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September 27, 2018 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-09-27

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Shir Tikvah Jazz Shabbat Oct. 5

Congregation Shir Tikvah in Troy
will celebrate its Double Chai
Anniversary year Friday, Oct. 5, with
a Shabbat filled with jazz and joy-
ful worship. The “Traverse City Jazz
Shabbat” will be performed as a col-
laboration between Traverse City’s
popular jazz musician Jeff Haas and
Congregation Shir Tikvah’s Rabbis
Aura Ahuvia and Arnie Sleutelberg.
The original music Haas com-
posed for the Traverse City Jazz
Shabbat will be showcased at Shir
Tikvah’s Jazz Shabbat. Haas rehar-
monized many of the traditional
Shabbat prayers for the service.
“Think of it as taking your favorite
painting and having it reframed,”
Haas says. “It looks the same but
different. The melodies for the tradi-
tional prayers will remain exactly the
same but I have changed the chord
structure of the songs.”
Haas and the rabbis have chosen
psalms and prayers and picked
familiar melodies. A highlight of the
evening will be a musical sermon

Rabbis Ahuvia and Sleutelberg

preformed by the rabbis during the
The Jazz Shabbat service is open
to all and will be held at Shir Tikvah,
3900 Northfield Parkway, Troy. The
service begins at 7:15 p.m. with
a celebratory oneg to follow. For
more details, contact Lorelei Berg at
Lorelei@shirtikvah.org. •

Gerrymandering Town Hall

On Thursday, Oct. 4, voters who
want to know more about Ballot
Proposal 2, which would create
a nonpartisan redistricting com-
mission to end gerrymandering in
Michigan, can head to an education-
al event organized by the National
Council of Jewish Women, Michigan
as part of its advocacy work protect-
ing voting rights. The event is free
to the public with prior registra-
tion and begins at 6.45 p.m. at the
Farmington Hills Main Library.
Currently, legislators draw voting
maps without input from citizens.

Proposal 2 will establish a redistrict-
ing process that is transparent, non-
partisan and citizen-driven.
Speakers include Kate Fahey,
founder of Voters Not Politicians;
Dr. Joe Schwarz, former U.S.
Congressman, former Michigan
state representative and state sena-
tor (Republican); and Andy Meisner,
Oakland County Treasurer, former
Michigan state representative
Call NCJW | MI office at (248) 355-
3300, ext. 0 to register •

JCC Library Moved

The Henry and Delia Meyers Library
at the Jewish Community Center
has left its site on the building’s
lower level in preparation for its
move to a new permanent location
on the main floor, just off the lobby.
While construction is under way,
the library will operate in temporary

quarters on the main floor, adjacent
to Shalom Street. This “Transition
Library” will be full-service, includ-
ing Children’s Library, and will be
operating there from Oct. 3 until
the permanent library space is com-
pleted. •

Edwin Black At Wayne State

Join the Cohn-Haddow Center for
Judaic Studies and Wayne State’s
Department of History for a spe-
cial lecture with New York Times
best-selling international investiga-
tive author Edwin Black, who will
be speaking on “Detroit’s Pivotal
Connection to the Holocaust and
Hitler’s War Machine.”


September 27 • 2018


The lecture takes place at Wayne
State on Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 2:30
p.m. in conference room 2339 in the
Faculty/Administration Building,
656 W. Kirby, Detroit.
It is free and open to the public,
but RSVP is required by calling (313)
577-2679. •

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