . ..• . . merit with fireplace....…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 47

…• • • x4 -4.444.41444414144.44-44441.414n * * * * * SOUTHFIELD 4 4 41 * * NEW 4 bedroom colonial, 2% 4t * baths, paneled family room, I. * * air-conditioned, Oak flooring : * * throughout, bidlt-in appli- : antes and attached garage. * if * -s -I, . . $39,800 " • 21450 Marshall St • .:-... * * * * 2 blocks north of 11 Mile, 1 : : block west of Greenfield. se * * OPEN SUN. 1-6 M & S * 1111•1•-• Magniii,ent cust. bit, brick rand...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 48

…offlraorriernist-Navi FridarcihrkwimwAs,i-1 971-49- *—itouterrent 17-410USES-FORSALE. SALE ADRIAN ST. W. of Southfield, N. of 10 Mile Move rigit Into: this - ssourtirtetz--N. or to MI- z Gray brisk wick 116011011111111 aad ineindes lends ei am- . boards, dkwaaber.T refrigerator. bailt4a stem, breakfast nook. - Pass ball. Madam room. Decors. for mtwring_and drapes. 2 full baths. Tainami leer. ZOOM. Owner sell. Milk as. tramferred. M "...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 49

…TIE DETROIT JEWISK NEW$ Jewi sh BiirilER.iter„14isitunr jii :Israel; so—Friday, NIIrVaMber 5- , 197.1 :: >. - -,-..-,. .,„ t __-!... .,. - 7,...-. r" ,- .._ 9 50-8USINESS CARDS - x I VOItilti - lifrli SUrptiSS‘W011ieli Under • -9 .Mother Aline-.1katat_D in Jera -satelinIfiraughtT A rab Jevr- Prenclt-born - ANother;Aliiie cameo tat - JERUSALEM , (JTA)—The -Jew:, are equal in- number _among per - 'Mother AlineBatut:former mother in- 1952 .whe...…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 50

…;"Illvaisber 474'47 Pti 1140111elit ' '' -.1971.5 ' P}IILIP1HEliliOVI41*;',14341 10 'Milt: Oak Fark,-:;_diett.Oet- 30. SurviVed--byhis wife';,—Gussier: = - • .^.1.1V. • . . . •.'"MOIlltIS -LASSER, 30288L inuth..; lield;-.Southfield, died Oct 329. He lave& his -wife; Kdna;- IWO :sees, Harvey;: and UAW; ilfrai-.Absabais (birstailbsilht: •Wril uel- Otter bier Survived sisters and fear arandehihken. : Yv 91; = ' his wife; Adeline;, a Srali. ...…

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