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January 01, 1971 • Page Image 24

of Michigan, install Gerald M. Rose as the 49th wor- shipful master of Craftsman. Dodge, acting as grand master, Is an honorary member of Craftsman Lodge. Rose Also installed were Lewis Snook, senior…

…, member of the Michigan regional advisory board of the Anti-Defamation League and vice chairman of South Oak- land Roundtable, National Confer- ence of Christians and Jews. The public is invited for a nom…

… preferred to Imitate the life style of black ghetto nationalists and adopt a New Left ideology which rejects the Jewish heritage." With "the encouragement ' and tutoring" of Rabbi James Dia- mond, Hillel

…) Hoffman. Unique Course Links Hebrew Prophets With Modern Black Leaders NEW YORK—Some of the Jew- ish radical students attending an experimental Indiana University course relating the teachings of the…

…. Sheldon Geller of the university's political science department appeared in a recent issue of Clearing -House, a professional bulletin issued by the Bnai Brith Mittel Foundations for !Mel directors and…

… director at Indiana University, he prepared a course with the goal of seeking "to convey the prophetic message and experi- ence" as an experimental offering in the university's political science department…

…24--Friday, Namur/ 1, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Fran Beckerman Plans to IVed Steven Greene I MISS FRAN BECKERMAN Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Becker- man of Avon Ln., Southfield, an- nounce the…

… engagement of their daughter Fran to Steven Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greene of Hilton Rd., Southfield. An August wedding date has been set. JWV to Lead Veteran Chiefs on Israel Tour WASHINGTON…

… — Seven past na- tional commanders of America's major veterans organizations are scheduled for a fact-finding mis- sion to Israel, beginning Saturday. This is the third such visit of past national…

… in the mission be- ing led by Malcolm A. Tarlov of the Jewish War Veterans, will be the beads of the American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, Veterans of World War I, the Veterans of

January 01, 1971 • Page Image 23

… (from left) Arthur Schott, president of the credit union; Rabbi Max Kapnstin, head of the Bruit Brith Mild Foundation at Wayne State University• Julius Kahn, chairman of the Michigan Region Bnai Brith…

… the engagement of their daughter Maxine Diane to Jerald Noel Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Kramer, also of Addison Ave. Miss Finkel is a senior in dental hygiene at the University of De- troit…

…• Covenant Credit Union in New_Home Elderly Celebrate Hanuka The mezuza is affixed to the doorpost of the Bnal Brith Conven- ant Credit Union, now located at 21711 W. 10 Mile, Southfield. With 2…

…,400 members and 82,500,000 in assets, the credit union is under the supervision of a volunteer board of directors and committees, all comprised of Baal Brith members. Manager is" RichardMacDonald. Shown are…

… record as a participant in many communal affairs—in the .synagogues, as a cnnat Brat ✓ ctivities CENTENNIAL CHAPTER will hold a board meeting 8 p.m. Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Jerry Tepman, 27285…

… Arlington, South- field. Co-hostesses for the evening will be Mesdames Carl Lippitt and Seymour Sandweiss. Samuel Sorkowitxes Mark5Oth.i4nniversary leader among the women of Adas Shalom; in Ha- dassah…

…. Norman received music de- grees from London Royal Academy of Music and Scottish National Academy of Music. She is the daughter of the well-known cantor, Rubin Boyarsky. More than 100 members of 14…

… sisterhoods, brought the joy of Hanuka to some 300 residents of 13 nursing homes. Each elderly person received a small gift donated by the sister- hood, the homes were decorated, songs were sung and refresh…

…- ments served. This Hanuka activity Is a part of the "" project of the Jewish Family and Children's Service. Recog- nizing a need to offer assistance to the lonely, frightened and Ill of

… all ages, JFCS is currently expanding its volunteer activi- ties, under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Jackier, appointed chair- man of the volunteer services committee by Herbert Sillman, president of

January 01, 1971 • Page Image 18

…" Saturday. CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Mathew Levin, Bar Mitzva. YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS: Services 4:50 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Eric Wilson, Bar Mitzva. CONG…

