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December 22, 2016 - Image 28

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2016-12-22

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continued from page 27

Author Doris Rubenstein
returns to her former
elementary school to
present copies of her
children’s book.


Doris Rubenstein, author of several
books and a former Detroiter, recently
presented copies of her newest children’s
book, The Journey of A Dollar, to the
students and staff at her former elemen-
tary school, today called MacDowell
Preparatory Academy, in Northwest
She also was featured at the Jewish
Book Fair in November, along with the
illustrator, artist Howard Fridson of

Huntington Woods.
The book is the story of what happens
to the tzedakah money a child donates to
help other children in Ecuador. It draws
from Doris’ experiences both as a pro-
fessional fundraiser for the University
of Minnesota and from her years in
Ecuador as a Peace Corps volunteer. She
is now retired and lives in Minneapolis,
but keeps in touch with many of her
friends from the 48221 zip code.


Jackie Michaelson,
Sandy Gruca, Arlene
Reinheimer, Hadassah
Greater Detroit
President Carol Ogusky,
Paula Schonberg,
Toni Schwartz, Ronald
Ogusky and Barbara
Moretsky, president,

on the
It may
may be
be beautiful on
what's on
on the
outside but
but it's
its what’s
that that


On Dec. 13, Detroit supporters of
Israel had a chance to fight BDS and
win BIG (Buy Israeli Goods).
StandWithUs-Michigan and
Hadassah Greater Detroit teamed for
the annual IsrAction Day, an inter-
national grassroots campaign where
people buy Israeli-produced, non-per-
ishable food products in local super-
markets and donate the purchases to
the needy in their communities.
IsrAction accomplishes three major
goals: People stand up for Israel with
their purchases, help defeat BDS and

donate Israeli products to local chari-
“It was fun to engage in a positive
action,” said Barbara Moretsky, presi-
dent of StandWithUs-Michigan. “It
was easy to go to local supermarkets,
shop and leave with bags of Israeli
Collections took place at Hadassah
House in West Bloomfield. Israeli
items were donated to the Lighthouse
Emergency Services’ food pantry in




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28 December 22 • 2016


High school students are invited to take an artful approach to raising mental
health awareness through Jewish Family Service’s Expressions Exhibit. The topic
is “Mental Health: What’s on your Mind?”
Enter by creatively interpreting this theme through poetry, drawing, painting,
fiber/wall art, graphic design, photography or film. The exhibit will be showcased
at the UMatter: Mental Health Through Your Eyes event on Feb. 1 at The Shul in
West Bloomfield.
Registration closes Jan. 18. For details or to register, visit jfsdetroit.org or con-
tact Shevy Zigdon at (248) 406-0076 or szigdon@jfsdetroit.org.


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