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April 12, 2018 - Image 66

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2018-04-12

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Some days seem to last forever…

We’re offering one that actually will.

You can honor the memory of a loved one in a most meaningful way
by sponsoring a day of Torah learning at Yeshiva Beth Yehudah.

During the coming week, Kaddish will be said for these departed souls during the daily minyan at
Kollel’s s Torah
Yeshiva Beth Yehudah. Your support of the Torah learning of our children and our Kollel
Scholars brings immeasurable heavenly merit. Please call us at 248-557-6750 for more information.

30 Nisan April 15, 2018
Rose Aronson
Sarah Chernoff
Harry Engel
Anna D. Friedman
David Friedman
Albert Gerson
Antonia Heisler
Bella Henigman
Ruth Kieran
Becky Krivetsky
Samuel Kurnetz
H Rottenberg
Robert Rubin
Simeon Saulson
Mark Steven Sklar
Ida Zorn

1 Iyar April 16, 2018
Ethel Borison
Louis Cohen
Jack Cwajgenberg
Beatrice Falick
George Louis Gibson
Bertha Goodman
Dora Gore
Helen Hess
Myra Hoffman
Jeannette Lewis Kirsnianski
Mordechai Wolf Kirsnianski
Morris Klein
Louis Litwak



Rose Nathanson
Tobias Shild
Paul Shulman
Dr. Joseph Weber
Rose Weider
Samuel Yura

2 Iyar April 17, 2018
Benjamin Appel
David E. Barack
Rebecca Beckman
Reuben Himelhoch
Mark Kniasik
Herbert C. Kohn
Rose Eve Lerman
Rose Matenky

3 Iyar April 18, 2018
Celia Brady
Louis Ellenson
Samuel Fine
Rose Gendelman
Samuel Leiderman
David Abraham Levine
Steve Harold Lewkowicz
Herman Moerman
Esther Kert Rosengarten
Bella Stein

4 Iyar April 19, 2018
Solomon Cohen
Helen Isaacson
Samuel Kaluzny

Benjamin Kleinfeld
Morton Margolis
Phineas Pearlman
Isadore Weingarden
Benjamin Zane

5 Iyar April 20, 2018
Lt. Raymond Bloch
Rubin Larry Eizen
Alex Grushky
Louis Lieber
Allen Reimer
Anna Shevitz
Sam Surowitz

6 Iyar April 21, 2018
Edith Abramson
Sander Edward Bell
Rita Daniels
Sidney A Deitch
Jeanette Stewart Fink
Benjamin Gould
Harvey Greene
Max Nusbaum
Morris Pollack
David L. Rosenberg
Lt. Philip Ross
Morris Sher
Fae Skolnik
Louis Weingarden
Ernestine Weisz

School for Boys v Beth Jacob School for Girls v Early Childhood Development Center
Weiss Family Partners Detroit v Kollel Bais Yehudah v Bnos Bais Yehudah—Maalot Detroit
P.O. Box 2044 v Southo eld, MI 48037 v 248-557-6750 v www.YBY.org

April 12 • 2018


81, of Rochester,
Mich., died March
30, 2018.
He is survived
by his wife, Alita
Rossen; son and
Kenneth and
Karen Rossen;
daughter and son-in-law, Leslie
and Kenneth Goldstein; grandchil-
dren, Joaquin and Alita Rossen,
and Sarah and Ariana Goldstein.
He is also survived by Alita’s chil-
dren, Lawrence and Nicole Cyrlin,
and Jon and Christy Cyrlin. Mr.
Rossen is survived by the mother
of his children, Carole Roskind; his
sister-in-law, Gerri Elias; his loving
companions, Juana Zevallos, Andy
Gould and Nancy Croitori.
He was the loving brother of the
late Sanford and the late Jordan
Interment was at Clover Hill
Park Cemetery. Contributions may
be made to the Humane Society,
2100 L St. NW, Washington, DC
20037, www.humanesociety.
org; or Hillel Day School, 32200
Middlebelt Road, Farmington
Hills, MI 48334, www.hillelday.
org. Arrangements by Ira Kaufman

of West
Bloomfield, died
April 7, 2018.
She is survived
by her beloved
husband, Robert
Schwartz; son
and daughter-in-
law, David Schwartz and Debra
Abramson; daughters and sons-in-
law, Diane Schwartz and Mitchell
Wolf, Judy and Ken Warshaw;
grandchildren, Brett, Danny, Jacob
Schwartz, Olivia, Adrienne Wolf,
Randee (Zack) Waldfogel, Erika
and Bradley Warshaw; great-
grandchild, Asher Waldfogel; many
other loving family members and
Mrs. Schwartz was the mother-
in-law of the late Alicia Schwartz;
the sister of the late June Dobkin.
Interment took place at Oak
View Cemetery in Royal Oak.
Contributions may be made to
the Alzheimer’s Association.
Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel.

SHEPHERD, 96, of
Southfield, died
March 26, 2018.
She is survived
by her sons and
daughter-in-law, Dr.
David and Susan
Shepherd, Dr.
Steven Shepherd;
daughter and son-in-law, Sherry and
Dr. Robert Brown; grandchildren,
Aaron (Melissa) Shepherd, Matthew
(Jessica) Shepherd, Alison (Brett)
Gers, Hope Peskin-Shepherd and
fiancé, Andrew Missel, Leah Shepherd,
Andrew (Rana) Brown, Dr. Cameron
(Rinat) Brown, Kyle (Sarah) Brown
and Vanessa Brown (Alan Bender);
great-grandchildren, Noah, Mikaela,
Eli and Rafael, Ava, Brayden, Wyatt,
Everett, Alexa, Sasha, Ari, Zoe, Emma
and Aiden; many other loving family
members and friends.
Mrs. Shepherd was the beloved wife
of the late Benjamin Shepherd.
Contributions may be made to the
American Diabetes Association or to
a charity of one’s choice. Interment
took place at Oakview Cemetery in
Royal Oak. Arrangements by Dorfman

STAMELL, 71, of
Huntington Woods,
died April 6, 2018.
She was a real estate
agent for Cranbrook
Realty and longtime
partner of Jane
She is survived
by her son and daughter-in-law, Jake
Stamell and Meagan Hanna; her
fiance, Mark Mellen; Joe’s children,
Robin and Peter Fisher, and Erik and
Jacqueline Stamell; and their children,
Zoe Fisher, Ali Fisher, Alex Stamell,
Bradley Stamell and Charlie Stamell;
sister, Rand Davis.
Mrs. Stamell was the beloved wife
of the late Joseph Stamell; the devoted
daughter of the late Yola and the late
Herb Davis.
Interment was at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions may be made
to Children’s Leukemia Foundation
of Michigan, 5455 Corporate Drive,
Suite 306, Troy, MI 48098, www.
leukemiamichigan.org; Michigan
Humane Society, 30300 Telegraph
Road Suite 220, Bingham Farms, MI
48025, secure2.convio.net/mihs/site/
pref=T; or to a charity of one’s choice.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

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