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August 01, 1980 - Image 49

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1980-08-01

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Detroit Concert Part of 10-Week U.S. Tour

The Kiryat Ono Sym- Youth Band Festival at
phonic Youth Band, a 50- the International Peace
piece youth orchestra from Gardens (on the border
Israel, will appear in De- between North Dakota
troit for the first time on and Manitoba). They won
Aug. 10 at Temple Beth El first prize in competition
in Birmingham. The group against bands from 21
is on a 10-week North countries.
American tour and before
The Bnai Brith agencies
returning to Israel they will
play for the Bnai Brith In-
ternational Convention in
Washington, D.C.
The concert in Detroit is
sponsored by the Metropoli-:
tan Detroit Bnai Brith
Women's Council, the Bnai
Brith Hillel Foundation,
-nd the Bnai Brith Youth
)rganization and Bnai
,.srith Mens Council.
Kiryat Ono, a town in Is-
rael with a population of
only 20,000, has produced a
youth band that has par-
ticipated in international
festivals in Holland, Brit-
ain, Austria and the United
States. Conducted by Aha-
ron Alkalay, the band is an
important educational and
cultural framework for
Barbara Susan Osten be-
youngsters of Kiryat Ono.
During this tour they came the bride of Daniel
were invited to partici- Aaron Redstone on June 29
pate in the International in a garden ceremony at the
home of the groom's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G.
Redstone of Detroit.
Bnai Brith
Rabbi Joseph Gutmann
the ceremony.
The new Mrs. Redstone is
ZAGER CHAPTER will the daughter of Mr. and
hold an "Inflation Lunch- Mrs. Sidney Osten of
eon" noon Wednesday at Rochester, N.Y. Brides-
Northgate Apts. club house. maids at the wedding were
There is a charge and there Dori Lewis of New York and
will be door prizes. For Marianne Hersch Pesick of
reservations, call Sarah Southfield. Ushers were
Gervercer, 968-0362, or Eliel Redstone of San Fran-
Ann Ehrinpreis, 968-0503. cisco and Howard Osten of
* * *
Mrs. Redstone earned
CHAPTER will hold a bachelor's and master's de-
white elephant sale and grees at the University of
card party at Knob-in- Michigan. Her husband
the-Woods club house noon earned a bachelor's degree
Tuesday. Petite luncheon in architecture and a mas-
will be served. Admission is ter's in business adminis-
a white elephant sale item tration from U-M.
or a charge. For informa-
The couple is residing in
tion, call Eileen Israel, West Bloomfield.
341-2878, or president
Helen Pearl, 358-3621.
Lewand Poses
* * *
Query to Voters

Rites Are Told


Moss Award
Winner in Israel

Howard Manela, cur-
rently touring Israel, is the
eighth recipient of the Ar-
lene V. Moss Bnai Brith Is-
rael Scholarship Award.
Howard, son of Eleanor
Manela, and the late Joseph
B. Manela, is an active
member of L'Chaim AZA,
and has held several offices
in his chapter. He is a senior
it Southfield-Lathrup High
The scholarship was es-
tablished by Mr. and Mrs.
Sol Moss in memory of their
aughter Arlene, and is
awarded annually to a
member of the Bnai Brith
Youth Organization. It
allows the winner to travel
to Israel with the Israel
Summer Institute and
study in the country.
The Moss family is very
active in Bnai Brith. Moss is
a past president of District 6
and is on the International
Board of Bnai Brith. He is
currently president of Adat
Shalom Synagogue.

Pointing out that Oak-
land County spends some
$120,000,000 a year, Tom
Lewand, Democratic candi-
date for county executive,
posed the following ques-
tion to voters on the eve of
Tuesday's primary election:
"How many know the
name of the man who will
Airect such expenditures?"
He pledges that he will
share responsibility and
will make the facts about
executive responsibilities
known to the citizens of the
Lewand, who directed the
campaign for Senator Carl
Levin, said he welcomed
support like Senator Levin's
and expressed gratitude
that the junior U.S. Senator
has confidence in him to
back him for the important

Gordon Elected

Dr. Seymour Gordon of
Royal Oak has been elected
second vice president of the
Michigan Heart Associa-

which are sponsoring the
Detroit visit are planning
two concerts. An afternoon
concert headed by Louis
Weber, Bnai Brith Founda-
tion chairman, will be for
members of Bnai Brith's
Century, Covenant and
President's club members.
Guest speaker at the af-
ternoon concert will be
Rabbi Benjamin Kahn of
Washington, D.C., former
executive vice president of
Bnai Brith International.

Bnai Brith VP
to Speak in Afternoon

Rabbi Kahn has served
Bnai Brith for 36 years.
From 1940 to 1959 he was
director of the Bnai Brith
Hillel Foundation at the
Pennsylvania State Uni-
versity, where he was also a
member of the faculty,
teaching courses in Hebrew,
Jewish history and sociol-
ogy of religion. Rabbi Kahn
was also a member of the
Penn State Social Science
Research Center.
From Penn State,
Rabbi Kahn came to
Washington, as the inter-

national Hillel director, a
post which he occupied
for 12 years. During those
years he served as a
member of the Peace
Corps National Advisory
Council by appointment
of Presidents Kennedy
and Johnson. He was
also selected by the State
Department as a Ken-
nedy Fellow member of a
team of experts to study
higher education in West
In December 1971, Rabbi
Kahn was elected executive
vice president of Bnai Brith,
a post which he occupied
until his retirement in the
fall of 1976, when he was
elected at the International
Bnai Brith Convention as
hon6rary executive vice
president for life, with con-
comitant membership on
the board of governors.
Nathan Rubenstein is
chairman for the 8 p.m. pub-
lic concert.
Tickets for the evening
concert may be purchased
by calling the Bnai Brith
offices, 552-8070 or 552-

Friday, *est 1, 1980 49



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* * *

Barbara Zonder to Lead
Midwest Women's Region

Barbara Zonder of Far-
mington Hills has been
elected chairman of the
Midwest Region board of
Bnai Brith Women for a
two-year term.
Mrs. Zonder is a member
and two-time past president
of Galilee Chapter and has
chaired the Dolls for
Democracy program of the
Bnai Brith Women's Coun-
cil of Metropolitan Detroit.
She was also chairman of
the Operation Stork
healthy baby education
program from 1978-1980.
Mrs. Zonder is involved
with the Girl Scouts, De-
troit Women of Alpha
Omega, Sinai Hospital, the member of the executive
Farmington Association for committee- 'of the Metropoli-
the Academically Gifted, tan 'Detroit Chapter of the
Temple Kol Ami, and is a March of Dimes.


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