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July 28, 2022 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-07-28

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24 | JULY 28 • 2022



asey Belen, 12, of Birmingham
has been nominated as
Volunteer of the Week for
turning his mitzvah project for his
upcoming bar mitzvah into a passion
The seventh-grader at Derby Middle
School says he loves kids and wants
to be a pediatric surgeon when he
grows up. This inspired him to start a
fundraiser to raise money to buy new
toys for kids in the hospital.
“I feel bad for some of the kids that
are so sick. So, I wanted to figure out a
way I could help and make them happy,”
Casey said.
Casey started a GoFundMe with a
goal to raise $3,000. So far, he has raised
close to $2,000.
“My friends and family have been
excited to help out and have even
donated or dropped off toys for the
fundraiser,” he said.

With some of the donations collected,
Casey has been able to pick out toys
for ages ranging from 1 to 14. He then
makes a nice care package in color-
coordinated bags that represent different
ages, while adding a personal touch with
stickers that say, “Hope this brightens
your day, from Casey.”
Casey’s parents, Andrea and Jeff
Belen, say they are proud of Casey and
have supported him throughout the
whole process.
“He’s been taking the initiative to
reach out to family and friends to ask
for donations. He also has a lot of fun
picking out the toys at Target and other
places,” Jeff says.
Jeff adds that hospitals typically see
more toys and donations during the
holiday seasons, but hospitals need help
year-round. He encourages people to
donate if they can.
Casey has already made a few

donation drop-offs to hospitals
throughout the Metro Detroit area,
including Children’s Hospital in Detroit,
Beaumont Hospitals and is looking to
donate to Mott Children’s Hospital.
Even after his upcoming spring bar
mitzvah, Casey says he would like to
continue his mitzvah project if possible
and is even thinking about extending it
to senior citizens.

To donate to Casey’s fundraiser, visit

tinyurl.com/p7eej79p. If you would like to

nominate someone to be the next Volunteer

of the Week, send a short paragraph telling

us why to socialmedia@thejewishnews.com.

Meet Casey Belen, who has dedicated his mitzvah
project to giving back to children in pediatric care.

Bringing Joy to
Children’s Hospitals




Bags of toy
Casey Belen
put together.

Casey dropping off toy donations at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan.

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