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May 13, 1966 - Image 28

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-05-13

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Leadership Training Seminars on Agenda .
of BBYO Conclave. During the Weekend

Beth El. Services to Honor High School
Graduates, Confirmands May 20, 22

The annual high school gradu-
ation of Temple Beth El .ReligiouS
(!llool will be held 8:30 p.m. May
20,-: with 71 students who have
been attending religious school
for 14 "years; graduating.
• Diane Susan Juliar will deliver
the valedictory address. Diplomas
Will be presented by Archie Katch-
er, chairman of the religious school
committee; union prayer books,
a gift from the men's club, will
be presented by Robert N. Canvas-
ser, president of the men's club,
and Bernard R. Isenberg, immedi-
ate past president.

The annual consecration serv-
ice for confirmands and their
parents will also be held at this

Dr. Norman Drachler, education-
al director, will present the Bernard
L. Mass Israel Scholarship Award
and the Sidney' R. Solomon Israel
Scholarship Award to outstanding
graduates from the high school de-

partment who have demonstrated
academic excellence and character;
the Henry- Levitt Scholarship Med-
al for superior scholarship through-
out high school; the John and Ella
Imerman Memorial Prize Fund for
outstanding scholarship in the
confirmation class; and the Felix
Winsen Leadership Medal for mer-
itorious leadership throughout re-
ligious school. •
Activity pins, certificates, and
keys for participation in extra-
curricular activities will be pre-
Sented Sunday morning at the
high school youth service.
At the confirmation service; 9:45
A.M. May 22, a class of 102 girls
and boys will be confirmed. Dr.
Hertz and Rabbi Kanter will offi-
ciate. Mrs. Samuel Willis, presi-
dent of the sisterhood, and Mrs.
Roger Ettlinger, immediate past
president of the sisterhood, will
present each confirmand with a
Bible as a gift from the sisterhood.

Youth Page

_Three Teen-Alters Win Bible Quiz

NEW YORK (JTA)----Two girls
and one boy won trips to Israel
this summer as winners in the sev-
enth annual•National Bible Contest
sponsored by the department of
education" and -culture of the Jew-
ish Agency for Israel. The 91 con-
testants in the finals, held Sunday
at the Jewish Agency auditorium,
were from 56 United States and
Canadian communities.
They were the survivors of two
earlier elimination rounds in which
over 15,000 children, between the
ages - of 13 and 16, competed in the

Center Music

Youth Ztmriya

three divisions of the competition
— advanced Hebrew, intermediate
Hebrew and English. Winners
were:• Ethel Dolgin of Los Angeles,
a 15-year-old student at the Ram-
barn Torah Institute of Yeshiva
University,' who was the winner
among the 33 finalists in the ad-
Brenda Fleschner, of Far
Rockaway, N.Y., a 16-year-old stu-
dent at the South Shore Hebrew
High School, who won over 23
other competitors in the inter-
mediate Hebrew competition; and
David Bruce Witkin of Denver, a
14-year-old student at the School
of the Beth Ha Medrosh Hagodol,
who triumphed over 33 other com-
petitors in the comprehensive Eng-
lish competition.
The winners were presented with
_their prizes by Mrs. -Rose-L. Hal-
prin, chairman of the American
Section of the Jewish Agency for
Israel." In making the awards —
trips to Israel for the winners,
scholarships at summer camps for
the runners-up, and $100. Israel
Bonds for those who achieved third
place -- Mrs. Halprin pointed out
that the Bible . contests were "de-
signed to develop greater interest
among American youth in Hebrew
culture." The Jewish Agency, she
Said, has been encouraged to note
that the Bible contests - have
aroused an ever-growing interest
among American Jewish youth.
"They have been an effective as-
pect of our endeavors to combat
indifference to Jewish cultural
studies, and help stem the tide of
assimilation among youth," she


