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July 29, 1932 • Page Image 1

…▪ 32 !•• ■ torded Deed., ste of 57 of 04 of -Orate Mort- rworta• nber, ord. 'aunty di the 1929, Mort- rtgaite ate of 4, the e and ilt or laying st ar Part of the most- ! the I. and tat on DAY islosh most- pub 1st the trance '1(th: f t held), ort is, be • as h the (6%) tenses, ed be eribed 4 130 It of Car. teyen• south, plat Fe 13 , also e City State Ite First Aging me of SY E. Y, his R and wife, mort• TIJAI lolunt• ninth td re. Regie- y...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 2

…W)L-ritorrlEmsn9tRoma t and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE •=seumw ■ AUGUST FURNITURE SALE a LA Bride of Last Month, Hi1110 11 0 C 11 1 — Month at Waal. Co - ncelhzicr 15 ha441 In keeping with the spirit of the times Robin- son's AUGUST FURNITURE SALE is different from any that have gone before. It is concen- trated into 15 days. (We could not keep up the swift pace we have set for ourselves for a whole month) . . . The values are greater than eve...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 3

…peparorginunffiRMICLE PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRON!CLE Engagements Detroit's Finest Dry Cleaning AT THESE New LOW Prices Mena' Suits or Top- coats Cleaned and Pressed Ladies' Dresses, Coats and Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Si .00 a' up THE SAME HIGH STANDARD QUALITY PHONE 'COlumbia 4200 FOREST CLEANERS and DYE RS 533-547 E. Forest HOLD EVERYTHING! COME TO THE 2nd ANNUAL PICNIC of the 1st GALICIAN SOCIETY Mt. Clemens Jewi...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 4

…77, 'r17 1101, , 7"r' ,„ PAGE FOUR EfEberROITILVISIlARONICLE mid THE LEGAL CHRONICLE A SALES REPRESENTATIVE When you buy advertising space i n a publication you are in reality merely employing a s ales representative and-you should look for the same qualifications in the publication as you would in a salesn Ian. And what are these qualifications? What do you w ant in a sales repre- sentative? You want an individual who in pires his prosp...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 5

…- - 40 ,IP pinperierjewisiifficaricui cad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE RESTAURANT EARNED AND LUNCH Woodward and Lamed DE ROY OPTIMISTIC OVER FUTURE TRADE The Most Reasonable Prices in Detroit Complete Lunch including SouP.30 c Choc. of Meats and Choke of Drinks In the Heart of Downtown One-hall Boiled Spring Chicken CHICKEN I SANDWICHES ••••••• OC 3 0C Aaron DeRoy, Detroit capitalist and dominant figure in local mo- tor trade for years,...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 6

…Titrilprzywv aupx.on Iglen Awn. Wt. U•KRIsmai and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE FIEDEROCKAWIMICIRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Piddle Ired Week In nit Jewish Ckreakle Publishing C.,tali Metered u Secend-class wetter March I, 1114 at the Pest. elle. at Detroit Mich, under the Act of March 3, 1119. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle Luau Oa.: 14 Stratford Mace, London, W. 1, Eng...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 7

…THEVentorarastiThwficui and THE LEGAL LEWIN - EPSTEIN—A TRIBUTE (Continued from Preceding Page) senders of money. Suffice that it was efficient, and lost almost nothing of all the millions that it distributed over the world. Once the machine was in ac- tion Lewin-Epstein felt it his duty to go to Europe and study conditions on the spot. War time, torpedoes, and what-not! With his medicine chest filled— he was always a sick man—he he set ou...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT filE9erRongngsntitRoma4 sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE r i llLfte cr h eni nc ee n be s f, s , ei .a n o wteh ym e r, and oitehn e HOW HOME FOR THE JEWS OF GERMANY INQUIRE IF EDICT j oppose National Socialism, the Nazi AGED WAS FORMED will fight them as they fight WILL STOP RIOTS I , party ocialists and Communists, Dr. (Continued from Page One.) Watch for this label wham you purchase your BEEF- ENETTE or Delicatessen products. This as...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 9

…iLtEljerRortkonlin &Wail and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Greed ity of Hon. Conk etween of Jos. George at &- found. Id de- 1 that n duly served State State tri her I that Court- ;malty ten ( Sop- p laint till be order .1 by vole. ;rat. of the Town City higan, 't ••• 1932. 1. nen ty of Hon. Conw tween trkich lint,.. t de. no by de in 1r tsp. I the un of ; tote rom I that :ourt• mnty 'clock Igust. ed in • d by erved The I No. part part he E. For...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 10

…▪ • PAGE TEN EDETROTIAIVISA ffiRDNICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE LEGAL NOTICE SECTION Continued from Page Nine of the estate of NICHOLAS PIENKOW• 14 1..4 J. Ralik Altensey. 1307 Mae I each and Julia Bachrach, hie wife, of De- of Wayne end State of Michigan and de-1 Wayne, .m..—Suit pending before Hon. Ralph W. Enrbler, Alternry.,700 Trans- SKI. deceased, Stanley Bever, execothe Oldie Bldg. troit. Wayne County, Michigan, mort- scribed as fo...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 11

…PIEVErROIVEIVIS/1 RONICLE PAGE ELEVEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Building, Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'cl.k nt He. i A. M on the twelfth day of August, 1932, Corn. ...d defend the complaint filed in this suit o tween Judgment ail] be entered by default, and that this order be served or pub- vs. lished as required by statute. The fore- Wal- tmon. noing coit involve. title to Lot No. 637 c•n. of B. E. Taylor's Monomer Subdivhion No. 2 of part of...…

July 29, 1932 • Page Image 12

…• - if 1 09LTKOIVENISti GIMMICK JULY 29, 1932 •nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE W. 0. WATERS and MAUDE E. WATERS. Anis.. of Mortgagee. ROBERT R. LEWISTON, Attorney for Assignee. of Mortgagee. statute in such Case made and provided. DeWITT 11 MERRIAM, (A true copy.) Circuit Judge. C. M. CASK. Deputy Cert. said Court held in the Wayne County I, torney lege allowed by law, and also any Building at Detroit, Wayne County, cum or •ums which mei la paid...…

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