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October 26, 2017 - Image 63

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-10-26

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Anne and the late Frank Summers.
Interment was at Adat Shalom
Memorial Park Cemetery. Contributions
may be made to IBBA, 9530 Lincoln Ct.,
Crown Point, IN 46307; BEJ Bowling
League, 5143 Kingsfield Ct., West
Bloomfield, MI 48322; or to a charity
of one’s choice. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

Farmington Hills,
passed away Oct. 15,
He is survived by his
beloved wife, Katharine
“Kitty” Lieberman;
children, Fred (Sarah)
Lieberman, Ron (Lorie)
Lieberman, Vicki
Lieberman, Kevin
(Nicki) McKay, Kristin (Tim) Coleman;
grandchildren, Raina, Paige, Keegan and
Evan Lieberman, Marlie (David) Vipond,
Hannah and Jared Niskar, Kenneth,
Aaron and Sophie McKay, Joe, Tom,
Henry and Sam Coleman; many other
loving family members and friends.

Contributions can be made to
Gleaners Community Food Bank or
to the Michigan Humane Society.
Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel.

PAVLON, 91, former
Detroiter, passed away
Oct. 11, 2017.
He was born Sept. 2,
1926, in Detroit.
A tech sergeant and
WW II veteran, Sanford
was the devoted hus-
band of Gloria J. Pavlon
for 64 years. They were
inseparable friends
and longtime residents of Southfield,
Palm Harbor and, most recently, at the
Forum, Deerfield Beach, Fla.
He was an exceptionally gentle man,
among friends and family and in busi-
ness. He will be dearly missed.
Mr. Pavlon was the beloved son of
Sonia and Simon Pavlowsky, son in-law
of Grace and Joseph Mehr. He is sur-
vived by his dear wife, Gloria J. Pavlon;
his children, Steven Pavlon of Santa
Clara, Calif.; Jerry and Myron Pavlon-

Blum of New York, N.Y.; Julie Pavlon and
Ron Landy, and Linda Zukin, all of Boca
Raton, Fla. He also leaves behind three
grandchildren, Ethan Pavlon-Blum, and
Joseph and Benjamin Landy-Pavlon.
He was predeceased by his sisters,
Lucy Cohen and Doris Felhandler.
A chapel service was held in
Florida, with burial at South
Florida National Cemetery. Visit
PalmBeachNationalChapel.com to
express condolences.

West Bloomfield, died
Oct. 17, 2017.
She is survived by
her daughters and
sons-in-law, Barbara
and Martin Starkman,
Linda and Steve Kaplan;
son and daughter-in-
law, David and Ellen
Rothenberg; son-in-law,
Nathan Kolender; grandchildren, Brian
(Elyse) Kolender, Suzanne Gendelman,
Mindy (Jeremy) Barron, Jonathan (Kim)
Starkman, Jeffrey (Shar) Starkman,

Amy (Jon) Milenthal, Lori Reinke, Evan
(Karen) Kaplan, Jason (Jamie) Klein,
Melissa (Gabriel) Silverman and Dana
(Jeff) Lutz; great-grandchildren, Josh,
Jennifer and Sam Gendelman, Zoe and
Ruby Kolender, Jemma Barron, Sam,
Jacob and Ben Starkman, Mia, Max
and Mason Starkman, Alana and Rylan
Milenthal, Adam, Hailey and Brianna
Reinke, Noah, Isaac and Solomon Kaplan,
Teddy and Joey Klein, Oliver, Elliott and
Tobin Silverman; devoted caregivers, Liz
Davenport, Amelia Davenport, Daisha
Davenport, Candace DeLeon, Ashley
Fortune; many other loving family mem-
bers and friends.
Mrs. Rothenberg was the beloved wife
of the late Harry Rothenberg; mother of
the late Judith Kolender; sister of the late
Claire (the late Louis) Markowitz, the
late Ruth (the late Fred) Felsky; sister-
in-law of the late Albert (the late Ann)
Rothenberg, and the late Edward (the
late Adele) Rothenberg.
Interment was held at Beth Abraham
Cemetery in Ferndale. Contributions
may be made to a charity of one’s choice.
Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel.

continued on page 64

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October 26 • 2017


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