Emulating an Israeli custom,
the Jewish Community Center has
introduced a new program on an
experimental basis — YOUTH
ZIMRIYA — a program of music
with all children's choirs partici-
The first experimental program,
with seven choirs and a total sing-
ing group of more than 150 partici-
pating, took place Saturday night
at _the Center.
Asher Tarmon, Center staff
- member, who initiated the idea,
preside d over the procedures
Participating choirs and their di-
rectors were: Hashomer Hatzair,
Mrs. Miri Orr; Jewish Parents
Institute Club Choral e, Mrs.
Anne Jaffe; Temple Israel
Junior Choir, - Mrs. A r t h u r
Monson; Hillel Student and Ju- WSU Hillel to Join
nior Choirs, Mrs. Goldie Eskin;
Beth Abraham Junior Choir, Israel Israeli Students for
Fuchs; Bnai David Youth Choir, Independence Day
Cantor Hyman Adler; "Meshore-
In honor of Israel's 18th Inde-
rot" Shaarey Zedek Young Girls'
pendence Day, the Bnai Brith Hill-
Chorus, Cantor R. Frankel.
el Foundation of Wayne State Uni-
versity and the Israeli Student
Pianists to Perform
Organization will sponsor a cele-
An Evening of Piano Concerti bration 8:30 p.m. May 22, at the
will be presented by students of Jewish Center.
Betty Kowalsky, 8 p.m. Wednesday
Highlight of the program will be
at Baldwin Recital Hall.
an address by Mayor Cavanagh.
Participating will be Sarah Brav-
For the state of Israel, greetings
erman, Roberta Raskin, Lynn Bur- will be brought by a member of the
ton, Andrea Feig, Shelley Stasson, consulate general of Israel in Chi-
Catherine Dyni and Norman Ber- cago. The program will feature the
man. Concerti by Haydn, Mozart, Reviah Folk Dance Group, Dvorah
Beethoven, and Liszt will be per- Wilner, pianist; Larry Bassin,
folk singer, and an Israeli en-
semble. Refreshments will be
served and social dancing will fol-
28—Friday, May 13, 1966
low. Admission is free.


Groves' 1966 J-Hop, the Candle-
light Cotillion will take place on
Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The
J-Hop is the annual junior-senior
prom. Cotillion, an early Ameri-
can hall, is in accord with the
early American theme.
Music will be provided by the
18-piece Julian Ireson Orchestra,
and will be supplemented by the
John Stone Trio, who recently
signed a recording contract.,
The Candlelight Cotillion will be
held at the New Birmingham-
Bloomfield Teen Center, which
opened on April 17. On the Teen
Center's opening night, 25,000 stu-
dents from the 10-area high schools
lined the streets for the long await-
ed event. Guides showed approxi-
mately 6000 students and parents
around .the new building during
the first weekend of operation.
* *
Around this time of year, stu-
dents have an opportunity to mani-
fest their literary and artistic tal-
ents in Groves' own anthology, the
Gauntlet, now in its third year of
publication. It's a book — in which
students express themselves in
poetry or paint, sculpture or prose.
English instructor Don Sloan,
has been selected as one of 40
English teachers to receive a Na-
tional Defense Education Act fel-
lowship at the University of Mich-
igan this summer. He was selec-
ted from several hundred teach-
ers in Michigan, Ohio, and In-

Delegates from 36 chapters of
the Detroit Councils of Aleph Zadik
Aleph and Bnai Brith Girls will
take part this weekend in a series
of programs dealing with leader-
ship training, chapter program
planning and elections of city wide
Council officers at Camp Tama-
The program will be highlighted
by the annual. State of the Council
addresses by Edye Fagenson, BBG
Council president, and Robert
Burnstein, AZA Council Godol.
Seminar and workshop program
will offer the opportunity for the
teen-agers to learn and share im-
pressions relating to the develop-
ment of leadership.
Present for the weekend will

be Ellen Zeff, 1964-65 BBG
Council president and interna-
tional BBG vice president; Linda
Rubin, 1964-65, international
BBG president, Jeff Golding,
1964-65. AZA Council godol; and
Richard Heideman, 1964-65 in-
ternational AZA godol.
Elections will be followed by an

