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October 26, 2017 - Image 64

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-10-26

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of blessed memory

continued from page 63


SALZBERG, 87, of
Bloomfield, died Oct.
11, 2017.
A member of
Congregation Shaarey
Zedek and its sister-
hood, Mrs. Salzberg
loved her family with
all of her heart and
devoted her life to

She is survived by her husband of
67 years, Dr. Clarence Salzberg; chil-
dren, Stacey Jay Salzberg, Dr. Mindy
Salzberg-Siegel and Harry Siegel, Judith
Salzberg Shenkman and Dov Shenkman;
grandchildren, Dr. Samantha Siegel,
Alexander Shenkman and Jonathan
Mrs. Salzberg was the loving daughter
of the late Lillian and the late Samuel
Aaron; cherished sister of the late
Marion Pierce.
Interment was at Clover Hill Park


October 26 • 2017


Cemetery. Contributions may be made
to Congregation Shaarey Zedek, 27375
Bell Road, Southfield, MI 48034, www.
shaareyzedek.org; or JARC, 30301
Northwestern Hwy., Farmington Hills,
MI 48334, www.jarc.org. Arrangements
by Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

of West Bloomfield,
died Oct. 16, 2017.
She is survived by
her children, Andrea
Stern, Laurie and Paul
Singer, Ted Stern;
grandson, Drew Singer,
sister, Sarah Goldfaden;
sister-in-law, Marilyn
Katz; nieces and neph-
ews, Amy Goldfaden
and Larry Eilender, Alissa Goldfaden
and Jay Sandberg, Lillian and Mark
Schostak, Isabel Goldfaden and Herman
Wurgaft, Ivan and Amy Katz, Rachel
Goldfaden, Matthew and Laura Katz;
caregiver, Ouy.

Mrs. Stern was the beloved wife of the
late Al “Abe” Stern; daughter of the late
Tillie and the late Isadore Katz; sister
of the late Marryn Katz; sister-in-law of
the late Louis Goldfaden.
Interment was at Machpelah
Cemetery. Contributions may be made
to Farmington Special Olympics, c/o
Ted Stern, 32264 W. 12 Mile Road,
Farmington Hills, MI 48334; or to a
charity of one’s choice. Arrangements by
Hebrew Memorial Chapel.

San Ramon, Calif., for-
merly of Southfield,
died Oct. 11, 2017.
He is survived by his
wife of 60 years, Ronna
(Leff) Widenbaum;
children, Dovid and
Lisa Widenbaum,
Jonathan and Diane
Widenbaum, Susan
and Lance Vainik, Amy and Ian

Mendel; grandchildren, Chana Leah
Widenbaum, Avram Zev Widenbaum,
Tehila Widenbaum, Baila Widenbaum,
Basya and Duvi Gluck, Jared
Widenbaum, Megan Widenbaum, Jaela
Widenbaum, Trevor Vainik, Hunter
Vainik, Grace Vainik, Doren Mendel,
Frieda Mendel; great-granddaughter,
Shaindy Gluck; sister, Madelyn Gruskin.
Mr. Widenbaum was the cherished
brother and brother-in-law of the late
Morrie and late Esther Widenbaum, the
late Eleanor Blazofsky and the late Ben
Interment was at Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Contributions may be
made to Brain Aneurysm Foundation,
www.bafound.org; American Heart
Association, Memorial and Tribute
Lockbox, 3816 Paysphere Circle,
Chicago, IL 60674, www.
americanheart.org; any animal rescue
organization; or to a charity of one’s
choice. Arrangements by Hebrew
Memorial Chapel.

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