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May 05, 1967 • Page Image 29

…- bers of Flint Lodge Bnai Brith were led by Dr. Morris Bikoff, former captain of the University of Michigan's 1941-42 team, and even with Dr. Bikoff's eight points, they could not subdue the youthful…

… persecuted peo- team. He is currently president of ple. I am grateful that Israel, our his class and plans to attend the biblical birthright, finally exists as University of Michigan honors pro- a refuge after…

… adults as major observances, and the teens wonder why they should Editor's Note: Bob is a member think of it in any more significant of the Temple Beth El Youth Group, chairman of the Michigan terms…

…. This combined with the and arts program at Cass Tech, he questioning and rebellious feelings is captain of the tennis team, past • 2602 N. Woodward LI. 9-1885 Hillel to Stage My Fair Lady in Hebrew…

… by the Shrine of the Little Flower High School, with many props and settings from Mercy College's re- cent production of "My Fair Lady." Mrs. Herbert Eskin, music di- rector at Hillel, also reports the…

… to Be Honored The Beth Aaron Religious School's breakfast in honor of its confirmands and their parents will be held 10 a.m. Sunday at the synagogue. They will gather in preparation for the annual…

… confirmation ser- vice, June 11. The class of 19 con- firmands will be honored at the breakfast with a presentation of a Jewish National Fund tree cer- tificate. Charles Jacobson, chairman of the Beth Aaron…

… school committee, will preside at the breakfast, with Sam Loberman, president of the synagogue, Mrs. :Morris Ginsberg, president of the sisterhood, and Joe Medwed, president of the men's club, offering…

… greetings. Irving Ritter, principal, will describe the details of the confirmation. The program includes participa- tion by the confirmands and Rabbi Benjamin H. Gorrelick. A baccalaureate in honor of the…

… confirmands will be held June 3. They Made the Grade PAUL SCHOENFIELD, 20, of Detroit, has won the Oakland (Calif.) Symphony's National Young Artist Award of $1,000. He will make three solo appearances with…

May 05, 1967 • Page Image 24

…. Neeleman, in their home, 29351 Leemoor, South- field, 8:30 p.m. May 17. The reception is in advance of the Beth Hillel anniversary dinner. • • • Judge Kaufman to Be at Pinsker Celebration Judge Ira G…

… the presentation of life member- ship certificates at a dinner at the Masonic Temple 6:30 p.m. May 17. Frank J. Kelley, attorney general of Michigan, will be principal speaker. For reservations, call…

… artist at the Cong. Beth Otto Feinstein, associate professor Hillel Israel 19th anniversary din- of international relations at Mon- ner 6 p.m.. May 28 in the social teith College, Wayne State Univer- hall…

…. Rabbi Sherwin T. Memorial Day Rites and Mrs. Jack Wildstrom. The Wine will moderate. toastmaster will be Benoit Gorge, The meeting is sponsored by the for War Veterans - Set president of Beth Hillel

…. Rabbi Joel social action committee. The Department of Michigan Rabbi Wine will discuss "the Jewish War Veterans will conduct J. I.itke will give the tribute to the honorees. New Morality" at the Temple…

… memorial ser- particularly at the Concord Hotel. cultivation in India. vices. • Manic ian Heads Beth Hillel 'Menu' To Mark 25th AMPAL Anniversary Monday at Local Reort Meetin pg The 25th anniversary of

… committee of the LabOr Zionist movement, will be testimonial chairman. Mrs. Morris L. Schaver, Detroit Israel Bond Women's Division chairman, will be honorary chairman, and He has lectured at universities

… obtained his masters degree in archaeology at the Hebrew University. During Israel's War of In- dependence, Ambassador Gazi t screed as company commander in the Jerusalem Brigade and was seriously wounded…

…' 24—Friday, May 5, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Mordechai Gazit of Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs, to Speak at May 22 Labor Zionist-Landsmanshaften Fete Mordechai Gaza, assistant direc- tor…

… general of Israel's ministry for foreign affairs, will be guest speak- er at the Labor Zionist Movement- Landsmanshaften Israel 19th an- niversary celebration May 22 at the Labor Zionist Institute. The…

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