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May 02, 1980 • Page Image 5

… participated in a program of the Cleveland Hebrew Association for the Deaf which provides interpreters for deaf Jews so that they can taka part in worship services. Anti-Semite Image Upset Lindy NEW YORK…

… speeches in which he often cited the Jews as one of the groups pressing the country towards war. In the book, Mrs. Lindbergh refutes the charges against her hus- band: "He was accused of being anti…

… happens to the Jews but what happens to the people who Jew-bait. How it de- grades a man or a nation. War is clean, but this other is disease." The diaries disclose that she was deeply disturbed about his…

… stop him from making Just in time for Summer. Now you can enjoy the most luxurious health/social club in Michigan at a great pace . *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY FOR ALL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS Hurry. Join…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 8

… devastating decrease in the number of letters re- quested from Israel by Rus- sian Jews. This is seen in the fact that the once- teeming stream of Russian-Jewish immig- rants from Odessa has slowed to the…

… Dulzin and Gaynor Jacob- son, executive vice president of HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), which arranges refugee status for Soviet Jews who wish to immigrate to the U.S. Jacobson (no relation to…

… Charlotte Jacobson) noted in his letter that under the new U.S. law, If a Russian Jew leaves Russia and does get to Israel, but after a brief period of residence de- cides to leave Israel, he might be…

Jew who leaves the Soviet Union with a visa to Israel is not a refugee, • • ••••.••••••••.••••• Out Of .... • • We Take The Wo St:r. y…

… luxurious health/social club in Michigan at a great price. ' *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY $100.00` OFF! FOR ALL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS Hurry. Join now. this offer expires soon. HAMILTON PLACE...IT'S JUST NICE…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 22

… TRUCKS 1979's still available from stock \.\ c,,k_ NEW CAR ,00 PROFES`)\° BROKER 'C'C I1ASES (Up to 23% discount on new cars.) 968-2360 25900 Greenfield Rood, Suite 139 • Oak Pork, Michigan 48237…

…" and "For them the Red Sea has not yet parted." For the first time a group representing the Jews of Ethiopia (Falashas) marched and waved banneri urging that their brethren be re- scued from Ethiopia so…

… York Conference on Soviet Jewry (GNYCSJ), has traditionally brought large turnouts of Jews and non-Jews, with men, women and young people from New England to Mary- land marching with their synagogues…

… most luxurious health/social club in Michigan at a great price. • *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY •, .11"- Alr I I $10.00* Oni ! FOR ALL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS I • Hurry. Join now. this offer expires soon…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 16

… Speaker: Rabbi Berel Wein, Dear) of Yeshiva Shaarey Torah of Monsey, New York Jewish Community Center, W. Bloomfield, Michigan For reservations and information call 559 5005 - General Chairman Co…

… Detroit Jewish Community Many Jews overlook the fact that the Vaad, in addition to overseeing Kashruth and other functions, performs mediation services for the Jewish Corn- munity. From the time of Moses…

… of Orthodox Rabbis makes it possible for Russian Jews arriving in our community to be introduced to Kashrut and other Mitzvot. Special arrangements are made in setting up a Kosher kitchen and a…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 27

… at the "Lubavitch, City of Love." New Rabbi at Bnai Israel If you're not wearin g it, sell it. You can't enjoy jewe ry if it's sitting in your safe deposit box. Sell it for immediate cash. We pur…

… active in the resettlement in the U.S. of Russian Jews. Rabbi Blachorsky is a certified mohel. Rabbi Blachorsky con- ducts services in the tem- porary headquarters of the congregation, located at 71 1/2 N…

… Lessman, Sam Novetsky, Royal A. Op- penheim, David Pollack, Willedina 924.24 P.O. Box 124 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013 We Service, Install & Repair POOLS & SPAS SELL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES Pool…

…, Michigan - tia 4' 4 4 1; *-* 4 IF li, 4, a sll …

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 4

…, THE JEWISH NEWS (usps75 520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press…

…, 17515 W. Nine Mile, -Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. • PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher…

… one of the most impressively progressive tasks in providing means for constructive labors to previously op- pressed — and depressed — Jews. ORT, the abbreviation for Organization for Rehabilitation…

… the Jews of Czarist Russia in 1880 and continued to focus its energies on Eastern Europe as long as that area was the greatest center ofJewish population in the world. ORT's help was important during…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 34

…, have been selected official chili maker to represent 11 states in the North Central Regional Cookoff Contest, tomorrow in Saline, Mich. . . benefitting the Kidney F . oundation of Michigan .. With Al…

… E. Lafayette . . . featuring 60 performances by 16 South- eastern Michigan individu- als and group artists • • • with music, drama, dance and a special family series .. For more info, call the A…

… and raised as a Jew in Venice. In later years, he was baptized and became the leading playwright at the court of Emperor Josef II. Da Ponte, Mozart and Casanova had once attended a Friday night service…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 60

…ETROIT JEW 60 Friday, May 2, 1980 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE 111111.0 FRANKLIN WABEEK Three bedroom brick ranch, 2 1/2 baths, central air, porch, fire- place. Huge lot. Att. garage…

… about your _family's health & security? Howard Ruff recommends N.E.S.T. dehydrated foods. Ask about our wholesale plan. MICHIGAN HEALTH & SURVIVAL CO; 641 8265 MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL Do you plan to…

Michigan Inn. Complete contents of luxury apartment including Baker sofa, chairs & tables, Fickes Reed games table & chairs, Kittenger trestle table, John Widdicomb dining set, Edward Fields area rugs…

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