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October 11, 2018 - Image 42

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-10-11

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Over The Rainbow


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October 11 • 2018


hen was the last time you
So why the rainbow as a symbol of
saw a rainbow?
this covenant? Our ancient commenta-
Not too long ago, I saw
tors had some ideas.
a beautiful rainbow as I was walking
The medieval commentator Ramban
out of temple after a long,
teaches that it is a bow (as in
exhausting, rainy, dreary day.
bow and arrow) that is no longer
Seeing that rainbow lifted my
aimed at the Earth. The flood
spirits, giving me a little boost
sent in anger was God taking
as I slowed my steps to the car,
aim at the Earth, but now God’s
relishing the beautiful rainbow
wrath has ceased and the bow is
in the sky.
pointing away. In the aftermath
I know that rainbows are
of the destruction, the rainbow
Rabbi Arianna
meteorological phenomena
is a symbol of God making
that are caused by reflection,
peace with us.
refraction and dispersion
Another medieval rabbi
of light in water droplets. I
suggests that the rainbow is
learned that much when I was
not merely a rainbow, but God
Genesis 6:9-
a child, needing to do a report
showing Godself to humanity.
11:32; Isaiah
for an elementary school
A more modern approach
science class. But despite
from Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
knowing that there is science
explains that the rainbow is a
behind the appearance of a
half-picture. With this symbol,
rainbow, I still love the beauty of how
God can pledge not to destroy human-
this spectrum of light appears in the
ity, but we have freedom of choice;
sky, the seeming mystery of when a
even God cannot guarantee that
rainbow will show up and the delight
humanity will not destroy itself. Each
that it causes.
time we see a rainbow, we are remind-
In fact, rainbows have such a special ed that God is upholding His end of
spiritual and religious significance that
this covenant, but we still need to do
Judaism teaches us to stop when we see our part as God’s partners in caring for
a rainbow, to take a moment and say a
the world.
blessing. Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu
I love this explanation. What if every
melech haolam, zocher ha’brit, v’nee-
time we see a rainbow, we pledge to
man bi’vrito, v’kayam ma-amaro —
do something good in the world and
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign actually fulfill this promise? As we look
of the universe, who remembers the
toward the promise of a new year, I
hope that we all lift our eyes to enjoy
covenant, is faithful to God’s covenant
every rainbow we see. As we smile
and keeps God’s promise.
at the sight, I pray that each of these
The message of this blessing is
rainbows truly serves as a reminder,
taught to us through this week’s Torah
not only of God’s covenant with us, but
portion, which reminds us that the
of ours with God, to be God’s partner
purpose of a rainbow is to do more
as we strive to make the world a better
than just look up to the sky and smile.
place. ■
Rainbows also serve as reminders of
God’s covenant with Noah.
Rabbi Arianna Gordon is the director of education
We teach our children about the
and lifelong learning at Temple Israel in West
animals marching two by two. We
discuss what it means that Noah was
a righteous man in his generation. We
wrestle with a God who was so angry
What do rainbows remind you of?
at how people were behaving that He
How can rainbows serve as a symbol
decided to destroy the entire world.
And then we learn that the rainbow is
of promises you have made? What will
God’s promise, God’s brit with Noah,
you do this year to be a better partner
that never again will the world be
with God?
destroyed by flood.

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