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April 24, 1925 • Page Image 4

… majority of the Jews of Michigan live in Detroit yet Jewish settlements of some consequence are found in the smaller cities. These cities were visited by Louis Busker on behalf of the Ort and the stranded…

… The strong Jewishness of the Jews NUMBER I was very amused once to hear tat, Jacob H. Schakne, General Manager of the South African Union has been that this is not a local condition but unhappily one…

… The Jewish Daily Forward, The Jews hotly debating a point in Chris- the subject of a good deal of specula- e York as Beeond-clase wetter March 3, 1911, at the PostofEc• at Detroit. Yiddish daily of Na…

… pleasant as possible. comm others' i dig kst . • o doings. growth v "Almonds and Raisins," put : $3.00 Per Year In Namaqualand the Jews were the particularly in Greater New York The Jews of America have…

…. m all kcoriespo:dence.eind ne o formed Church praised the Jews in his B. Batvinik, one of the Forward its share in this necessary and helpful work. The latest Africa. In the course of his stay he…

…, Jewish nt orta for the Hadassah Bazaar to be opened imp 1 has been outside the home. The Jew- only tribute must be forthcoming at once if this wealthy, I bespeak as wide us his travels among them. 13 Y…

… its place among velop; the Bronx was all undiscovered a European education which his par- busied himself not only with the places country for the Jews; Harlem was in cots did not have. They get new…

… the strong Jewish feeling communities in New York of which i n country ou places, do thse o especially th which exists among the Jews of South powerful factor in the work of rehabilitation going we have…

… in mind is the absence of a Jewish hospital ; the East Side is the metropolis, the ei r c hild re n, particularly not like Africa, is that the Jews of South Af- most important of a number of Jew- while…

… onversiby en N o schools. ing. It has remained within them be- all Jews. It maintains hospitals, clinics, laboratories serve the needs of our co-religionists. Detroit Jewry, York and the Jewish settlements…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 8

… street. Plans were discussed the question for debate was: "Re- for an open meeting to be held Mon- solved, That Intermarriage Between day, May 4, at the clubhouse and ■ Jew and Gentile Is Justifiable." The…

…- % an o given speaker,: about their topics after they port of the yearly feast and the ba- , have finished, Isidore Berger will zaar will be given. Refreshments will' . p Jew in the Colleges." . be served…

MICHIGAN S LEADING DECORATORS AND FURNISHERS FOR OVER EIGHTY YEARS More wear for your silk hosiery dollar. That's what La France means. This beautiful full- fashioned silk hose gives more wear than any…

… avenue ss at the next will be hoste. Miss SideIle t sell dolls. A program was given to Goldstein Jews of all shades of opinions, Zion- Shuman Fur Shoppe Opens a a members. humorous recita- entertain the…

… cam- gods of Shaarey Zedek Synagogue the city and is amply qualified to do troit and Michigan unive'rsities. Dr. completing plans for the May Time expert fur repairing and remodeling. paign. will…

… regard to Palestine and its we have the duty to take action with development ; as loyal Jews regard to this all-important subject, and teralefine ourselves, our thoughts, our ideas anti our intentions. In…

… the first place. We have no right to be indifferent. • • • LOUIS MARSHALL tunity are closed? Where shall they have Where shall the Jew. go? that opportunity? Where will the pioneer spirit which…

… forces thousands to the resolution to leave everything behind and seek a new home—where will they find its perpetuate the old idea of the Chalukah. The Jews who go to Palestine must be men of independent…

… made the mandatory. Eng- land naturally expected that this great gift which it made, this great opportunity which it created, would be seized by the Jews and that • • • the Jews would pill hold…

… themselves aloof. the What would be said of the Jews of America, richest community of Jews in the world, the most the most influential and the most happy, powerful and when at such a time a s this • • • they…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 5

… general have a rule that no Jew can be given credit for Forunat•ly We j belief in the destiny of the dead to of what his rating may be. more than one bill at a time, irrespective , ,rise. They are a…

… universally held by Jews, for there sae-- liable. were always those who did not give The Occasionally It is interesting Gi "get the goods" on these Jew-haiters and their assent to the doctrine. to show them up…

…, —does not at all mean that we as ' per cent of which come from women. So Hend rik van Jews attempt to define the nature and a rticle, a page from the Woman Citizen, containing an dvise me , I she is by…

… on S I reel films, "The Burbank Gardens in greatest martyr President, Abraham out of the unsuspecting i day, April 23 • at the Thirkell School, California" and "Common Michigan Talmud. ketbooks of…

… that one the of Jews inner be able. to live in hartannY which today would put the stamp the anti-defiernation committee, gave the other Poles in Poland. The future of the Jew in Poland "isn't!" I of…

… the decision of the Su- of 1.peculation fur the theologists true so men and wl the guests of the Michigan a States in the Oregon school case. which affects the philosophers. United it that Thoughtful p…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 10

