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May 13, 1960 • Page Image 13

…The Hillel Day School of De- troit will begin its third year of existance at a new address. Beginning in September, 1960, the school will be located at of the United Hebrew Schools, 18977 Schaefer…

…- movies taken of the school in chama Shudofsky will be on action during the year. leave. The Hillel school is associat- Replacements for the teach- ed with the Conservative re- ers are Sime Zable as kinder…

…-Educational Camp neighboring congregations, as 'For Boys and Girls 6-16i well as a number of Detroit 4 or 8 Week Sessions rabbis, will participate. The public is invited. Cheboygan, Michigan Dorn also announces a…

…. Mrs. Chaya Barzil- ay, of the Hebrew department is leaving Detroit to join her husband, Prof. Isaac Barzilay, who has accepted a post at Our Time!' He also will show Columbia University. Mrs. Ne…

… department cluding sermon in the series on "-Modern Centers of Jewish of philosophy at the university, Life." His topic is "The American Jew." The Bar Mitzvah of will take place at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, in the…

…. academies of Lithuania, and JULY and AUGUST p u r sued his philosophical Sperka will preach on "The Chain of Tradition." BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m., studies at German universities

…. Milton Marwil, chairman of the school's housing commit- tee has announced that arrange- ments have just been completed for the changeover. The school also will replace two staff members who are resigning…

…- TEMPLE EMANU-EL: At 8:15 p.m. services today, Rabbi Milton ligious and Zionist movements. garten teacher and Mrs. Hanna Rosenbaum will preach on "The Crime of Punishment." The It began with a kindergarten…

… Mishori in the Hebrew depart- Bar Mitzvah of Edward L. Steinman will be observed. At and first grade in September, ment. Miss Zable received her 1958 and has been adding a 10:45 a.m. services Saturday, the…

May 13, 1966 • Page Image 28

… fel- lowship at the University of Mich- igan this summer. He was selec- ted from several hundred teach- ers in Michigan, Ohio, and In- diana. Delegates from 36 chapters of the Detroit Councils of Aleph…

of the auxiliary. The scholarship committee was STANLASI STEAMER composed of Mrs. Maurice Shep- herd, chairman Rabbi Max Kapus- tin, director of Hillel Foundation STEAM BATH AND FZILAZ.Tri CLUB at…

… competition — advanced Hebrew, intermediate Hebrew and English. Winners were:• Ethel Dolgin of Los Angeles, a 15-year-old student at the Ram- barn Torah Institute of Yeshiva University,' who was the winner…

… Wayne State University; Joseph STEAM ROOM • MASSAGES • SUN BATH J. Pernick, judge of Common Pleas * EXERCISE ROOM . SLUMBER LOUNGE Court; Mrs. Walter E. Klein, form- RECREATION LOUNGE with RESTAURANT The…

…Leadership Training Seminars on Agenda . of BBYO Conclave. During the Weekend Beth El. Services to Honor High School Graduates, Confirmands May 20, 22 The annual high school gradu- ation of Temple…

…. Diplomas Will be presented by Archie Katch- er, chairman of the religious school committee; union prayer books, a gift from the men's club, will be presented by Robert N. Canvas- ser, president of the men…

… will be pre- Sented Sunday morning at the high school youth service. At the confirmation service; 9:45 A.M. May 22, a class of 102 girls and boys will be confirmed. Dr. Hertz and Rabbi Kanter will offi…

…- ciate. Mrs. Samuel Willis, presi- dent of the sisterhood, and Mrs. Roger Ettlinger, immediate past president of the sisterhood, will present each confirmand with a Bible as a gift from the sisterhood…

of education" and -culture of the Jew- ish Agency for Israel. The 91 con- testants in the finals, held Sunday at the Jewish Agency auditorium, were from 56 United States and Canadian communities. They…

… were the survivors of two earlier elimination rounds in which over 15,000 children, between the ages - of 13 and 16, competed in the Center Music Experunent: • Youth Ztmriya three divisions of the…

