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July 28, 2022 - Image 35

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-07-28

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JULY 28 • 2022 | 35

mess up, I can’t go back,”
she explains. “Trying
to find the best way to
get a clean print can
also be frustrating. It’s
not always going to be
perfect right off the bat,
so it takes time.”

Lazare usually works with
a small printing press,
which is more modern, but
some printing presses are
of older variety and require
more manual work or
troubleshooting. “They each
have benefits and issues,”
she says of different printing
Oftentimes, Lazare will
print by hand to get the
intended result. “I use
pressure from my hand,
which could be considered
as an older method of
printing,” she explains. “If I
have a big enough piece I’ll
even step on it to get enough
pressure. That’s always fun.”
The best part of
printmaking, she says, is
what comes out during the
process. “When you’re pulling

up the print, it’s really just a
surprise,” Lazare describes.
“You don’t truly know what
you’re going to get.”
Lazare, who has also
taught various art classes
at Friendship Circle’s Soul
Studio in West Bloomfield
and grew up attending
Temple Israel, also in
West Bloomfield, likes to
rock climb when she’s not
working on her printmaking
and enjoys tending to her
collection of indoor plants.
In addition, she’s in the
process of creating her own
website where people can
buy her art. Yet for now,
she says “pop-ups are the
best way to reach me to get

For more information, visit


Examples of
Cara Lazare’s
print work.

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Southfield, MI 48034


24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110

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Southfield, MI 48034

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24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110
Southfield, MI 48034

24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110
Southfield, MI 48034

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Southfield, MI 48034


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