… David who said "All my bones will eS- press (my feelings) . . " is responsible for this custom. This means that real prayer is such Rabbi Joel I.itke of Cong. Beth Hillel was elected president, and Rabbi…

… Aaron Brander, educational director of Bnai David was chosen secretary at a recent meeting of the Michigan Region of the Rab- binical Council of America. The region includes rabbis from Windsor, Toledo…

…. Rabbi Kanter, Samuel Petok of Chrysler Corp. and Richard Strichartz of Wayne State University will discuss "Prospectus for 1971" today. Rabbi Kanter will preach on 'Remedy for a Spiritual Hangover…

… even claim that man becomes unified with the Creator in the course of prayer and thus is involved with "the moving force of the Universe" and is not a static inanimate being. Others refer to the verse of

… By special arrangement with Wayne State University, Cong. Shaarey Zedek is offering a course "Biblical Proto-History and Its Near Eastern Background, which will allow members to receive four hours of

… credit from the university. The course is a survey of Israel- ite conceptions of the proto-history of the world and a comparison of those conceptions with those of the Ancient Near East at Large. This…

… ISRAEL OF PONTIAC: Services 8:30 p.m. today and 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Berman will discuss "The Jewish Fea- tures: Modesty, Mercy and Kindness." TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. Rabbi…

…. BNAI JACOB: Services 4:53 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday: Rabbi Isaac will speak on "Vayigash." TEMPLE KOL AMI: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Conrad will speak on "Turning a Leaf of the Calendar." CONG…

… Congregation, Young Israel of Greenfield, Cong. Mishkan Israel, Birmingham Temple, Cong. Beth Isaac, Cong. Shaarey Shomayim and Downtown Synagogue. • Weekly Q ui,z (Copyright 1.471. JrA, lac.) The third…

January 01, 1971 • Page Image 38

of the University of DECORATING, painting, neat and Michigan in pre-Hillel days. clean. Small carpenter work. 544.4104, 542-3370. IF YOU need painting—ask my price. Call Morris after 4. LI 8…

…—HOUSES FOR SALE SENECA HR. SCOTIA - Twyckingham Estates! New Model Homes Ranches & Colonials Model at 22191 HaBereft 1st bik. S. of 12 Mi. Just W. of Lahser BAR.MITZVA, synagogue, Hebrew tu- tor…

… Are You A Reel Estate Salesperson Who Is HUNGRY? • I am looking for a licensed real estate salesperson who wants to earn a minimum of $300 to $500 per week and is willing to work for it and take…

… direction. You will do NO listing or mortgage pro- cessing. only sell, sell, sell. All leads furnished. Call Mr. SHUSTER 626-0400 SIDNEY S. BARON Director of Sahli Gorman, 345-6050 17—HOUSES FOR SALE…

… FOR THE "REST" OF YOUR LIFE These properties will bring good income, they are priced right, they are in good renting locations and they show large returns. See them today .. . A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL…

…. TY 74501. age 74. ODD Jobs, electrical, carpentry, plumb- He had held judgeships since ing. etc. Free estimates. 399-4172, 542- 6251. 1933 and from 1954 was judge of PAINTING, exterior, Interior. Free…

… Braude was famous as an PANELING, partlUons, floors and ceil- orator. He was the author of 18 ings tiled. Also small Jobs. Reasonable. books of anecdotes and guides to Ron. LI 3-4576 after 5. public…

… speakers. His "Speakers' FURNITURE refinished and repaired. Encyclopedia" was a best seller. Free estimates. 474-8953. Having held the offices of presi- JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. dent of the Zionist…

… Organization Local and Long Distance STORAGE. and the Jewish National Fund of Peeking, pianos, appliances, household Chicago, Judge Braude was in furnishings, office furniture. demand as a speaker for ZIonist…

… 8829 Northend—Ferndale functions. He spoke In Detroit on 543-4832 several occasions. LADIES alterations — experienced. He was president of the Menorah Work guaranteed. Fast service. 542-2337. Association…

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