May 13, 1960 • Page Image 18

… Sims, national ex- Dr. ecutive board member of Bnai Mr. Rogers is a graduate of Brith Women, will be installing the University of Michigan's OF SONGS' or to order. officer, and Mrs. Philip Edel- school…

… President Heads Sisterhood MIDWAY FLORIST Superb Photography CONCERT .. . 1 Cheboygan, Michigan Complete Camping and Recreation Facilities Under Supervision of Mature Staff. For Information— Write or…

…" at 8:30 p.m., Monday, in the Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 Schaefer. Panelists will be Sol. I. Littman, Michigan re- gional director of the Anti- Defamation League, and Judge Burton Shifman, of Oak…

… the HILLEL DAY SCHOOL of DETROIT Openings are available in Kindergarten only Afternoon session: 12:30 3:30 p.m. Register at Labor Zionist Institute — 18160 Schaefer Highway . DIamond 1…

… - . Michigan University in 1956' with a bachelor's degree in psychology and will:receive an MA, degree and His Orchestra from Michigan State Univer- UN 4-4346 WO 2-4814 sity in Rehabilitation Counsel- ing this…

…. For reserva- tions, call UN. 3-9847 or UN. 1-.6105. YUSTER - ROSENBERG CHAPTER will hold its annual mother - daughter banquet and - installation of officers ceremony at • 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, at…

… Rainbow Terrace. A fashion show will be featured. For tick- ets, •call Mrs. Irwin Lorber, LI. 6-7871. * * * Mrs. David Grosberg, past president of the Metropolitan Detroit Women's Council, in- stalled the…

… Urnovitz, outgoing president, was named counselor. * * 4: Installation ceremonies of Rabbi MANDEL M. ZAGER CHAPTER will be held Wednes- day evening, at Springel's Patio Room. Mrs. Irving Kanfer, in- stalling…

… officer, will induct Mes- Galvin Named to Staff of Miss Altman Reveals Donald' The appointment of Donald i with the City of Detroit Depart- Galvin to the research staff of meat of Public Welfare and is Nov…

…. Wedding Date the Jewish Vocational Service a member of the National Re- * Community .Workshop was an- I habilitation Association. nounced by Robert. S. Amberg Diplomacy is the art of keep- and David M…

May 13, 1966 • Page Image 14

… mark the 7146 MICHIGAN AVE. States were helped to settle in DENVER (JTA) — A Chair in bration of Lag b'Omer, which com- (7 Blocks West of Livernois) Studies is planned at the New York City in 1965 by the…

… said that the Israel's 18th anniversary. An endowment of $400,000 to newcomers came from 30 different support the Rabbi Charles E. Hillel countries, including a number from Kauver Professorship of

… New memorates the struggle by fol- Hebraic University of Denver in honor York Association for New Ameri- lowers of Rabbi Akiva against the cans, a beneficiary agency of the Roman conquerors of Palestine…

… rabbinic litera- third term as president of NYANA. sters on Fifth Avenue, marking ture at the university in 1922 and In his report to the board of di- taught it continuously for 41 years. rectors, Kleinbard…

….0011111. Boris SmoIar's 'Between You . . and Me' HAIFA, (JTA) — By BORIS SMOLAR (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) CONVENTION SEASON: This is the season of Jewish conven- tions. A number of significant conventions…

… are taking place this week, and were preceded by others last week. The two most important gatherings are taking place this week in _Washington. One is the 60th annual meeting of the American Jewish…

… Committee. The other is the national conference of the Jewish com- munal workers. There were the conventions of American Jewish Con- gress, National Jewish Welfare Board, YIVO Institute of Jewish Re- search…

… commitments and values, if he wants to bring the organization to the height of the days when the Ameri- can Jewish Congress was led by the late Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Louis Lipsky, its founders. A little more…

… convention in Washington with a wide program which takes cognizance of two main tasks. One of these tasks which American Jewry faces today is to overcome the remaining obstacles to equality for Jews in this…

… country and, since equality is indivisible, for all others in our society. The second task is to preserve the iden- tity of American Jews as Jews. Established 60 years ago — following the notorious pogrom…

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