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August 01, 1980 • Page Image 49

… elephant sale and grees at the University of card party at Knob-in- Michigan. Her husband the-Woods club house noon earned a bachelor's degree Tuesday. Petite luncheon in architecture and a mas- will be…

… the Michigan Heart Associa- tion. which are sponsoring the Detroit visit are planning two concerts. An afternoon concert headed by Louis Weber, Bnai Brith Founda- tion chairman, will be for members of

… International. Bnai Brith VP to Speak in Afternoon Rabbi Kahn has served Bnai Brith for 36 years. From 1940 to 1959 he was director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the Pennsylvania State Uni- versity…

… State, Rabbi Kahn came to Washington, as the inter- national Hillel director, a post which he occupied for 12 years. During those years he served as a member of the Peace Corps National Advisory Council…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Detroit Concert Part of 10-Week U.S. Tour The Kiryat Ono Sym- Youth Band Festival at phonic Youth Band, a 50- the International Peace piece youth orchestra from Gardens (on…

… in Detroit is sponsored by the Metropoli-: tan Detroit Bnai Brith Women's Council, the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, -nd the Bnai Brith Youth )rganization and Bnai ,.srith Mens Council. Kiryat Ono, a…

… town in Is- rael with a population of only 20,000, has produced a youth band that has par- ticipated in international festivals in Holland, Brit- ain, Austria and the United States. Conducted by Aha- ron…

… Alkalay, the band is an important educational and MRS. REDSTONE cultural framework for Barbara Susan Osten be- youngsters of Kiryat Ono. During this tour they came the bride of Daniel were invited to…

… partici- Aaron Redstone on June 29 pate in the International in a garden ceremony at the home of the groom's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Redstone of Detroit. Bnai Brith Rabbi Joseph Gutmann performed…

… the ceremony. Activities The new Mrs. Redstone is ZAGER CHAPTER will the daughter of Mr. and hold an "Inflation Lunch- Mrs. Sidney Osten of eon" noon Wednesday at Rochester, N.Y. Brides- Northgate Apts…

August 01, 1980 • Page Image 16

of Metropolitan Detroit 552-8150 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation God wept When He handed down the Law Knowing that in forty days The people would adore The golden calf. • We do not know What real…

….m. have signed a statement appealing to the partici- pants at the international women's conference in Copenhagen to end politization of the confer- ence and to "preserve its universal character." Among…

… steel vinyl coated All-Purpose Rack for the everyday necessities such as robes. belts. ties. and scarves. Double your closet space. JERUSALEM (JTA)- — Rival groups of Jewish reli- gious zealots clashed…

… forbidden to go there as long as the Temple has not been rebuilt. The skirmish, which police said was minor, was the only event that marred Tisha b'Av, the day of mourning over the destruc- tion of the First…

… and Second Temples. Large numbers of observant Jews gathered at the Western Wall during the day to read from the Book of Lamentations and chant prayers. A holiday atmosphere prevailed in the rest of the…

… Performance of ISRAEL'S Kiryat Ono Youth Band NATE RUBENSTEIN Chairman 1st Place Winners Of The 1980 International Youth Band Festival in Concert Open to the Public Sunday, August 10, 1980 8:00 p…

…- tion of all racist regimes and of all countries which coop- erate with those regimes, mostly in economic, mili- tary and nuclear fields." President Carter had been urged by numerous Jewish groups in…

… recent weeks, including the Con- ference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and Bnai Brith, to have U.S. dele- gates at the conference re- sist PLO, Communist and Third World efforts to…

… sub- vert the meetings. In a related develop- ment, a group of interna- tionally eminent women, including several politi- cal figures, artists, authors and actresses Tickets: $5.00 per person…

… government offices, banks and private businesses closed. Many civil servants took the day off for trips to the countryside and beaches. There was no television, and movie houses and other places of

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