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November 21, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 42

… matters into soil, offers a promising solution. This year, University of Michigan Hillel has created a Sustainability Committee to provide a space that enables students to “be the change [they] wish…

… development of a new composting program, Hillel is working toward upholding the Jewish tradition of repairing the world, or tikkun olam. Our goal is to be active as leaders in the Jewish community, to…

… on Carbon Neutrality, we must all collaborate, sharing diverse qualities, to strategize and implement practices that have any chance of sustaining our planet. Hillel is working to take an…

…42 | NOVEMBER 21 • 2019 for college students by college students November 21, 2019/23 Cheshvan 5780 A s we approach a growing population, upwards of 7.7 billion people worldwide, our supply…

of natural resources decreases, posing the greatest challenge our planet has ever faced. We must prevent a tem- perature increase of 3 degrees (Celsius) to avoid setting off an irreversible chain…

of eco- logical degradation. How can we shift our behaviors to miti- gate the increasing effects our actions have on our planet? Composting, the practice of converting food scraps and organic…

… Organization (FAO), one-third of all food produced is wasted. This wasted food goes into a landfill and creates methane gas as it decomposes. Methane gas is a potent greenhouse gas that gets trapped in…

of food scraps, which equates to 5,320 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions that were reduced by composting. Composting revolutionizes the way individuals and our broader communities approach…

… changes must begin today. @ Elana Weberman is a U-M student from Bloomfield Hills. Saving the Planet U-M Hillel’ s Sustainability Committee works to mitigate climate change. Elana Weberman…

… } jewish@edu writer Elana Weberman COURTESY U-M HILLEL

November 21, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 33

… labs. For Michigan State University researchers Sophia and Richard Lunt, many of their breakthroughs happen during neighborhood walks. The married couple’ s step-by-step approach has revealed — for…

… NOVEMBER 21 • 2019 | 33 Professionals at MSU Hillel are working to build a diverse and welcoming community for thousands of Jewish students, helping them develop leadership skills that will…

… enable them to make an impact on Jewish communities after they graduate. With support from several private family foundations in southeast Michigan, MSU Hillel is deepening its commitment to Jewish…

… educational programming by MSU Hillel existed as separate efforts, but the new initiative will change the trajectory of MSU Hillel’ s programming by fully integrating leadership opportunities and Jewish…

… education. “We can provide retreats, internships, multi- week learning fellowships and other leadership training in ways that all students benefit,” says Nate Strauss, director of Jewish student life at…

… MSU Hillel. The objective is to educate Jewish students and prepare emerging leaders to build and nurture communities during their time on campus and after graduation. “We want to expand learning…

… the field of oncology, says Richard, the Johansen Crosby Endowed Professor of chemical engineering and materials science. “This work has the potential to transform fluorescent probes for broad…

… societal impact through applications ranging from biomedicine to photocatalysis — the acceleration of chemical reactions with light,” he says. “Our solar research inspired this cancer project, and in…

… used as theranostics, the Lunts were able to control them in a range of cancer studies. Coaxing the nanoparticles into the nontoxic zone resulted in enhanced imaging, while pushing them into the…

… and mouse models, and so far it’ s all looking remarkably promising,” says Sophia, MSU biochemistry and molecular biologist. MSU Hillel deepens leadership and learning opportunities for students…

November 21, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…30 | NOVEMBER 21 • 2019 Edward Minskoff’ s $30 million gift to the Edward J. Minskoff Pavilion at the Eli Broad College of Business was the largest single gift from an individual to Michigan

…. Last Shabbat of the semester Dec. 6, 6-9 p.m. Celebrate Shabbat at MSU Hillel. Services start at 6 p.m., followed by a free dinner at 7 p.m. The Lester and Jewell Morris Hillel Jewish…

… welcome. Write to Michigan State University, 408 W. Circle Drive, Room 302, East Lansing, MI 48824 or call (517) 355-7505. MARK YOUR CALENDAR MSU Winter Arts and Crafts Show Dec. 7-8 The MSU Union…

… reflect support from more than 1,700 alumni, corporate partners and prominent members of the business community — many from greater Detroit. One such alumnus is Larry Gaynor, who along with his wife…

….5 million gift, and the naming of the Lear Corporation Lobby. Plante Moran’ s partnership with the Charles Schwab Foundation supports the Broad College’ s new Financial Planning and Wealth…

… performances are part of the Jewish American pianist’ s years-long celebration of Beethoven’ s piano sonatas, recording all 32 sonatas and performing them around the world. Cobb Great Hall, Wharton Center…

… the building with the latest collaboration technology. The PwC Office supports the Master of Science in Data Analytics program. These donors and corporate partners saw the value in building a…

… facility that empowers the next generation of business leaders. Individual ribbon cuttings that officially opened the named spaces were part of the Sept. 27 Minskoff Pavilion ribbon-cutting celebration…

… State University in its history. But many other gifts helped make this $62 million building, funded 100% through philanthropy, a reality. Eighty-five named spaces within the Minskoff Pavilion…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…36 | NOVEMBER 7 • 2019 Shopping for Chaukah is just a click away! From Nov. 8-18, the MSU Hillel-HCAM Online Auction is offering a catalog of more than 200 exciting items and unique…

… events. Support of the online auc- tion impacts thousands of Jewish students at MSU and on the 10 HCAM campuses (Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Grand Valley, Northern Michigan, Saginaw Valley…

