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July 28, 2022 - Image 36

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-07-28

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36 | JULY 28 • 2022

a more summer feel. But had to
quickly change locations due to
the weather.
“Those who registered for the
event were notified, and we were
still able to give it a chill summer
vibe in our building. We have a large
garage door we were able to open, and
people could still enjoy the outdoor feel
with good food and music.”
For all Partners Detroit events, Gross says, while
socializing and community is important, they always implement some-
thing with depth.
“We share an idea of Judaism that people can think about and take
home with them. On top of that, especially post-COVID, pushing yourself
to get up and get out is crucial,” he said.
“Everyone’s gotten used to locking themselves up. I think in some ways
we still are struggling a
little bit. Pushing your-
self to meet other people
and having a sense of
community with a good
group of people who
are happy to see you is
important in hopes to
expand our Jewish jour-
ney together.”

To see all the events Partners

Detroit Jewish Young

Professionals has coming up,

visit partnersdetroit.org.


artners Detroit Jewish Young Professionals hosted a Jews,
Brews and BBQ summer event at its Platform 18 space in
Royal Oak on Sunday, June 26.
“We had a great turnout of more than 20 people gathering
for an evening of BBQuisine, craft brews and some big
Jewish ideas,” said Rabbi Noam Gross.
Gross, who’s also the director of Partners
Professional Division, says they were running
summer series like this before the pandem-
ic and originally planned on hosting it at
Belle Isle in Detroit, in hopes of giving it

and BBQs



LEFT: Partners Detroit educator Erin Stiebel
shares Jewish ideas with the group.

BELOW: Young professionals Danielle Levine,
Sarah Timlin, George Timlin, Noam Haddad,
Isaac Wolf and Rabbi Noam Gross grab a bite
to eat.









Taylor Chimoff, Lily Lerner,
Meredith Kay, Ricki Feuereisen,
Alyssa Katz and Danielle
Brickner are all smiles as they
gather for Partners Detroit
Jews, Brews and
BBQ event.

Ricki Feuereisen, Taylor Chimoff,
Danielle Brickner, Lily Lerner and
Meredith Kay enjoy a
BBQ style meal.

Phil Ring, Isaac Wolf, Yosef Bronsteyn and Sam
Shrago have a good conversation after a
delicious meal.

Alyssa Katz, Danielle Levine, Noam
Haddad, Sarah Timlin and George Timlin
schmooze while grabbing a bite to eat.

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