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December 05, 1941 • Page Image 14

… Pergament, Marty gan State College Hillel Extension, at the Hillel Jamboree given Weinstein, Dr. Charles Stolar and by the University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation last Dr. Ben Stamol. Saturday…

…December DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 A Group at U. of M. Hillel Jamboree Supper of Beth El Sister- PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT hood Attended by 500 The Pr imrose Benevolent Club…

… Detroit Chapter of Rho Pi Phi, Jewish pharmaceutical fraternity, have completed annual •initiation at Wayne University. The newly in- ducted members were Leo Gran- don, Abraham Reichmann and Martin Winokur…

…'s annual donor luncheon will be held on Jan. 20, at Web- ster Hall. The affair is planned by a committee under the lead- ership of Mrs. G. Pearl. Out- siders will be aided in every way to raise their money…

…. All, inter- ested, please contact Mrs. Pearl. Five hundred men, women. and children attended the Sisterhood supper last Sunday night in the social hall of Temple Beth El. The supper was under the joint…

… • direction of Mrs. Melvin Baer and Mrs. Jerome Manheim, co- chairmen of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El ways and means.• committee. Mrs. IIarvey Rottner had charge of ticket sales. Mrs. Iry ing,' Hirschman…

… and Mrs. Al Drei- fus directed the preparation of food. Mrs. Lawrence Freedman and Mrs. Oscar Zemon had charge of the sale of home-made canned goods. Bess Rosenman to Manage New Flower Shop in the…

… peo- ple of discriminating taste. Bess Rosenman, who has made many friends through her under- standing of floral problems, and whose anxiety to satisfy has made her services invaluable to the patrons of

…, etc., and in- vites a telephone call at Univer- sity 3-6638, which will bring her to patrons homes. Robert Brown, who is known to hosts - of Detroit people for his creative designs, will continue to…

… please particular customers in his capacity as designer. The shop is filled with novelty house plants and gardens to add to the beauty of glass shelves and cabi- nets. • Of Yivo, to Speak in De- SHELVIN…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 6

… Beautiful Dream," a Jewish For joyous, carefree gaiety, ed by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- folks operetta, has an interesting dation at the University of plot, with lots of comedy, with rest and relaxation…

…, don't hesi- Michigan on Nov. 29 and 30, modern American-Jewish catchy tate to write for information to H. B. Friedman, managing di- was the largest social undertak- melodies. rector of the Governor…

…, chairman; lunch- University under the direction of at Bnai Moshe Center—Dexter and Lawrence walking distance of all the night eon arrangements, Mrs. Ben Gor- George L. White to raise, money Outsfendisg Event…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 6 Pre-Holiday Dance of Shaarey Zedek Y. P. S. Sunday Night Annual Chanukah Ball of Bnai Moshe on Sunday Beth El High School Student Council Dance…

… Marvin Frederic and his or- chestra, who have previously been The Wothan's Auxiliary of the Holidays raised amounts for a featured at the Book Cadillac United Hebrew Schools have com- total of $965.36 as…

… provide music for Wednesday, Jan. 28, at the social 3370 W. Boston Blvd., $100; M rs. Grossberg, 2663 Elmhurst, $17. the opening of Club Havana, the The sum of $500 was sent to 13 Temple Beth El social hall…

…, on yeshivoths in Palestine and $200 Dec. 20. was given for the Shanghai ap- The affair is under the aus- peal. The balance of $215.36, is pices of the High School Stu- left for three yeshivoth in…

… Europe dent Council and an evening of DR. WISE SENDS MESSAGE dancing and entertainment is which will be given to Rabbi TO L J. ROSENBERG Cuttler, Rabbi Jaffe and Rabbi promised. Tickets are now on sale…

… Zack of Chofetz Chaim Yeshivoth, by all Council members. In a message to Louis James The 'women thank all who had PHI. GAMMA ETA SORORITY Rosenberg, acknowledging his a share in making this collection…

…- S. Wise wrote: Young People's Society of Baby Aaron Moshe, son of Mr. brated their second anniversary "I appreciate your message to and Mrs. Louis Block of Wash- Congregation Shaarey and the…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 10

… Federation and Henry Rabin of the Hillel Found- ation. Mr. Gordon deplored dis- crimination against the Negro in education and employment. Miss Kelly, asking for more religious content in the schools, was sec…

… con- tributed by the Michigan Linen Supply Board of Trade for this purpose. Alex Nichamin, chair- man of the organization, headed the committee. Charles A. Chid- sey of the Banner Laundry, treasurer of

… related to the purpose of the National Conference included Catholic Co- Chairman Carlton J. H. Hayes, Columbia University history pro- fessor, who indicated that Amer- ica might have to go to war to protect…

… Institute iority, even some of its sever- seminars, during which it was eignty." disclosed that "not a few" col- Dealing with the meaning of leges and universities discrimi- the phrase "democratic way of nate…

…a DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle CONCERT BY MOISHE OISHER AT WILSON THEATER SUNDAY Recognized as the foremost cantor of our time, and known for his successes on the Yiddish…

… talking screen, Moishe Oisher has won a large following during the past few years. This Sunday evening, Sept. 7, Moishe Oisher will make his only appearance in Detroit, in person. He will sing a group of

… reservations may be made by calling CHerry 2110. The three films in which Moi- she Oisher gained fame are "The Cantor's Son," "The Singing Blacksmith" and "Overture to Glory." Abraham Littman, manager of Littman…

…. 8 The contribution of Samuel Com- pers, English-born Jew who built the American Federation of La- bor, to the development of the labor movement in the United States was hailed here at the unveiling…

of a statue to the late labor leader. The speeches were broadcast nationally by the Co- lumbia Broadcasting System. The opening meeting of the season of Zedakah Club will take place on Monday, Sept. 8…

…, at the home of Mrs. .George Robin- owitz, 18651 Warrington Drive, at 1:30 p. m. Members and friends are urged to attend this meeting. After the summer va- cation this meeting will serve as a reunion…

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