… Auxiliary of the Michigan Federation White Russian high Court of Appeal, following an appeal made by the of Ukrainian Jewish Relief, -rugs; Mrs. David Berger of the Bicur Cho- sentenced. • • • • lera Society…

… are the London gation Emanuel, umbrellas; Mrs. H. Weekly or Monthly latt the Jew- Cogan of the Ladies Auxiliary of Y pper Zeit. the New York Jewish Daily News (Tageb), in d ha z, published BEN SACHS the…

… boudoir clocks;; Thousands of Warsaw Jews marched to the grave of I. L. Peretz, famous Miss Minnie Willis of the Kadimah Randolph 4232 , — Yiddish writer and poet, on the tenth anniversary of his death…

… Bldg. Main 0397 ceived city-wide support. I • • • • 'corporation. The London Times reports that Godfrey Isaacs was a bap- I tined Jew, having accepted the Roman Catholic faith, and that his funeral…

…, will be submitted to the League of Nations, according to a decision of the Palestine Arab Executive. "If the government's permission to the Jews to form a league of autonomous municipalities remains, it…

… would enable the Jews to form a government within a government," the executive claimed. The ordinance for the municipalities league was approved by the government by the British colonial office. and is…

… Telephone Empire 2114 (At Euclid) 8360 Linwood Ave. (Nr. Kirby) (At Eucl dl 6251 Dix Ave. 2633 Woodward Ave. 9018 Twelfth St. (Opp. Livernois) lOpp. Adelaide) 7164 Michigan Ave. 4800 Michigan Ave…

… when the number of Jewish American ! students constituted 10 per cent of the general number of students, no Jewish students should be accepted in the school. Whether this Michigan Paper Stock Co. foreign…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 9

… PoatoIlice. Michigan at 32nd. 7803 Ferndale Ave. GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS FOR RENT How Would You Get Along j illisluxuries of yesterday have 14i8me the necessities of today. We have only to, think of…

… gas, International Harvester Used Truc s U Build Thom wh y rdealers Du when Buick to Telephone- It's Speedy, Economical, Direct MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. w that if tickly-- )ility has in the…

…, football; Smeyne and Stern, soccer; Bress Ellis, ARAB PARTY WILL 45421 Cadillac NEW private home. Near two street car 705 Barham Bldg. boxing; Sapperstein, track. WORK WITH ENGLISH , " of Jews, has not lines…

… made up mostly of Jews, have figured in the chant- ab party which will co-operate with FOR RENT -Furnished room for pionships for the past five years, winning three times. In Stern we The Marble Crusher…

… cattle received by the Lon- And let it also be mentioned that the Jews rank near the top in We supply all kinds of domestic man. Reasonable rent. Phone Gar- cited athletes are exemplary students. don Times…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 3

… similar Lure, "Microbes and What They Do," - by Dr. Harry Clark of the Detroit of Medicine. HUSSEIN'S SON AGAINST JEWS 1College Sedan Constructed • • • Street $ luring reached the gratifying point P…

… of "Applesauce" in ous parts of Europe, of whoni thou- Detroit _t_ro 2it will occur on Saturday night. !sands are Jews, according to a state- ay !tient made public recently by the W1 The intrinsic…

… Norwoodward Motor Co., 9115 Woodward—Empire 6980 Bucknell.K.nowlson Co., 2445 Michigan—Glendale 9888 No-theast Motor Co., 8564 Jos Campau—Empire 4083 Hergenroeder. Inc., 14615 E. Jefferson—Hickory 76® Midwest…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 7

…, particularly the '40 parts of the city who appre- , Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Mansbach and ADRIAN.-Louis Busker, who has 40, Jews and Arabs. -..= _ -• ee .__ - -. - Sol Zweiback rendered several via- -on. Arthur J…

…. Mani;bach, have moved been touring Michigan's smaller cities ---.---- ciate the real values we lin selections. A social hour fol. from 139 Holbrook avenue to 34 Ha- in behalf of the Ort Reconstruction z…

… 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ES. council JEWS OF ADRIAN ORGANIZE SOCIETY _= ■ „ war T en Yea rs of Honest Dealt g a--_- offer. fur Storage r 0. WE CAN SELL FOR LESS : 7 . 7 - 7 . . - ..--.-- 1, RABBIS TO DISCUSS…

… 8907 TWELFTH STREET O BookCiAillac 11 1111 1 1 1111ilivilvtio+1t 'Nov , I ..- • !IHEN you next dine at Book , 41 k .. Cadillac, drive your motor car directly to either the ;2:1_ Michigan Avenue…

April 24, 1925 • Page Image 2

… table — they Jews of Russia and Isadore Acker- insi ncerities were indee. . 'k lel ' non read excerpts from Elias M. Ep- nearer together — a tremor went Voegele's mother was in a noiseless Voegele…

…'s Tomer 219 Michigan Ave. Directly Opposite Book-Cadillac Hotel DANCING EVERY EVENING 6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. NO COVER CHARGE Bert Milan and His Orchestra Playing. TRY OUR NOONDAY CHOW…

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