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April 17, 1942 • Page Image 1

Hillel Silver, National chairman of the United Jewish Appeal for Refu- gees, Overseas Needs and Pal- estine, who returned last week from a flying, trip to England, called upon the Jewish commun- ity in the…

…) knowledge of the subjects (2) ability to co- operate, (3) clear analysis, (4) diction and felicity of phrase, (5) platform noise. Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple See HILLEL—Page 12 Julius Chajes to Feature…

…. Performing Beethoven's "Em- peror Concerto," Julius Chajes, brilliant pianist and composer, will be the featured soloist with the Michigan WPA Symphony countries throughout the world. The defense of the…

… Invitations were issued this week to officers of communal or- ganizations and men and women active in Michigan Jewish circles throughout the state, to attend the one o'clock luncheon session of the Spring…

… attend the executive sessions at 3:30 p. m., where reports of activities will be presented, and officers elected for the ensuing year. Michigan Synagogue Conference was founded a little over three years…

Michigan campus, initiation of the local Sabbath Observance Movement, establishment of the Michigan Committee for Support of Yeshivoth and Religious-Chari- table Institutions (Vaad Ha-Yoshi- See CONFERENCE…

…." Thirty-five Hillel Foun- dations and counselorships have participated. This includes all schools in the Big Ten as well as other Universities from Can- ada to Florida and from Yale to California. Semi…

…-finals were held and the winners to com- pete in the finals are: Arthur Goldberg, University of North Carolina, District 1 and 3; Burton Williams, Ohio State University, of District 2; Fred Katzburg, University

of California, of District 4; Hal Nappan, University of Alabama, of District 5; Theodore Herman, University of Minnesota, of Dis- trict 6; Irwin Blum, Texas A and M, District 7. The panelists will…

… to regional conferences and quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors. The Vaad Ha-Ke- hilloth has branched out into var- ious fields of activity, including religious work on the University of

April 17, 1942 • Page Image 7

…, a son, Richard Allan. March 27—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenfeld of 18258 Prairie Ave. a son, Lawrence Hillel. ' April 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Roberts (Jean Schiller) of Chicago Blvd., a son, Wallace…

…- pointment of their son, Dr. Har- ford W. Friedman, to the posi- tion of resident physician at the University hospital, Ann Arbor, where he will specialize for three years in radiology and x- ray and the…

… Chapter No. 359, O.E. S„ takes this opportunity of thanking the members and their friends for the cooperation giv- en in making our Games Party a success. We were enabled to fulfill our pledge in contrib…

…- uting funds to the following : Moos Chitem Fund, $25; Al- lied Jewish Campaign, $25; Rus- sian War Relief, $25; American fled Cross, $10; Michigan Crip- pled Children, $2; Children's Home, Denver, $5…

… ; Round Table of Jews, Catholics and Protest- ants, $2; Guild for the Blind, $2: and several other worthy o rganizations. On Monday, April 20, a social evening will be spent at the Eastern Star Temple, 8 W…

…. Alexandrine, cards, Mah Jong and other games played. Re- freshments will be served. The public is invited. Bay City Notes Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friedman, 120 Columbus Ave., of the ap…

… treatment of dis- eases by means of x-ray therapy. Dr. Friedman is now interning at the Cleveland City hospital. Edward Lichtig has returned to this city after spending the past few months in Detroit at the…

…. F. Anthony and son, Charles, are leaving on Friday for New York where they will attend the wedding of their son and brother, Ensign Irving B. Anthony, to Miss Leontine C. Schwarz at the Fifth Ave…

… Society. Sisterhood of Beth Jacob Hears President of State Federation RECENT BRIDE MRS. ARNOLD WISPER (Miss Marion Meer) —Photo by J. J. Clarke . Miss Marion Meer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meer…

…, of Broadstreet Blvd., was unit- ed in marriage to Arnold Wis- ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Wisner of Fullerton Ave., on Sunday, April 12, at 2 p. m. at the Bnai Moshe Congrega- tion. Rabbi Moses…

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