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March 01, 1940 • Page Image 3

… i Bnai Brith Bowling Congress in auxiliary will take place on Tues- Dayton, 0., on Feb. 25. Though the Detroit Hillel Foun- day, March 5, at the home of dation team and the Detroit Na- Mrs. Harry D…

…0 4imericam 'apish Periodical Coffer 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle March I, 1940 J. N. F. Auxiliary Detroit Hashomer Luncheon Rally Hatzair Sending Chalutzim to Zion The…

… will leave for the Hashomer training farm in New York State prepar- atory to her departure for Pal- estine. Miss Moser, prominent in Detroit Zionist work and Jewish welfare activity, has been one of the…

… most e nergetic leaders in the Detroit Ken of Hashomer Hat- zaid. Her departure for the Sho- mer training farm, at Liberty, N. Y., for a year of agri- cultural training preparatory to her aliyah to…

… Palestine as a mem- ber of the third American kib- butz of Hashomer, marks an ad- ditional link of the Detroit group of the movement with the Jewish Homeland. Shonnie, as Miss Moser is known to her many…

… educated in Detroit, Shonnie is now starting the period of what shomrim call in Hebrew "hag- shamah," self-realization. The Detroit ken of Hashomer Hatzair also announces the ar- rival and settlement at the…

… Sho- mer training farm of Kurt Kulka, another of its members. Kurt, a lad of 19, came to Detroit from Vienna, Austria, following an- schluss of Austria. In happier days Kurt was famed in Austria as an…

… Olympic swimmer and a violinist of note. His tale of es- cape is typical of the horror which Jewish youth must face in Central Europe. In Detroit he became associated with Hasho- mer through whose ranks he…

… Menachem Ussishkin. Former members of the Detroit ken of Hashomer Hat- lair now integrated in the chal- utz life in Palestine are Levi Shapiro, Esther Weisinger and Yirmiyahu Haggai, son of the educator and…

… Made in Detroit Will Deliver Two At a meeting held in Congrega- tion Shaarey Zedek, Tuesday eve- ning,a local committee was or- ganized to assist Menahem Beige!, executive director the Alumah…

November 01, 1940 • Page Image 24

…22 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle November I, 1940 F 11 I:11. 1 I • 1 . VILI ■■■■■ :41 LI IMIll ■■■• 0 M." ■ MI bk\N Mil:VIM •■■■■■ ■■■ .1 I 0 k\ ■ 111 Ill .1 ILI 00100 •■■■■ la…

… 0 0 11. ■ III ■■■■■ 11 OM ■ ■■■■■■ ■ WI ■ WWI I 0 II WAV %my 5 g g g 5 I g g g g g I I g g g g g g g RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER, Cleveland, Ohio, joint chair- man United Jewish Appeal and United…

November 01, 1940 • Page Image 15

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle !lovember I, 1940 Beckman Appeals For Palestine Herzog Colony n Meyer Beckman, president of Mizrachi of Detroit, this week issued an appeal for…

… helping ourselves in the Dias- pora." Checks payable to Nachlath Herzog should be mailed to Sol Lumberg, 1103 Ford Bldg., De- troit. Jacob Levine, treasurer of the Nachlath Herzog Fund in Detroit, reports…


March 01, 1940 • Page Image 8

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 8 Marshall D. Shulman Is Named Harvard Asst Instructor Rosenwald Post Ball on March 24 The Julius Rosenwald Post No. 218 of the American Legion…

… his enrollment for graduate work in Harvard University he was engaged in newspaper work in Detroit and Chicago. • DINNER OF MEN'S CLUBS MARCH 13 "The Jews of China" will be discussed by Dr. David G…

…. Sheil of the Catho- lic Archdiocese of Chicago, and Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, national chairmen of the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Over- seas Needs, will participate in a…

Detroit Phone Wyandotte Alpha Mu in enrolling its chapters Vinewood 2-3060 Phone 0650 with the Society is in line with SALES AND SERVICE the Publication Society's plan to help build Jewish book shelves 2400…

… services of the United States, including the editor of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle. Congratulations to Dr. Hirsh Rosenfeld of Montreal, who in a couple of weeks is marrying Dora Kofsky, the Canadian Jewish…

… quota raised by the 193:' Al- lied Jewish Campaign," sited Mr. Butzel, "and we are d ' , ad of them." Preliminary Plans "Spurred on by their hu I ands, fathers and brothers, the w omen of Detroit's Jewish…

… 1401, or by telephoning Randolph 9340. war b ment transl living people dimmi with hand years Israel the J Co-eve sity Hebre Galut Dr. fessol Urged to Save for Pledges Detroit's Jewish women were…

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