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January 16, 1942 • Page Image 7

…, Miss Anna F. Pisgah Lodge No. 34 of Bnai Milstein, David Nemoff, Herman Brith will present a "Michigan Abraham Dickenstein, who re- M. Pekarsky, Charles Rubiner, Bnai Brith Hillel Night" on Mon- cently…

… . interesting chapter in early Michigan history was recalled on will be the guest speaker at the Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, Isidore ity Center. The Hillel Foundations from Sunday, when a plaque was erect- rally of

… delegates of organiza- Sobeloff, Rabbi M. J. Wohlgel- ernter, Mrs. Philip Broudo. the University of Michigan at ed at the Shaarey Zedek in mem- Senator Alben W. Barkley, ma- Ann Arbor, Michigan State Col- ory…

University and former di- Michigan State Normal from ally or- estine which was origin al daughter, Mrs. Jack Vogel. sent a varied ill ised ganized with monies ra , by rector of the Amer can School of Ypsalint…

October 16, 1942 • Page Image 8

…- operation in the drive. He an- ization of the University of nounced that Nathan Fishman led in the sale of Bonds with a Michigan, gave a luncheon Oct. U of M Avukah 1, at the Hillel Foundation. Avukah…

…. Isbey, chairman of the War Savings Committee for the state of Michigan, Fred M. Butzel and other leaders. Irving Dworman, president of Knollwood, opened the brilliant social event and introduced Mr…

… individual purchasers. Ray Gorrell's prize-winning Michigan orchestra provided mu- sic during the evening. Leaders in the non-Jewish as Kaplan Chairman of well as the Jewish community a luncheon in the Book…

…. Palestinian songs by Chana Arganoff of Detroit, Donor Event- Announced Mt. Sinai Hospital Association group singing led by David will sponsor an evening of games Crohn, student director of Hillel, at the Fort…

… a score of other members of the commit- oner will be the principal speak- er at the fourth annual Mt. Sinai donor luncheon, at the Masonic Temple, Oct. 28. Frank Isbey, Michigan state chairman for…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eigirf Knollwood Bond Drive Goes Our All Out for War at Victory CHILDREN'S CORNER Fete to Tune of $1,500,000 Million Dollar Banquet Tops All Hopes As Members Rally to Country…

…'s Aid; Achievement Praised by Com- munity Leaders; Fishman Leads in Sales Under the chairmanship of • Irving W. Blumberg, Knollwood Country Club broke all known records for the entire country with the…

… announcement at the War Bond Victory Banquet Wednesday _evening, at the Book-Cadillac Hotel, that members of the club had bought or sold $1,- 500,000 worth of Bonds. Having set a quota of $1,000,- 000 for this…

… novel drive, the over- subscription of the goal by 50 per cent set a precedent for clubs everywhere to emulate. As a result of its achievement, Knollwood Club stands out as a shining example of what can…

…. Blumberg as toastmaster. Bob Hall was master of ceremonies. A feature of the evening was the appearance of the glamorous screen star, Veronica Lake, as well as outstanding entertainers from local theaters an…

January 16, 1942 • Page Image 1

… having franked out 500,000 Hillel Silver, national chairman pieces of Nazi propaganda in thereof. I am convinced that there the critical war year of 1942, of the United Palestine Appeal, less than a year…

… Difficult Because of "Enemy Alien" Regulations The Michigan State Employ- ment Service reports that about 200,000 workers will be unem- ployed in Michigan by the end of 1941 largely because of the change…

… publication, Refugees, Overseas Needs and School of Social Administration or being the accredited author Palestine will be continued for of Ohio State University where the conference, at which Dr. Abba of

…Detioit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle, DETROIT. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1942 VOL. 44. NO. 3 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year Jews' Inclusion Ford Denounces Julian H. Krolik Named…

… Chairman of Group; Srere and Blumberg Among "United Anti-Semitism Announce His Associates; State That Jews Must React With the Spiritual Qualities of People Fighting For Their Lives Nations" Urged As Un…

…-American Place for Our People Steps Toward Adjusting Community to War-Time Status Taken by Selection of Budget Committee First steps toward adjusting the by Abraham Srere, president of Julian H. Krolik as…

… chairman of organized social services of the the Jewish Welfare Federation, the 1942 Allied Jewish Campaign community of Detroit to and frying W. Blumberg, presi- budget committee. Pens Sensational State…

…- Jewish In launching the 1942 pro- and Palestine Asked a war-time economy were taken dent of the Detroit Service this week with the announcement Group, of the appointment of gram, Mr. Srere declared that…

…, ment to Sigmund in London, N. Y. in addition to our responsi- bilities as Americans, the Jews Livingston of Detroit must react today To the Community: A Call for Service LONDON (.1PS) — Pointing with the…

… spiritual qualities of a to the fact that all anti-Nazi CHICAGO. (JPS)—In the most and for the Retention of Courage people fighting for our lives, categorical denunciation of anti- with all the bravery and…

January 16, 1942 • Page Image 8

…, at the Belcrest Hotel for 100 guests on Jan. 13. The annual pilgrimage to the University of Michigan by Jun- ior Bnai Brith, comprising four Auxiliaries, will take place Sun- day, Jan. 18. The Hillel

… Founda- tion of the university will be host to the group for the day. Miss Roslyn Wolson is chairman of the affair. Perry Isaacs of Syracuse, N. Mrs. Sol Davidson of Boston V., has been visiting with his…

…January 16, 1942 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 8 IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY .. . Rabbi Leon Fram will be toast- Mrs. I. D. Davidson of the Belcrest Hotel left last week for…

… master of the banquet of the a sojourn in Miami Beach, Fla. Third Annual Conference of Mich- igan Pastors at the First Presby- Mrs. J. M. Berris, formerly terian Church in Ann Arbor on of Merton Road, is…

