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November 21, 2019 - Image 30

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2019-11-21

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30 | NOVEMBER 21 • 2019

Edward Minskoff’
s $30 million gift
to the Edward J. Minskoff Pavilion
at the Eli Broad College of Business
was the largest single gift from an
individual to Michigan State
University in its history. But many
other gifts helped make this
$62 million building, funded 100%
through philanthropy, a reality.

Eighty-five named spaces within
the Minskoff Pavilion reflect support
from more than 1,700 alumni,
corporate partners and prominent
members of the business community
— many from greater Detroit.

One such alumnus is Larry Gaynor,
who along with his wife, Teresa,
made a $3 million gift to create
the Larry and Teresa Gaynor
Entrepreneurship Lab, which serves
as home base for the Broad College’
entrepreneurial curriculum and
related activities.

In addition, several Detroit-area
companies made gifts that are
recognized throughout
the building:

A 5-to-1 employee
gift match through
the Lear Corporation
Foundation led to
a $1.5 million gift,
and the naming
of the Lear
Corporation Lobby.

Plante Moran’
partnership with
the Charles Schwab
Foundation supports
the Broad College’
new Financial
Planning and
Wealth Management


Catch up on the latest from MSU

Explore giving opportunities

Learn more about alumni participation

Your comments are welcome. Write to Michigan
State University, 408 W. Circle Drive, Room 302,
East Lansing, MI 48824 or call (517) 355-7505.


MSU Winter Arts and Crafts Show
Dec. 7-8
The MSU Union will host more than 120
crafters and artisans at the 56th annual
Winter Arts and Crafts Show on campus.

Jonathan Biss Plays Beethoven
Jan. 8 and 10
These very special performances are part
of the Jewish American pianist’
s years-long
celebration of Beethoven’
s piano sonatas,
recording all 32 sonatas and performing
them around the world. Cobb Great Hall,
Wharton Center. whartoncenter.com

Last Shabbat of the semester
Dec. 6, 6-9 p.m.
Celebrate Shabbat at MSU Hillel. Services
start at 6 p.m., followed by a free dinner at
7 p.m. The Lester and Jewell Morris Hillel
Jewish Student Center is located at
360 Charles Street in East Lansing.

The Deloitte Interview Suite houses
20 small interview rooms where
students can participate in
on-campus interviews for jobs
and internships.

The MarxModa/Herman Miller
Cares Recruiter Lounge will be a
place for recruiters and employers
to work or regroup between
on-campus interviews.

Cisco outfitted the building with
the latest collaboration technology.

The PwC Office supports the
Master of Science in Data Analytics

These donors and corporate partners
saw the value in building a facility
that empowers the next generation
of business leaders.

Individual ribbon cuttings that
officially opened the named spaces
were part of the Sept. 27 Minskoff
Pavilion ribbon-cutting celebration. e

Teamwork and vision drove
Minskoff Pavilion philanthropy

MSU has 32 undergraduate
and graduate programs
ranked in the top 25
nationally by U.S. News &
World Report.

Larry and Teresa Gaynor donated $3 million to create
the Larry and Teresa Gaynor Entrepreneurship Lab,
a space for workshops, coaching and mentoring for
student entrepreneurs.

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