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March 16, 2017 - Image 13

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2017-03-16

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Magnolia South

Resort for Young Seniors (55+)

On the Magnifi cent Shores
of Cass Lake
In the Heart of Oakland County

This Is Your New Home!

Come Visit Us! You Will be Amazed!

The newly built Magnolia by the Lakes Independent and Assisted Senior Resort, the most beautiful
and gracious Senior Village is the only major lakefront Senior Community in South East Michigan.
Nestled among multi-million dollar homes in the quaint City of Keego Harbor on the majestic shores
of Cass Lake, Magnolia provides care-free, luxury-living for young seniors (55+) in Magnolia South
and for seniors needing assistance in Magnolia North.

What sets Magnolia by the Lakes apart from any other Senior Communities are:

r Magnolia South: Our fi ve-story Independent Senior Living Resort with 90 luxury 1 and 2 bedroom
villas and penthouses, each is magnifi cently appointed with great care to details.

r Panoramic water views mesmerize you; the magnifi cent sunsets over Cass Lake captivate you and
the incredible sunrises over Sylvan Lake, where swans frolic, will enthrall you.

r Magnolia North: Our cozy, convenient and picturesque Assisted Living Resort with every amenity
conveniently located on the ground fl oor.

r Harbor Walk: Overlooking Cass and Sylvan Lakes, Harbor Walk is an indoor, climate controlled,
Old European street-style private bridge, with benches, trees, music and Italian marble statues
connecting multiple buildings, and serving as a destination particularly on cold or rainy days.

r Village Square: An old-world European Village with a bakery, ice cream shop, pub, bistro, youth
activity center, chapel, guest suites, beauty salon, and a lake-view terrace, situated in a fountained
indoor court.

r On-site multi-specialty medical center, indoor pool, activity center, library, theater, conference room,
indoor and outdoor dining areas.

r Swiss Mini-Golf Park: A gated nine-hole mini-golf course situated in the center of Magnolia South
among fountains and statuary in a beautiful park setting.

RESERVATION: 248-683-2200
TOURS: 248-681-8000

1699-1701 Cass Lake Road, Keego Harbor, MI 48320

r Magnolia Park: Our exclusive private water-front park on Cass Lake where Magnolia residents can
fi sh, boat, picnic, garden, or simply enjoy the majestic views of Cass Lake.

r On-site Administrative and Corporate offi ces accessible to all residents.

r Open fl oor plan for parallel play.

r Expert, courteous, professional private duty care at both Magnolia South and North.



March 16 • 2017


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