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July 21, 1939 • Page Image 1

…Tian faith Periodical Carter CUT TON AYINUI - CINCINNATI .20, OHIO The Only Anglo-Jewish All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS Newspaper Printed In Michigan IfEbETROIT LIMB 1.1RONICLE and VOL. XLI NO. 9 Telephone CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 THE LEGAL faHRONICiE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents AGENCY CONDEMNS Community's Defense or Jewish Rights BROADCASTERS BAN Program for Defense of Democ...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 2

…PIED erRorr, En n (ARON iCht and THE LEGAL CHRONICL PROGRAM FOR DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACY TO BE INAUGURATED MONDAY AT MEETING AT NAVAL ARMORY BY THE REV. COLE SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt eac h WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE ' 1 4 lbs Damp Wash ay9c Flat Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds ISHe lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 14 lbs. Flatwork All Finished 79c DeLuxe Family Service C Flat ...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 3

…714111 'elvish Periodical eater ationnan CLIFTON AVINUI • 20, OHIO ~ IIG VL'rRO OIROA sad 711CLE.GAt. CHRONICLE "IF I FORGET THEE"... THE APPEAL OF THE JEWISH NATIONAL T FUND ON TISHA B'AB Spend Your Vacation at 111lieltigan's lie ► utiful BARON'S RESORT Trit.VVX v The Finest and Most Modern Resort in Michigan SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Completely redecorated and a new lobby added— complete in every detail of equipment and convenience. Lar...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 4

…TitElkiwort/Dvisti &MIMS July 21, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE VIEVErROIVEWIMI ef RON 104 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE esmilehes1 Weetkly by T ► e Lowish CUMMiele rulandslag C.. IM. imetee • matter MaTelt I. I ►l► . at the Po.. •flice al Detroit. Web.. ander the Act of Varga, I. tea. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue r•lephonet C•dillae 1040 Cable Addresat Clarouicle UMW. OfBeet 14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 5

…riarr fewisk Palatial eater CLIFTON MINUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO peVerizorrjEwisnOIROXICIA PAGE FIVE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SUMMER SPECIAL PERSIAN LAMB COATS, $29500 Made to Order WItUREL & KOZIN PKIISIAN IA5111 SPECIALISTS 15 IL Grand RR. Oppoalle Illtdson'e Telephone Cherry 0170 GASSIN'S RESORT KUHN FINED $5 Affianced BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH SLIP COVERS Entering a plea of guilty to charges of drunkenness and pro- fanity, Amer...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 6

…MeVerRorgionsfi(hmaz July 21, 1939 and THE LE GAL CHRONICLE VIEDEFROITIEWINI et RON and THF. LEGAL CHRONICLE eutniebool Weekly by Jewish Weigel. INAtithing Ce., bus swans-daze matt. Mirth I. MC at the reap •1 Dt1 1 101t. Ybh.. under the Aat of Marsh t. mt. .rso General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue r•letsboviet Cadillac 1040 Cable Addreee. Chrouiele Leedom mai 14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England Subscrip...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 7

…riaut favisk Pc:Ai/ail Cater CLIFTON AVILNUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO mEpentorrimsn@_Roxia4 sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SUMMER SPECIAL PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Made to Order $29568 WRUBEL & KOZIN 15 E. 1,rand Riser ilsusiAN 1. tmis sPErIA1.1.45•4 Opponite GAssi lintNon's " Telephone Cheery 1171 RESORT KUHN FINED $5 Entering a Affianced BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH SLIP COVERS plea of guilty to charges of drunkenness and pro- fanity, A...…

July 21, 1939 • Page Image 8

…"Americalt PAGE SIX 1 E1ATM-11E1'11Sn OIROXIMit acct THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Cantor Klavons on Altman Radio Hour VACATION IN NORTHERN MICHIGAN at GASSEL LODGE July 21, 1939 Building Obtained By Cong. Ben Jacob Engagements Asaisted in Transaction by Mr. and Mrs. Avrom Morrison of Collingwood Ave. announce Benjamin Rich the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Lieutenant Louis S Leland of the U. S. Army Medical Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs ...…

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