elections victory dance.
Youth coordinators for the week-
end are Sue Pelzner, Chavayros
BBG, and Barry Bean, Kennedy'
AZA. _
The ,planning committee consists
of Linda Bliefield, Gottlieb BBG;
Alan Sarkow, Goode AZA; Andy
Goodman, Rauch BBG; Mickey
Davis, Zussman AZA; Jan Baleen,
Chavayros BBG; Robert Katkow-
sky, Southfield AZA; Marcia- Ma-
zur, Israel-Ettes BBG; Harvey
Gross, Goode AZA; Joyce Keller,
Rauch -BBG; Robert Ostrovitz,
Solomon AZA; Maxine Rosenberg,
Aliyah BBG and Fred Freeman,
Einstein AZA.
The conclave staff is directed
by Melvin Y. Clayton, assistant
director, Michigan Region Bnai
Brith Youth Organization; Larry
Goulson, adviser to Solomon AZA;
Marlene Krowitz, adviser to Mitz-
vah BBG; Benson Leet, adviser to
Kennedy AZA; Emanuel Mandel,
director, Michigan - Region Bnai
Brith Youth Organization; Fran
Rubin, program supervisor, Michi-
gan Region Bnai Brith Organiza-
tion; and Marvin Shaw, adviser
to Gershwin AZA.


2 Ford Seniors Win
JWV Scholarships

Two honor students of Henry
Ford High School are recipients
of scholarships awarded by the
Sgt. Morton A. Silverman Post
and Auxiliary of the Jewish War
Michael Iczkovitz, son of Ernest
and Ann Iczkovitz, 20084 Biltmore,
will receive thepost and auxiliary
annual scholarship award, and
Harold Gach, son of Herman and
Blanch Gach, 19457 Woodingham,
will receive the Sidney Cohen
Memorial Scholarship. The awards
are in the amount of $250 each.
The presentations will be made
8:30 p.m. Sunday at the Workmen's
Circle Center. Families and friends
of the recipients and the member-
ship of the post and auxiliary are




David L. Friedman is command-
er of the post and Mrs. Irving
Elkins, president of the auxiliary.
The scholarship committee was
composed of Mrs. Maurice Shep-
herd, chairman Rabbi Max Kapus-
tin, director of Hillel Foundation
at Wayne State University; Joseph
J. Pernick, judge of Common Pleas
Court; Mrs. Walter E. Klein, form-
The first 'few days after vaca- er social worker and teacher;
tion found various seniors arguing David L. Friedman and Mrs. Irving
(bet. 8 and 9 Mile) Phone 544-3611
over which is the better trip — Elkins, ex-officio members.
the senior Washington-New York
trip Or the Colorado ski trip. Over
400 Birmingham youths participa-
ted on both of the trips, and their
itineraries were equally exciting.


Photography Award
Won by Cooleyite

Kenneth R. Aptekar a sopho-
more at Cooley High School, won
first place in the 1966 Scholastic
Magazine's national photography
The award was in the classifi-
cation of school or Community
Life, Black and White Photo-
graphy,- Junior Division.
In addition to the certificate,
Cooley Principal Ben. S. Chinitz
presented Kenneth with a $100
check from the Eastman Kodak
Co., co-sponsors of the national

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The winning picture shows a
Young boy .leaping from a
parked jeep. Kenneth caught the
boy, hands outstretched with a
gleeful expression on his face,
in focus suspended in the air.
The photo's background is
blurred to accentuate the child's
excitement and joy.

Kenneth, a self-taught photo-
grapher, prints his own pictures in
a darkroom he built in the base-
ment of his home.
He is on the staff of the Cooley
Cardinal school paper.
His parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Aptekar, 18080 Strathmoor.

Steve Cohen of Penn State won
the all-round title at the NCAA
gymnastic championships.




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