… State and Western Michigan Universities, and Albion, Alma College and Kalamazoo College). Proceeds benefit dynamic Jewish pro- gramming, including engage- ment events, award-winning Israel education…

…, contact Jonathon Koenigsberg or Dana Loewenstein at (517) 332-1916. MSU Hillel Online Auction Nov. 8-18 COURTESY MSU HILLEL AJC recently published a land- mark survey on anti-Semitism in the United…

… States, reporting that 88 percent of respon- dents said that anti-Semitism is a problem in this country, nearly a third of those polled have avoided publicly iden- tifying themselves as Jews and 35…

… percent say they have person- ally been the targets of anti-Semitism over the past five years. Furthermore, the FBI’ s most recent hate crimes sta- tistics declared that such acts targeting Jews and…

… Jewish institutions in the United States spiked nearly 37 percent between 2016 and 2017. ADL Michigan and the Jewish Community Relations Council/AJC, in partnership with Temple Shir Shalom, will…

… welcome Oren Segal, ADL ’ s director of the Center on Extremism, at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11, at Shir Shalom in West Bloomfield. During his presentation, “How Anti-Semitism Fuels Extremism in the U…

….S., ” he will discuss the surge in anti-Semitism and the work he and his colleagues are doing in researching and preventing extrem- ism in the U.S. Segal evaluates the activity and tactics of

… extremist groups and movements from across the ideological spec- trum, training law enforce- ment officers and publishing reports and articles on a wide range of extremist topics. He shares his expertise…

November 28, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 47

… director of the Krakow JCC, and recorded in December 2018. Free; no reservations needed. For info, call Nancy Kaplan (248) 737-1931 or email HILLEL OPEN HOUSE 5:30 pm, Dec. 4…

… holiday event features 150 of the best potters in Michigan and surrounding states, all in one place at one time, offering 33,000 pieces of pottery. There will also be special live demonstrations of

…, Dec. 3. U-M Frankel Center will host Naomi Seidman at the Thayer Building, Room 2022, Ann Arbor. Seidman, of University of Toronto, will discuss “The Navel of the Dream: Freud and in Yiddish…

… Christine Stewart. No partner needed. Cost: $7. SUPPORT FOR CAREGIVERS 1:30-3 pm, Dec. 3. The Alzheimer’ s Association-Greater Michigan Chapter, in collabo- ration with Jewish Senior Life, holds a…

… monthly support group on the first Tuesday. Family care- givers, including relatives and friends of those with Alzheimer’ s disease or any other form of dementia are welcome to attend. The group’ s…

…. Ice and inno- vation, snowflakes and science. Some things are simply better together. Find out why at Hillel’ s “Frozen” Family Open House. Engage in enchanting activities, meet the “cool” teachers…

…, and enjoy a feast fit for a snowy night. RSVP: familyopenhouse. THURSDAY, DEC. 5 POTTERY CLASS 11 am-1 pm, Dec. 5. Sponsored by The Active Life at the Jewish Community Center of West…

… event. Compiled by Sy Manello/Editorial Assistant. DEC. 1 GEMINI Gemini, who will be at The Ark in Ann Arbor, is the much-loved duo of Sandor and Laszlo Slomovits. They’ ve been performing since…

… 1973 and are now playing music for the third — or is it fourth? — generation of young fans and families. They write and perform acoustic music for children and families, celebrating with their…

… audiences the warmth, fun and joy of family life. A Gemini concert is a kinet- ic event, filled with rousing singalongs, hand motion tunes, folk tales and music from around the world. Since 1979, San and Laz…

November 14, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 14

… communities as well. From neo-Nazi flyers hanging in the Clover Hill Park Cemetery to Michigan State University’ s Hillel sukkah being destroyed, there is a noticeable rise in anti-Semitic incidents. From…

…14 | NOVEMBER 14 • 2019 COURTESY OF LAUREN HERRIN Lauren Herrin’ s family Jews in the D R ecently, anti-Semitic inci- dents have not only been plaguing our country, but our Michigan

… States, and 84 percent believe anti-Semitism has increased over the past five years. Lauren Herrin, associ- ate director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)/AJC here in Michigan, was not…

… meaning and intention, ” Holden said. Carolyn Normandin, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in Michigan, encourages schools to bring the ADL into the classroom to have open…

… Sept. 11 to Oct. 6, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) surveyed American Jews’ attitudes toward anti-Semitism. Eighty-eight percent of par- ticipants view anti-Semitism as a problem in the United…

… surprised with the results of this survey. “In my position here at JCRC/AJC, I’ m quite hyper-fo- cused on the topic of anti-Semi- tism. ” Herrin said. “These num- bers confirm everything I’ ve been…

… reading — the increase of incidents, the increase of how terrifying these incidents have been and even the fact that a majority of people aren’ t report- ing incidents. ” While the numbers don’ t lie…

… principle of these acts? Herrin has two young chil- dren: a 3-year-old son and a 7-year-old daughter. “I believe when talking to your children about anti-Sem- itism, it is important to keep the…

… discussion age-appropriate and as basic as possible, ” Herrin said. “My daughter has been very matter-of-fact about every- thing, but I think it’ s important to do as much as you can to make it a…

… learning moment. ” David Holden, president of Temple Jacob in Hancock that was vandalized at the end of September, has four kids: two in college, a senior in high school and a fifth-grader. Holden makes…

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