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April 17, 1942 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1942-04-17

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A merfra ,eul ish Periodical Coffer

April 10, 1942



DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle

Purity Chapter 359, O.E.S.
Games Party a Success

Purity Chapter No. 359, O.E.
S„ takes this opportunity of
thanking the members and their
friends for the cooperation giv-
en in making our Games Party
a success. We were enabled
to fulfill our pledge in contrib-
uting funds to the following :
Moos Chitem Fund, $25; Al-
lied Jewish Campaign, $25; Rus-
sian War Relief, $25; American
fled Cross, $10; Michigan Crip-
pled Children, $2; Children's
Home, Denver, $5 ; Round Table
of Jews, Catholics and Protest-
ants, $2; Guild for the Blind,
$2: and several other worthy
o rganizations.
On Monday, April 20, a social
evening will be spent at the
Eastern Star Temple, 8 W.
Alexandrine, cards, Mah Jong
and other games played. Re-
freshments will be served. The
public is invited.

Bay City Notes

Word has been received by
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friedman,
120 Columbus Ave., of the ap-
pointment of their son, Dr. Har-
ford W. Friedman, to the posi-
tion of resident physician at the
University hospital, Ann Arbor,
where he will specialize for
three years in radiology and x-
ray and the treatment of dis-
eases by means of x-ray therapy.
Dr. Friedman is now interning
at the Cleveland City hospital.

Edward Lichtig has returned
to this city after spending the
past few months in Detroit at
the Foyer Nursing Home at 1571
Jefferson Ave. He is now located
at the 'Republic Hotel in this

Mrs. Reuben Adelman re-
turned home after spending the
winter months at Miami Beach,

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Anthony
and son, Charles, are leaving on
Friday for New York where they
will attend the wedding of their
son and brother, Ensign Irving
B. Anthony, to Miss Leontine C.
Schwarz at the Fifth Ave. Hotel
on Sunday, April 12.

Mrs. Joseph C. Hirschfield is
leaving for New York where he
will spend a few days prior to
his leaving for Hanover, N. H.,
to visit his son, Robert, who is
a student at Dartmouth College.


April 20—Pisgah Lodge Bnai
Brith at the Jewish Community
Center Yiddish Folks Verein at
the Beth Tefilo Emanuel.
April 19, 20, 21—Reizhiner
Society Benefit Movie (Soviet
Picture) at Littman's Peoples
April 26—Litvisher Farband
at the Workingmen's Circle
Bldg.--Cabaret Style Program
—Chorus 10 p. m., speaker,
Gruhzit. Chernigover and Loy-
ever Society at the 12th St. and
Taylor Bldg.—Mr. Miller. Yid-
dish Folks Verein at Taylor and
Wilson Hall—Banquet 6 p. m.
Speaker Rosenberg.
May 9—Berdichever Aid So-
ciety at the Jericho Temple.
May 14—Brisker Society.

Sisterhood of Beth Jacob
Hears President of
State Federation


(Miss Marion Meer)

—Photo by J. J. Clarke .

Miss Marion Meer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meer,
of Broadstreet Blvd., was unit-
ed in marriage to Arnold Wis-
ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph Wisner of Fullerton Ave.,
on Sunday, April 12, at 2 p. m.
at the Bnai Moshe Congrega-
Rabbi Moses Fisher officiated,
assisted by Rabbi Nathan and
Cantor Katzman.
The bride was attired in a
white Chantilly lace tiered gown
with a Mantilla veil. She car-
ried a mother of pearl Bible
adorned with white orchids. Julie
Adler, the maid of honor, wore
a gown of orchid lace and net
and carried yellow roses.
The bridesmaids were the
Misses Shirley Mevis, Adele
Meer of Buffalo, Ruth Klein of
Ossining, and Norma Meer, sis-
ter of the bride acted as junior
bridesmaid and Bonnie Epstein
was flower girl.
The ushers were Bernard
Schwartz, as best man, Irving
Marks, Irving Davis and Edward
Meer, brother of the bride.
The bride's mother was at-
tired in a gown of powder blue
chiffon and lace. The groom's
mother wore a gown of char-
truese jersey and lace.
Among the out-of-town guests
present were Mrs. Sharnick and
Miss Sharnick of Hollywood, Cal.,
Dr. and Mrs. M. Moore, Hobo-
ken, N. J., Mrs. and Mrs. D.
Moore, New York City, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Meers, New York City,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Meer and fam-
ily, Buffalo, N. Y., Mrs. E. Klein
and daughter, Ossining, N. Y.,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Charlestein,
Philadelphia, Pa., and Mr. I.
Meer, Houston, Texas.
The couple will spend their
honeymoon at the Edgewater
Beach Hotel, Chicago, Ill.

