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September 27, 2018 - Image 27

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-09-27

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Arthur M. Horwitz
Publisher/Executive Editor
Detroit Jewish News

Please join us in reelecting 48th District

Jessica Cooper
Oakland County Prosecutor

Chief Judge Diane D’Agostini

Michael Bouchard
Oakland County Sheriff

Michael Patton
Police Chief-West Bloomfi eld

Scott McCanham
Police Chief-Bloomfi eld Township

Noel Clason
Police Chief-Bloomfi eld Hills

John Fitzgerald
Police Chief-Keego Harbor

Joe George
Police Chief-Orchard Lake Village

Magistrate Julie Nelson-Klein
48th District

Magistrate Howard Linden
48th District

Leo Savoie
Supervisor-Bloomfi eld Township

Brian Kepes
Treasurer-Bloomfi eld Township

Judge Kimberly Small
48th District

Judge Marc Barron
48th District

Judge Michelle Friedman Appel
45th District

Judge Wendy Potts
6th Circuit

Judge Nanci Grant
6th Circuit

Steve Kaplan
Supervisor-West Bloomfi eld

Howard Rosenberg
Trustee-West Bloomfi eld

Debbie Binder
Clerk-West Bloomfi eld

Teri Weingarden
Treasurer-West Bloomfi eld

Jonathan Warshay
Trustee-West Bloomfi eld

David Knoll
Attorney at law

POAM, Police Offi cers Association
of Michigan with over 12,000
law enforcement members

Jan Roncelli
Clerk-Bloomfi eld Township


Vote Judge Diane D’Agostini

Paid for by the Citizens to Reelect Judge Diane D’Agostini, P.O. Box 7262, Bloomfi eld Hills, MI 48302

Avi Avital
by Harald Hoffmann

Photo by Felix Broede

Jerusalem Quartet
Pinchas Zukerman, violin
Amanda Forsyth, cello

Sat, Oct 6 // 8 pm
Rackham Auditorium

Photo by Steve J Shermann

Orchestre Révolutionnaire
et Romantique

Sir John Eliot Gardiner, artistic director and conductor
National Youth Choir of Scotland
Michael Spyres, tenor
Ashley Riches, baritone
Fri, Oct 12 // 8 pm
Hill Auditorium


R. Strauss

String Sextet from Capriccio, Op. 85
Souvenir de Florence, Op. 70




Exclusive Presenting Sponsor: Carl Cohen, an endowment to support a Chamber Arts
performance in perpetuity

Exclusive Presenting Sponsor: Ilene H. Forsyth Choral Union Endowment Fund

Media Partners: WRCJ 90.9 FM and WGTE 91.3 FM

Media Partners: WGTE 91.3 FM and Between the Lines

2014 National Medal of Arts recipient

7 3 4 . 7 6 4 . 2 5 3 8 ——— U M S . O R G


September 27 • 2018


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