… now residing Monday night Jan. 19. at 17353 Wisconsin Ave. Mrs. Benjamin Shaw, who is Miss Jeanette Vinacow of Flint, leaving for an extended visit to Mich., entertained 24 of her California, Mrs. Max…

… Salter and Mrs. Leonard Weinberg, who are f riends Tuesday, Jan. 13, in honor of her engagement to Man- leaving for Florida, were enter- tained at a luncheon given by uel S. Simon of Detroit. Mrs. Benjamin…

… Brand, 18278 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Frieden- Northlawn, Wednesday, Jan. 14. berg of Virginia Park left last Mrs. Henry Wagner of Boston week for a month's stay in Miami Blvd. is visiting in Florida. Beach, Fla…

… Blvd. left last week to spend the sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and remainder of the winter months Mrs. Sam Fisher of Calvert Ave. in Florida. Miss Geraldine Rudin of Cin- Enjoying a stay at Miami…

… Beach, Fla., are Mrs. T. Lebo- cinnati, 0., was the house guest vitz, her daughter, Mrs. Herman of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gard of Burlingame Ave. Berlin, and grandson Sanford. Mrs. Gertrude Waldman of Gladstone…

… Ave. held open house at her home Sunday afternoon, Jan. 11, to announce the engage& ment of her daughter, Ernestine to Irving Medow, son of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Vinacow Laura Medow of Blaine Ave. of

October 16, 1942 • Page Image 9

… secretary. Pisgah's calendar of future events includes Oct 26, evening of entertainment; Nov. 1, dedica- tion of the new Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Home at Ann Arbor; Nov. 2, business meeting; Nov. 7, semi…

…-annual meeting of Michigan Bnai Brith Council at Bay City; Nov. 8, feature night; Nov. 16, surprise program; Nov. 22, 85th anniversary celebration. Detroit branch of Hashomer Hatzair, Zionist youth movement, met…

… Chi Fraternity of Wayne University will hold a steak roast at Middle Rouge Park, Officers for the fall term in- clude Jack Cornblit, master; Chester Shaw, lieutenant master; Lou Hoffman, secretary, and…

…Friday, clefol;er 16, .1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Rabbi to Address Anniversary Class Of Pisgah Lodge Pisgah Lodge of Bnai Brith will hold a special business meeting Monday at 8:30 p. in., at the Jew…

…- ish Community Center. Ben F. Goldman, chairman of the 85th Anniversary Committee, has announced that Rabbi :erome D. Folkman, president of District Grand Lodge No. 6, will be the principal speaker at…

… the initiation of the 85th Anniversary Member- ship Class, Nov. 22, and that he also will appear on the banquet program. At the meeting on Oct. 5, Leon- ard Radner was elected recording secretary to…

… succeed Philmore Leemon who was inducted into the army. Isadore Star r, membership drive chairman, invites Detroit Jews, 21 years of age or older, to join Pisgah Lodge. Applieation blanks may be ob- tained…

… from the secretary of the lodge, Cherry 3372, 606 Murphy Bldg. Leader of British Jewry, On War Mission, Speaks Here Israel M. Sieff Will Be Guest at Hadassah Honor Roll Event and Weizmann Research…

… Luncheon; Will Spend Monday Visiting War Plants Israel M. Sief, one of the outstanding leaders of British Jewry, who is in the United States on an important mission related to the war, will be guest speaker…

… at two important community events this week. Arriving here Monday, Mr. Sieff will spend the day visiting war plants. On Tuesday, he will be the<=, , guest speaker at the annual Hon- or Roll event of

October 16, 1942 • Page Image 6

…, Toledo, will be the prin- Grand Rapids, is a former national president of Avukah. He was the organizer of Avukah at the University of Michigan. He is a brother on Calvert Ave., was performed for members…

…, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krause of Calvert mount Ave. announce the mar- sponsor a "Plantation Party" Mrs. M. J. Greenberg is presi- Ave., has resumed his studies at the University of Michigan. riage…

… the engageinent of her daughter, Nell, to Rabbi Maurice Pe- Hartman Wolfson, son of Mrs. National Fund will be held at friends next Wednesday at 8 p.m., karsky, director of the Hillel Foundation at…

… Mile Rd. University 2-0343 400 57 (monogram 35c) The Classic Shirt With Your Monogram Our famous modified Barrymore shirt with a wonder- fully becoming neckline, long of short sleeves, and fine…

…Page Six THE Marriages Women's Clubs JEWISH NEWS Feuer to Address B. and P. Hadassah Friday, Ocfolier 16, 1942 ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Wolfson-Weinstein: On Oct. 9, MEMBERSHIP TEA OF Miss…

… Fagabeth Weinstein, daugh- J.N.F. AUXILIARY OCT. 21 The Business and Professional Of interest to Detroit, Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids residents ter of Mrs. Henry N. Weinstein, The monthly meeting of the…

… became the bride of Lieut. Alan Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish Division of Hadassah will hold a is the announcement made this week by Mrs. H. Ziff of Minneapolis, joint meeting with their male Minn., of

… Northwestern Univer- Arthur Mayer Wolfson of New the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. on at the Statler Hotel. Rabbi Leon sity, Evanston, Ill. Miss Ziff is a former national president of Junior York City. The ceremony…

…, which Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 12:30, in I Feuer of the Collingwood Ave. Hadassah. Rabbi Pekarsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Pekarsky of took place in the bride's home the form of a dessert luncheon Temple…

… and new members. cipal speaker. of Herman Pekarsky, administrative assistant of the Jewish Welfare by Dr. A. M. Hershman, and was Mrs. Louis Fineman will be hos- All members are urged to bring…

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