The Sisterhood of Temple
Beth Jacob met Tuesday after-
noon at the Temple with Mrs.
Harold Goldberg presiding. Mrs.
Jerome D. Folkman of Grand
Rapids, president of the State
Federation of Sisterhoods, was
the guest speaker. This meeting
also honored past presidents who
were seated at the speaker's
table, the past presidents being
Mesdames Joseph Barnett, Ben-
jamin Goldstein, H. J. Jacobson,
Wm. Present, Norman Buckner,
Saul J. Birnkrant, Irving Stein-
man and Abe Lapider. The pro-
gram was arranged and present-
ed by Mrs. Lapides, program
chairman. Luncheon was served
under chairmanship of Mrs. Sam
Kruss and Mrs. George Suro-
A cultural meeting combined
with a business meeting was
held by the Bnai Brith Wednes-
day evening. Rabbi Jerome D.
Folkman of Grand Rapids was
the speaker, giving a message of
the war effort of Bnai Brith.
Sam Benson presided at the busi-
ness session.
Rabbi Friedland spoke on the
subject "Protest Us From Our
Friends" at the Friday evening
services. A social hour followed
the service. Tea was served un-
der chairmanship of Mrs. Her-
man Stenbuck.



Miss Sylvia Logan, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan, was
married to Sol Panud, son of
married to Sol Panush, son of
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Panush on
April 17. Rabbi Hershman con-
ducted the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Panush left for Chicago for
their honeymoon.

1 ) 1 1 1 ]1 1 ,S 1 1'1


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pitluft'S of 'hildren.
In your
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Flowers for all occasions-
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Rose's Flowers



Allen A. Saltz, attorney and
counsellor-at-law, announces the
removal of his law offices from
2424 National Bank Bldg. to
1409 ational Bank Bldg., where
he will engage in the general
practice of the law. Phone Co.


Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rappaport of McNichols Rd. announce
the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine Ellen, to Eugene
Keller of Mt. Clemens, son of Mrs. Helen Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maxman of Taylor Ave. anounce the
engagement of their daughter, Corrine, to Morton Oppenheim,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Oppenheim of Burlingame Ave. The
marriage will take place in June.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rosoff of 3041 W. Boston Blvd. an-
nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Milton Fish-
Rabbi Adler to Preach
man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fishman of 3411 Sherbourne Rd.
On Church On the Air
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Polk announce the engagement of
Rabbi Morris Adler of Con- their daughter, Hilda, to Dr. Nathan Horowitz of Houston, Tex.,
gregation Shaarey Zedek will son of Rabbi and Mrs. H. J. Horowitz of Laredo, Tex. The wed-
conduct the service and preach ding date has been set for May 5.
the sermon on the "Church of
the Air" program on Sunday,
April 19, originating from Chi
'ago on a national hook-up,
April 17—Miss Betty Goldman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
from 1 to 1:30 p. m. The local Jack Goldman of 1644 Burlingame Ave., to Samuel Arden, son of
..utlet is WJR.
Mrs. David Arden of 2060 Euclid Ave.
May 5—Rose Gertrude Smith, daughter of Mrs. Abraham
Smith of 1951 Taylor Ave., to Jack Markus. Ceremony at 8 p. m.
at Congregation Tefilo Emanuel, Taylor and Woodrow Wilson.
Reception following.

