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April 01, 1938 • Page Image 1

University of Michigan, read by every Jew. man. woman Palestine Appeal. and chairman (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) was included in the German Em- (runic TO EDITORIAL PAGE) of the mid-west region, stresses pire…

…RONICIA- . , and THE f LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, Vol. XXXIX No. 45 Personnel of Trade Council SUMMON NATIONAL POLL Divisions Selected for 1938 DEMOCRATIC ON JUNE 25, 26, 27 Allied Drive…

…- Rabbi Solomon Goldman. na- The degradation of Vienna Jewry the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation sion of faith, that it should be tional co-chairman of the United began immediately after Austria of the…

… additional sum of $5.000 has been stein is a gradu- added to the goal to provide for ate of Syracuse further emergency help of Jews University a n d. in Poland. Isidore Sobeloff, ex- the Jewish Insti- ecutive…

…- campaign that supplementary Po- lumbia University, Cambridge lish relief needs may be cared University in England and the for through the raising of slich Hebrew University in Jerusa- lem. Among the…

… Anniversary of Hebrew University Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy. 10 Cents APRIL 1, 1938 Strictly Confidential Refugees Is Acclaimed Throughout the World Britain, France and Belgium First to Accept Plan, With…

…- Detroiters to Attend Mid- ish students to be held Friday, West All-Day Confer- Saturday and Sunday. April 8, 9 and 10. Students are expected ence for Palestine to be present from universities in Michigan and…

… Austria expressly invited for- religious work in universities: the So touching is the complete the guests. eign Jews to settle in Vienna . . I United Synagogue of America. editorial, so powerful a confes…

… EDITOR'S NOTE: Under this heading, The Detroit Jewish Chron- the purpose of settling refugees icle introduces • new feature of brief opinions on questions PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS AERIAL VIEW OF HEBREW UNIVERSITY

… THE JEWISH NA. na . Baron Louis Rothschild, limited to the purposes of the 52 causes included in the drive. as other lends in Europe. lie TIONAL AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. whom the Nazis have arrested, is…

July 01, 1938 • Page Image 10

…. Chit• been successful in establishing a Govrin for Connecticut, William be on the subject "The Present Abba Hillel Silver, national chair- fairs of Jewry, feel comforted BOOK-CADILLAC HOTEL dren 5 to 14…

…. The ting together for unity, to make Cashdan served for a brief period for Michigan. The report of the committee report stated that outside of single body that shall speak f superintendent of the Jewish…

… the Cuyahoga County Relief Association, Cleve- land, Ohio. For two years Rabbi Cashdan served as rabbi of Temple Beth Jacob of Madison, Wis. Mrs. Cashdan is a graduate of Miami University, and the Grad…

University of report of the Joint Distribution at the banquet. 131. In addition to this the Jew- These organizations are t ish National Fund made avail- Bnai Brith, the American Jewi Committee will be devoted…

…PIEDETROIVEWESA el RENIICLE July 1, 1938 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE of Wisconsin in sociology Donations to Jewish Home RABBI CASHDAN HERE I city and anthropology. Prior to his FOR 10-WEEKS' VISIT…

…. Cashdan of the MO.; Charles S. West London Synagogue for . Cloverdale Ave. British Jews, accompanied by Mrs. Cashdan and their daughter, arrived in Detroit this week to spend their 10-week vacation with…

… WELCOME, ZIONIST DELEGATES WM. HORDES Insurance of All Kinds 605 FOX THEATRE BLDG. CHERRY 6780 PUT•IN•BAY PARK CEDAR POINT le re, he worked for the Associat- ed Charities and the Jewish„Coni- munity…

… Center in Cincinnati. lie also served as counsellor and camp rabbi at Fresh Air Camp of Detroit for several summers. Dur- ing the summer of 1933 he was associated with the Jewish Social Service Bureau and…

…- uate School for Jewish Social Work, and served as training su- pervisor at the Jewish Social Service Bureau of Cleveland, 0., for a number of year. She also bad considerable experience in camp and…

…. Which is. of course, natural political action in the state of New York with a population of 2,000,000 Jews. In the event that a Jew is elected to the Senate, he will be the seventh of our kinsmen to hold…

April 01, 1938 • Page Image 4

… and prophets in- cluding Amos, Hosea. Hillel and Jesus of Nazareth. The Nazis permit no scruples of ethics, no re- gard for the individual nor for the principles of justice to interfere with their…

…Witt Jones, presi- dent of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; and the Right Rev. Herman Page, Episcopal Bishop of Michigan. Their Panics will not be forgotten by lovers of freedom and…

… recently in the form of a letter to the editor of the New York Times from Oskar Lange of Berkeley, Calif., lecturer on leave at the University of Cracow and at the Polish Free University of Warsaw; lecturer…

… at the University of California. In a severe condemnation of the attempted segregation of Jewish students for whom ghetto benches have been instituted, Dr. Lange states that the liberals in Poland are…

… latere4 .. Beenad-clue wetter iderch I, 11111, at the Poet. elk. at Detroit. Mieb. wader the Let of Mareb S. WI. occasion, for those whe feel the pangs General Offices and Publication Building that are…

… and increase Jewish Leaden once, 14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England literary possessions as a means of offset- $3.00 Per Year ting the damage that is being done in Aus- Subscription, in Advance…

… tria where Jewish possessions are robbed To limes publication, an correspondence and laws matter and reduced. most reach title odic. by Tailed., e•ealas of swell week. When mailer notice.. kindly ass on…

…. side of the paper *sly. The more the Nazis destroy, the more we must, the more wut shall build. This is ow sob. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle in•Ites Poets of Interest to the Jewish people. bat diedalme…

… manna- our best answer to brutality. This is the ► ier for an indorsement of the view. erpreesed by the welters only weapon at our disposal make it Sabbath Rosh Chodesh Scriptural Selections easier to…

… wait for the day of retribution. Pentateuchal portions--Ley. 12:1-13:59; Num. 28:9-15; Ex. 12:1-20. Prophetical portion—Ezekiel 45:16-46:18. April 1, 1938 II Adar 29, 5698 Uncle Sam Defends…

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