TE. 1.4426

The following have made con-
tributions to the Home: Mr. and
Mrs. Harry J. Bieberstein in
memory of Isadore Peritz ; Mrs.
Harold Biller in memory of
father Herman Rosenhelm; Jos-
eph S. Bing in memory of fath-
er-in-law Levy Jacobson; Louis
Blumberg., Collinsville, Ill., in
memory of father Harris Blum-
berg; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Caplan in memory of Maurice J.
Caplan; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.
Colvin in memory of Mrs. Fan-
nie Grossman; Samuel B. Fink
in memory of Benjamin Zernon ;
Mrs. I. Frankel in memory of
father Yeshaye-Shloyrne; Leon
and Rose Friedman, donation;
Rebecca Glaser in memory of
mother Zelde; Mrs. B. Goldberg
in memory of mother Mechlie;
Seymour Golden, donation ; Dr.
Arnold Kass in honor of Mrs.
Rachel Weinman ; Mrs. H. Katz
in memory of husband Henry
Katz ; Mrs. Henrietta Knoppow
in memory of Joseph Knoppow;
Esther Lewis in memory of
brother Ruby Lewis; Isaac Nor-
ber, donation; J. D. Rosenberg
in memory of father Elihou Ros-
enberg; Mrs. H. Rosenhelm in
memory of husband Herman
Rosenhelm; Mrs. Harry Satov-
sky in memory of parents Julian
and Yetta Burnstine; Mrs. Bes-
sie M. Schooler in memory of
mother's, Mollie Wriener's, birth-
day; Mrs. R. Selling in memory
of mother Fannie Grossman;
Mrs. H. L. Skolnik in memory
of mother Kate; Miss Mayme
Stone in memory of father Hay-
eem Stone; J. W. Webber in
memory of parents Hyman B.
and Rachel Webber; Women's
Auxiliary of the Jewish Home
for Aged in memory of Mrs.
Beatrice Jacobs and Dr. Harry

The American Red Star Ani-
mal Relief Society is a depart-
ment created by the American
Humane Association in Albany,
N. Y. Its work is to protect
our animals, both pets and farm
creatures, in times of stress such
as air raids, floods, fires, etc.
This Society has based its in-
structions and suggestions on the
experience of the English, large-
ly. These instructions will be
given out from time to time on
this station. Be ready with your
pad and pencil. We will start
today by asking you to be sure
that your dog wears his license
at all times. This is necessary
to prevent loss and suffering. Do
not destroy your pets, as many
thousands of the English did,
only to find out later that it was
a great mistake. The English
now say that their pets have
done a great deal in helping
them keep up their morale. Our
animals deserve our protection.

The regular monthly meeting
of the Athena Girls Club was
held at the home of Mrs. Esther
Burnstein, 2306 Webb Ave., on
Thursday, March 27. Follow-
ing the business portion of the
meeting, Mrs. Burnsteoin enter-
tained with various diversified
The next monthly meeting
will be held at the home of Neugarten Sunshine Club
Mrs. Anne Bernstein, 2668 Tux-
Mrs. Emil Eckhouse, assisted
edo Ave., on Thursday, April
by Mrs. Norman Noble, will en-
tertain the executive board at
lunch on Monday, April 2.
The monthly board meeting
will be held at the Center on
April 27 at 11 a. m. and will
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilman be followed by the regular
of Ypsilanti announce the mar- monthly meeting at 1:30. Des-
riage of their daughter, Ruth sert luncheon will be served.
Audrey, to Staff Srgt. Morris S.
Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs
Israel Friedman of Ann Arbor,
on Wednesday April 16. Staff
Sergeant and Mrs. Friedman
will reside in West Palm Beach,
Fla., where he is now stationed.


Anti•Cruelty Association

Contributions to the
Jewish Home for Aged

New Location:

4 Doors South of Alhambra Theater





STREET (our only store)
Parking in Rear of

TYLER 4-6728





With Wattle Cleaning of
Winter Clothes, Blankets, Drapes dab.


Fur Coat Cleaning and
Cold Storage Special


March 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Sydney C. Berman (Sylvia
Ilorwitz) of 2635 Cortland Ave., a son, Melvin Stuart.
March 27—To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robert Bockoff of 18924
Roselawn, a son, Richard Allan.
March 27—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenfeld of 18258 Prairie
Ave. a son, Lawrence Hillel.
' April 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Roberts (Jean Schiller)
of Chicago Blvd., a son, Wallace, Jr.
April 3—To Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Tessler (Dorothy Fisher)
of La Salle Blvd., a son, Martin Edward.
April 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Seymour M. Anoff (Miriam Wein-
berg, formerly of Detroit) of Dayton, 0., a son, Charles Michael.
April 13—To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kleinsmith (Sylvia Raphael)
of Cortland Ave., a son, Lewis Joel.


Your fur coat de-mothed in our V. 8.
Government approved vaults—cleaned
by Master Furrier Meth-
od,— Vita glazed — in-
sured up to 8100 valua-
tion. Additional insur-
ance if desired at a
minimum cost.

PAorso Now

COlumbia 400



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